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首页 > 学术期刊 > 京剧脸谱论文答辩

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286 评论


Peking Opera styles of makeup is the identification of the Chinese traditional culture, is the feudal ethical values and aesthetic view of the product, is China's most national characteristics of facial makeup form, high abstraction, stylized adornment language reflects the ancients outlook, values and aesthetic consciousness view. With the development of The Times Peking Opera styles of makeup element in the design of innovation and font is very important. This paper summarized the Peking Opera styles of makeup element of the application of the method in the typeface design. Try to Chinese traditional elements and the typeface design to extend a combines new font design work. Make facebook in the modern age of art more fresh, and let the Chinese traditional opera by plane media culture really carry forward and inheritance.关键词Peking Opera styles of makeup font design adornment language

301 评论


Rough analysis to the creative expression in the typeface design on the facial makeup in Beijing operaAbstract: Peking Opera styles of makeup is the traditional Chinese culture identity, is the feudal ethical concept of value and aesthetic products, is our country strong ethnic characteristics of the facial makeup, highly abstract, stylized decorative language reflects the ancient world outlook, values and aesthetic consciousness. With the development of Beijing Opera elements in typeface design innovation is also very important. This article mainly summarized the Peking Opera elements in typeface design method. Trying to Chinese traditional elements and typeface design integration and extension of new typeface design work. The facial makeup art in the modern era of more fresh, while the traditional culture of Chinese opera with plane media to get the real development and word: Peking Opera styles of makeup typeface design adornment languag

119 评论



156 评论


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