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一、要有条不紊要做到答辩时提纲挈领、条理清楚,光靠考场上那一会儿的临场发挥是难以做到的,重要的是要注意平时的训练:一是学会对纷繁复杂的问题进行高度概括,抓住其要旨。二是平时说话时要注意有意识地训练自己语言的条理性。三是学习一些必要的逻辑知识,学会用逻辑的方法来推理演绎问题。二、要声情并茂有的应试者在考场上可能由于紧张或者自信心不足,在回答主考官的提问时,不但神色紧张,而且语言呆板,言之无味。 要做到在答辩时声情并茂,应试者一是对生活要有激情,有乐观向上的态度。二是要充满自信。一个没有自信的人,坐在答辩席上,会情绪紧张,思维也随之迟钝,自然无法说出富有激情的话来。三是营造情境,以情带声。在答辩时,要善于从生活化的事例或个人的主观感受入手,摆事实,讲道理,努力做到晓之以理,动之以情,使评委产生强烈的共鸣,从而使他们看待你的眼光由审视到欣赏,由评判到认同。三、要真诚坦率教师公开招聘面试中,教育人事单位在设计面试试题时,常常有一道或几道测试应试者性格和为人处世原则的题目。有的应试者为了在评委心中留下好印象,对自己的缺点故意隐瞒甚至加以粉饰,结果欲盖弥彰,反倒给人以虚伪的感觉;有的“鹦鹉前头不敢言”,自己内心有看法也不敢大胆表达,给评委一种思想苍白的感觉。这样评委自然不会给你高分。做到真诚坦率地答辩,一是要将自己的个性特点特别是缺点和不足坦诚相告,不加掩饰。二是对别人的优点要发自内心地称赞,不要为了表现自己或突出自己而肆意诋毁他人。三是敢于大胆地表达自己的见解和主张,不畏声畏色,不吞吞吐吐。四是敢于对社会上的一些不良风气提出批评,不粉饰太平,不有意回避。四、要新颖独到老生常谈最容易让人生厌,新颖独到的话最容易吸引听众的注意力。但在答辩时要做到新颖独到绝非易事。笔者认为以下几种方法值得借鉴:一是恰当地引用名人名言、谚语俗话、顺口溜或眼下较为流行的话语来论证或阐述自己的观点。二是可以采用形象化的比喻、拟人或有气势的排比加以表述。三是可以用带有精确数字的事例、不起眼但很有意义的轶闻趣事或经典的历史典故对自己的观点加以补充和升华。

167 评论


"It's hard to use a few words to the characteristics of outline of Japanese society, that ManHuaHua outline of easy. My impression is the culture of Japan with pragmatism audiences." This is the word. Writer scare (1) Japan and China not only geographically, "and is" quite on the culture is "line". Japan inherited Chinese culture, through hard work, continue to innovation, make the culture in the world, this is good at Paramount learning, good at innovation of Japanese. This can't help remind me of Japanese animation industry. Chinese animations origin early, early have shadow puppets, etc. And now, just mention that animation will think of Japanese doraemon, Slam Dunk ace, Japan's animation industry is already the Japanese economy's backbone industries, which of course also and the Japanese innovation consciousness is inseparable, while China's animation industry hasn't been too big progress. 3 product sushi see Japan Since many kinds of sushi, so, taste so no longer is a hard thing sushi, let's take a product yipin sushi: fresh light sushi -- advocate natural The fish in the sushi package is a raw food, the Japanese good food raw food are notoriously, someone said: "there are fish place had sushi". The Japanese is to keep food fresh, just put raw fish eating into rice bag. Japanese is the fear of nature, earthquakes and typhoon: volcano is active, activities, lack of resources will talk about people in letters a topic is scene. Season and Sushi's advocate natural, keep fresh, it is the Japanese pursues. fresh sushi. As is known to all, influenced by Confucianism thought in Japan, especially in the idea of "thought entrenched, Japanese reverence of SAN German prince is to pay attention to" and ". The 37 enacted in he presided over the first sentence in the constitution is "idea". (2) in view of this, the Japanese on the big livestock slaughter, thought and unfeeling, together with Japan plain small, cattle feeding, difficult Japanese seldom eat mutton. After the second world war, because the nutritional value that beef, it gradually eat beef and pork. Moreover, Japan all around, fishing is very convenient linhai, it creates Japanese dishes rarely raw food processing and characteristics. delicate sushi. Because Japan is island, coupled with the lack of resources, and no border, this natural environment neighbours its crisis consciousness dense, always afraid of what natural disasters in Japan to spend, genocide. Therefore, some Chinese preach to culture to Japan and to explain among Japanese. Such as "careless this idiom kill people, Japanese for" oil broken gate. They understand for: no oil (. break later), oil, an acknowledgment of rainy enemy will encountered. Therefore the Japanese associate like China, not for every meal oil to cook, to cherish oil, fuel efficient, live to peace. Therefore Japan as far as possible need not or less oil cooking dishes, as time passes development with delicate fresh for the Japanese dishes for the mainstream. pruning the sushi. Seafood Japanese cuisine, the biggest characteristic is fresh seafood. More than 4,000, seagirt islands by the Japanese islands, mild climate, four distinct seasons, has the advantageous fresh seafood, so to develop their own Marine dishes. Being determines consciousness, the development direction of the dishes on is no exception. In other words, local brew is cooking. Therefore, Japan's most people are very like to eat seafood. Pursue nature, advocate natural, formed the Japanese cuisine characteristics. Japan is a long-lived national average life expectancy, at present the first in the world. In addition to the natural environment and other factors besides, pursue natural diet in which also plays an important role it. delicate sushi -- pursue cuisine beauty Chinese food exquisite "color, aroma, taste", Japanese food is exquisite "color, shape, taste", here was a changed "form" word, the Japanese diet culture characteristics will show up. Japanese food does not pay attention to what you eat out, but special attention to "form". So, Japanese food is to use eyes to taste. It also accords with Japan. Japanese ground is narrow small and large population, protection, no damage to the natural landscape is the custom since ancient times. Japanese people always real beauty of inheriting their ancestors left. In the environment, diet permeated with the implicative inside collect still lets a person cannot ignore beauty. And the importance of the history of ancient Japanese is the eating habits of inherited a dutifully. Therefore, cooking out of the food is as natural scenery, a bunch of flowers to adorn the life of people. 我是用电脑翻译的

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