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魏武,女,1955年出生,医学博士.赴美留学归国人员.内科学教授.主任医师.博士生导师。现任山西省政协常委.长治市政协副主席.长治医学院临床一系主任.内科教研室主任.血液病学研究所所长.附属和平医院院长.血液内科主任。兼任山西省血液病专业委员会副主任委员.抗癌协会血液肿瘤委员会副主任委员等职。从医26年,主要从事血液病学的基础与临床研究,对白血病和再生障碍性贫血有深入研究,开展了白血病MICM分型.大剂量化疗.生物免疫疗法.造血干细胞移植等新技术新项目,血液科于2001年被评为省级重点学科。近年来发表论文30余篇,编撰教材.著作12部,获山西省科技进步一等奖1项.二等奖,项,承担省部级科研项目7项。任院长以来,坚持以人为本.科学管理,医院工作全面发展,200,年以优异成绩再次通过等级医院评审。先后获得省“五一”劳动奖章.省十大女杰.省教学名师.全国巾帼建功模范院长.全国模范教师.全国优秀医院院长.全国先进工作者等荣誉称号。 哈哈,你找那个呀!!

165 评论


魏武,男,1970年2月出生,工学博士,教授、硕士生导师。现任华南理工大学自动化科学与工程学院教授。(1)学士:长沙交通学院机电工程系, 机械设计及自动化专业,1988年9月--1992年6月;(2)硕士:长沙交通学院汽车与机电工程系, 汽车运用工程专业,1994年9月--97年6月;(3)博士:华中理工大学控制科学与工程系, 控制理论与控制工程专业,1997年9月--2000年12月;(4)博士后:清华大学自动化系,控制科学与工程博士后流动站,从事研究工作,2001年1月--2002年12月;(5)博士后研究员:香港理工大学电子工程系、智能系统研究所,从事研究员工作 2003年3月--2004年3月。(1)1992年9月起,长沙交通学院机电工程系(长沙理工大学汽车与机械工程学院),先后任助教、讲师、副教授,担负教学、科研工作。(2)2006年起,华南理工大学自动化科学与工程学院,副教授、教授。智能控制、智能系统、机器人控制技术、模式识别与人工智能计算机与信息处理智能交通系统机电工程,汽车技术,汽车运用工程魏武博士已在中国科学等国内外重要学术期刊和国际会议上发表论文50余篇,被世界三大检索收入的论文为33篇,其中被SCI收录3篇,EI收录19篇,ISTP收录11篇。博士论文标题为《智能交通系统关键技术研究----图像处理、模式识别和智能控制技术》。博士后出站报告标题为《城市交通信号智能控制方法研究》。2002年在电子工业出版社出版其译作《Network+网络管理员全息教程》。提出了多项理论和技术创新,在国内外产生了重大影响。主要论文包括:[1] WeiWu, Jean Bosco Mbede, Huang Xinhan and Zhang Yi. Neuro-fuzzy and Model-basedMotion Control among Dynamic Obstacles for Mobile Robot. 中国科学 F辑, pp14 -30, Vol.46(1), 2003(SCI 和EI检索).[2] WuWEI, Jean Bosco MBEDE, and Qisen ZHANG. Fuzzy Sensor-Based Motion Control amongDynamic Obstacles for Intelligent Rigid-Link Electrically Driven ArmManipulators. Journal of Intelligent and Robotics Systems (Kluwer), Vol. 30(1),2001. pp 49-71.(SCI 和EI检索)[3] JeanBosco Mbede, Wu Wei, Qisen Zhang. Fuzzy and Recurrent Neural Network MotionControl among Dynamic Obstracles for Robot Manipulators. Journal of Intelligentand Robotics Systems (Kluwer), Vol. 30(2), 2001, pp 155-177. (SCI 和EI检索)[4] WeiWu, Jean Bosco Mbede, and Huang Xinhan. Fuzzy and Robust Control System ofIntelligent RLED Arm Manipulators for Dynamic Obstacles, Control Theory andApplications, 18(6), 2001 . (EI检索)[5] WuWei, Qisen Zhang, Jean Bosco Mbede, and Xinhan Huang. Research on Path Planningfor Mobile Robot Among Dynamic Obstacles, Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and20th NAFIPS International Conference Vancouver, Canada, July 2001, Volume: 2,p763-767. (EI和ISTP检索)[6] WuWei, Sheng Zen, Xianyong Gan. Fuzzy and Neural Network Control System ofIntelligent RLED Arm Manipulators for Dynamic Obstacles, 2001 IEEE, The 10thInternational Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Melbourne, Australia, Dec., 2001, (EI和ISTP检索)[7] WuWei , J. B. Mbede Yi Zhang. Neuro-fuzzy Motion Control for Mobile Robot. 2002International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, HI, USA, May 2002. (EI和ISTP检索)[8] WuWei , J. B. Mbede Yi Zhang. Neuro-fuzzy Motion Control for Mobile Robot. 