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首页 > 学术期刊 > 电气设备维修毕业论文英文摘要

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theNetwork protection to protect network and its equipment, appreciating their importance and technical characteristics of scientific research, design, operation and dispatching departments. Grid structure, network operation mode, the system failure form and abnormal way change multiterminal, for quick, reliable and selective fault and termination of the abnormal state power, long-term since, research and production of various line protection, busbar protection and automatic reclosing and frequency automatic solutions, reducing load device list, meet the demand for electric power grid, the support, play an important role. This study is about 220KV power of relay protection, the master and consolidate the design of power system protection of related professional knowledge, be familiar with the theory of power system protection design steps and design skills, according to the technical standard, the selection and configuration of the relay protection, the correctness of the selection and training in engineering practice application ability, innovation ability and the ability to work design is based on guangxi university undergraduate and graduate institute of electrical up the graduation design. The design of the main content is 220KV power relay protection and the setting, because all sorts of relay protection, adapt to the changes in power system operation ability is limited, relay protection setting both their skill and relay protection configuration and selection problem, therefore, to relay protection setting schemes with different will have different protection effect, how to determine the optimal solution, the work will be engaged in the protection of engineering and technical personnel of : electric current relay protection distance protection performance累..

321 评论





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6、英文关键词:“Key Words”顶格,使用四号字并加粗。每个关键词使用四号字。








191 评论


Summary:Reasonable allocation experiment instrument, the usage helps a Ci method to measure large transformer to round a set three Xin five pillars low-pressure internal Cape connect direct current electric resistance and in order to resolve 3381(or other model numbers) integral whole machine the spot damage hour of meet an emergency a test problem, and in experiment of regulation etc.. Keyword:Help a Ci method, the reasonable allocation experiments instrument and three Xins are five pillars low-pressure internal Cape. Summary:This text described modern combination electric appliances of the electric power high pressure equipments GIS exchanges to bear to press an on trial characteristics, and regulation in experiment etc.. Keyword:The GIS combines an electric appliances, communicate to bear to press, regulation. Summary:Use the KVs TPX-250s/1 As type establishes Xie to flap device to hand over to the 110 kVs allied gather ethylene electric cable to carry on communicating to bear to press, communicate to bear to press to experiment regulation and analysis. Keyword:Hand over allied gather ethylene electric cable, the frequency modulation establishes Xie to flap device and communicate to bear to press to experiment. Summary:This text described the characteristics of modern electric power net electromagnetism radiation of the high pressure equipments, the electric power business enterprise can keep on the reason of development, the bane of electromagnetism radiation, improvement transformer substation on duty the personnel's work environment etc.. Keyword:Electric power pollution, can keep on a development, work environment. Summary:This text introduced an electric capacity type with each other the structure and electricity of the insulate of feeling machine to work tradition tests on trial data comparison of the method test of method and improvement empress, the solid example explained an improvement behind of experiment the method can be correct diagnosis equipments to insulate blemish. Keyword:Experiment a method improvement, obtain result.

294 评论


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