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首页 > 学术期刊 > 幼儿园食育课程的实践研究论文

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食育是一种回归生活的教育,更是一种回归教育的生活。  在4月17日洛阳市第二实验小学举行的“一间可以长大的教室”培训会上,第2次聆听来自萧山区银河小学朱雪晴校长给我们介绍的“食育课程”。他们学校从小学二年级开始,孩子们都要自己动手学着做早餐。并且每学期每个孩子都要亲手制作一道最喜欢且最拿手的家常菜,以视频或者图片的方式上传给学校,老师会进行及时的统计,学校进行有效的评价,这一点让我颇为感动,也很受震撼。    通过专家的讲述我们能真切的感觉到我们孩子是多么喜欢自己去做食物,自己去实物认知学习东西,对于自己做成的美味的食物是多么自豪!不但丰富了孩子的课堂,并且同时锻炼孩子的动手动脑及思维能力,增加了孩子视觉触觉等方便的感知,增强了孩子对食物种类的认识,更是增强了孩子对食物的原始印象,让孩子在快乐不知不觉中学习成长,同时也增加了孩子学习中的自信心。参与了,体验了,还能让孩子们感受到劳动的艰辛,才能感受到父母和老师对他们的关怀,这就是食育的魅力!     据了解, 周一至周五大部分老师和学生每天吃饭都是随便打发。甚至很多孩子,可能一学期下来就没吃过早餐,全是以“垃圾食品”代替。当然作为老师的我们和孩子们的做法也基本相似,能吃到有营养的且亲手做的早餐,简直微乎其微。我们以前都认为,做顿饭不是很正常的事情吗?可是需要我们思考的是:现在的孩子们有几个能完成这项家庭作业呢? 更让人难以想象的是竟然有很多刚参加工作的老师也位列其中。     晚上回到家没看到儿子,女儿告诉我说,他去同学家“做饭了”,我当时有点不敢相信自己的耳朵。脑海里面想到的最多的就是液化气那么危险他会不会用?油锅热了会不会烫到孩子?越想越觉得不安,拿起手机给孩子打了一个电话,忍不住训了他两句,没想到电话那头他不但没有生气,而且非常开心。最后还怒气冲冲的勒令他:10分钟以内必须回到家 。 当我看着孩子捧着手里的美味的食物,我由衷的感受到孩子的愉悦之情。他自豪的告诉我:“妈妈,这是我自己做的,你快尝尝。”我高兴的吃到嘴里,不是美味可以形容的。当孩子有条不紊的给我讲“做饭”的过程时,真正感觉我的孩子长大了,很是幸福。     另外,偏食和不爱吃水果,应该是现在所有家长都比较苦恼的问题。作为家长我们清楚的知道,培养健康的饮食习惯,这是一个基本点。有些专家认为,从儿童会说话和简单交流起,就要有意识地灌输所有饮食的来源、制作、营养价值,以及怎样吃,吃多少等知识。在连续强化教育中,潜移默化地使他们认识偏食的危害,并自觉做到膳食平衡。儿童接受“食育”后,能将健康的饮食教育让孩子们感兴趣,让每一名学生从改变自身不健康的饮食习惯,从体验制作食物的喜悦,从参与食物的种植,从感谢食物的恩赐,从感恩制作食物的人,让食育能够真正的去影响每一个人,每个家庭,直至我们的下一代。    我们努力过一种幸福完整的教育生活,就有义务让孩子们掌握最基本的生活技能,才能够在未来的社会中更好的学习和工作。所以我们有必要行动起来,让食育课程走进学校,走进课堂,为每一个孩子的健康成长奠基!

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你可以用在线翻译。In the high-speed economic development period after the Second World War, great changes have taken place in Japanese diet. Because the traditional diet culture has been constantly impact of foreign food culture, has exerted a far-reaching influence on the Japanese people's diet structure, diet, environment and other factors, resulting in a series of diet related health problems in Japanese society and culture. In order to solve a series of diet related social problems, the Japanese government promulgated the "basic law" food education, hope from the beginning stages of childhood diet to improve dietary problems by means of the law of national. Since the "food education" one word also began to formally enter the Japanese people's field of vision. Like a raging fire in "food education" as the theme of national activities in Japan, many Japanese people health problem has been greatly improved. Especially the "food education starting point" of the infant food education, is the priority among priorities of the entire food education system. At present, as China's preschool education value degree unceasing enhancement, issues related to children's diet for the center also began to enter the society the public. Especially the children's bad eating habits, physical decline, junk food crisis over food are today's children and even more people of all ages are facing severe problems, at the same time, because of the domestic educational institutions and family of food education for the concept of attention is insufficient, so many children in the pre-school stage didn't get a complete food education. Faced with this dilemma of education, many domestic scholars for Japanese children food education a favor. This paper is on the analysis of the thinking part of contemporary society in China kindergarten children education status of food based, sorts out and summarizes the historical evolution and the successful experience of Japan in infant food education as the research object and do, and in view of our country present infant food education present situation proposed the rationalization proposal. This thesis mainly includes three parts: the first part focuses on the reasons, combing the practice significance, the domestic and foreign related literatures and the research method of this thesis chooses; the second part mainly introduces the Japanese food education thought process of evolution, the theory origin and the practice situation, and focus on the most important education to Japanese food in the system of infant food education as the research object, in combing the early twenty-first Century food education promotion activities at the same time, the factors of implementation details, infant food education activity curriculum, the family environment and the level of teachers were finishing and in-depth summary. The third part by referring to the successful experience of Japanese children's food education as the basis, combined with the practice in some regions of China kindergarten food education, put forward to have the local characteristics, the implementation of the principles in conformity with the national conditions and reasonable suggestions for the contemporary China society development of infant food education, to promote China's infant food education better and faster development, make me our children can more comprehensive development. This study concluded that, the successful experience of Japanese children's food education can effectively solve the problem of contemporary China society children faced in the diet of the problem to a certain extent, worthy of application and popularization in china. Keywords: Japanese food education; food education basic law; infant food education

172 评论


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