机器人足球是高新技术与体育竞技相结合的产物,是用机器人踢球的一种足球比赛项目。它最大的魅力就是通过足球比赛来公正合理地评价综合技术水平。在机器人足球项目里包含了21 世纪人类要攻克的众多技术难题,如计算机视觉技术、无线通信网络技术、行为决策技术、智能控制技术、机电一体化技术、计算机仿真技术、人工生命技术、对策论及社会组织学等多学科综合技术。 本文首先介绍了足球机器人比赛(FIRA和Robocup)的背景和国内外现状,然后具体的介绍FIRA中的项目和主要关注的SimuroSot的比赛规则,操作要点。在此基础上,学习SimuroSot平台的策略表达方式,划分角色,并建立每个角色的攻防策略,以此建立完整的SimuroSot 5V5平台的攻防策略, 在策略表达方式,该模型使用C语言编程,使用Visual Studio软件编写程序,并导出DLL策略文件加载入平台进行测试,不断修改,提高攻防精度和策略的完整度。 在攻防策略方面,根据所有足球机器人的位置不同,制定所有机器人的角色定制,并且制定出针对不同场上情况的攻防策略,本文采用了足球运动中的角色划分,为更好的衡量他们的运动轨迹和量化数值给出更好的依据。 关键词:足球机器人,FIRA,Robocup,SimuroSot 5V5,仿真,策略程序The robot soccer is the product which the high technology and new technology and sports athletics unify, is one kind of football competition project which plays soccer with the robot. It biggest charm is appraises the comprehensive technical level reasonably fairly through the football competition. Has contained the numerous technical difficult problems which in the robot soccer project the 21st century humanity wants to attack and capture, like the computer vision technology, the wireless communication networking, the behavior decision-making technology, the intelligent control technology, the integration of machinery technology, the computer simulation technology, the artificial life technology, the countermeasure concern the social histology and so on multi-disciplinary comprehensive technologies. this article first introduced soccer robot competition (FIRA and Robocup) the background and the domestic and foreign present situations, then in the concrete introduction FIRA project and the main attention's SimuroSot contest rule, operates the main point. Based on this, studies the SimuroSot platform the strategy turn of expression, the division role, and establishes each role the attack and defense strategy, by this establishment complete SimuroSot the 5V5 platform's attack and defense strategy, in the strategy turn of expression, this model uses the C language programming, uses Visual the Studio software write program, and derives the DLL strategy document to load into the platform to carry on the test, revises unceasingly, increases the attack and defense precision and strategy completeness. in the attack and defense strategy aspect, is different according to all soccer robot's position, the formulation all robot's role has custom-made, and formulates in view of the different field on the situation attack and defense strategy, this article has used in the soccer sports role division, for better weighs their path and the quantification value gives a better basis. key word: Soccer robot, FIRA, Robocup, SimuroSot 5V5, simulation, strategy procedure(可以吗,望采纳)
With the social development needs, the robot has infiltrated our lives, work and economic aspects, and has played a significant role. Robotics research and development of our economic development have a lot of impact. This piece of paper mainly expounds the welding robot in the construction machinery industry, the importance of robots in various countries on the development of some of the overview for readers to understand the future development of robots the importance of social development, the article I also wrote to the China Machine were a number of investigations and understanding of the status quo views of the robot in the Development of a number of factors, there are a number of field of use of robots outlook.
AbstractWith the social development needs, the robot has infiltrated our lives, work and economic aspects, and has played a significant role. Robotics research and development of our economic development have a lot of impact. This piece of paper mainly expounds the welding robot in the construction machinery industry, the importance of robots in various countries on the development of some of the overview for readers to understand the future development of robots the importance of social development, the article I also wrote to the China Machine were a number of investigations and understanding of the status quo views of the robot in the Development of a number of factors, there are a number of field of use of robots outlook.Keywords: Robot; welding robot; construction machinery; Outlook;
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