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1、设计准则:成为自己的室内设计师[美] 伊莱恩·格里芬





3、艺术的故事[英]Sir. Ernst Gombrich


4、室内设计资料集LEED Reference Guide for Interior Design and Construction




114 评论


The modern indoor design takes an emerging discipline, although is also only near dozens of year matters, but the people to their life, the production activity indoor carry on the arrangement arrangement consciously, even beautifies the decoration, entrusts with the indoor environment by the atmosphere which prays causes, the modern indoor design is the modernism construction important composition content. The modern indoor design widely utilizes each kind of building material, each design technique to be good-looking in the creation. Actually does indoor environment's design contain which things, this is the question which is worth further clarifying. The indoor design mainly refers to under the modern architecture condition, the creation reasonable consummation's construction indoor environment, satisfies material which and the spiritual life need the people grow unceasingly. Now the indoor design more and more receives takes seriously, is because it has the very strong social basis and the full reflection time need. The indoor design is take creates the good indoor space environment as an objective, satisfies the people in indoor to carry on the production, the life, the work, the rest request to put in the first place, therefore in indoor design time must consider fully the use function request, causes the indoor environment rationalization, comfortable, the scientific style; Must consider that people's plan of action deals with the spatial relations, the spatial size, the spatial proportion; The reasonable disposition arrangement and the furniture, solve the indoor air ventilation properly, the natural lighting and the illumination, pays attention to the indoor tone the overall effect. Small spatial arrangement, should also by the human primarily, talk about the spatial use, must first grasp five big principles: Upward development; Downward strives for; Elastic utilization; Overlaps the use; The dead angle applies flexibly.

278 评论



217 评论


Person's life, most of the time is spent indoors, so, people design and create the indoor environment, is bound directly to the interior life, the quality of production activities related to people's safety, health, efficiency, comfort, etc.. The creation of the indoor environment, should be conducive to safety and people's physical and mental health as the primary prerequisite for interior design. Simple modern style in the processing of spatial aspects mainly emphasizes the spacious interior space, both inside and outside the transparent space, in graphic design in the pursuit of architectural structure without restricting the freedom of. This style of interior design is economical, comfortable, in line with the requirements of modern life. Early modern interior design of minimalism design theory originated in the west, modernist architect dense right after lo (Miss Van de Rohe ), highly emphasized and advocated less is more design principle, pay attention to functionalism, no decoration, simple but not dull. It pays great attention to the function of attention is also paid to the binding of natural and humane, pay attention to interior detail exquisite performance, also can saying is the central idea of minimalism. It is characterized by design element, color, lighting, material simplifies to the least degree, the structure of space by exact proportion and the detail to reflect. This paper discusses the3D max, Photoshop software such as some basic knowledge, and use these software production style of the living room design : simple style;3D max; Photoshop

314 评论



著书作者:郑曙_ 主编

评价评分:「施工人员的一部很好的工作、学习指导用书」 推荐度★ ★ ★ ★ ★,清晰度★ ★ ★ ★ ☆


2、 设计准则:成为自己的室内设计师

著书作者:〔美〕伊莱恩.格里芬 著

评价评分:「你必须必须看的一本书,纠正你错误的居住观念」推荐度★ ★ ★ ★ ★,清晰度★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

内容介绍:这本书讲到了许多思维方式、习惯,不断挑战你的许多既定的错误认知。 她分享了专业设计师在设计每个房间时用到的设计准则、测量方法、协调比例以及硬道理,这些秘密是在实践过程中很难获知的。

3、 住宅设计解剖书

著书作者: 〔日〕增田奏 著

评价评分: 「了解空间与功能的关系,纠正你错误的思路」 推荐度★ ★ ★ ★ ★,清晰度★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

内容介绍: 你的新家能不能很舒服?这取决于它是不是根据你的生活方式而设计的。 这本图文并茂的书,可以让你超级轻松的理解家中每一个空间的价值、功能和使用要点。它就像一本「小儿书」,却充满了智慧和经验,而且非常细致亲民。

4、 室内设计师专用协调色搭配手册


评价评分:「让心情化作调色的灵感之源」 推荐度★ ★ ★ ★ ★,清晰度★ ★ ★ ★ ☆


5、 装修而已--教你玩史上最创意的小户型设计


评价评分:「为受困于高房价的青年同胞解忧排难」 推荐度★ ★ ★ ★ ★,清晰度★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

内容介绍:时下,越来越多的年轻人被高房价“逼”进了几十平米的小户型。面对如此狭小的空间,如何装修便成为了首席难题:如何最大限度利用空间使得空间显得宽敞?如何在迷你空间彰显个性和品位?央视《交换空间》栏目也多次对他们的设计作品进行了摄制推荐! 书中结合大量精彩实景照片为您破解小户型装修之道。

270 评论


  • 室内设计毕业论文英文

    室内设计毕业论文参考文献一: [1]杨淘,王曌一.基于环境心理学的学习空间室内设计[J].设计,2018(01):132-133. [2]邱海东,符红柳.格式塔

    xyrlovecat 5人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 英文文献室内设计论文


    爬爬的蜜糖 5人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 室内设计毕业论文中英文翻译文献

    1、设计准则:成为自己的室内设计师[美] 伊莱恩·格里芬 设计师伊莱恩•格里芬帮你、教你如何让自己的家变得更具风格、温馨怡人,让你的房屋住起来更舒适、看起来更美

    招财KItty. 5人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 室内设计毕业论文设计


    viki000000 3人参与回答 2023-12-06
  • 室内设计毕业论文中期


    papapaopao 5人参与回答 2023-12-11