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首页 > 学术期刊 > 跨文化交际课程期末论文题目

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《跨文化交际中的交往禁忌》,《独立学院大学生跨文化交际能力的培养》,《双层面视角浅析跨文化交际》,《语用失误问题与跨文化交际》,《跨文化交际中非言语交际的性别差异》,《日语的“暧昧性”及其在跨文化交际中的不利性》,《浅议外语教学中跨文化交际意识的提高》,《跨文化交际中的影响因素》,《跨文化交际与中西文化差异探究》,《交际能力与跨文化交际》,《教师培养学生跨文化交际能力意识的现状分析》。 以上是部分论文题目摘要,关于跨文化交际方面的论文很多,大部分是关于语言方面包括商务英语、英语教学、其他语种的词汇等。其次较多的是跨文化交际能力的培养方面,再次便是文化差异方面了。如需相关已发表论文可代搜检并发至邮箱。

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With Christmas a little over a week away,you may be looking to make your holiday shopping a little easier by ordering and sending some of your friends and family gift boxes of cheese,meats or delicious desserts.If you are planning to send or receive perishable foods by mail that will decay rapidly if not refrigerated,follow these tips to keep them safe. Meat,poultry,fish and other perishable foods need to be handled carefully and in a timely manner in order to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria,which could cause food-borne illness.These items,whether store bought or homemade,need to be handled properly. Perishable food gifts must arrive cold to be safe to eat.If you receive a gift that is not cold at the time of delivery,do not eat it!Instead,notify the sender.It is better to be safe than sorry.Food gifts marked “Perishable” or “Keep Refrigerated” need to be opened immediately and placed in the refrigerator or freezer. If you are ordering food gifts,specify overnight delivery and request a frozen gel pack or dry ice in the packaging.Transit time and product packaging — foam or heavy cardboard designed to keep them cold — are also vital. Food prepared at home may also be shipped to friends and family,but care is required.First,be sure to follow proper food safety procedures,such as hand washing and prevention of cross contamination when preparing foods.Once you are ready to ship the foods,make sure items are frozen solid or refrigerator cold before shipping.Pack in an insulated cooler or heavy cardboard box with a frozen gel pack.You may also use dry ice,but don’t let it touch your hands or the food.Let the recipient know the box contains dry ice.Wrap the box in two layers of brown paper and mark it “Perishable — Keep Refrigerated.” Ship perishable food gifts by overnight mail and try not to send packages at the end of the week,as delivery could be delayed over the weekend.Let the recipient know a food-bearing package is on its way,so someone can be home to accept delivery and get the food under refrigeration immediately.It is best to send food gifts to someone’s home instead of their workplace.Food can be accidentally left at the office or in the trunk of a car.Confirm that someone will be home and send your surprise to their house.

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