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本科生英语论文 范文

范文一:英语本科 毕业 论文

The Spirit of Revolt of Tess --Study in Tess of the D'Urbervilles

Thesis statement:

Everyone knows that Tess’s life is a great tragedy, but she is still a courageous woman who dares to fight by all means. In order to defeat the unfortunate fate she always resists the decadent society, the traditional concept, and the hypocrisy religion.


Ⅰ.Brief Introduction to Tess of the d'Urbervilles

A. Women’s role in industrial movements during 19th century in England

B. A brief commentary of the novel

1. the writer --Thomas hardy

2. general introduction of the novel

Ⅱ.Tess’s spirit of revolt all through her life

A. Tess’s fight to the moribund society

1. the moribund society

2. Tess’s fight to the moribund society

B. Tess’s resistance to the traditional moral concept

1. the traditional moral concept

2. Tess’s resistance to the traditional moral concept

C. Tess’s resistance to the hypocritical religion

1.the hypocritical religion in that time

2. Tess’s resistance to the hypocritical religion

D. Tess’s resistance to the unfortunate marriage

1.Tess’s unfortunate marriage

2. Tess’s resistance to the unfortunate marriage

Ⅲ.Conclusion: In a word, Tess has shown a powerful woman's image to common people with her unyielding spirit of revolt. She, to the moribund society, traditional old morals, hypocritical religion, capitalist marriage system, has carried on the strongest revealing and criticism. Her kindhearted enlightenment, noble emotion, strong personality, and her resistance in imbuing all rooted in the hearts of the people forever, worth savoring.


This paper mainly focuses on the spirit of revolt of Tess. First of all, this paper begins with a brief introduction to the novel. Then, this paper makes a brief commentary of the novel. Moreover, it concentrates on :(1) Tess’s fight to the moribund society. (2) Tess’s resistance to the traditional moral concept. (3) Tess’s resistance to the hypocritical religion. (4) Tess’s resistance to the unfortunate marriage. And at last the paper reveals that Tess is actually a character with the spirit of revolt all through her life.

key words:tragedy,Spirit of revolt,industrial movement,unfortunate fate


本文研究的是小说主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”。首先,本文对小说的背景做了介绍。然后,对文本进行简要评论。再次,本文主要从以下四个方面对文本主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”进行集中讨论:(1) 苔丝对腐朽社会的抗争;(2) 苔丝对传统的道德观念的反抗;(3) 苔丝对伪善的宗教的反抗;(4) 苔丝对不幸婚姻的反抗。最后,揭示出苔丝整个人生经历中的反抗精神。




毕业论文写作是完成本科教学计划、实现本科培养目标的重要阶段,是英语人才培养不可或缺的重要环节,是英语专业本科教学计划的重要组成部分,是培养学生综合应用所学的基本理论、基础知识和基本技能,并分析和解决实际问题的重要途径,是对学生进行科学研究的初步训练。毕业论文是学生大学毕业前的最后学习阶段,是英语教学深化和升华的重要过程;是对学生的英语实践技能、英语 语文知识 及其他相关学科知识、综合素质、研究与创新能力进行检验考核的重要手段;是学生学士学位资格认证的重要依据;是衡量、评估英语专业教学质量与水平的重要内容之一。


英语专业的毕业论文按专业方向的不同可分为“文学”、“语言及语言学研究”、“语言教学”、“翻译研究”和“ 文化 与跨文化”等不同类别。按论文性质的不同,又可分为理论型研究论文、应用型研究论文、综述型论文和研究 报告 型论文。每个专业方向都可以有这4种不同的类型。

(1)理论型研究论文指对已有的语言、文学、翻译、教学、文化等学科领域的理论性和应用性的研究成果,在翔实、可靠的事实材料的基础上进行有一定新意的探讨,这种新意可包括新的命题、新的视角、新的材料、新的 方法 、新的论证、新的结论。理论型研究应熟识与了解现有的科学观点、结论和评价,并进行消化、吸收,针对现有理论中的不足、不确切和未涉及之处进行局部的修正、改进、补充或完善。写理论型研究论文的学生要有较好的理论准备,能够熟练运用已学的理论知识,正确、科学地分析、解决论文撰写过程中出现的各种具体的理论性问题,在教师的指导下发现、提出理论性问题并对某一具体理论提出自己的看法和意见。


