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发表论文70余篇,部分论文如下:国际期刊1 Xianchao Zhang; Jingwei Li; Hong Yu. Local Density Adaptive Similarity Measurement for Spectral Clustering, Pattern Recognition Letters, revision, 20102 Xianchao Zhang, Quanzeng You, An improved spectral clustering algorithm based on random walk, Frontiers of Computer Science in China, revision, 20103 Xianchao Zhang, Shimin Shan and Sheng Gao. A Density-Based Clustering Algorithm Suitable to Various Density Dataset. Journal of Computational Information Systems, , 2008,4(4):1417-1426. (EI)4 Xianchao Zhang, Weifa Liang and He Jiang. Flow equivalent trees in node-edge-capacitied undirected planar graphs. Information Processing Letters. 2006, 100(7): 110-115. (SCI, EI)5 Zhang Xianchao, Chen Guoliang and Wan Yingyu. The max-flow problem in undirected planar networks with node capacities being in NC, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2004,19(6):787-790 (SCI, EI)著名国际会议6 Xianchao Zhang, Weifa Liang and Guoliang Chen. Computing Maximum Flows in Undirected Planar Networks with both Edge and Vertex Capacities. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008, 5092: 577-582. (EI) (Rank A)7 Xianchao Zhang, He Jiang, Xinyue Liu and Hong Yu. A Clustering Algorithm Based on Mechanics. The 11th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 07), LNAI 4426, 367-378, 2007. (EI,ISTP) (Rank A)8 Xianchao Zhang, Yu Zong, He Jiang and Xinyue Liu. Data Set Homeomorphism Transformation Based Meta-Clustering. The 7th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2007), LNCS 4489, 661-668, 2007 (EI,ISTP) (Rank A)9 Yu Zong(学生), Xianchao Zhang, He Jiang and Mingchu Li. A Creditable Subspace Labeling Method based on D-S Evidence Theory. The 12th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD’08), 2008. (EI,ISTP) (Rank A)10 He Jiang, Xianchao Zhang and Haoyang Che. Using Gavishi-Grave LP to formulate the directed black and white traveling salesman problem. The 7th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2007), LNCS, 4489, . (EI,ISTP) (Rank A)重要国际会议11 Xianchao Zhang, Yueting Li, Wenxin Liang: C&C: An Effective Algorithm for Extracting Web Community Cores. Workshop in the 15th Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA) 2010: 316-326(EI, ISTP)12 Xianchao Zhang, Wen Xu, Wenxin Liang: Extracting Local Web Communities Using Lexical Similarity. Workshop in the 15th Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA) 2010: 327-337(EI, ISTP)13 Xianchao Zhang, Bo Han, Wenxin Liang: Automatic seed set expansion for trust propagation based anti-spamming algorithms. The 11th ACM International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM 2009): 31-38(EI, ISTP)14 Xianchao Zhang, Xinxin Fan, Hongyu and Xinyue Liu. A Ranking Algorithm via Changing Markov Probability Matrix Based on Distribution Factor. The 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD2008). (EI, ISTP)15 Xianchao Zhang, Xinyue Liu and He Jiang. A Hybrid Approach to License Plate Segmentation under Complex Conditions. The 3rd International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'07), August 26-28, 2007, HaiKou, China, pp. 68-73. (EI, ISTP)16 Xianchao Zhang, Xinyue Liu, Liguo Zhang and Hongyu. G-HITS: A Link Analysis Algorithm Based on Gravitation Model. First International Symposium on Data, Privacy, & E-Commerce (ISDPE 2007). November 1-3, 2007, Chengdu, China, pp149-151(EI, ISTP)17 Xianchao Zhang, Hongyu, Cong Zhang and Xinyue Liu. An Improved Weighted HITS Algorithm Based on Similarity and Popularity. Second International Multisymposium on Computer and Computational Sciences (IMSCCS 2007). August 13-15, 2007, Iowa, USA, (EI)18 Xianchao Zhang, Shimin Shan, Zhihang Yu and He Jiang. A Dispersive Degree based Clustering Algorithm Combined with Classification. 2007 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE2007). 15-16 October 2007, Chengdu, China, (ISTP)19 Zhang Xianchao, Huang Liusheng and Chen Guoliang. A new approach for computing the discrete Fourier transform of arbitrary length. 2000 5th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings (16th World Computer Congress 2000, ), IEEE Press, 2000 (ISTP)20 Zhang Xianchao, Wan Yingyu and Chen Guoliang. A new approach for implementing the arithmetic Fourier transform, Proceedings of the fourth International Conference/Exhibition on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region (HPC-ASIA2000), IEEE Computer Society, 2000国内一级学报21 张宪超, 江 贺, 陈国良. 节点和边都有容量的有向平面网络中的最小截和最大流, 计算机学报, 2006, 29(4): 544-551 (EI)22 张宪超, 徐 云, 陈国良. 算术傅立叶变换的实际实现方法, 电子与信息学报, 2004, 24(6): 935-940 (EI)23 张宪超, 万颖瑜, 陈国良. 一类实际网络中的最小截算法,软件学报, 2003, 14(5): 885-890 (EI)24 张宪超, 陈国良, 万颖瑜. 网络最大流问题研究进展,计算机研究与发展, 2003, 40(9): 张宪超, 陈国良, 小容量网络上的最大流算法, 计算机研究与发展, 2001, 38(2): 194-198 (EI)26 张宪超, 陈国良, 李 宁. 改进的算术傅立叶变换算法, 电子学报, 2001, 29 (3): 329-331 (EI)27 张宪超, 武继刚, 蒋增荣, 陈国良. 离散傅立叶变换的算术傅立叶变换算法, 电子学报, 2000, 28(5): 105-107 (EI)28 张宪超, 李 宁, 陈国良. 离散余弦变换的改进的算术傅立叶变换算法, 电子学报, 2000, 28(9): 88-90 (EI)29 江 贺, 张宪超, 陈国良, 李明楚. 次分配问题的骨架分析与算法设计. 中国科学(F) , 2008, 38(2):209-222. (SCI)30 江 贺, 张宪超, 陈国良. GBP问题的唯一最优解实例与骨架计算复杂性. 科学通报, 2007, 52(17):2077-2081. (SCI)注: 国际会议排名(Rank)依据为澳大利亚计算机科学研究与教育评估项目 (CORE)

