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刘 徽 刘徽(生于公元250年左右),是中国数学史上一个非常伟大的数学家,在世界数学史上,也占有杰出的地位.他的杰作《九章算术注》和《海岛算经》,是我国最宝贵的数学遗产. 贾 宪 贾宪,中国古代北宋时期杰出的数学家。曾撰写的《黄帝九章算法细草》(九卷)和《算法斆古集》(二卷)(斆xiào,意:数导)均已失传。 他的主要贡献是创造了"贾宪三角"和增乘开方法,增乘开方法即求高次幂的正根法。目前中学数学中的混合除法,其原理和程序均与此相仿,增乘开方法比传统的方法整齐简捷、又更程序化,所以在开高次方时,尤其显出它的优越性,这个方法的提出要比欧洲数学家霍纳的结论早七百多年。 秦九韶 秦九韶(约1202--1261),字道古,四川安岳人。先后在湖北,安徽,江苏,浙江等地做官,1261年左右被贬至梅州,(今广东梅县),不久死于任所。他与李冶,杨辉,朱世杰并称宋元数学四大家。早年在杭州“访习于太史,又尝从隐君子受数学”,1247年写成著名的《数书九章》。《数书九章》全书凡18卷,81题,分为九大类。其最重要的数学成就----“大衍总数术”(一次同余组解法)与“正负开方术"(高次方程数值解法),使这部宋代算经在中世纪世界数学史上占有突出的地位。 李冶 李冶(1192----1279),原名李治,号敬斋,金代真定栾城人,曾任钧州(今河南禹县)知事,1232年钧州被蒙古军所破,遂隐居治学,被元世祖忽必烈聘为翰林学士,仅一年,便辞官回乡。1248年撰成《测圆海镜》,其主要目的是说明用天元术列方程的方法。“天元术”与现代代数中的列方程法相类似,“立天元一为某某”,相当于“设x为某某“,可以说是符号代数的尝试。李冶还有另一步数学著作《益古演段》(1259)也是讲解天元术的。 朱世杰 朱世杰(1300前后),字汉卿,号松庭,寓居燕山(今北京附近),“以数学名家周游湖海二十余年”,“踵门而学者云集”(莫若、祖颐:《四元玉鉴》后序)。朱世杰数学代表作有《算学启蒙》(1299)和《四元玉鉴》(1303)。《算术启蒙》是一部通俗数学名著,曾流传海外,影响了朝鲜、日本数学的发展。《四元玉鉴》则是中国宋元数学高峰的又一个标志,其中最杰出的数学创造有“四元术”(多元高次方程列式与消元解法)、“垛积术”(高阶等差数列求和)与“招差术”(高次内插法). 祖冲之 祖冲之(公元429~500年)祖籍是现今河北省涞源县,他是南北朝时代的一位杰出科学家。他不仅是一位数学家,同时还通晓天文历法、机械制造、音乐等领域,并且是一位天文学家。 祖冲之在数学方面的主要成就是关于圆周率的计算,他算出的圆周率为3.1415926<π<3.1415927,这一结果的重要意义在于指出误差的范围,是当时世界最杰出的成就。祖冲之确定了两个形式的π值,约率355/173(≈3.1415926)密率22/7(≈3.14),这两个数都是π的渐近分数。 祖 暅 祖暅,祖冲之之子,同其父祖冲之一起圆满解决了球面积的计算问题,得到正确的体积公式。现行教材中著名的“祖暅原理”,在公元五世纪可谓祖暅对世界杰出的贡献。 杨辉 杨辉,中国南宋时期杰出的数学家和数学教育家。在13世纪中叶活动于苏杭一带,其著作甚多。 他著名的数学书共五种二十一卷。著有《详解九章算法》十二卷(1261年)、《日用算法》二卷(1262年)、《乘除通变本末》三卷(1274年)、《田亩比类乘除算法》二卷(1275年)、《续古摘奇算法》二卷(1275年)。 他在《续古摘奇算法》中介绍了各种形式的"纵横图"及有关的构造方法,同时"垛积术"是杨辉继沈括"隙积术"后,关于高阶等差级数的研究。杨辉在"纂类"中,将《九章算术》246个题目按解题方法由浅入深的顺序,重新分为乘除、分率、合率、互换、二衰分、叠积、盈不足、方程、勾股等九类。 赵 爽 赵爽,三国时期东吴的数学家。曾注《周髀算经》,他所作的《周髀算经注》中有一篇《勾股圆方图注》全文五百余字,并附有云幅插图(已失传),这篇注文简练地总结了东汉时期勾股算术的重要成果,最早给出并证明了有关勾股弦三边及其和、差关系的二十多个命题,他的证明主要是依据几何图形面积的换算关系。 赵爽还在《勾股圆方图注》中推导出二次方程 (其中a>0,A>0)的求根公式 在《日高图注》中利用几何图形面积关系,给出了"重差术"的证明。(汉代天文学家测量太阳高、远的方法称为重差术)。 明安图】(1692——1765) 清代蒙古族杰出数学家、天文学家。字静庵。蒙古正白旗(今内蒙古锡林郭勒盟正白旗)人,为蒙古族人。康熙九年(1670),被选入钦天监学习天文、历象和数学

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While China has for many uses adopted the Arabic numeral system familiar around the world, it also still uses its native Chinese character number system. The Chinese system is also a base-10 system, but has important differences in the way the numbers are represented. Chinese has characters for numbers 0 through 9, as seen above. In addition to the character shown above for zero, a simple circle is also used. Pronunciation for the characters uses the standard Romanization scheme in China called "pinyin". The number at the end of the pinyin indicates the tone. Eleven in Chinese is "ten one". Twelve is "ten two", and so on. Twenty is "Two ten", twenty-one is "two ten one" (2*10 + 1), and so on up to 99. One-hundred is "one hundred". One-hundred and one is "one hundred zero one". One hundred and eleven is "one hundred one ten