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首页 > 学术期刊 > 电子信息工程毕业论文翻译

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论文中英对照,可能有错误,但应该不会很多。概述: Overview: 电气工程及其自动化的触角伸向各行各业,小到一个开关的设计,大到宇航飞机的研究,都有它的身影。 Electrical Engineering and Automation tentacles all walks of life, small to a switch designed to study aerospace aircraft, has its shadow. 本专业生能够从事与电气工程有关的系统运行、自动控制、电力电子技术、信息处理、试验技术、研制开发、经济管理以及电子与计算机技术应用等领域的工作,是宽口径“复合型”高级工程技术人才。 Health professionals can be engaged in the electrical engineering and operation of the system, automatic control, power electronics technology, information processing, testing technology, research and development, economic management, and electronic and computer technology applications in areas such as the work is宽口径"compound" High engineering and technical personnel. 该领域对高水平人才的需求很大。 High-level talents in the field of high demand. 据估计,随着国外大企业的进入,在这一专业领域将出现很大缺口,那时很可能出现人才供不应求的现象。 It is estimated that with the entry of large foreign enterprises in the fields of expertise will be a big gap, then there is likely to personnel shortage. 一、专业综合介绍 First, a synthesis of professional 电气工程及其自动化专业是电气信息领域的一门新兴学科,但由于和人们的日常生活以及工业生产密切相关,发展非常迅速,现在也相对比较成熟。 Electrical Engineering and Automation of electrical information professional is an emerging field of science, but because of people's daily lives and industrial production is closely related to the extraordinarily rapid development of relatively more mature now. 已经成为高新技术产业的重要组成部分,广泛应用于工业、农业、国防等领域,在国民经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用。 High-tech industry has become an important component of the widely used in industry, agriculture, national defense and other fields, in the national economy is playing an increasingly important role. 控制理论和电力网理论是电气工程及自动化专业的基础,电力电子技术、计算机技术则为其主要技术手段,同时也包含了系统分析、系统设计、系统开发以及系统管理与决策等研究领域。 Control theory and electrical network theory is a professional electrical engineering and automation of the base, power electronics technology, computer technology is its main technical means, but also includes a system analysis, system design, system development and system management and decision-making research. 该专业还有一些特点,就是强弱电结合、电工电子技术相结合、软件与硬件相结合,具有交叉学科的性质,电力、电子、控制、计算机多学科综合,使毕业生具有较强的适应能力,是“宽口径”专业。 There are some characteristics of the profession, that is, combining the strength of power, electrical and electronic technology, software and hardware combined with a cross-disciplinary nature, electricity, electronics, control, computer integrated multi-disciplinary, so that graduates with strong adaptation capacity, is "宽口径" professional. 电气工程及其自动化专业对广大考生有很强的吸引力,属于热门专业,高考录取分数线往往要比其他专业方向高许多,造成这一情况的主要原因有:①就业容易,工作环境好,收入高;②名称好听,专业内容对学生有吸引力; 社会宣传和舆论导向对其有利。 Electrical Engineering and Automation of the majority of candidates have a strong appeal, are popular professional, college entrance examination admission than is often high in many other professional direction, resulting in the situation of the main reasons: ① job easier, a good working environment, income high; ② the name of good, professional content attractive to students; social advocacy and public opinion in his favor. 该专业方向有着非常好的发展前景,研究成果较容易向现实产品转换,而且效益相当可观。 The direction of the profession has a very good development prospects, research products more easily converted to reality, and considerable benefits. 他创造性的研究思路吸引着众多考生,这里的确是展示他们才能的好地方。 His research and creative ideas to attract a large number of candidates, where they can really show a good place. 但是鉴于国内现在的形式,考生在报考该专业的时候应该注意以下两点: However, in view of the domestic form of the present candidates in time to apply the profession should pay attention to the following two points: (1)充分考虑自己的兴趣。 (1) give full consideration to their interests. 也许自己本来并不对该方向感兴趣,但是许多人都说好,于是自己就“感兴趣”了。 Perhaps their interest was not the direction, but many people say that good, so they are "interested in" the. 这对以后的发展是很不利的,毕竟兴趣是最好的老师。 This future development is very negative, after all, interested in is the best teacher. (2)衡量自己的综合素质。 (2) to measure the overall quality of their own. 电气工程及自动化专业需要具有扎实的数学、物理基础,较强的外语综合能力,为今后能够掌握并且灵活运用专业知识做准备。 