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首页 > 学术期刊 > 团购网站毕业论文

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306 评论


论文这么重要的事情,建议或金钱把它。我的论点是,“与翻译”关于1000字只有99块钱之交,我怕你是不到20在它的这个总结。 。 。 。

144 评论



318 评论


SummaryAlong with the rapid development of electronic commerce and Internet marketing, group purchase more and more development of the site was in full swing. United States group purchase site Groupon's huge success, boosting the worldwide upsurge of entrepreneurial group buy mode. Today, more than our domestic group purchase website has been up to more than 1000, and is in constant growth. Customers as a product of the fusion of e-commerce, network marketing, has become a very fiery hot. However, in the Group buy website at the same time there have been a lot of customers of a great number of site closing information, individual group purchase there have been complaints by customers of the site. Group purchase NET in process of rapid development, gradually a number of common problems. This article to full network, for example, analyses of current customers during site development issues and article first describes the basic concepts of e-commerce, main characteristics and development trend of the future, then the emerging concept of group buy giving focus, elaborated on the development present situation and development prospect of group buy and group purchase operation mode of the Web site. First from customer positioning, and financing status, and profit mode and project management four a aspects on full network of development status for has analysis, pointed out that current full network of future development was: full network cannot effective of expanded group buy business regional scale, and full network in individual project Shi no can while service good consumer and merchant, and full network in design group buy project Shi lack innovation and current of group buy integrity on full network of development adverse, several aspects of restricting. The problems plaguing the further development of the full network, full screen in order to grow further as group buy industry leader, must address these : full network customers; electronic commerce; constraints;

267 评论


童鞋你好!这个估计需要自己搜索了!网上基本很难找到免费给你服务的!我在这里给你点搜索国际上常用的外文数据库:----------------------------------------------------------❶ISI web of knowledge Engineering Village2❷Elsevier SDOL数据库 IEEE/IEE(IEL)❸EBSCOhost RSC英国皇家化学学会❹ACM美国计算机学会 ASCE美国土木工程师学会❺Springer电子期刊 WorldSciNet电子期刊全文库❻Nature周刊 NetLibrary电子图书❼ProQuest学位论文全文数据库❽国道外文专题数据库 CALIS西文期刊目次数据库❾推荐使用ISI web of knowledge Engineering Village2-----------------------------------------------------------中文翻译得自己做了,实在不成就谷歌翻译。弄完之后,自己阅读几遍弄顺了就成啦!学校以及老师都不会看这个东西的!外文翻译不是论文的主要内容!所以,很容易过去的!祝你好运!

131 评论


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