2002International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, HI, USA, May 2002(EI和ISTP检索)[9] WeiWu, Zhang Yi. FL-FN-MOGA Based Traffic Signal Control. Journal of SystemEngineering and Electronics, 13(2), 2003, P63-72. (EI检索)[10] WeiWu, Zhang Yi, Song Jingyan, Zhang Zuo. A method of traffic signal control basedon Fuzzy logic and Genetic Algorithms for multi-intersection. IEEEinternational conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Arizona, USA, Oct. 2001(EI和ISTP检索)[11] WuWei and Yi Zhang. FL-FN Based Traffic Signal Control. 2002 IEEE InternationalConference on Fuzzy Systems, HI, USA, May 2002. (EI和ISTP检索)[12] WuWei, Mingjun Wang. Traffic Signal Control Using Fuzzy And Neural Network. The8th International Conference on neural information processing Nov., 2001, Shanghai, China(EI和ISTP检索)[13] WeiWu, Huang Xinhan, Wang Min, and Song Yexin. An Automatic System of VehicleNumber-Plate Recognition based on Neural Networks. Journal of SystemEngineering and Electronics, 12(2), 2001, P63-72. (EI检索)[14] WuWei, Yuzhi Li, Mingjun Wang, Zhongxiang Huang. Research on number-platerecognition based on neural networks. Neural Networks for Signal Processing XI,2001. Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop, Washington D.C., USA, Oct. 2001,P529 –538(EI和ISTP检索)[15] WuWei, Qisen Zhang, and Mingjun Wang. A Method of Vehicle Classification UsingModels and Neural Networks, IEEE ’2001 International conference on Semiannual Vehicular Technology VTC2001 Spring Conference, Israel. May 2001, volume: 4, p3022-3026. (EI和ISTP检索)[16] 魏武、黄心汉、张起森、王敏. 一种基于垂直边界字符特征的车牌定位方法,中国公路学报,Vol. 13(4), 2000,P88~P90. (EI检索)[17] WeiWU, Zhang Yi, Zhang Zuo, and Song Jingyan Traffic Signal Control using Fuzzylogic and MOGA. Journal of Tsinghua Science and Technology. (EI检索)[18] WEIWu, HUANG Xinhan, WANG Min, and LI Wei. A Method of Road-Traffic ParameterDetection Using Optical Sensor. SPIE: International Conference on Sensors andControl Techniques, Wuhan P. R. China, June 2000, p469-472. (EI和ISTP检索)[19] WuWei, Mingjun Wang, Zhongxiang Huang. An automatic method of location fornumber-plate using color features. IEEE Signal Processing Society 2001 Int.Conference on Image Processing, Thessaloniki, Greece Oct.,2001, P782-785. (EI和ISTP检索)[20] HuangXinhan, Wei Wu and Wang Min. Intelligent control of signal on urban roadintersection based on fuzzy and neural networks, International Journal ofAdvances in Systems Science and Applications. Vol.1(2),2001.pp124-129.[21] WeiWu, Huang Xinhan and Wang Min. The Vehicle Recognition and Classification basedon computer vision and neural networks, International Journal of Advances inSystems Science and Applications. Vol.1(1),2001.pp112-117.[22] WuWei, Qisen Zhang, Jean Bosco Mbede, and Xinhan Huang. Path Planning for MobileRobot Among Dynamic Obstacles and Its 3D Simulation, EUROIMAGE 2001International conference on Augmented, Virtual Environments and Three-DimensionalImaging, Mykonos, Greece, May, 2001.[23] WuWei, Jean Bosco Mbede, and Xinhan Huang. Fuzzy and Robust Motion Control amongDynamic Obstacles for Intelligent RLED Arm Manipulators,4th Asian Conference on Roboticsand its Applications, June 2001, Singapore.[24] WuWei, Yi Zhang. Traffic Signal Control Based on Agent and FL-MOGA. 10th ITSworld congress, USA,Aug. 2002.