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首页 > 学术期刊 > 离婚率的研究英文论文

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Abstract The current era, the involvement of a "third party" in a marriage has become a social problem that cannot be ignored.With the divorce rate increased year by year,there are some how many affectionate couples just absolutely broken situation and become strangers, and some how many innocent children been hurt by this betrayal of love and feelings.Everybody abhor and hate the "third party".What chilling is that there is not a clear clauses in our Marriage Law to penalise such ugliness,this is not alternative to say that it is a very big regret. Therefore, the author of this article intends to explore these issues with you together, why do we want to investigate the third party's legal liability, and what is our basis by law? How should we investigate their responsibilities, how as well as should we consummate the future legislation,and what approach do we have to prevent this tragedy from happening?

144 评论


Present ages, "the third party gain a place" have become a society problem that can't be small to see.Along with divorce rate of year by year ascension, have how much loving husband and wife the feeling break righteousness unique, form together stranger, but again have how much innocence of kid, encounter in this the emotion of storm heartless of injury and stroke.Everyone all to"third party" deep bad pain unique, hate to the bone, but what to give people a chill BE, in the our country of the marriage method, unexpectedly have no explicit of item to punishment so of despicable, but this have to say that is 1 very big of regret. Hence, this text author plan with you come to study together these problem, we why exactly want to pursue the law responsibility of third party, what be our basises ?We how pursue their responsibilities again, and aftertime lawmaking how should be perfect, we again have how of way to prevention this tragedy of occurrence?

267 评论


问题一:为什么离婚率这么高,用英文写作文 离婚率高不代表啥,只是现代社会开放了,对婚姻的看法是比较宽容和自由了,表面上看,现在离婚率高,但幸福感并没有减弱。过去的婚姻表面看,离... 问题二:现在为什么夫妻之间的离婚率越来越高英文版 Now why between hu *** and and wife is more and more high divorce rate 问题三:离婚率的升高会对社会有什么影响? 发达国家的离婚率比发展中国家要高一些..从这角度来说..或许应该是进步了. 不过我想..看问题应该不能这样看的..离婚.是人精神文明.及文化的倒退..经济是发展了.可经济的发展却让人们失去了更多属于自己的情感上的依托.失去更多的时间.更多的精力去关怀自己的私人生活..这是社会发展的一大弊病..我想以后.社会的发展一定要考虑的更全面..要全面的发展..不能出现各种各样的短腿现象.答案补充 社会的进步,是多方面的.有物质的丰富,生活条件的改善,文化水平的提高,等等. 但离婚率的升高,并不能说明是社会的进步,只能说是一种社会的现象. 在离婚的原因中:是有生活水平的因素在起作用,如有钱了,想找一个好的、小的,就离了;没钱了,过的日子不舒服了,也会离。钱的因素,在起一定的作用。 还有地位的改变、工作的变动、学历的提高,等等,好多的因素。

