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徐斌研究员主要承担草原植被生态遥感监测、草原沙化和退化遥感监测 、草地资源规划评价和草原沙化治理等多方面的任务。主持项目和课题等30余项,包括国家自然科学基金重大项目一级课题、863计划、国际合作项目以及农业部等课题。课题任务主要集中在草原生产力、草畜平衡、草原长势、返青、草原沙漠化、草原水热旱情等遥感监测等方面。获省部级科技奖5项,中国农业科学院一等奖1项,登记软件著作权6项,申报国家专利2项,主编和参编著作7部,在《International Journal of Remote Sensing》、《中国科学》、《生态学报》、《地理研究》、《中国草地学报》等国内外学术刊物上发表学术论文110余篇,至今培养了博士后2人,博士生6人和硕士生5人。此外,从1999年起每年主持中国农业科学院研究生院“生态学专题讲座”。 ①“中国草原植被遥感监测关键技术研究与应用” ,获2009年度农业部中华农业科技奖一等奖,第一完成人;②“基于MODIS的中国草原植被遥感检测关键技术研究与应用” ,获2009年度北京市科学技术二等奖,第一完成人;③“冬牧70黑麦种养殖与农业结构调整技术示范”,获2003年农业部丰收计划奖三等奖,第3完成人;④“省级资源环境信息服务示范研究与应用”,获2002年北京市科技进步奖三等奖,第2完成人。⑤“中国土地利用/土地覆盖变化研究”,获2006年北京市科学技术二等奖,第8完成人。⑥“省级资源环境信息服务示范研究与应用”,获2002年中国农业科学院科技进步奖一等奖,第2完成人。 [1] 徐斌(主编). 草原保护建设与饲料生产加工. 北京:中国科学技术出版社,2004.[2] 徐斌,杨修等编著. 西藏自治区林芝县天然林资源与保护. 北京:中国环境科学出版社,2003.[3] 徐斌(副主编). 中国重点生态建设地带农业资源可持续利用研究. 北京:气象出版社,2004.[4] 徐斌,杨秀春,金云翔等,2011,第四章,青藏高寒牧区草原资源遥感监测与评价(59-89);第五章,青藏高寒牧区冬虫夏草资源评价研究(90-118)(约10万字);范小建主编,2011,扶贫开发与青藏高原减灾避灾产业发展研究,中国农业出版社. [1]B Xu, X C Yang, W G Tao, Z Qin, H Q Liu, J M Miao, YY Bi, 2008, MODIS-based Remote Sensing Monitoring of Grass Production in China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(17-18): 5313-5327. [SCI][2] Qin Zhihao, Xu B, Xin X., Zhou Q., Zhang H., Liu J., 2004, Integration of remote sensing and GIS technology to evaluate grassland ecosystem health in North china. International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium, VI: 4034-4037, September 20-24, 2004, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.[EI][3] Qin Zhihao, XuBin, Liu J., Zhang W., Zhang H., 2004, Monitoring land use dynamics for ecological degradation assessment in the rim zone of North China using MODIS and Land TM data. International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium, VI: 4021-4024, September 20-24, 2004, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. [EI][4] Qin Zhihao, Xu B., Zhang W., Li W., Zhang H., 2004, Comparison of split window algorithms for land surface temperature retrieval from NOAA-AVHRR data. International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium, VI:3740-3743, September 20-24, 2004, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. [EI][5] Yuxia Zhu; Zhihao Qin; Bin Xu; Maofang Gao; Huan Pei, 2007, An approach for desertification monitoring in Hulun Buir grassland of Inner Mongolia, China (Proceedings Paper), Proceedings Vol. 6752, Geoinformatics 2007: Remotely Sensed Data and Information, Weimin Ju; Shuhe Zhao, Editors, 675223. Date: 26 July 2007, DOI: 10.1117/12.760762. [EI][6] Lu Liping, Qin Zhihao, XU Bin, Tao Weiguo, Jianglipeng, 2007, Remote sensing monitoring of grass growing in grassland ecosystems of China, Geoinformatics 2007, Remotely Sensed Data and Information, May 25-27, Nanjing, China. Proceedings of SPIE, 0277-786X, v.6752 675225-1-9. [EI][7] Ruijie Wang, Zhihao Qin, Bin Xu, Xiaoyong Zhang, Maofang Gao, 2007, Using vegetation