(3)综述型论文是对某一学科领域研究与发展状况作综合叙述介绍的一种论文类型。综述型论文是在大量阅读各种文献的基础上,对学科中某一具体的理论性或实际应用性问题的研究状况进行综合归纳,分析整理,去粗取精,做出判断,理出清晰而明确的研究发展脉络,从而展示研究现状和已取得的研究成果,分析问题的症结,并指出未来的研究走向和发展趋势的动态性研究成果。写综述型论文的学生应对所选课题的研究状况有比较全面的把握和正确的了解,对材料的归纳 总结 要较好地体现出综合性和概括性,要在分析、判断的基础上作出新的结论,而且要有一定的前沿性和前瞻性。

(4)研究报告型论文是就某一课题开展调查或测试并对调查或测试中获得的各种数据进行分析、综合、归纳、整理、讨论,从而作出结论的调研性论文。研究报告型论文可分为调查报告与测试报告两类。写研究报告型论文的学生需要具有正确采集、分析和处理信息和数据的方法,需要具有在理论上对调查过程进行分析和论证的能力,并能在老师的指导下独立 1











198 评论




Acknowledgements 4-6

Contents 6-10

List of Figures 10-12

List of Tables 12-20

Abstract 20-22

摘要 23-25

Chapter 1 Introduction 25-32

1.1 Purpose of the study and research questions 28-29

1.2 Significance of the study 29-30

1.3 Organization of the study 30-31

1.4 A note on terminology 31-32

Chapter 2 Literature review 32-51

2.1 T/TP and coherence in English writing 32-35

2.1.1 Defining coherence 32-33

2.1.2 T/TP as means to realize coherence 33-35

2.2 T/TP in EFL/ESL writing 35-42

2.2.1 T/TP and coherence in EFL/ESL writing 35-37

2.2.2 T/TP in EFL/ESL writing as compared to NS writing 37-42

2.3 T/TP in English research articles by EFL/ESL scholars 42-44

2.4 The factors that influence T/TP in EFL/ESL writing 44-47

2.5 Training in T/TP 47-49

2.6 Summary 49-51

Chapter 3 Theoretical background 51-70

3.1 Systemic Functional Grammar 51-55

3.1.1 Five dimensions of language as a semiotic system 51-53

3.1.2 Three metafunctions of language as a functional system 53-54

3.1.3 Three lines of meaning from metafunctions 54-55

3.2 Theme and thematic progression 55-70

3.2.1 Theme 56-62

3.2.2 Thematic progression 62-70

Chapter 4 Research Design 70-88

4.1 The participants and the educational context 70-73

4.1.1 Background of the participants and the participating school 70

4.1.2 The allocation of participants to the training 70-71

4.1.3 The sample sizes 71-72

4.1.4 The pilot study 72-73

4.2 The interventional procedures 73-74

4.3 The questionnaire 74-75

4.4 The training 75-80

4.4.1 Considerations behind the training 75-76

4.4.2 The training material 76-79

4.4.3 The role of the researcher as the trainer 79-80

4.5 Data analysis 80-86

4.5.1 Analysis of the writing 80-86

4.5.2 Analysis of the questionnaire 86

4.6 Ethical considerations 86-88

4.6.1 Informed consent 86-87

4.6.2 Anonymity 87

4.6.3 Harm 87-88

Chapter 5 Results and analysis of pre-training writing 88-115

5.1 Comparison of Themes in EEL pre-training writing and CEL pre-writing 88-102

5.1.1 Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 88-91

5.1.2 Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 91-95

5.1.3 Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 95-100

5.1.4 Interpersonal Themes 100-102

5.2 Comparison of thematic progression in EEL pre-training writing and CEL pre-writing 102-110

5.2.1 Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 102-107

5.2.2 Back,contextual and new Themes 107-110

5.3 Summary 110-115

Chapter 6 Results and analysis of post-training writing 115-137

6.1 Comparison of Themes in EEL post-training writing and CEL post-writing 115-129

6.1.1 Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 115-117

6.1.2 Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 117-121

6.1.3 Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 121-126

6.1.4 Interpersonal Themes 126-129

6.2 Comparison of thematic progression in EEL post-training writing and CEL post-writing 129-132

6.2.1 Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 129-131

6.2.2 Back,contextual and new Themes 131-132

6.3 Summary 132-137

Chapter 7 Results and analysis of pre- and post- training writing 137-155

7.1 Comparison of Themes in pre- and post- training writing 137-147

7.1.1 Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 137-139

7.1.2 Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 139-142

7.1.3 Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 142-145

7.1.4 Interpersonal Themes 145-147

7.2 Comparison of thematic progression in pre- and post- training writing 147-150

7.2.1 Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 147-149

7.2.2 Back,contextual and new Themes 149-150

7.3 Summary 150-155

Chapter 8 Results and analysis of the questionnaire 155-165

8.1 Findings from closed questions 155-160

