The traditional quay structure forms have high pile type, gravity and sheet pile type. On the foundation of the weak excavated-in harbor basin, the more widely used sheet pile wharf and high pile wharf. But with the terminal to the large-scale construction and the trend of the development of the deepwater, their respective shortcomings also gradually exposed: sheet pile as a weak component is difficult to bear the rapidly growing bending moment requirements, and pile wharf water construction complex, poor durability, KaiWaLiang big soil, and the economic benefit is bad [1]. In order to adapt to the new port construction difficulties new challenges, experts and scholars at home and abroad in the traditional structure of form based on improved continuously research and puts forward many wharf structure of the new form, has appeared to cover shade type, half block shade type sheet pile wharf [2], before and after the sheet pile with high pile ?
The traditional quay structure forms have high pile type, gravity and sheet pile
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