152 评论


事业成功的男人,不一定会有成功的婚姻。而有自己远大理想和辉煌事业的女性,婚姻绝大多数也都不会太美满。Successful career man, does not necessarily have a successful marriage. And have their own broad ideal and brilliant career women, the vast majority are not too happy marriage.随着绝大多数人的生活质量、生活环境以及生活条件的不断改善,也随着国民受教育面的扩大和受教育程度的普遍提高,绝大多数家庭都过上了相对丰衣足食和衣食无忧的生活。然而,就在我们生活水平日益富足的背后,却出现了愈来愈多夫妻关系不和谐、家庭内部不和睦的现象,也出现了越来越多的劳燕分飞现象,值得社会学家和全社会的深思。As most of the people's quality of life, living environment and living conditions continue to improve, also with the national due to expansion of the education and the general improvement in level of education, the vast majority of families lived a relatively rich and wealthy life. However, just behind in our living standard, increasingly rich, has appeared more and more disharmony relationship, family not harmonious phenomenon, there have been more and more divorce phenomenon, worthy of sociologists and the reflection of the whole society.目前,我国出现离婚率居高不下的问题,其基本原因或许可以归结为六个主要原因:At present, the problems of the high divorce rate, its basic reason may be summed up in six main reasons :一、女权思想泛滥,已深刻地影响到了现代女性的行为准则。社会进步给她们带来了同工同酬的平等薪酬制度,这让更多的女性挺起了腰杆,精神和物质上都不再依靠老公生活。因此,没有了传统观念束缚又有了可以养活自己的经济能力,女性自然是不再需要对男人言听计从。A, feminist thought, has profoundly affected the modern women's code of conduct. Social progress brought them equal salary system of equal pay for equal work, this let more women stand tall, no longer rely on the husband life spiritual and material. Therefore, did not have the traditional concept of bondage and can feed their economic ability to female nature is no longer need to bidding to the man.二、传统观念淡化,也让更多女性走出家庭参与到社会活动之中。在现代社会中,绝大多数的女性已经不再心甘情愿成为男人的附庸,这是受过现代教育女性的共同之处,现代教育完全摒弃了女性的“三从四德”,而更多的是要求女性“自尊、自强、自立”。同时,传统家庭观念教育的淡化,父母也没有时间也没有能力系统教育孩子廉仪礼耻和谦和礼让,这就也让小俩口婚后短期内很难形成家庭的核心,而严重退化的家庭责任感往往也是造成高离婚的导火索之一。Second, the traditional conception, also let more women went out of the family to participate in social activities. In modern society, the vast majority of women are no longer willing to be subservient to the man, this is a highly modern women education in common, modern education completely abandoned the \"wifely submission and virtue\" of women, but more is the requirement that women \"self-esteem, self-improvement, self-reliance\". At the same time, the traditional family values education, parents education children don't have the time nor the ability system also cheap yili shame and humble comity, this also let little couple married in the short term it is difficult to form the core of the family, and severe degradation of one of the family sense of responsibility is often the cause of the high divorce fuse.三、家教模式转变,很多家庭从小就把女孩往“女强人”方向培养。要知道,绝大多数的男人都是喜欢温柔宛约、温恭贤淑、善解人意的女孩,绝对厌恶那些“母老虎”式的、在家里绝对强势的老婆,因此,男人在家里得不到的温柔就有可能会演变成在外面养情人,想得到心理上的平衡也就难以杜绝了,这也是导致高离婚率的深层次问题之一。Third, family education model, many families put the girls at an early age \"superwoman\" direction develop. Want to know, the vast majority of men are like gentle wan, WenGong virtuous, considerate girl, absolute of \"tiger\", in the home very strength of the wife, as a result, a man in the home not gentle could turn into a lover, outside want to get is hard to put an end to the psychological balance, it is the leading cause of high divorce rate one of the deep-seated problems.四、社交活动增加,在充分尊重女性社会地位和社会价值的同时,也给了男女社会交往中相当的自由权。要维持一个家庭不容易,而要拆散一个家庭往往也就几句话或是做错一件事。分析目前离婚案件,绝大部分都是出自一方感情不忠,出轨和红杏出墙的多发难控,更对现在的家庭增添了许多不稳定的因素。Fourth, the social activity increases, in the full respect for women's social status and social value at the same time, also give the considerable freedom in men's and women's social communication. It is not easy to maintain a family, and to break up a family is often just a few words or do the wrong thing. A divorce case, the analysis of the present most are from one party emotional infidelity, cheating and commit more challenged control, for now family added a lot more unstable factors.很多离了婚的人都有一个共同的感受,那就是自己过于计较了对方的某些问题。比如老婆因为老公在外面风流快活而提出了离婚,结果再婚的道路走得相当艰难。A lot of divorced people have a common feeling, that is some of the problems that oneself too care about each other. Such as a wife for a husband in the outside for happiness and filed for divorce, the remarriage road quite difficult.五、追求个性张扬,生活环境的不断宽松,生活条件的不断改善,收入水平的不断增加,生活理念的不断更新,都让生活在这个社会里的成员有了追求自己个性生活方式的选择。只要早晨一出家门,总会让对方提心吊胆你对诱惑的抵抗能力,总让人感觉到充满诱惑的世界里的所有一切,随时随地都可能会给家庭带来致命伤害。Five, the pursuit of individual character make public, the living environment of loose, and the continuous improvement of living conditions, increasing income level, life concept of constantly updated, let the life in the society members have the lifestyle choice to pursue their personalities. As long as one out of the house in the morning, always haunt the other's resistance to temptation, you always let a person feel the world full of the temptation of all, anytime may bring fatal injury to the family.家家都有本难念的经,虽说结婚和离婚都受法律保护,合则聚不合则散,结婚离婚同样自由。结婚时理由只有一条,而离婚时的理由可以有成千上万条,不管怎么说,离婚毕竟是表明了两人的婚姻走到了终点走到了尽头,过高的离婚率毕竟一来不利于家庭关系的稳定,二来也不利于家庭和谐关系的维护,三来也会困扰整个社会的和谐,四来也会动摇我们社会稳定的根基,当然,更会让深受中华民族传统文化熏陶和道德礼教的社会秩序受到冲击和影响。Everybody has this difficult to read, although marriage and divorce are protected by law, and is gathered out is scattered, marriage divorce is also free. Marry the reason only one, and reasons for divorce can have hundreds of thousands of bar, anyway, divorce is, after all, shows that the two people's marriage came to an end come to an end, high divorce rate, after all, go against the stability of family relationship, and also not conducive to the maintenance of family harmony relationship, three to the harmony of society as a whole, four to also can shake the foundations of the social stability, we, of course, can make more deeply edification of the Chinese nation traditional culture and ethics moral codes affected by the impact and social order.六、丈母娘的横加干涉。有相当部分家庭夫妻劳燕分飞的原因来自丈母娘对女婿的不满意,现在,有一些丈母娘对女儿嫁人的期望值很高,把自己后半辈子的幸福全部押在女儿嫁人上,进而对女婿的准入设立了很高的门槛。有的是嫌没有辉煌的事业,有的是嫌家境门不当户不对,有的是嫌女婿无法满足女儿或者说是自己的物质需要,还有的是觉得女儿嫁给这样的女婿枉费了父母的呕心沥血,因此,恋爱时会反对,结婚后仍然反对,而有的女孩如果听命于母亲的强势主导,就会顶不住精神上的压力,同样,如果有的女婿感到丈母娘严重伤害了自己的自尊心,或者厌倦了丈母娘的冷嘲热讽和白眼相加,自然会造成离婚收场。Six, mother-in-law interferes. Has quite part of the family husband and wife divorce reason from mother-in-law for son-in-law unhappy, now, there are some mother-in-law high expectation for her daughter get married, all the rest of your life after happiness and himself in the daughter get married, and then to son-in-law's access to set up a high threshold. Some suspicion not brilliant career, some improper suspicion family door door is wrong, have a plenty of suspicion son-in-law cannot meet the material needs daughter or your own, or find a son-in-law waste like his daughter to marry the parents, and as a result, when they love, after marriage still opposed, and some girl if obey their mother's strong dominant, will hold on mental stress and likewise, if some son-in-law felt mother-in-law severely hurt their self-esteem, or tired of mother-in-law cynicism and supercilious look together, will naturally cause divorce.

359 评论


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