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西柚汁中呋喃香豆素会与药物产生不良反应2012年11月26日,加拿大研究人员在《加拿大医学会会刊》上发表论文指出,越来越多的药物被发现与西柚汁同服会引发不良反应,甚至可能导致猝死等严重副作用。研究人员建议人们服用这类药物时应避免饮用西柚汁,勿进食西柚等柑橘类水果。西柚中富含的呋喃香豆素可抑制人体内分解药物的酶活性,从而导致进入血液的药量倍增。药物学家指出,同服一杯西柚汁和某些药物的一片剂量,有时相当于服用20片这种药和一杯水。无意中加大了服药剂量,结果本来是治病的药可能变成“毒药”。加拿大研究人员说,近几年来,可与西柚汁发生反应的药物越来越多,目前已发现85种。其中多数是常用药,例如降胆固醇药、抗生素和用于治疗高血压的钙通道阻滞药。此外,还涉及一些抗癌药和器官移植患者服用的免疫抑制剂。在已知的85种可与西柚汁发生反应的药物中,有43种会导致严重的药物副作用,包括猝死、急性肾衰竭、呼吸衰竭、肠胃出血等。研究人员指出,即便在服药前几个小时吃西柚或喝西柚汁,也可能发生药物反应。可与药物发生类似反应的不仅有西柚汁,还包括所有柑橘类水果及其果汁,例如柑橘、橙子、柚子等 。

153 评论


3000?Patients with obtains the relationship between gender, ageFrom table 1, cephalosporins, obtains cases for caused more than female patients with men, to explore. From the age of 18 ~ 65 years old, with the high incidence, the population ages, more the use of obtainsFrom the table, it may appear, obtains for cephalosporins caused by the time most in one were reviewedWho is the second generation for developing cephalosporin, gram-positive bacterium and gram-negative bacterium has broad-spectrum antimicrobial effect. For in vitro cephalosporins, staphylococcus aureus, to display its streptococcus, fla., neisseria and haemophilus influenzae antibacterial function and the 1st and 2nd generation cephalosporin similar. For in vitro cephalosporins, shows the staphylococcus aureus and white have stronger antibacterial action. Hemolytic streptococcus, pneumococci and streptococcus viridans produce many strains of cefazolin for Ann sensitive. Dung of streptococcus, not for cephalosporins in vitro showed to cefazolin, strong sensitivity for the gram-negative bacterium include escherichia coli, purple jasmine, fla., deformation and white clay. Other for Ann sensitive to cefazolin gram-negative bacterium include drench coccus, fla., salmonella bacteria and fungi, puluowangsi vuitton's. For Ann sensitivity of cefazolin little or no sensitive bacteria including pseudomonas aeruginosa, fla., enterbacteriaceae and weak sense of bacillus, fla., bacillus spindle's positive fungus and deformation of indoles, fla., Mr Charest gram-positive bacterium and function of cefazolin forest near, and to gram-negative bacteria, such as bloodsucking bacili, escherichia coli, crayresearch proteus mirabilis, excellent function, etc, enterbacteriaceae, folic acid, proteus indoles positive have antibacterial function. The mechanism for bacteria on the cell membrane proteins (PBPs) penicillin, ZhuanTaiMei acylation, restrain bacterial cell of the synthesis of influence, and cell cross connection adhesive peptide composition, make the cell division and growth is restrained, bacteria, and finally form length and 256 cases of adverse reactions from the data and Ann are allergic to the highest proportion of adverse reactions, main show is rash, itching, urticaria, erythema, fever etc allergies. When necessary, usable 300 mu g/ml concentration on the solution, prevent skin test of adverse of obtainsFor safety, reasonable and effective application of cephalosporins, use for should be strictly grasp indications and matters needing attention during use, this product to urine analyses, and renal function, if the loss should be stopped. And of aminoglycoside antibiotics combined application, it is generally thought that have synergy, but may aggravate renal damage, with a bit can affect drug effect in Ann and developing of aminoglycoside drug compatibility, when not ms taboo in one container of infants, and the game was drugged, such drugs have allergy history for patients with unfavorable use cephalosporins, intramuscular injection. Renal insufficiency should be reduced and careful.

313 评论


、定义与概念题1、我药品知识产权保护式四种:专利保护、行政保护、商标保护、保密保护2、必须贴特定标识标签药品 麻醉药品、精神药品、外用药、非处药、放射性药品、毒性药品3工艺或服务进行 式鉴定 证明其符合特定标准或其规范性文件4、《药品管理》规定:定价5、写列词干INN文药物译名、作用并举例INN词干 译名 药理作用类别 药品举例-conazole ;二、论述题(要求结合药事管理实践独立见解)1. 实行处药与非处药类管理药品安全性否保证何保证保证实行处药与非处药类管理强化处药管理规范非处药管理处药强调通处药审批、处权限、广告、标签说明书严格管理更利于保证民用药安全效;非处药通医药专家严格遴选通增强自我保健意识规范其标签说明书使民群众用药更加安全效、便、及 许药品具瘾性或毒副反应或使用规定附加要求 或新化合物、新组份新药易产药物滥用、误用、或效用/风险比患者自行使用安需要医师诊断处药师凭处发药才能保证用药安全效目前主要服用处药控制住处药滥用保证用药安全效关键虽能完全解决由经严格训练医、药师、护士主与患者共同解决种处药合理使用种合理用药奠定靠基础根据药品品种、规格、适应证、剂量及给药途径同药品别按处药与非处药进行管理根据药品安全性非处药甲乙两类非处药自我诊断、治疗限于自身疾病毒性公认范围内滥用、误用潜能性般公众能理解药品标签忠告性内容使用药需医师监督实验监测家食品药品监督管理局组织医、药专家按照安全效慎重严结合情西药并重指导思想及用药安全疗效确切质量稳定使用便原则遴选审评非处药目录处药与非处药产管理批发经营要求都致均应实行GSP管理同根据药品良反应检测具安全隐患品种再评价转入处药管理氯霉素眼药水通鼻泪管少量吸收导致骨髓抑制(再障碍性贫血)所已经列入非处药管理氯霉素眼药水转入处药管理进步提高药店工作员业务素质非处药用药安全关键素逐步增加药店药技术员比例加强非处药用药指导行效2. 谈谈药品良反应危害认识我建立良反应报告与监测制度认识答: 自20世纪50代起全世界孕妇服用反应停产约万名海豹畸形件著名药品良反应事件给许家庭新造辈痛苦氨基糖甙类抗素耳毒性致童聋哑般药没副作用关木通等马兜铃科植物所含马兜铃酸肾毒性至毒性肾病敲响警钟《脑血工程》报告指服用含PPA药品病患脑风机高 50%比服用其药物病高23%;更怕 服用含 PPA 控制食欲类药

246 评论


  • 疗效和不良反应研究论文

    、定义与概念题1、我药品知识产权保护式四种:专利保护、行政保护、商标保护、保密保护2、必须贴特定标识标签药品 麻醉药品、精神药品、外用药、非处药、放射性药品、毒

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