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最近和朋友闲聊,聊起英语学习的老问题,发觉我们的阅读听力提升都很快,只是唯独口语迟迟提高不上去。分析其原因,一不愿意开口与外国人瞎掰,二口语积累太少。害羞的性格使得我不愿意开口与外国人说话,怕说错于是更不敢说。回想自己与外国人的交谈,几乎没有时间在脑子里中文翻译为英文,总是张口就说。有时常会惊讶于自己脱口而出的英文单词,大量的美剧“泛读”积累使得我能够不知不觉的掌握一些单词或表达。但是这样“泛读”美剧还是远远不够的,于是我打算开始“精读”美剧,挑来选去,最适合学习日常生活表达的剧是摩登家庭(modern family)。 我的学习方法是,打开摩登家庭其中一集,找一张长纸条遮住下方中文和英文的字幕,先盲听,再着重听自己听不懂的句子。大概两三分钟停一次,再对照着台词,看剧中的表达。最后一步,将这些表达积累并整理出来。 以下是我对第一季第一集的整理,几乎都是简单的句子,没有什么太难的表达,却句句都很地道。学习完一个表达之后,可以尝试着自己去扩展它,重新造句。我会努力更新,也希望小伙伴们可以和我一起坚持下去哦。 1. just a sec, give me a second, hang on for a second  等一下 2. get down here 下来     扩展:get up here 上来 3. that's not gonna happen.     it's not gonna work.  4. you're not wearing that outfit 你不能穿这件衣服     that's my thing 这是我的风格     扩展:you're not wearing that dress, that's not your thing.  5. just text me.     扩展:just email me, just call me. 6. what's wrong with it?  怎么了 7. stuck in (trouble)陷入某种困境 8. I got it 我知道了,我来做某事     扩展:I will get it. 我会去做的 9. bedside tab 床头柜 10. take it down a notch= take it down a little bit =slow down a bit 慢一点,某人应该火气小一点 11. you can do it! 12. coach 教练 13. take sb out to 带某人出去       扩展:take sb out to have a dinner.                   take out on sb 对某人发脾气                   take it outside  14. she's adorable . 形容小孩子很可爱 15. thrilled 极为激动,兴奋的 16. snacks 小吃 17. what are you guys talking about? 18. They have been together for...他们已经在一起了多久 19. cream puff 奶油泡芙,懦夫,娘娘腔 20. initially 最初 21. then I figured 然后我想 22. fawn on/over sb= try to please sb 奉承某人,取悦某人 23. I am gonna give a speech. 我要做个演讲,我要好好教训一下某人 24. orphanage 孤儿院 25. love knows no race, creed or gender 爱不分种族,信仰性别 26. shame on you 你太无耻 27. headsets 头戴式耳机 28. I am having a friend over today.  我有个朋友今天过来 29. I am bound to be a little surprised. 我免不了(一定会)有些惊讶       扩展:you're bound to be successful.  30. surf the web 浏览网页 31. high school musical  电影<歌舞青春> 32. I guess that works for me. (与别人预约见面时间时常用的句子) 33. it's on the calendar. 这事儿板上钉钉了 34. I am quitting soccer. 我不踢足球了 35. blowup 发怒 36. you're with me on this, right? 你和我站在一边的,对吧 37. put on a shirt. 38. declare your love 表达你的爱 39. swing from the flagpole 在旗杆上摇晃 40. you hurt my feelings. 你伤害到我的感情了 41. toughen up: become tougher, grow stronger       need/want to toughen up. 42. passionate  多情的 43. what the hell is that (supposed to mean)?  喵喵喵? 44. I've gain a few pounds recently. 我最近长胖了几斤 45. float above 漂浮在...上 46. that's reassuring  令人心安的 47. tear away 强迫离开       过去式 tore away       扩展:I tore myself away 我强迫自己离开                  tore his/her away  强迫他离开 48. I don't blame you 我不怪你 49. you tell them, they say something judgemental. 你告诉他们,他们就会说三道四 50. it's supposed to be nothing but joyful. 原本应该是一件开心的事 51. suddenly turns into huge fight  突然转变成剧烈的争吵 52. I am so relieved you understand.  你能理解让我松了口气 53. I invited them over for dinner.         扩展:I invited my friends over for playing basketball.  54. you're an avoider. This would have gone on forever. 你是个逃避者,这样下去会没完没了。 55. I am a senior.  我高三/大四。 56. 嘻哈全套用语        what's up        keep it real         homie  57. shall I call a doctor?        扩展:what shall I do? 我应该怎么做呢  58. I could defeat you if it came to a physical confrontation. 我可以打败你如果是身体对抗的话       扩展:you could defeat him if it came to a basketball game.  59. just flip me right back 把我翻转过来 扩展:flip a coin 翻转硬币             flip an egg over the pan. 翻鸡蛋 60. I put my thoughts into words. 我把我的想法写成文字 61. you're in such a bad(good) mood. 你心情很(不)好 62. stop being a gloomy goose. 不要做一个悲观的人 63. make a fool of myself/ himself .  让我自己/他自己出丑 64. hair gel 发胶 65. you'll know better next time.  66. leave me alone. 让我一个人待会儿 67. respect their privacy 尊重他们的隐私 68. make trouble for me 找我的麻烦 69. can you shut the door, please? 可以关上门吗? 70. she is completely(totally) freaked out. 她吓坏了 71. we didn't go to Vietnam for pleasure. 我们不是去越南旅游的 72. longing for sth. 渴望某事       扩展:longing to be free.  73. you're little uptight. 你有些紧张 74. you two broke up. 你们分手了 75. you'll be better off. 你会更好的 76. he is a bit of drama queen 他有些小题大作 77. turn it off. 关掉(音乐,电视) 78. can you do me a favour? 你能帮我个忙吗?

225 评论


Modern Family!

212 评论


关于家庭农场的外文文献有哪些答: 中英文外文翻译文献家庭农场摘 要家庭农场是一个农场拥有和经营的家庭像其他家族企业和房地产的所有权,往往会给下一代的传承。这是许多人类历史的主要是农业经济的基本单元,并继续在发展中国家。家庭农场的替代品,包括那些由农业,俗称“工厂化农场,或通过集体农业。关键词 家庭农场/现代农业/发展/策略

191 评论


farm families through an experiential learning model, by John Smith, Journal of Agricultural Education, 2010 farm principles for sustainable agriculture in developing countries, by Donald Brown and William McBride, World Development, 2011 family farms: Supporting the global food system, by Ernesto Pollitt and Elizabeth G. Pringle, Annual Review of Environmental Resources, 2012 farmers in a global economy: The need to invest in small-scale agriculture, by William C. McKillop and Cheikhou Bop, International Journal of Sustainable Development, 2013 capital and family farm sustainability: An empirical analysis of New Zealand farms, by Richard B. Howitt and Stuart Locke, Rural Sociology, 2014 farms and regional development: Evidence from smallholder agriculture in the Andean Highlands, by Gonzalo Alfonzo, Ecological Economics, 2015 family farming: Enhancing agricultural productivity and environmental protection, by Frank J. Convery and Jonathan R. Gillard, Journal of Organic Systems, 2016 approaches to family farming: A case study from Mexico, by Joanne E. Taylor, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 2017 role of family dynamics in the success of small-scale farms, by Carolina L. T. dos Santos, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2018 from family farmers: Best practices for agri-food system resilience in times of global change, by María del Pilar Olmedo and Stephen G. Sherwood, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 2019.

140 评论


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