photosynthesis model to estimate net primary production of rangeland ecosystem in Inner Mongolia of China, Geoinformatics 2007, Geospatial Information Science, May 25-27, Nanjing, China. Proceedings of SPIE, 0277-786X, v.6753 67532S-1-8. [EI][8] Kebiao Mao, Zhihao Qin, Manchun Li, Lixin Zhang, Bin Xu, Lingmei Jiang, 2006, An Algorithm for Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval Using the Microwave Polarization Difference Index, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS06). [EI][9] Kebiao Mao, Zhihao Qin, Bin Xu, Manchun Li, Jianming Wang Shengli Wu, 2005. The Influence Analysis of Water Content for the Accuracy of Practical Split-window Algorithm, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS05), 5: 3266 - 3268. [EI][10] Zhihao Qin, Yuxia Zhu, Wenjuan Li, Bin Xu, 2008, Mapping vegetation cover of grassland ecosystem for desertification monitoring in Hulun Buir of Inner Mongolia, China. Proceedings of SPIE, (7104): 71040C-1~71040C-12. 16-18 September 2008, Cardiff Wales, United Kingdom. [EI][11] Maofang Gao, Sanchao Liu, Zhihao Qin, Jianjun Qiu, Bin Xu, Wenjuan Li, Xiuchun Yang, Jingjing Li, 2008, Integration of remote sensing with GIS for grassland snow cover monitoring and snow disaster evaluating in Tibet. Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology VIII, Ulrich Michel; Daniel L. Civco; Manfred Ehlers; Hermann J. Kaufmann, Editors, 13 October 2008, DOI: 10.1117/12.800047. [EI][12] Lei Gao, Zhihao Qin, Bin Xu, Liping Lu, Huan Pei, 2007, Mapping drought status of winter wheat from MODIS data in North China Plain. Proceedings of SPIE, (6752): 675229-1~675229-10. 25-27 May 2007, Nanjing, China. [EI][13]Bin Xu, Zhongxin Chen, Zhihao Qin, Jia Liu, Guixia Yang, et al.. 2005, Application of GIS technology to build climatic scene in 2036 and 2056 in China. IEEE 2005 International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium,Jul., 2005, Soul, South Korea,5110-5113. [EI][14]Bin Xu, Zhihao Qin, Jia Liu, Zhongchao Shi,Xiuchun Yang, Guixia Yang, 2005, Remote Sensing Monitoring of Grassland in Key region of North China. IEEE 2005 International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium,Jul., 2005. Soul, South Korea,3266-3269. [EI][15] Xu Bin, Yang Xiuchun, Tao Weiguo, Qin Zhihao, et al., 2006, MODIS-based Remote Sensing Monitoring upon the Grass Production in China. Second Recent Advances in Quantitative Rremote Sensing. ISBN: 84-370-6533-X. Printed in Spain by Guada Impresores.698-703. [EI][16]Xu Bin, Tao Weiguo, Yang Xiuchun, Qin Zhihao, et al., 2006, Vegetation Growth Monitoring in the Grassland of China Using MODIS Remote Sensing Data. Second Recent Advances in Quantitative Rremote Sensing. ISBN: 84-370-6533-X. Printed in Spain by Guada Impresores.704-707. [EI][17]B Xu, Z. Chen, et al., 2002, Hydrothermal Background Data Layer and Planting System of China,Application of Remote Sensing technology