Electrical engineering and automation with a solid professional needs of mathematics, physics basis for a strong comprehensive foreign language capabilities, for future flexibility in the use of and access to expertise to prepare. 该专业方向的人才需求虽然大,但可供选择的人也很多,如果没有非常强的综合素质,很难在众人之中脱颖而出,取得突出成绩。 The demand for professional talent while the direction, but to choose a lot of people, if there is no overall quality is very strong, it is difficult to stand out among the people, have achieved outstanding results. 也许这对许多胸怀远大志向的考生来说是不能接受的。 This may cherish lofty aspirations of many of the candidates is unacceptable. 当然,这里所说的两点是否可行也和学生个人的追求有关,如果一个人追求仅限于一份较好的工作,该专业的确是一个不错的选择。 Of course, the two points mentioned here and also the feasibility of the pursuit of individual students, and if a person is limited to the pursuit of a better work, the profession is indeed a good choice. 但是,如果想在科技创新方面做出突破性的贡献还是要建立在个人实力以及刻苦努力的基础上,馅饼是决不会无缘无故从天上掉下来的。 However, if you want to make a breakthrough in scientific and technological innovation or contribution to the establishment of personal strength and hard work on the basis of the pie for no reason at all will not come knocking on the door. 由于本专业研究范围广,应用前景好,毕业生的专业素养相对较高,因此就业形势非常好。 Because of this wide range of professional research, applications, and professional graduates is relatively high, so the employment situation is very good. 我国现在非常需要该专业方向的人才,小到一个家庭,大到整个社会,都离不开这些专业人才的工作。 Our country is now a great need for the direction of the professional personnel, as small as a family as large as the whole community can not be separated from the work of these professionals. 通常情况下,学生毕业后可以选择国有的质量技术监督部门、研究所、工矿企业等;也可以是一些外资、私营企业,待遇当然是相当可观的。 Under normal circumstances, students can choose the state after graduating from the quality and technology supervision department, research institutes, industrial and mining enterprises, etc.; also can be a number of foreign investment, the private sector, the treatment is considerable. 如果学生能力足够强,又在学习期间积累了比较好的研究成果,完全可以自己创业,闯出一片属于自己的天空。 If enough students, and also in the learning accumulated during the relatively good results, can be our own business, break a piece of the sky belongs to them. 需要指出的是,由于国外在该专业方向的研究要领先于我们,因此如果想要有进一步的发展,确立自己在国内该方向的领先地位,出国深造是一个不错的选择。 It should be noted that as a result of foreign professionals in the direction of research should lead us, so if you want to have further development, and identify their roles in the domestic leading position in that direction, go abroad for further study is a good choice. 电气工程及其自动化专业代码:080601。 Electrical Engineering and Automation code: 080601. 二、专业教育发展状况 Second, the development of professional education 电气工程与自动化专业是理、工、文相结合,融机械工程、艺术学和计算机设计于一体的新型交叉学科专业之一。 Electrical Engineering and Automation is the science, engineering, the combination of financial engineering, art and computer design in one of the new cross-disciplinary professionals. 主干学科包括电子工程、计算机科学与技术、控制科学与工程。 Backbone of disciplines, including electrical engineering, computer science and technology, control science and engineering. 本专业产生于70年代,首先在英国的牛津大学,首次实现的是直流电的控制方式,那时候执行元件的驱动电压是直流的,控制电压也是直流的,自动化系统的工作方式是很简单、粗糙的,精度也很低。 Resulting in 70 of the professional era, first of all, the Oxford University in England, the first time that the DC control, then the implementation of components of the drive voltage is a DC control voltage is DC, the automation system is very simple, rough accuracy is very low. 但直流的控制方式由于其历史的久远而被人们所熟知,自然而然的人们想到了用直流电去控制交流执行元件。 However, the control of DC because of its long history has been well-known people, people naturally think of using the DC component to control the exchange of implementation. 随着晶体管、大功率晶体管、场效应管等大功率的电子器件的出现和成熟、以及建立在场的理论上、以现代数学、矩阵代数为理论依据的弱电强电控制系统更使电子技术与自动化达到新的历史高度。 With the transistor, high-power transistors, FET high-power electronic devices, such as the emergence and maturity, as well as the establishment of the presence of the theory, modern mathematics, matrix algebra of the weak theoretical basis for the strong electrical control system of electronic technology and automation to reach a new historical high. 至此,本专业得到了广泛的发展,日本、美国、英国及其他国家的大学也纷纷设立了本专业,在这一时期的成果也并不少,诸如完成数控机床,车间厂房自动控制的工作已经是新的课题。 