不是 《声学学报》(中、英文版)两刊,是中国科学院声学研究所主办,中国声学学会、声学学报编辑委员会编辑出版的学术性刊物,刊载具有创造性的声学研究论文、实验性论文和重要应用性论文(包括实验工作、理论和应用研究、仪器研制)。《声学学报》(ACTA ACUSTICA, Chinese version) and the 《Chinese Journal of Acoustics》 (in English) are the publications of the Institute of Acoustics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, edited by the Acoustical Society of China and the Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Acoustics, to publish original works in all branches of acoustics, and to promote the international understanding and collaboration in the field of acoustics.《声学学报》(ACTA ACUSTICA, Chinese version) is bimonthly, six issues in a year with about 96 pp of scientific material in each issues, distributed through post office of China. ISSN: 0371--0025, CODEN SHGHAS.《Chinese Journal of Acoustics》 (in English) is quarterly, four issues in a year, 96 pages, distributed abroad through Allerton Press Inc. New York. ISSN: 0217--9776, CODEN CJACDS.
问题一:论文的标题用加书名号吗? 一般来说都是不需要的.除非你们有要求要加上.你可以去看看网上的论 *** 个参考,都是没有书名号的. 书名号一般用于标明
论文后一定要写上参考文献。为了反映文章的科学依据、作者尊重他人研究成果的严肃态度以及向读者提供有关信息的出处,正文之后应列出参考文献表。 按照GB/T 7714