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236 评论


A blog is the Internet platform of personal exchange center of information. Usually blog is used to publish articles, all the articles are arranged according to the date and year, some similar moderator diary. Look, there is no can be insipid show place, but it can let each zero cost, zero maintenance to create your own network media, and everyone can always have your own thoughts and inspirations updated to blog site.。Based on this, this group of personal blog site through detailed analysis, based on UML modeling of the personal blog site, gives the function requirement description, mainly discussed the personal blog website design pattern. In Java EE as systems development platform, using MVC pattern development ideas, adopt the JSP + Servlet + JavaBean three-story frame achieved personal blog system. I mainly complete personal blog system articles in the management and articles management category of design and implementation. Based on personal blog website system and the characteristics of the actual demand, so the system as the foundation, detail of system analysis and modeling process and to articles management and articles management category in detail. And the system of blogger login module, comment function is proposed.

277 评论


VS2005+sql 家庭理财系统的设计与实现(论文+源代码)摘 要全球经济的蓬勃发展带来了金融理财领域的巨大变革和创新,新的金融工具和理财观点不断产生,迅速地刷新着家庭与个人传统的理财观念。改革开放以来,我国社会经济的发展和居民收入水平得到了很大的提高,家庭理财活动已成为居民生活的重要内容。人们迫切需要一个能充分利用计算机优势,并可以管理家庭财务的软件平台,利用这个平台使得个人的财务有了明晰的收支情况的系统。家庭理财系统采用VS2005作为开发工具,采用SQL SERVER 2000开发后台数据库。主要包含了用户登录模块、用户管理模块、数据库备份模块、收入模块、支出模块、密码管理模块、帐目统计模块、报表输出模块以及查询模块。用户能够通过这些模块所提供的功能,完成相应的操作,满足家庭内部对家庭理财需求。关键词:家庭理财;收入;支出;查询;VS2005;数据库;模块 共12000字,25页

86 评论



238 评论


A blog is the Internet platform of personal exchange center of information. Usually blog is used to publish articles, all the articles are arranged according to the date and year, some similar moderator diary. Look, there is no can be insipid show place, but it can let each zero cost, zero maintenance to create your own network media, and everyone can always have your own thoughts and inspirations updated to blog site. Based on this, this group of personal blog site through detailed analysis, based on UML modeling of the personal blog site, gives the function requirement description, mainly discussed the personal blog website design pattern. In Java EE as systems development platform, using MVC pattern development ideas, adopt the JSP + Servlet + JavaBean three-story frame achieved personal blog system. I mainly complete personal blog system articles in the management and articles management category of design and implementation. Based on personal blog website system and the characteristics of the actual demand, so the system as the foundation, detail of system analysis and modeling process and to articles management and articles management category in detail. And the system of blogger login module, comment function is proposed.

360 评论


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