So far, this has been a wide range of professional development, Japan, the United States, Britain and other countries have also established the University of the professional, the results during this period and also quite a few, such as the completion of CNC machine tools, factory automation work shop is a new topic. 电子技术与自动化、计算机的有机结合,赋予电子工程及自动化专业以全新的内涵。 Electronic technology and automation, the organic integration of computer, electronic engineering and automation to give a new meaning of professional. 无人操纵,系统简化,格局合理,即插即用型的产品成为新宠。 No manipulation, the system simplified, reasonable structure, plug-and-play products to become the new darling. 建国初期(1949—1966)我国许多大学设立了本专业,主要实践性教学环节包括电路与电子技术实验、电子工艺实习、金工实习课程设计、生产实习、毕业设计,并为国家培养了许多的这方面人才。 The founding of the early (1949-1966) established in many universities in this profession, the main practice teaching links include the experimental circuit and electronics technology, electronics technology training, curriculum design metalworking practice, production internships, graduate, and the culture of many countries in this fields. 他们已成为本行业的专家学者,分布在我国许多省、市,成为骨干力量。 They have become the industry experts and scholars in China's many provinces, cities and become the backbone of. “文革”期间,由于受政治的影响,全国的高等院校相继停止招生,本专业受到了很大的影响,先是老师被批斗,后来学校根本办不下去了,只能停止招生。 "Cultural Revolution" period, because of political influence, the country's institutions of higher learning have to stop recruitment, the professional has been a great impact, first teacher was criticized and denounced, and later run schools do not go on, only to stop enrollment. 但是,即便如此,许多老师并没有停止研究。 But even so, many teachers did not stop the research. 他们知道电子工程及自动化对我国的现代化建设起重要的作用,因而,在这一时期,并没有放弃对专业的研究和探索。 They know that in electrical engineering and automation of the modernization of China's important role to play, which, in this period, and did not give up on the professional research and exploration. 改革开放以后,在党中央的正确领导下,大学恢复了招生,本专业也发展起来,许多大学设立了本专业,并陆续招生,每年为国家培养大量的高级复合型人才,包括学士、博士等高级知识分子,特别是目前,各专业扩招,本专业的招生量也在上升。 After reform and opening-up in under the correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the University Admissions restored, the profession has developed, many universities set up a professional, and have students trained each year a large number of high-level compound talents, including the degree, Dr. intellectuals, especially, expansion of the professional, the professional capacity of students is also rising. 虽然我国在这方面的发展还没有站在世界的最前沿,但随着我国综合国力的提高,对外交往的增加,我们已经逐渐缩小与发达国家的差距。 Although China's development in this area is also not on the side of the world's most cutting-edge, but with the improvement of China's overall national strength, the increase in foreign exchanges, we have gradually narrowed the gap with the developed countries. 具有代表性的是:每秒3000亿次计算机研制成功;纳米技术的掌握;模拟技术的应用。 Representative is: 300 billion times per second, the successful development of a computer; nano-technology to master; simulation technology. 一个不容忽视的问题摆在我们面前:如何迎接新技术革命的挑战? A problem that can not be ignored before us: how to meet the challenges of the new technological revolution? 经过本专业的老师和同学的共同努力,把电子工程及自动化专业拓展开来,分为“电力系统及其自动化”和“电子信息工程”,涵盖原有“绝缘技术”、“电气绝缘与电缆”、“电机电器及其控制”、“电气工程及其自动化”、“应用电子技术”和“光源与照明”等几个专业方向。 After the professional efforts of teachers and students to electrical engineering and automation professions open to expand into, "Power System and Automation" and "Electronic and Information Engineering", covering the original "insulation technology", "Electrical Insulation and cable "," Electric Motor and Control "," Electrical Engineering and Automation, "" the application of electronic technology "and" light and lighting, "and several other professional direction. 设有“高电压与绝缘技术”、“电机与电器”、“电力电子与电力传动”和“电工理论与新技术”、“高电压与绝缘技术”博士学位方向。 With "High Voltage and Insulation Technology", "Electric Machines and Electric", "Power Electronics and Electric Power Transmission" and "electrical theory and new technology", "High Voltage and Insulation Technology" doctorate direction. 并以工业产品设计为基础,应用计算机造型、设计、实现工业产品的结构、性能、加工、外形等的设计和优化。 