352 评论


近日,第47届IEEE国际声学、语音与信号处理会议ICASSP 2022 (2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing)公布论文接收通知,平安 科技 分析建模团队成功入围七篇论文,这是园队在科学研究领域的又一个重大技术交破。ICASSP是由1EEE电气电子工程历学会主办的信号处理领域的顶级国际会议,是中国计算机学会推荐的B类会议,在国际上拥有广泛的学术影响力,代表了人工智能相关领域当前最先进的技术水平与研究方向。本年度会议的主题是"以人为本的信号处理”,会议克争激烈,有将近4000篇高水平论文投稿,论文录用率为45%。

151 评论


(按研究领域分类) 何伟、邹煜、马月红、侯敏、朱维彬,CUCBNC:一个引入播音学知识的广播新闻语音库,清华大学学报(自然科学版),2011年第51卷第9期:1313-1316.邹煜、何伟、侯敏、滕永林、朱维彬. 基于有声媒体语音语料的主持人口语韵律词重音分析, 中国少数民族语言文字信息处理研究与发展, 北京: 民族出版社, : 152-158.李晓红(北京交通大学)、朱维彬、何伟、邹煜,新闻播报言语数据库构建及韵律标注,第十届全国人机语音通讯学术会议,2009年8月.标准普通话单音节时长的统计分析, 第八届全国人机语音通讯学术会议, 2005年10月. 王治敏(北京语言大学)、何伟,基于大规模语料的介词统计调查,第三届中青年学者汉语教学国际学术研讨会,北京,2010-12-18. 基于口语度的口语词语自动提取研究. 孙茂松、陈群秀主编. 中国计算语言学研究前沿进展(2007-2009). 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2009, 7: 59-64. 语言监测工程及其社会服务功能刍议. 国家语言资源监测与研究中心暨平面媒体分中心成立五周年纪念学术会议, 2009, 9. 基于词汇时间分布信息的未登录词提取. 张普、王铁琨主编. 中国语言资源论丛(一). 北京: 商务印书馆, 2009, 9: 368-379. 流行语时空监测模型的研究. 孙茂松、陈群秀主编. 内容计算的研究与应用前沿. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2007: 276-282  The Time-synchronous Dynamic Programming Approach to the Shortest Path Search in Spoken Dialog System. Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol 13, No 2, 2004. Domain Adaptation Augmented by State dependence in Spoken Dialog Systems, 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Eurospeech2003, Geneva, 2003. Domain adaptation augmented by dialogue state-dependence, In Proceedings of 2003 International Conference on Neural Networks and Signal Processing, ICNNSP2003, Nanjing, 2003. Using human-machine dialog to query shortcut on the map, IEEE Region 10 Conference on Computers, Communications, Control and Power Engineering, Tencon2002, Beijing, 2002. A Mandarin Spoken Dialogue System with Limited Portability, IEEE International Conference of Signal Processing, ICSP2002, Beijing, 2002. 基于对话回合衰减的cache语言模型在线自适应研究. 中文信息学报, Vol 7, , 2003. 一种文本相似度及其在语音识别中的应用. 中文信息学报,, , 2003. 具有可移植性自然语言生成系统的实现. 北方交通大学学报, , No2, 2002. 对话系统中知识处理的研究. 铁道学报, , 增刊, 2001. 人机对话系统中语音处理的研究. 信号处理, , 增刊, 2001. 面向导游任务的人机口语对话系统的研究与实现, 第六届全国人机语音通讯学术会议, 深圳, 2001. 特定任务域中基于自然语言的人机对话模型研究, 石家庄铁道学院学报, 2000, 13(2). 面向特定任务域的人机自然语言对话研究, 第四届全国现代语音学学术会议, 北京, 1999. 基于A*算法的地图路径搜索的实现,铁路计算机应用, 2000, 9(4): 8-11.

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