for the management of agricultural resources, 115-120. [EI][18] B Xu, Z Chen et al., 2002, Spatial Relationship Between Grassland in Restoration and Climate. Application of Remote Sensing technology for the management of agricultural resources, 20-26. [EI][19]Xu Bin, Yang Xiuchun, Tao Weiguo, Qin Zhihao, et al.. 2007, Remote sensing monitoring upon the grass production in .China.Available online . Acta Ecologica Sinica, 27(2): 405−413.[20] 金云翔,徐斌,杨秀春,李金亚,王道龙,马海龙,2011,内蒙古锡林郭勒盟草原产草量动态遥感估算. 中国科学:生命科学,12(41):1185-1195.(通讯作者) [21] 徐斌,杨秀春,2009,东北草原区产草量和载畜平衡的遥感估算. 地理研究,28(2):402-408.[22] 金云翔,徐斌,杨秀春,覃志豪,高懋芳,吕海燕,朱立博,2010,青藏高原那曲地区冬虫夏草资源分布空间分析方法. 生态学报,30(6):1532-1538.(通讯作者)[23] 李亚云,杨秀春,朱晓华,徐斌, 2009,遥感技术在中国土地荒漠化监测中的应用进展. 地理科学进展,28(1):55-62.[24] 李金亚,杨秀春,徐斌,曹云刚,覃志豪,金云翔,赵莉娜, 2011, 基于MODIS与AMSR-E数据的中国6大牧区草原积雪遥感监测研究. 地理科学,9(31):1097-1101.[25] 李金亚,徐斌,杨秀春,金云翔,李亚云,张济,赵莉娜,李润林, 2011,锡林郭勒盟草原沙化动态变化及驱动力分析——以正蓝旗为例. 地理研究,9(30):1669-1682. (通讯作者)[26] 杨秀春,曹云刚,徐斌,朱晓华, 2008, 中国北方草原积雪遥感监测:2007.10-2008.3期间. 地理研究,27(5):1109-1117.[27] 杨秀春,朱晓华,徐斌,李亚云, 2008,辽西北地区土地荒漠化研究及其进展. 灾害学,23(2):117-122.[28] 朱玉霞,覃志豪,徐斌, 2007,基于MODIS数据的草原荒漠化年季动态变化研究--以内蒙古自治区为例. 中国草地学报,29(4):2-7.[29] 白可喻,徐斌,邱建军, 2007,基于GIS的中国苜蓿资源分布和生产力分析. 中国草地学报,29(4):15-20.[30] 陶伟国,徐斌,杨秀春, 2007,草原产草量遥感估算方法发展趋势及影响因素. 草业学报,16(2):1-8. (通讯作者)[31] 杨秀春,徐斌,朱晓华,陶伟国,刘天科, 2007,北方农牧交错带草原产草量遥感监测模型. 地理研究,26(2):213-221.[32] 陶伟国,徐斌,缪建明,杨秀春,覃志豪,2006,草地遥感估产中不同尺度信息源关联方法对比及评价. 中国草地学报,28(4):68-74. (通讯作者)[33] 覃志豪,高懋芳,秦晓敏,李文娟,徐斌,2005,农业旱灾监测中的地表温度遥感反演方法—以MODIS数据为例. 自然灾害学报,14(4):64-71[34] 覃志豪, 李文娟, 徐斌, 陈仲新, 刘佳, 2004, 陆地卫星TM6波段范围内地表比辐射率的估计. 国土资源遥感, 9: 28-36.[35] 毛克彪, 覃志豪, 徐斌, 2005, 被动微波土壤水分反演模型研究.测绘与空间地理信息, 28(5):12-14.[36] 姜立鹏, 覃志豪, 谢雯, 徐斌, 2006, 基于MODIS数据的草地净初级生产力模型探讨.中国草地学报, 28(6): 72-76.[37] 毛克彪, 施建成, 覃志豪, 宫鹏, 徐斌, 蒋玲梅, 2006, 一个针对ASTER数据同时反演地表温度和比辐射率的四通道算法.遥感学报, 10(4): 593-599.[38] 毛克彪, 施建成, 李召良, 覃志豪, 李满春, 徐斌, 2006, 一个针对被动微波AMSR-E数据反演地表温度的物理统计算法. 中国科学D辑(地球科学), 36(12): 1170-1176.[39]徐斌, 陶伟国, 杨秀春, 覃志豪, 刘海启, 缪建明, 2006, 中国草原植被长势MODIS遥感监测. 草地学报, 14(3):242-247.[40]徐斌,杨秀春,侯向阳,陶伟国,覃志豪, 2007, 草原植被遥感监测方法研究进展. 科技导报, 25(9): 5-8.[41] 陶伟国,徐斌,刘丽军,杨秀春,覃志豪, 2007, 不同利用状况下草原遥感估产模型. 生态学杂志, 26(3): 332-337. (通讯作者)[42] 徐斌,辛晓平,陶伟国,覃志豪, 2005, 草地超载状况该如何应对. 中国牧业通讯,(21):48-50.[43]徐斌,侯向阳,王道龙, 2004,沙尘暴的危害及农业防治措施. 生态科学,23(1):60-63.[44] 曹云刚,杨秀春,徐斌,朱晓华,2007,MODIS在青藏高原大范围积雪制图中的应用及存在的问题. 科技导报,25(21):51-54.[45] 杨秀春,徐斌,2007,土壤风蚀农业区实施保护性耕作技术的策略研究. 科技导报,25(19):65-69.[46] Qin Zhihao, Xu B., Liu J., Zhang W., 2004, Applications of GIS and RS for land use dynamics monitoring in the Rim Zone of North China. Geoinformatics. Proc. 12th Int. on Geoinformatics-Geospatial Information Research: Bridging the Pacific and Atlantic University of Gavle ,Sweden, 7-9 June 2004.[47]B Xu, X Xin, Z Qin, H Liu, Z Chen, G Yang, W Wu, Q Zhou, and X Wu, 2004, Development of spatial GIS database for monitoring on dynamic state of grassland productivity and animal loading balance in north China. Geoinformatics 2004–Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Geoinformatics: Geospatial Information Research: Bridging the Pacific and Atlantic, University of Gävle, Sweden, 7-9 June 2004, Gävle University Press, vol. 2, 585-592.