And the design of industrial products based on the application of computer modeling, design, realization of the structure of industrial products, performance, processing, shape and other design and optimization. 该专业培养适应社会急需的,既有扎实科学技术基础又有艺术创新能力的高级复合型技术人才。 The professional training needed to adapt to society, both based on solid scientific and technological innovation capability and high-level art composite technology. 本专业着重培养学生外语、计算机应用、产品造型、设计等实际工作能力,实现平面设计、立体设计等产品设计的全面智能化。 Focus on the professional training of students in foreign languages, computer applications, product modeling, design of practical work, such as the ability to achieve graphic design, three-dimensional design, product design, intelligent all-round. 该专业毕业生可从事工业产品造型设计、计算机应用、视觉传达设计、环境设计、广告创意、企业形象策划等行业的教学、科研、生产、开发和管理工作。 The graduates can be engaged in industrial product design, computer applications, visual communication design, environmental design, advertising creative, corporate image planning, such as industry, teaching, scientific research, production, development and management. 囊括了电路原理、电子技术基础、电机学、电力电子技术、电力拖动与控制、计算机技术(语言、软件基础、硬件基础、单片机等)、信号与系统、控制理论等课程。 Include circuit theory, electronic and technological base, and electric machinery, power electronics, electric drive and control, computer technology (languages, software infrastructure, hardware, microcontroller, etc.), signals and systems, control theory and so on. 高年级还根据社会需要学习柔性的、适应性强、覆盖面宽的专业课及专业选修课。 High-grade based on the needs of the community to learn flexibility, adaptability, wide coverage of elective courses and professional. 同时也进行电机与控制实验、电子工程系统实验、电力电子实验等。 At the same time also the experimental and control the electrical and electronic engineering experiments, such as power electronics experiments. 一直以来,我国在CIMS,自动控制,机器人产品,专用集成电路等等方面有了长足的进步。 All along, our CIMS, automatic control, robotics products, application specific integrated circuit and so on has made substantial progress. 例如:“基于微机环境的集成化CAPP应用框架与开发平台”开发了以工艺知识库为核心的、以交互式设计模式为基础的综合智能化CAPP开发平台与应用框架(CAPPFramework),推出金叶CAPP、同方CAPP等系列产品。 For example: "Computer-based integrated environment CAPP application framework and development platform" to develop a knowledge base as the core technology to interactive design based on the model of the integrated intelligent CAPP development platform and application framework (CAPPFramework), the introduction of Golden CAPP, with CAPP and other side products. 具有支持工艺知识建模和动态知识获取、各类工艺的设计与信息管理、产品工艺信息共享、支持特征基创成工艺决策等功能,并提供工艺知识库管理、工艺卡片格式定义等应用支持工具和二次开发工具。 With the support process modeling and dynamic knowledge of knowledge acquisition, the design of various types of technology and information management, product process information sharing in support of the characteristics of generative process-based decision-making functions, and provide technology Knowledge management, technology applications such as card format support of the definition of tools and secondary tools. 系统开放性好,易于扩充和维护。 System openness, and easy expansion and maintenance. 产品已在全国的企业,特别是CIMS示范工程企业,推广应用,还研制了自动控制装置及系列产品,红外光电式安全保护装置,大功率、高品质开关电源的开发。 Products have been in the country's enterprises, especially enterprises CIMS demonstration project to promote the application, as well as the development of the automatic control devices and products, infrared photoelectric safety protection device, high power, high-quality switching power supply development. 机器人产品包括移动龙门式自动喷涂机,电动喷涂机器人,柔性仿形自动喷涂机,往复式喷涂机,自动涂胶机器人,框架式机器人,搬运机器人,弧焊机器人的研制。 Products include mobile gantry robot automatic spraying machine, electric spraying robot, flexible profiling automatic spraying machine, reciprocating spray machines, automatic coating robots, robot frame, handling robots, welding robot. 以上这些产品的开发应用还只是电子工程与自动化在生产中的一个侧面,不足以反映其全貌。 Over the development and application of these products are only in electrical engineering and automation in the production of one aspect does not adequately reflect the full picture. 在国外先进技术的冲击下,从各个方面进行新一轮技术重组。 In the impact of foreign advanced technology from all aspects of the reorganization of a new round of technology. 形势是严峻的,同时也充满机遇。 The situation is serious, but also full of opportunities.

