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现代教师必备素质一个有效率的英语教师应当具备的特征英语教师所应具备的素质优秀的英语教师应该具备的素质论教师的有效性评估与教师自我提高“有效教师”的性格与角色泛读课中的教师角色教师如何理解其教学角色教师在成人教育中的角色教师在英语教学中培养学习自主性的角色浅析中美高校外语专业师生关系的定位比较中美英语教学中的师生合作中美英语课堂中的师生互动课堂教学中的师生关系中学课堂管理策略英语教学方法及其应用交际法及其英语口语教学中的应用交际法教学中的语法教学交际法在基础英语教学中的作用交际法在英语教学中的作用交际法在中国中学英语教学中的作用交际教学法在口语教学中的作用交际教学法在我国中学中的问题及改进方法交际式教学法在中国英语教学中的局限性中学英语课堂交际实践中的问题及改进浅谈提高综合应用语言的能力论提高听力教学的有效方法如何有效的进行英语听力教学运用听力策略提高听力理解怎样进行中学英语听力教学中国学生的英语发音问题英汉语音对比及教学策略词汇表达教学中的文化教学中学英语词汇系统家教学高中英语词汇教学技巧论词汇教学与练习论词汇教学中的上下译文译法论交际化次会教学派生法词汇教学浅论词汇在外语教学中的重要性如何教好高中英语词汇英语作为第二语言的词汇教学技巧阅读中的词汇教学阅读中的词汇突破因特网在中国英语教育中的应用网络环境下的英语教学英语教学中的计算机辅助教育《鲁宾逊漂流记》中的个人主义济慈诗歌中神话典故的研究论 《傲慢与偏见》中婚姻与金钱的关系解读《傲慢与偏见》中简.奥斯丁的婚姻观论作者对《傲慢与偏见》里的社会态度简.奥斯丁在《傲慢与偏见》中的妇女意识《傲慢与偏见》中由性格所决定的婚姻句子的省略与成份结构论词意变化的因素浅析矛盾修辞法怎样做一名合格的翻译者关于典故的翻译英汉翻译中长句、难句的处理英汉语言中动物词汇文化内涵之比较中国与西方国家的礼仪对比文化冲击——东西方不同的礼节中美家庭文化及其根源的对比010 Fuzzy Words and Their Uses in Human Communication011 Ambiguity and Puns in English012 Some basic consideration of style013 English by Newspaper014 English Personal Pronouns: a Preliminary Textual Analysis015 Thematic Network and Text Types016 An Inquiry into Speech Act Theory017 On Lexical Cohesion in Expository Writing018 The Inferences of Conversational Implications019 Context and Meaning020 The Construction and Interpretation of Cohesion in Texts看够了吗?

