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首页 > 学术期刊 > 金融危机英文毕业论文

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China is a developing country, the United States financial crisis is a global impact on the industry, the international logistics industry is no exception, the logistics enterprises a very great impact on, for the logistics industry to foreign trade-oriented enterprises even greater pressure . This paper first described the concept of the financial crisis and the causes as well as countries in the logistics industry. China's logistics industry, a marked decline in business of logistics enterprises in a very great impact. Such as the impact of financial crisis in China, the constant infiltration will become even more severe, the entire line King is not optimistic. many maritime transport, air transport, railway transport, automobile transportation logistics enterprises are faced with bankruptcy. At the same time also focused on analysis of the current financial crisis on the impact of the logistics industry, and the logistics industry for the future development of the overall environment and development trends were discussed. Finally, an analysis of the financial crisis in the international logistics in China under the development of countermeasures, and proposed a number of targeted measures, the financial turmoil on China's logistics industry is an opportunity for more At present, we should do is to adjust the internal logistics. Improve China's logistics technology, small and medium-sized businesses do a good job in the logistics chain shift from the traditional modern logistics. Internal funds to strengthen the logistics chain, industrial chain. With the financial crisis to real economy transformation process, the impact of changes will happen, but China's logistics industry fully prepared to deal with turmoil in the financial crisis or necessary. Perhaps the experience of this economic disaster, China's logistics industry will become more sophisticated, will be more optimistic about the prospects for development Keywords: Financial crisis, the logistics industry, influences, inspiration, countermeasures手工翻译,采纳吧

344 评论


Now, with the continuous development of international economic exchanges, the pace of economic globalization and China's economy in further accelerate as an important pillar of the world economy merge with the world economy, and further enhance the trend in our country foreign trade enterprises in China's entrance into WTO and rapid development and expansion. But recently, the global economy in American house under the influence of the subprime crisis, is experiencing a financial crisis. Many Chinese foreign trade import and export enterprises are facing bankruptcy and mergers even downsizing, foreign trade enterprise's survival and development of the unprecedented pressure. Whether from a historical perspective, or reality of foreign trade enterprise internal management mode and adjustment actively seek survival and development the new breakthrough has important theoretical and practical significance. This paper firstly under the financial crisis of international economic environment and history of the case, then summarizes briefly to our country foreign trade enterprise in today's financial crisis and the dilemma under pressure are discussed, and finally put forward our country foreign trade enterprise management method and seek new export enterprise's survival and development countermeasures.不错吧~!

273 评论


China's rural financial market as a leading force in the rural credit cooperatives as a result of a long period of time only attach importance to the expansion of scale of operation, neglect their own internal system to improve, there is a growing business risks, low operating efficiency, asset quality and higher range of issues. In the current international and domestic financial crisis to deepen the environment, only the establishment of rural credit cooperatives and improve the internal control system, and strengthen the role of internal control and reduce operational risks, in order to improve the ability to resist financial risks.

254 评论


AbstractIn the us subprime mortgage crisis in the global financial crisis is causing, exposed the accounting standards in many problems, including the fair and equitable value measurement model, credit risk, securitization transaction subjects, the international accounting standard setting bodies: the international accounting standards board (IASB) and the financial accounting standards board (FASB) this in succession out specific Suggestions: established financial crisis FCAG advisory panel () has issued draft version released guidelines, and for criterion revision, etc. This article from the international accounting standard setting bodies to relevant accounting standards revision of the reason, revision of the basis, the paper Outlines the revised content, including content including accounting standards revision level and the fair and equitable value measurement model and accounting system, accounting system information and international accounting supervision mode, subprime mortgage securitization accounting standards, etc. According to the financial crisis with revised related international accounting standards, extended to China's accounting standards, and to our accounting criterion constituting level, the accounting system, supervision and institutions, fair value standard specific standards are discussed, according to China's specific conditions, market conditions, concrete including system of accounting standards and the changing of development direction, change trend, fair-value accounting measurement model, accounting supervision system, financial derivatives accounting measurement methods, and accounting personnel ability quality aspects of accounting standards in China the perfect Suggestions.Keywords: the subprime crisis; Financial crisis; International accounting standards; Accounting standards

223 评论


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    思得不瑞奥 10人参与回答 2023-12-05
  • 金融危机的论文

    非常形象的解释哈首先,经济是个整体概念.公式:经济=金融+财政金融:货币和信贷的总和; 财政:国家的收支.所以金融危机比经济危机来得小得多.(世界上只发生过一次

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