[48] Z Qin, B Xu, W Li, W Zhang and J Liu, 2004, Integration of ground sampling with satellite imaging through GIS database to monitor rangeland productivity for grazing in north China. Geoinformatics 2004–Proc. 12th Int. 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272 评论


(1) Comparison of eight models for reconstructing multi-satellite sensor time-series NDVI data sets in the Heihe River Basin, China,Remote Sensing,2014,通讯作者 (2) Classifying cropped area in the heihe river basin in China using multi-temporal NDVI data,Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,2014,通讯作者 (3) Validation of the MODIS NDVI Products in Different Land-use Types Using in Situ Measurements in the Heihe River Basin,IEEE GRSL,2014,通讯作者 (4) 基于遥感和Penman-Monteith模型的内陆河流域不同生态系统蒸散发估算,生态学报,2014,第2作者 (5) 冻融过程与陆地生态系统的相互关系研究进展,遥感技术与应用,2014,第2作者 (6) The effects of different simultaneous estimation methodsand temperature decencies on parameter inversion of photosynthesis models,Photosynthetica,2014,第2作者 (7) 时间序列遥感数据重建方法比较研究进展,遥感技术与应用,2014,第2作者 (8) Crop Leaf Area Index Observations with a Wireless Sensor Network and Its Potential for Validating Remote Sensing Products,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,2014,第5作者 (9) Long-term environmental impact assessment of agricultural land transition ,International Journal of Society Systems Science,2013,第3作者 (10) Heihe Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research (HiWATER): Scientific Objectives and Experimental Design,Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,2013,第5作者 (11) Validation of MODIS GPP product at ten flux sites in northern China,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2013,第2作者 (12) Applications and researches of geographic information system technologies in bibliometrics,Earth Science Informatics,2013,通讯作者 (13) Seasonal Variation of Vegetation Productivity over an Alpine Meadow in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China: Modelling the Interactions of Vegetation Productivity, Phenology, and the Soil Freeze-Thaw Process,Ecological Research,2013,第2作者 (14) 遥感GPP模型在高寒草甸的应用比较,遥感学报,2012,第2作者 (15) A revised surface resistance parameterisation for estimating latent heat flux from remotely sensed data,International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation,2012,第4作者 (16) Vegetation Primary Production Estimation at Maize and Alpine Meadow over the Heihe River Basin, China,International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation,2012,第2作者 (17) AVHRR、VEGETATION和MODIS时间系列遥感数据产品现状与应用研究进展,Development Status and Application Research of the time series remote sensing data products Based on AVHRR, VEGETATION and MODIS,遥感技术与应用,2012,第1作者 (18) A statistical analysis of relationship between climatic factors and NDVI in China,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2011,第2作者 (19) Validation of MODIS land surface temperature products using ground measurements in the Heihe River Basin, China ,Proceedings of SPIE,2011,第2作者 (20) Scaling from instantaneous remote-sensing-based latent heat flux to daytime integrated value with the help of SiB2, Proceedings of SPIE,2011,第2作者 (21) GPP estimation over Heihe River Basin, China,Proceedings of SPIE,2011,第2作者 (22) MODIS地表温度产品的验证研究—以黑河流域为例,遥感技术与应用,2011,第2作者 (23) A LUT-based approach to estimate surface solar irradiance by combining MODIS and MTSAT data,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,2011,第2作者 (24) Research trend analysis of study areas in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau based on the spatial information mining from scientific literatures,Proceedings of SPIE,2011,第2作者 (25) 黑河流域NDVI周期性分析及其与气候因子的关系,遥感技术与应用,2011,第2作者 (26) Veroustraete Frank. Comparison and conversion of AVHRR GIMMS and SPOT VEGETATION NDVI data in China,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2010,第2作者 (27) 黑河综合遥感联合试验自动气象站数据质量控制与产品生成,遥感技术与应用,2010,第2作者 (28) 时序NDVI数据集重建综合方法研究,遥感技术与应用,2010,第2作者 (29) Groundwater response to leakage of surface water through a thick vadose zone in the middle reaches area of Heihe River Basin, in China,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,2010,第2作者 (30) 黑河综合遥感联合试验WATER 试验地面观测数据质量控制与评价,遥感技术与应用,2010,第1作者 (31) 黑河流域遥感-地面观测同步试验:森林水文和中游干旱区水文试验,地球科学进展,2009,第1作者 (32) 张掖市水利工程现状信息系统开发与应用研究,遥感技术与应用,2009,第1作者 (33) The change of land cover and land use and its impact factors in upriver key regions of the Yellow River,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2009,第3作者 (34) Wetland resource investigation of the north suburban of the Zhangye City Based on the Airborne CCD images,Proceedings of SPIE,2009,第1作者 (35) 动态全球植被模型的研究进展,遥感技术与应用,2009,第2作者 (36) Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research,Journal of Geophysical Research,2009,第4作者 (37) Assimilation of soil moisture in LPJ-DGVM, Proceedings of SPIE,2009,第2作者 (38) Spatial information mining and visualization from Qinghai Tibet Plateaus literature based on GIS,Proceedings of SPIE,2009,第2作者 (39) 基于遥感的湖泊水域动态变化监测研究进展,遥感技术与应用,2009,第2作者 (40) 遥感技术在毒草识别中的研究进展,遥感技术与应用,2009,第2作者 (41) 基于数码照片的狼毒盖度估算,地球科学进展,2009,第2作者 (42) 基于LPJ模型的制种玉米碳水通量模拟研究,地球科学进展,2009,第2作者 (43) 基于不同郁闭度的青海云杉冠层截留特征研究,地球科学进展,,2009,第2作者 (44) 1973-2006年新疆若羌湖泊群遥感动态监测研究,冰川冻土,2008,第1作者 (45) Study on the oasis landscape fragmentation in northwestern China by using remote sensing data and GIS: a case study of Jinta oasis,Environmental Geology,2008,第3作者 (46) 基于GIMMS AVHRR NDVI数据的中国寒旱区植被动态及其与气候因子的关系,遥感学报,2008,第2作者 (47) 黑河流域遥感-地面观测同步试验:科学目标与试验方案,地球科学进展,2008,第2作者 (48) Change in area of the Ebinur Lake during the 1998 – 2005 period,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2007,第1作者 (49) A distance variable to simulate the urban population,Proceedings of SPIE,2007,第2作者 (50) Precipitation and temperature control the greening trend in northwest China during 1982-2003,Proceedings of SPIE,2007,第1作者 (51) 基于遥感与GIS的甘肃省公路工程困难指数计算,中国公路学报,2007,第1作者 (52) Validating the MODIS LAI Product by Scaling up LAI Measurements at a VALERI Alpine Meadow Site, China,Proceedings of SPIE ,2007,第1作者 (53) 基于SPOT VEGETATION数据的中国西北植被覆盖变化分析,中国沙漠,2006,第2作者 (54) 1982-2003年中国西北地区植被动态变化格局分析,遥感技术与应用,2006,第2作者 (55) GIS在甘肃省公路自然区划研究中的应用,遥感技术与应用,2006,第1作者 (56) 基于遥感的植被年际变化及其与气候关系研究进展,遥感学报,2006,第1作者 (57) Interannual variability of vegetation cover in the Chinese Heihe River Basin and its relation to meteorological parameters,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2006,第1作者 (58) Reconstructing Pathfinder AVHRR Land NDVI time-series data for the Northwest of China,Advances in Space Research,2006,第1作者 (59) nvestigating the relationship between ground-measured LAI and vegetation indices in an alpine meadow, north-west China,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2005,第4作者 (60) A classification of forest and grassland in the Gansu Province of China using integrated SPOT VEGETATION, topographical and meteorological data,Proceedings of SPIE,2004,第1作者 (61) 基于遥感和GIS的干旱区绿洲景观破碎化分析-以金塔绿洲为例,中国沙漠,2004,第2作者 (62) 基于遥感与GIS的黄土丘陵生态监测系统研究-以定西地区四县为例,中国沙漠,2003,第1作者 (63) 基于RS与GIS方法的干旱区绿洲景观格局变化研究-以金塔绿洲为例,中国沙漠,2003,第1作者 (64) Ecological evaluation and planning of loess hilly semi-arid region – A case study on Dingxi Prefecture, China,Proceedings of SPIE,2003,第2作者 (65) Quantifying Landscape Pattern and Human impacts on Oases Using Remote Sensing and GIS,Proceedings of SPIE,2003,第2作者 (66) n Approach to Extract Oasis’s Corridor Information in Arid Region from LandSat ETM Images- A Case of Gaotai Oasis, China,IGARSS03,2003,第1作者 (67) 过去21a中国西北植被覆盖动态监测与模拟研究,冰川冻土 ,2003,第1作者 (68) Quantifying land use and land use change of loess hilly semi-arid region – A case of Dingxi County, China,Proceedings of SPIE,2003,第1作者 (69) Monitoring of Land Cover Changes in Northwest China During the Past Decade using AVHRR data,Proceedings of SPIE ,2003,第1作者 (70) 干旱区农业绿洲景观格局研究,农村生态环境,2003,第2作者 (71) Study on the oasis corridor landscape in the and regions based on RS and GIS methods - application of Jinta Oasis, China,Journal of Environmental Sciences,2003,第1作者 (72) 定西半干旱地区生态环境遥感动态监测分析,水土保持通报,2002,第2作者 (73) VR-GIS技术在数字流域飞行模拟中的应用,遥感技术与应用,2002,第2作者 (74) 青藏铁路信息系统数据库设计,冰川冻土,2002,第1作者 (75) 全国冰川编目数据库元数据标准及应用研究,地理学报,2002,第1作者 (76) 利用NOAA_CHAIN监测近10a来中国西北土地覆盖的变化,冰川冻土,2002,第1作者 (77) 黑河流域TM/ETM+影像数字镶嵌图的制作与应用研究,冰川冻土,2002,第1作者 (78) 基于遥感与地理信息系统的SRM融雪径流模型在Alps山区流域的应用,冰川冻土,2001,第2作者 (79) 中国冰冻圈网络数据库设计,冰川冻土,2000,第1作者

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    徐斌研究员主要承担草原植被生态遥感监测、草原沙化和退化遥感监测 、草地资源规划评价和草原沙化治理等多方面的任务。主持项目和课题等30余项,包括国家自然科学基金重

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