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[过程控制] 基于单片机实现单回路智能调节.. [电子通讯] 脉冲数字频率计 [机床仪表] 仪表机床数控系统的设计(论文.. 磁流体发电论文 [电子通讯] 基于VC++6.0的PC机与单片机串行.. [电子通信] 通信毕业翻译(移动通信技术的.. [电子] 利用单片机制作数字式时钟 [电子] 虚拟仪器温室大棚温度测控系统 [电子通讯] 基于MATLAB遗传算法工具箱的控.. [电子通讯] 红外遥控防盗密码锁 [电子工程] 电子电路噪声的研究 [电子] 51系列单片机教学实验板硬件设计 [毕业论文英文资料] 步进电机基本控制电.. [毕业论文英文资料] CAN总线在远程电力抄表系统中的应用 [电子] 管道液化气智能检测与控制系统 [电力] 发电厂继电保护整定和定值管理系统.. [电子工程] R、L、C测量仪 [电子] 家庭取暖燃气锅炉温度控制系统设计 [电子] 塑料大棚保温程序设计 [电力工程设计] 110kV变电站电气一次部分设.. [电子通讯] VHDL 课 程 设 计 [电子通讯] 多参数测井仪单片机编码系统 [电子信息工程] 图像处理,毕业论文答辩文.. [电子信息工程] 图像处理,人脸检测,毕业.. [电子工程] 空调机温度制系统 [电子通讯] 基于PWM的按摩机传动控制电路设.. [光学工程] 铌酸锂晶体光折变性能的提高及.. [电子信息] 移动目标的识别技术 [电子通讯] 数字化星用扩频应答机的设计和.. [图像技术] 基于内容的图象检索的方法研究.. [自动化] 工厂变配电室监测系统 [毕业设计] [毕业设计]异步电机串级调速系.. [毕业设计] [毕业设计]异步电机串级调速系.. [电子通讯] 电子音乐的设计 [管理系统] 知识管理系统 [电子通讯] 多功能视力保护器 电子通讯] [电子通讯] 基于EISA总线的高速数据采集卡.. [课程设计] 数字电路课程设计 [电子通信] 电子软件的研究 [电子通信] 抢答器设计 [电子通讯] 单片机控制音乐播放 [电子通讯] 工业顺序控制子]基于DSP的自适应均衡器的设计及实现 [电工电子课程设计]模拟电路课程设计 , [电子通讯] 带实时日历时钟的温度检测系统 , [电子通讯] 基于PID算法的电机转速控制系统.. [电力电子] 110KV地区变电站保护设计 [电子通讯] 城市流动人口IC卡管理系统, [电子通讯] 防盗报警器的设计 [电子通讯,] 多媒体教室的组建 [电子电路设计] 多功能函数发生器 , [电力电子] 110终端变电站电气部分设计 , [自动化] 退火炉计算机温度控制系统课程设.. [电子信息与工程] 电台节目管理与自动播放.., [电子通讯] 基于PLC的加工中心控制系统的设.., [电子信息工程] PCA与LDA的融合算法在性别.. , [电子通信] 电梯控制系统设计, [自动化] 智能楼宇自动化系统 >, [自动化] 基于嵌入式技术对纺织控制系统改.. [输煤系统] 2X200MW火电机组输煤系统毕业设.. [材料结构] 阻水型电力电缆材料及结构设计 [电子信息与工程专业] 八路音、视频切换开.. [电子信息与工程专业] 电视台播控系统的硬盘化改造 , [电子信息与工程专业] 矿井低压电网过流保护中的相序检测, [电子信息与工程专业] 矿井低压电网过流保护中的相序检测 , [电子通信] 直放站技术, FDTD法在单极天线特性分析中的应用, [电力电子] 35KV变电站的电气部分设计书 , [电力电子] 110KV变电站的电气部分设计 , [电力电子] 110KV变电站的电气部分设计,

