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首页 > 学术期刊 > 时尚杂志编辑英文

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等等吧 你的想法胡改变的啊 至少和现在就会不一样别急 你才大一 你可以修双学位 先去听听课 然后你再决定是否修双学位

105 评论


VOGUE "the magazine in enters in front of China, already has 15different national and the local editions. The American version"VOGUE" the magazine was born in 1892, its Kang theShi company has afterwards promoted the English version (in 1916) withthe French version (in 1921). Natrium Shi Mr. is the modern magazine layout founder. He is firsthires the artist to hold the post of the magazine photographer thepublisher. "VOGUE" the magazine also is in the world first uses thecolor photography performance fashionable clothing work the magazine. In 1959, filled Mr. Miao to purchase "VOGUE" the magazineand its the correlation magazine, and has promoted more editions inother countries and the area: Including Australian version (in 1959),Italian version (in 1965), Brazilian version (in 1975), German version(in 1979), Spanish version (in 1988), South Korean version (in 1996),Russian version (in 1998) as well as Japanese version (in 1999) and soon. "VOGUE" the magazine until now still had by the family. "VOGUE" the magazine now is in the world one of most importantmagazine brands. This achievement benefits to it emphasized the editorindependent policy and receives the highest edition standard theobjective. Each month "VOGUE" the magazine has the faithful reader which global18000000 most has the influence. In global each place, "VOGUE" themagazine by the designer, the writer and the artist esteems for thestyle and the fashion authority. In each country and the area, "VOGUE" the magazine all thelocalization which she establishes a new school, makes every effortfrom the unique angle of view to reflect publishes the locus theculture. At the same time, she to the correlation profession supportfunction is unequalled. Especially what is worth mentioning, "VOGUE"the magazine impelled the global fashion industry development. Now very many renowned designers all are the magazine are excavatedfrom "VOGUE". In the world some apex photographer - like MarioTestino, Steven Meisel, Patrick Demarchelier and Irving Penn - in themagazine has developed the enterprise since long ago in "VOGUE" whichthey succeeds. "VOGUE" the magazine idea is hires the most specialized editor, in theunion world the most outstanding designer, most has the talent thephotographer and the model, create in the market by the highestmanufacture standard the best quality magazine. "VOGUE" the magazineis recognized as the world most leading fashion magazine.

222 评论



219 评论


《COSMOPOLITAN》杂志是世界上销售规模最大的年轻女性杂志,因向年轻白领女性介绍流行时尚、探讨当代两性关系而闻名遐迩;《ELLE》是一本世界性的时尚杂志,专注于女性服装、美容、健康和娱乐等各个方面。ELLE也是世界上最大的时装杂志;《嘉人》是一本独特的美容杂志,一本个性的时装杂志,一本搜索女性灵魂的杂志!是世界顶级的高档女性期刊之一,以一种浪漫的生活方式帮助读者达到她梦想中的生活。《英国时尚杂志》集美容,时尚,家居和幸福等等的一切内容于一体。《marie claire》是世界顶级的高档女性期刊之一,推崇时尚潮流的同时她也将刷新女性杂志一贯的形象。《FLARE》作为一本加拿大杂志,它的专题与别的杂志经常使用美国或者国际明星不同。以上是我所了解的英文时尚杂志,根据您个人兴趣来选择哦!

246 评论


"VOGUE" magazine in China, already has 15 different countries and regions version. . version of the "VOGUE" magazine was born in 1892. his publishers Kangtainashi company then launched a British version (1916) and the French edition (1921). Nashi is the modern magazine layout of the founders. He was the first to employ an artist, as a magazine photographer of the publisher. "VOGUE" magazine is the world's first color photographic works of performance and fashion magazines. In 1959, Samuel R, Mr. Newhouse bought a "VOGUE" magazine and its related magazines, and other countries and regions launched more Version : Australian edition (1959), Italian edition (1965), Brazil edition (1975), the German version (1979), Spanish edition (1988), the Korean edition (1996), Russian edition (1998) and the Japanese edition (1999). "VOGUE" magazine has still Newhouse family-owned. "VOGUE" magazine is the world's most important magazine brands. This achievement owes its emphasis editorially independent policy and uphold the highest standards of editorial purposes. The monthly "VOGUE" magazine has the world's most influential 18 million faithful readers. In the world, "VOGUE" by the magazine designers, writers and artists respected as a style and fashion authority. In various countries and regions, "VOGUE" magazine has highlighted her unique positioning, from the unique perspective of the publication sought to reflect the cultural location. Meanwhile, she related industries supporting role is incomparable. What is worth mentioning is that the "VOGUE" magazine to promote the global development of the fashion industry. Many of today's leading designers are from the "VOGUE" magazine has been tapped. Some of the world's top photographers -- such as Mario Testino, Steven Meisel, Patrick Demarchelier and Irving Penn -- for a long period of time "VO GUE "magazine to develop their successful careers. "VOGUE" magazine, the idea was to hire the most professional editors, with the world's most outstanding designers, the most talented photographers and models, with the highest production standards to create market the highest quality magazines. "VOGUE" magazine has been recognized as the world's leading fashion magazines.

207 评论


你的方向应该是 平面设计一类的吧,不过,平时建议你还是好好看看英语专业的书,本身专业也不好学呢,你现在是大一,以后可能想法会变,所以先学好英语专业的知识,可以试着去听听其他专业的课,美术,设计什么的,做杂志需要的东西也很杂,你最好能有一门拿得出手的 ,不能什么都知道一点,却没有精通的。

251 评论



282 评论


《COSMOPOLITAN》杂志:是世界上销售规模最大的年轻女性杂志,因向年轻白领女性介绍流行时尚、探讨当代两性关系而闻名遐迩。自从1886年创刊 以来,《COSMOPOLITAN》杂志一直报道现代社会潮流。上个世纪60年代,在海伦·布朗编辑方针的领导下,《COSMOPOLITAN》向妇女发 出了在当时激进的口号:“勇敢地生活,在你生命的每个领域中你都能做到最好!”现在,《COSMOPOLITAN》已经不仅仅是一本杂志,它同时也是读者 的一种生活方式。主要读者是全球无数的勇敢、娱乐的想在他们生活的各个领域中成为佼佼者的年轻女性。ELLE:是一本世界性的时尚杂志,专注于女性服装、美容、健康和娱乐等各个方面。ELLE也是世界上最大的时装杂志。它在1945年由Pierre Lazareff和他的妻子Hélène Gordon创立。ELLE杂志至今在6大洲已发展为36个版本。目前由法国Lagardère集团拥有。杂志的中国大陆版名称为《世界时装之苑》。

344 评论


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  • 时尚杂志编辑英文

    等等吧 你的想法胡改变的啊 至少和现在就会不一样别急 你才大一 你可以修双学位 先去听听课 然后你再决定是否修双学位

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