115 评论


O. J. Simpson murder case辛普森杀妻案The O. J. Simpson murder case has been described as the most publicized criminal trial in history,[1] in which O. J. Simpson, former American football star and actor, was brought to trial for the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. Simpson was acquitted in 1995 after a lengthy trial, the longest jury trial in California history.[2]Simpson hired a high-profile defense team led by Johnnie Cochran and F. Lee Bailey. Los Angeles County believed it had a solid prosecution case, but Cochran created in the minds of the jury the belief that there was reasonable doubt about the DNA evidence (then a relatively new type of evidence in trials),[3] including that the blood-sample evidence had allegedly been mishandled by lab scientists and technicians.[4] Cochran and the defense team also alleged other misconduct by the Los Angeles Police Department. The televising of the lengthy trial riveted national attention on the dramatic case. By the end of the criminal trial, national surveys showed dramatic differences between most blacks and most whites in terms of their assessment of Simpson's guilt.[5]Later, both the Brown and Goldman families sued Simpson for damages in a civil trial, which has a lower standard of proof for determining responsibility.[citation needed] On February 5, 1997, the jury unanimously found there was a preponderance of evidence to find Simpson liable for damages in the wrongful death of Goldman and battery of Brown. In its conclusions, the jury effectively found Simpson liable for the death of his ex-wife and Ron Goldman.[6] On February 21, 2008, a Los Angeles court upheld a renewal of the civil judgment against him.这个案子很经典,上面的一段是wiki上的英文案例,你可以找一些关于这个的中文资料,然后选择一个角度(比如种族歧视与陪审团制度的矛盾、毒树之果原则、媒体和舆论与司法公正的矛盾等等),或者一篇参考的中文文章(很多中国的法律人也会研究这个案子,发表一些观点),自己写或者翻译一篇英文论文出来就是了。下面引用一段英文资料,有个人在提问,为什么法院在刑事诉讼中判决辛普森无罪,但是在民事诉讼中又判决他赔偿自己妻子死亡赔偿金。 Jeralyn Merritt对这个问题进行了简略的回答。我想你大一的论文,字数要求不会太多,所以参考一下他这段答复吧。如果字数不够就把上面wiki的资料加一些进去,简单的交待一下案情。Q. I am a high school government student, and I have a question that has been bothering me that my teacher refuses to answer. In the O.J. Simpson case I know that the state jury did not find him guilty on the charge of murder, but the federal court did on the charge of wrongful death. What is the difference and why were they able to do that? -- Geni A. O.J. Simpson was charged with first degree murder in the state court in California. The jury found him "Not Guilty." A "not guilty" verdict means the state failed to prove the charges "beyond a reasonable doubt", which is the standard of proof in all criminal prosecutions. Criminal cases are brought on behalf of the citizens of a particular state or federal district, not by the victims or their families.After O.J. Simpson was found not guilty in the criminal case, the families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman sued him in the state (not federal) court in California for wrongfully causing their deaths. Civil lawsuits for wrongful death are tried for money damages, not to put the defendant in prison. Civil cases are brought in the name of individuals, not in the name of the State.Different evidence was introduced in the O.J. Simpson civil and criminal trials. For example, although O.J. Simpson denied it, evidence was presented in the civil trial that O.J. Simpson owned a pair of Bruno Magli shoes that matched shoeprints left at the murder scene.O.J. Simpson exercised his constitutional right against self-incrimination and chose not to testify in the criminal trial. All defendants in criminal cases have this right. In the civil trial, O.J. no longer had such a right because he had been found not guilty of murder and could not be tried again for it. He had to testify when the opposing side called him as a witness. Thus, the jury in the civil case got to hear O.J's testimony while the criminal jury did not.In the criminal case, the jury got to see that the glove left at the scene of the crime did not fit O.J. Simpson. This experiment was not repeated for the civil jury. The jury in the criminal trial got a far stronger portrayal of the problems with the DNA and other scientific evidence in the case, and the poor management of the crime scene, than did the civil jury. And the criminal jury got to hear the false testimony of Los Angeles police officer Mark Furman, who later admitted lying and pleaded guilty to perjury.Finally, the burden of proof in criminal and civil cases is different. In criminal cases, the standard is "proof beyond a reasonable doubt." There is also a presumption of innocence that stays with the defendant until and unless the jury returns a guilty verdict. In civil cases, the standard of proof is "by a preponderance of the evidence," which essentially means "more likely than not," or put another way, proof by 51% or more.The jury's verdict in the civil case was not that O.J. Simpson was guilty of murder, but that he was liable for (which essentially means responsible for causing) the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.In light of the different evidence presented, burdens of proof and ultimate issues the juries were called upon to decide, the verdicts in the criminal and civil trials were not really all that inconsistent. -- Jeralyn Merritt

179 评论


1、 “在中国做一年大使”项目外籍教师跨文化培训的设计与评价

2、 中国大学生使用英语空间动介构式的历时研究

3、 会话隐型含义的理论与实验语用学研究

4、 英汉交传中的译语过度冗余及应对策略——以《人类的明天》新书分享会为例

5、 汉英交传中笔记有效性不足及应对策略——以“产业政策思辨会”模拟会议为例

6、 在译前缺乏有关会议材料状况下应对术语策略探讨——以2018年苹果秋季新品发布会英汉同传为例

7、 中国历史人物传记英译项目中专名处理的难点及对策——以《九世班禅传》英译为例

8、 英语写作原则在汉译英中的运用——以《40人看40年》翻译项目为例

9、 外媒新闻报道翻译中涉华信息的准确传递——以一组国外时政新闻的英译中为例

10、 多媒体资源在旅行指南翻译中的辅助作用——以《孤独星球·美国》英译汉项目为例

11、 汉英交替传译中话语标记语的翻译及策略——以“‘朗润·格致’产业政策思辨会”模拟会议为例

12、 中文合同英译的法律术语误译原因及对策浅析——以一组房屋租赁合同英译项目为例

13、 从表演效果的角度看剧本翻译策略——以某影视培训项目的一组剧本为例

14、 机器翻译中译前编辑措施研究——以《2018全球城市论坛实录》翻译为例

15、 家具类产品手册英汉翻译的难点及对策——以北欧某家具品牌产品手册英译汉项目为例

272 评论



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