170 评论


1.电子与通信工程  无线网络  光通信  多媒体通信

2.网络  软件技术在通信工程  微波工程  信息通信工程

3.人工智能  生物信息学  软件工程  信号处理

4.嵌入式系统  编码  音频/语音信号处理  图像/视频处理和编码

5.医学成像和图像分析  应用电子生物医学电子  工业电子和自动化  机器人

6.电子设备在通信  电子工程  神经网络的应用  工业自动化与控制

7.设备建模与仿真  VLSI设计与测试  微加工、微传感器和MEMS 光电子和光子技术

8.工艺技术  纳米技术  信息技术  通信和车辆技术

9.电力系统和电子  控制系统  生物医学工程  生物医学成像

10.图像处理和可视化  生物医学信号处理和分析  医疗数据存储和压缩技术  生物医学建模

11.生物信息学  计算机和信息科学嵌入系统  信息工程和应用  电气工程与应用

12.控制工程和应用  通信技术与应用  服务科学  工程和应用

13.生物信息学和应用  能源和交通方面的智能方法

Ø 出版社:SPIE(The International Society for Optics and Photonics)光学学会

Ø 检索核心:EI SCI

Ø 发表方法:在线投稿或EASYCHAIR

Ø 缩写:ICEIE2017

Ø 周期:投稿后在2-3周内会有审稿结果,在会议结束后3-6个月完成论文的出版和检索

Ø 合作单位:山东大学(威海)