one". Notice that for eleven alone, you only need "ten one" and not "one ten one", but when used in a larger number (such as 111), you must add the extra "one". One thousand and above is done in a similar fashion, where you say how many thousands you have, then how many hundreds, tens, and ones. An exception to this is for zeroes. When a zero occurs in the number (except at the end), you need to say "zero", but only once for two or more consecutive zeroes. So one-thousand and one would be "one thousand zero one", where zero stands in for the hundreds and tens places. Try different numbers in the converter above to practice and check on other numbers. What is different from American English is that when you get to ten-thousand, Chinese has its own word (wan4), unlike English where you must use a compound of ten and thousand. Only after ten thousand does Chinese start using compounds itself. One-hundred thousand is "one ten wan4" (where wan4 is the Chinese word for ten-thousand that English lacks). Chinese goes on like this until 100 million (yi4), where it introduces a new character. This happens every four decimal places, unlike American English where it happens every three decimal places (thousand, million, billion, trillion, etc. are all separated by three decimal places). Regular Chinese characters for numbers use relatively few strokes. The characters for one, two, and three are just one, two and three parallel horizontal strokes, respectively. To prevent fraud when writing checks and other cases where fraud is possible, Chinese also uses a series of more complex characters for the numbers. It is easy to change a "one" into a "two" in regular characters, but with the formal complex characters, this is impossible. See above for a listing of the equivalent formal characters. As in English, one can also abbreviate a number by just listing the digits with the tens, hundreds, thousands, etc. omitted (as the web counter below does). When talking about amounts, sometimes a variant of two is used in the hundred-million, ten-thousand, thousand, or hundreds place: (liang3). It is never used in the tens place. Sometimes when used as an amount it can also replace two alone. Shorthand characters also exist for twenty and thirty and are often used in newspapers, especially in dates. These are (nian4) for twenty and (sa4) for thirty. To express fractions and percents, Chinese uses the denominator followed by the two characters (fen1 zhi1, "parts of"), followed by the numerator. So two-thirds would be "three fen1zhi1 two". In the case of percents, you would say "hundred fen1zhi1 amount", e.g. the way to say 63% is "hundred fen1zhi1 six ten three". When used in percents, just say hundred and not "one hundred".The decimal point is expressed with the character (dian3).

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