8.1.1 EEL participants' general attitude to training on T/TP 155-157

8.1.2 EEL participants' perception of the usefulness of the training on T/TP 157-158

8.1.3 EEL participants' perception of the learnability of T/TP 158-159

8.1.4 EEL participants' perception of the applicability of T/TP in writing 159-160

8.2 Findings from open questions 160-164

8.2.1 The changes that occurred 161-162

8.2.2 The perceived difficulty of applying the theory of T/TP in writing 162-163

8.2.3 The reasons for the perceived difficulty in learning 163

8.2.4 EEL participants' suggestions for future training 163-164

8.3 Summary 164-165

Chapter 9 Discussion 165-195

9.1 Findings with regard to research questions 165-187

9.1.1 Chinese college students' use of T/TP in pre-training writing 165-172

9.1.2 Chinese college students' use of T/TP in post-training writing 172-181

9.1.3 Effects of the training on T/TP in Chinese college students' English writing 181-187

9.2 Positioning the study within the literature 187-190

9.2.1 T/TP in Chinese college students' English writing 187-189

9.2.2 Effects of training on Chinese college students' use of T/TP 189-190

9.3 Implications 190-194

9.3.1 Pedagogical implication 190-193

9.3.2 Methodological implication 193-194

9.4 Limitations 194-195

Chapter 10 Conclusion 195-200

10.1 Summary 195-197

10.2 Putting everything together 197-199

10.3 Suggestions for future work 199-200

Notes 200-202

References 202-214

Appendix 1: Plan for the interventional procedures 214-215

Appendix 2: The post-training questionnaire 215-217

Appendix 3: Training material 217-229

Appendix 4: Teachers' guide to the training 229-237

Appendix 5: Consent form for EEL group 237-238

Appendix 6: Consent form for CEL group 238-239

Appendix 7: Consent form for NS group 239

中文摘要 3-4


Chapter One Introduction 7-10

1.1 Motivation of the present study 7-8

1.2 Significance of this study 8

1.3 Composition of this thesis 8-10

Chapter Two Literature Review 10-19

2.1 Language production 10-14

2.1.1 L1 Production 10-11

2.1.2 L2 Production 11-12

2.1.3 Dimensions of language production 12-14

2.2 Theories on oral output 14-15

2.2.1 Skehan’s dual-model system 14

2.2.2 Swain’s Output Hypothesis 14-15

2.3 Task Repetition 15-17

2.3.1 Task 15-16

2.3.2 Task repetition 16-17

2.4 Relevant studies on effects of task repetition on L2 oral output 17-19


3.1 Research justification and questions 19

3.2 Hypothesis 19-20

3.3 Methods 20-25

3.3.1 Participants 20-21

3.3.2 Material 21

3.3.3 Research design 21-23

3.3.4 Measures 23-25

Chapter Four Results and Discussion 25-41

4.1 Results and Analysis 25-34

4.1.1 Quantitative analysis 25-27

4.1.2 Qualitative analysis 27-34

4.2 Discussion 34-41

4.2.1 Fluency 34-36

4.2.2 Complexity 36-38

4.2.3 Accuracy 38-39

4.2.4 interlanguage development path of learner L 39-41

Chapter Five Conclusions 41-44

5.1 Conclusion and implication 41-43

5.2 Limitations and recommendations 43-44

Acknowledgements 44-45

References 45-49

Appendixes 49-54

A. Instructions of the experiment 49-50

B. The same-content task 50-51

C. The different-content task 51-52

D. Sample of oral pre-task 52-53

E. Sample of oral post-task 53-54

F. Sample of writing repetition task 54


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background

1.2 Significance of the Study

1.3 Research Goals and Questions

1.4 Data Collection and Methodology

1.5 Analysis Procedures

1.6 Organization of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction to Appraisal Theory

2.2 Studies on Appraisal Theory

2.2.1 Studies on Appraisal Theory Abroad

2.2.2 Studies on Appraisal Theory at Home

2.3 Studies on Personal Statements

2.3.1 Introduction to Personal Statement

2.4 Summary

Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework

3.1 An Overview of Attitude System

3.2 Affect Resources

3.3 Judgment Resources

3.3.1 Social Esteem

3.3.2 Social Sanction

3.4 Appreciation Resources

3.5 Interactions of Affect, Judgment and Appreciation

3.6 Borders of Affect, Judgment and Appreciation

3.7 Summary

Appendix 1: Papers Published during Graduate Studies

Appendix 2: Some Samples of the Study



280 评论


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