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首页 > 学术期刊 > 电动汽车的发展前景论文英文文献

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查到10篇关于电动车的文献。我想能适合楼主的可能有个一篇两篇吧。如果楼主感兴趣,可以发邮件到,我发给你全文。[1]O'Keefe, M., K. Bennion, and . Laboratory, Comparison of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Power Electronics Cooling Options. 2008: National Renewable Energy Laboratory.[2]Shabashevich, A., et al., Consumer Ready Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle. Team-Fate, University of California, Davis. http://www. teamfate. net/technical/UCDavis_Spring2007_TechReport. pdf, 2007.[3]Rousseau, A., S. Pagerit, and D. Gao. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Control Strategy Parameter Optimization. 2007.[4]Syed, F., et al., Derivation and Experimental Validation of a Power-Split Hybrid Electric Vehicle Model. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, 2006. 55(6): p. 1731.[5]Moreno, J., M. Ortúzar, and J. Dixon, Energy-Management System for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Using Ultracapacitors and Neural Networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 2006. 53(2).[6]Miller, J., Hybrid Electric Vehicle Propulsion System Architectures of the e-CVT Type. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2006. 21(3): p. 756-767.[7]Markel, T. and A. Simpson. Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Storage System Design. 2006.[8]Wang, C., O. Stielau, and G. Covic, Design considerations for a contactless electric vehicle battery charger. Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, 2005. 52(5): p. 1308-1314.[9]Musardo, C., et al. A-ECMS: An Adaptive Algorithm for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Management. 2005: IEEE; 1998.[10]Faiz, J., et al., Sensorless direct torque control of induction motors used in electric vehicle. Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on, 2003. 18(1): p. 1-10.

298 评论


CAN bus in the electric vehicle monitoring system of Abstract Now, CAN, high-performance and reliability has been recognized and was widely used in industrial automation, marine, medical equipment, industrial equipment, and so on. Field Bus is the development of automation technology One of the focuses of the area known as automated computer LAN. It is a distributed control system to achieve real-time between the nodes, reliable data communications providing strong technical support. CAN bus belonging to the scene of the areas, it is an effective support for real-time control of distributed control or serial communication network. Compared with many of the current RS-485 based on the R line Construction of the Distributed Control System, based on the CAN bus distributed control system has obvious advantages. In this paper, occupies a lot of relevant information based on the comprehensive use of various methods of the CAN bus in the electric vehicle monitoring system in the application of theory and an analysis of development issues, and some of the problems raised his own views. The full text is divided into four parts: The first part of the main topics on the background and content of the subjects studied in the context of topics to write on the CAN bus status and significance in the research described in the content of the object of measurement requirements and complete the task of this paper. The second part, write data acquisition module design, from the SJA1000 CAN-based communications port design, acquisition, the electric car design; electric car design capacity of the collection node consists of three parts. The third part, mainly to write the electric vehicle monitoring network design, the first Fieldbus awakened comparison and choice, selected after the introduction of the CAN bus, the last of the SJA1000 CAN bus controller is introduced. The fourth part is really on the reliability of the system design for discussion, data from the calibration, the anti-jamming software and hardware design of the anti-jamming design in three areas to address the reliability of the system problems. Key words :Fieldbus; CAN bus; SJA1000; nodes;

314 评论


Computer aided design of an axial-field PM brushless DC motor for an electric vehicle, Concept of the “KAZ”, the Start of a New Generation in Car Design, Conceptual Design of Hybrid Electric Vehicle for Urban Use in China, Consumer Education - An Essential Element in the Acceptance of the Electric Vehicle, Control and Management Strategies for the Delphi High Power Lithium Battery, Control of a Continuously Operated Pole-Changing Induction Machine, Control of compact hybrid drive consisting of PM motor and planetary transmission CVT,Control of independent rear wheel drives for electric and hybrid vehicles using one neuro-fuzzy controller, Controller-induced parasitic torque ripples in a PM synchronous motor, Coordination of Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles, Coupled Electrochemical and Thermal Analysis of Electric-Vehicle Battery Modules, Current Activities of Standardisation in Japan, Current Status Report on . Department of Energy Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Storage R&D Programs, Current-mode control for sensorless BDCM drive with intelligent commutation tuning, DaimlerChrysler EPIC Minivan Powered by Lithium-Ion Batteries, Design and analysis of a new multiphase polygonal-winding permanent-magnet brushless DC machine, Design and development of the 2001 Michigan Tech FutureTruck, a power-split hybrid electric vehicle, Design and development of the 2002 Comell University hybrid electric vehicle, Design and development of the 2002 Michigan Tech FutureTruck, a parallel hybrid electric vehicle, Design and development of the 2002 Penn State University parallel hybrid electric explorer, the Wattmuncher。翻译计算机辅助设计轴向场永磁无刷直流电动机的电动车,概念的“哈萨克斯坦” ,开始了新一代车设计,概念设计的混合动力电动车在城市中使用,消费者教育-一个基本要素接受电动车,控制和管理战略,德尔福高功率锂电池,控制不断操作变极异步电机,紧凑的控制组成的混合动力驱动永磁电机和行星传动无级变速器,控制独立后轮驱动的电动和混合动力车使用一个神经模糊控制器,控制器诱导寄生转矩脉动的永磁同步电机,协调收费站的电动车,加上电化学与热分析的电动汽车电池模块,当前的活动标准化在日本,目前状况的报告对美国能源部电力和混合动力电动汽车储能研发项目,电流模式控制传感器无刷直流电动机驱动器与智能折算调整,戴姆勒克莱斯勒史诗休旅本站由锂离子电池,设计与分析新的多相多边形绕组永磁无刷直流电机,设计和发展的2001年密歇根理工FutureTruck ,权力分割混合动力电动汽车,设计和发展的2002年康奈尔大学的混合动力电动汽车,设计和开发的技术在2002年密歇根州FutureTruck ,一个平行式混合动力电动汽车,设计和发展的2002年宾夕法尼亚州立大学并联式混合动力电动Explorer时, Wattmuncher

156 评论



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