Three test the text dedicate[1] king's 浩 , dehydrate the research that tomato process craft.Chinese agriculture university Master's thesis.2004 [2] the glory of 昌 , the 麻 founds a nation, waiting.The tomato powder processes the method comparison the [ J].Food technology,2001,(1):28-32[ pleased 忠 in king in 3], in just 渊 , etc..Spray fog the dry( the second version)[ M].Peking: chemistry industry publishing house,2003:385-388[4] Chen 萃仁 , etc..The dry characteristic in hot breeze in thin slice in tomato studies the [ J] with the craft.The agriculture university college journal of Zhejiang,2000,(2):133-135[5] Lee's 蔚 , etc..The tomato vacuum freezes the research of the dry craft the [ J].The highway transportation university college journal of Xian,2000,(6):32-34[6] 杜卫华 , the Sun gold is just, waiting.The vacuum freezes the craft of the dry garlic powder the [ J].Have no the light work in tin university college journal,2003,(3):18-20[7] wood 弘通 .( day)The milk powder makes the engineering the [ M].Peking: the light industry publishing house of Peking,1987:89[8] Chen's 伟 , D 霄霖 , the ether handles the method withdraws the red and plain research in tomato in inside in ketchup[ J].Food industry technology,2003,(4):65-67[9] the glory of 昌 , etc..Tomato powder is in process hoarding process red and plain stability in tomato research[ J].Food science,2002,(8):33-37[10] 郭 jade is clear, 姚智华 , etc..The vacuum freezes the dry process parameter to sublimate the aridity can consume the combination of the influence the on trial research the [ J].Agriculture engineering college journal,2004,(4):180-184梁瑜称笼商空溪克特寸萩将荪谌东蔚耕嵋竹诤口
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