Ø 时间:2017年09月16-17日

Ø 发表流程

u 投稿→审稿→审核结果通过→录用通知→论文注册→注册成功→参加会议→会议完成→论文出版→论文检索→完成


130 评论


你的论文准备往什么方向写,选题老师审核通过了没,有没有列个大纲让老师看一下写作方向?老师有没有和你说论文往哪个方向写比较好?写论文之前,一定要写个大纲,这样老师,好确定了框架,避免以后论文修改过程中出现大改的情况!!学校的格式要求、写作规范要注意,否则很可能发回来重新改,你要还有什么不明白或不懂可以问我,希望你能够顺利毕业,迈向新的人生。(一)选题毕业论文(设计)题目应符合本专业的培养目标和教学要求,具有综合性和创新性。本科生要根据自己的实际情况和专业特长,选择适当的论文题目,但所写论文要与本专业所学课程有关。(二)查阅资料、列出论文提纲题目选定后,要在指导教师指导下开展调研和进行实验,搜集、查阅有关资料,进行加工、提炼,然后列出详细的写作提纲。(三)完成初稿根据所列提纲,按指导教师的意见认真完成初稿。(四)定稿初稿须经指导教师审阅,并按其意见和要求进行修改,然后定稿。一般毕业论文题目的选择最好不要太泛,越具体越好,而且老师希望学生能结合自己学过的知识对问题进行分析和解决。不知道你是否确定了选题,确定选题了接下来你需要根据选题去查阅前辈们的相关论文,看看人家是怎么规划论文整体框架的;其次就是需要自己动手收集资料了,进而整理和分析资料得出自己的论文框架;最后就是按照框架去组织论文了。你如果需要什么参考资料和范文我可以提供给你。还有什么不了解的可以直接问我,希望可以帮到你,祝写作过程顺利毕业论文选题的方法:一、尽快确定毕业论文的选题方向 在毕业论文工作布置后,每个人都应遵循选题的基本原则,在较短的时间内把选题的方向确定下来。从毕业论文题目的性质来看,基本上可以分为两大类:一类是社会主义现代化建设实践中提出的理论和实际问题;另一类是专业学科本身发展中存在的基本范畴和基本理论问题。大学生应根据自己的志趣和爱好,尽快从上述两大类中确定一个方向。二、在初步调查研究的基础上选定毕业论文的具体题目在选题的方向确定以后,还要经过一定的调查和研究,来进一步确定选题的范围,以至最后选定具体题目。下面介绍两种常见的选题方法。 浏览捕捉法 :这种方法就是通过对占有的文献资料快速地、大量地阅读,在比较中来确定论文题目地方法。浏览,一般是在资料占有达到一定数量时集中一段时间进行,这样便于对资料作集中的比较和鉴别。浏览的目的是在咀嚼消化已有资料的过程中,提出问题,寻找自己的研究课题。这就需要对收集到的材料作一全面的阅读研究,主要的、次要的、不同角度的、不同观点的都应了解,不能看了一些资料,有了一点看法,就到此为止,急于动笔。也不能“先入为主”,以自己头脑中原有的观点或看了第一篇资料后得到的看法去决定取舍。而应冷静地、客观地对所有资料作认真的分析思考。在浩如烟海,内容丰富的资料中吸取营养,反复思考琢磨许多时候之后,必然会有所发现,这是搞科学研究的人时常会碰到的情形。 浏览捕捉法一般可按以下步骤进行: 第一步,广泛地浏览资料。在浏览中要注意勤作笔录,随时记下资料的纲目,记下资料中对自己影响最深刻的观点、论据、论证方法等,记下脑海中涌现的点滴体会。当然,手抄笔录并不等于有言必录,有文必录,而是要做细心的选择,有目的、有重点地摘录,当详则详,当略则略,一些相同的或类似的观点和材料则不必重复摘录,只需记下资料来源及页码就行,以避免浪费时间和精力。 第二步,是将阅读所得到的方方面面的内容,进行分类、排列、组合,从中寻找问题、发现问题,材料可按纲目分类,如分成: 系统介绍有关问题研究发展概况的资料; 对某一个问题研究情况的资料; 对同一问题几种不同观点的资料; 对某一问题研究最新的资料和成果等等。 第三步,将自己在研究中的体会与资料分别加以比较,找出哪些体会在资料中没有或部分没有;哪些体会虽然资料已有,但自己对此有不同看法;哪些体会和资料是基本一致的;哪些体会是在资料基础上的深化和发挥等等。经过几番深思熟虑的思考过程,就容易萌生自己的想法。把这种想法及时捕捉住,再作进一步的思考,选题的目标也就会渐渐明确起来。

121 评论


我晕 5姐怎么还学习了?? 家庭智能化系统, 报警主机使用说明 , 微机灯光控制系统, IC卡片介绍 ADSL 路由功能的配置

221 评论


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