[25] WuWei, Yi Zhang, Jinyang Shong, Zuo Zhang. Traffic Signal Control in IntersectionUsing Fuzzy Logic Controller. Third International Conference on Information,Communications & Signal Processing (ICICS 2001), Oct., 2001, Singapore.[26] 魏武、张起森、王明俊、黄中祥. 基于模板匹配和神经网络的车牌字符识别方法. 模式识别与人工智能,Vol.14(1), 2001,P123~P127.[27] WEIWu, WANG Mingjun. Fuzzy-Logic-Based Traffic Signal Control at Intersection. The4th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2002.[28] 魏武、张起森、王明俊、黄中祥. 一种基于模糊逻辑的交通信号控制方法研究. 中国运输工程学报. 1(2), 2001, P99~P102.[29] 魏武、张起森、黄心汉.一种基于多传感器的交通监控系统智能接口,长沙交通学院学报,Vol. 16(3), 2000,P72~P75.[30] 魏武、张起森、王明俊、黄中祥.一种基于模糊逻辑的城市交叉口交通信号控制方法.控制与决策2001年会,2001年5月.[31] WeiWu, Huang Xinhan, Wang Min and Zhang Qisen. A Method of vehicle speed detectionbased on computer vision, Journal Southeast University (English Edition),Vol.16(2), 2000. P117-122.[32] 魏武、张起森、王明俊、黄中祥. 一种基于模板匹配的车牌识别方法,中国公路学报,Vol. 14 (1),2001,P104~P106.[33] 魏武、张起森、王明俊、黄中祥.基于计算机视觉和图像处理的交通参数检测.信息与控制, Vol.30(3), 2001,P257~P261.[34] 魏武、张起森、黄心汉.车牌识别的分布式结构处理方法研究,长沙交通学院学报, Vol. 16(2), 2000,P77~P80..[35] WEIWu(魏武), ZHANGQisen(张起森), ZHENGJianlong(郑健龙), andHUANG Xinhan. A Method of Chinese Number-Plate Recognition using ColorFeatures. 6th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologiesin Transportation Engineering. Singapore,June 2000,p287-295.[36] WEIWu, WANG Mingjun. DETECTION OF VEHICLE SPEED BASED ON IMAGE PROCESSING. The 4thWorld Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2002.[37] 魏武、郑健龙、张建仁等. Status Detecting ofVehicle /Pedestrian/ Driver and Assistant Driving & Vehicle IncidentProcessing. 第15届国际华人交通运输年会,2002[38] JeanBosco MBEDE, Wu WEI, Xinhan HUANG, Min WANG. INTELLIGENT SYSTEM OF CHINESENUMBER-PLATE RECOGNITION. Revised for IEEE Transaction on IntelligentTransportation Systems.[39] WeiWu, Wang Mingjun. Research on Traffic Signal Control Based on IntelligenceTechniques. The IEEE 6th International Conference On Intelligent TransportationSystems Shanghai, China, October 12-15, 2003[40] WeiWu, Wang Mingjun.Toll Collection Based on Networks and it’s Key Techniques in China. The IEEE 6th International Conference OnIntelligent Transportation Systems Shanghai, China, October12-15, 2003[41] WeiWu, Wang Mingjun. DETECTION OF VEHICLE SPEED BASED ON IMAGE PROCESSING. 2003 IEEE INERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF MACHINELEARNING,October12-15, 2003[42] HONG-YUANFU Wei Wu, A Method of Vehicle Classification Using. 2003 IEEE INERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF MACHINELEARNING,October12-15, 2003(已录用)[43] 魏武、黄心汉、张起森、胡列格.高速公路“一卡通”收费系统研究,系统工程, Vol. 18 (1).2000,P55~P59.[44] 魏武、黄心汉、张亚平.我国未来交通量观测站的系统设计,中南公路工程,Vol. 25 (1),2000,P57~P59.[45] 魏武、黄心汉、张起森.高速公路电子收费系统(ETC)及其应用前景,中南公路工程,Vol. 24 (4), 1999,P48~P50.[46] 魏武、王明俊.GPS 及其在智能交通系统中的应用前景,国外公路, Vol. 18 (6),1998,P28~P30.[47] 魏武等.Network+网络管理员全息教程.电子工业出版社.2002年(译著,已出版)[48] 魏武等. 机器人智能控制理论与方法.电子工业出版社. 2003.(著,待出版)(1)美国罗克韦尔自动化公司优秀博士奖。(2)国际IEEE控制系统、汽车技术、信号处理、系统人和控制系统、机器人和自动化协会会员。(3)湖南省青年骨干教师重点培养对象(2002年)

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    [1] 赵明华. 桥梁桩基稳定计算长度[J].工程力学,1987,2(1):94-105.[2] 赵明华. 桥梁桩基的屈曲分析和试验[J].中国公路学报,19

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