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(一)封面1.彩色封皮:由班长到教务处或系办领取,论文终极完成后自己去打印社装帧;2.中文封面(可直接采用毕业论文模型板1):论文编码(原论文分类号):不填3.英文封面(可直接采用毕业论文模型板1):论文标题需要别人解答的题目不超过25字(必要时可使用副题)论文标题的大写法则:⑴标题中的要害词、熬头个词和最后1个词大写首字母;⑵介词、冠词凡是首字母半大写,但当它们位于标题开首时熬头个字母要大写首字母;⑶长度超过五个字母的介词大写熬头个字母正标题:正文、Times New Roman、二号、加粗、居中;副题(要是有的话):正文、Times New Roman、小二、加粗、居中;其余内部实质意义:正文、Times New Roman、圈外人、加粗、居中;(二)中、英文摘要、目录、提纲(可直接采用毕业论文模型板2)一、中文摘要摘要:300字摆布,旨在说明本选题研究现状、编撰目的、研究方法、主要内部实质意义、研究结果或论断;摘要中不该出现非通用符号、缩简语。要害词是反应文章最主要内部实质意义的术语;在摘要底下提行,一般3-五个词组;要害词之间用分号";"隔开。文字格局:"摘要"采用正文、黑体、20、加粗、居中;"要害词"正文、黑体、四号、加粗;要害词、摘要的内部实质意义采用正文、宋体、四号;2、英文摘要(Abstract)英文摘要、要害词与中文摘要、要害词相对应;要害词用英文逗点","隔开;文字格局:"Abstract"标题采用正文、Times New Roman、20、加粗、居中;"Key words"采用正文、Times New Roman、四号、加粗;Abstract和Key words的内部实质意义采用正文、Times New Roman、四号;三、目录(Table of Contents)目录中应详细列出中文摘要、英文摘要、目录、提纲、论文中各章、节、点三级标题、附录(Appendix)(要是有的话)、参考图书目录(Bibliography)的页码儿;文字格局:"Table of Contents"标题采用正文、Times New Roman、20、加粗、居中;目录内部实质意义采用正文、Times New Roman、四号;4、提纲(Outline)提纲归纳综合论文的论题和笔者要对于论题发表什么不雅点和理论,要求正式、详细,至少有三级标题;开首陈述主题(Thesis Statement),格局分短语式(Topic Format)和句子式(Sentence format)两种:文字格局:"Outline"标题采用正文、Times New Roman、20、加粗、居中;"Thesis Statement"采用正文、Times New Roman、四号、加粗;提纲内部实质意义采用正文、Times New Roman、四号;(三)正文(可直接采用毕业论文模型板2)字数3000-5000字(不患上少于3000字,可多于5000字);段落格局采用:正文、Times New Roman、小四号(节标题加粗、章标题四号并加粗、论文标题居中、20号、加粗)、2倍行距、页边距使用台式机默认值;页眉:首都师范学校大学、Capital Normal University,页脚:第页共页;(四)附录(Appendix)(要是有的话)(可直接采用毕业论文模型板2)文字格局:"Appendix"正文、Times New Roman、20、加粗、居中;附录内部实质意义文字正文、宋体/Times New Roman、四号;(五)参考文献(Bibliography或References)(可直接采用毕业论文模型板2)参考文献不少于10篇,论文中弁言来由应与参考文献相对应,是以,在论文中出现的弁言都必须明确注明来由;一般英文参考图书目录在前,中文参考图书目录在后,以字母拼音挨次摆列;文字格局:"Bibliography"正文、Times New Roman、20、加粗、居中;参考文献内部实质意义正文、Times New Roman、四号;现将主要参考文献的种别及其格局要求枚举如次:1.独著Chase, American Novel and Its York:Harcourt,1965.将笔者last name放在前,1st name放在后。姓与名之间用逗点分隔,后面加英词句号。文献标题必须完备无缺,用斜体,后加英词句号。接下来的是出版城市、出版商和出版年月。要是一条图书目录一行写不下于,第二行要缩进五个字符的位置,使版式醒目。2.两至三名笔者Meltzer,Milton,and Walter Thoreau York:Crowell, W.,Albert Herbert Range of Literature:An Introduction to Prose and York:American Book Co.,1960.此种情况只把熬头笔者的名与姓倒置,第二、第三笔者姓名挨次连结不变。最后两个笔者名之间用and连接。3.三名以上笔者Tibbetts,John,et in the Developing Nations:A Guide for :Wadsworth,1968.熬头个笔者的名与姓倒置,中心与后面都用逗点,再接et al.暗示"及其他人",接英词句号。4.集体合著以单元名称或文章标题起头:United States Capitol People:The Story of the United States .:National Geographic Society, People:The Story of the United States the United States Capitol .:National Geographic Society,.译著Freud, and York:Norton,1950.要是译者的内部实质意义在论文中被引用,则将译者的姓名放在目录的起头:Strachey,Hames, and Sigmund York:Norton,.论文集中的文章Caudery,T."Process Writing"in in the English Language :Prentice-Hall Europe ELT in association with the British Council.文章标题需要别人解答的题目使用双引号,编辑姓名+逗点+ed(暗示editor)+句号。7.期刊中的论文Baker,Lang."Nietzsche's Philosophy in Excess of Power."Philosophy of the Social (1991):90-101.文章标题需要别人解答的题目带引号。期刊名称用斜体。接着是期刊卷目,出版年月和来由地点的页码儿。要是卷目已注明,页码儿前就不需加pp。8.报纸上的文章Chi,S."Hong Kong at Sunrise."The Patriot News,(1997,June 29),.网站上的文章Ross,.(1988,June)."The 1998Sino-American summit."Asia Society:Publications.(24June 1998)熬头个日子是文章在网上发表的时间,第2个日子是论文笔者浏览该文章的时间。10。文献枚举格局陈宏薇.《新实用汉译英教程》.武汉:湖北教育出版社,1996.邓炎昌、刘润清.《语言与文化》,北京:外语讲授与研究出版社,1989.徐莉娜."暗喻的翻译"《中国翻译》,1999/3.张培基等.《英汉翻译教程》.上海:上海外语教育出版社,1983.三、论文内弁言的注释方法在论文中,笔者可采用差别的方式进行引述,那末,对于弁言的注释就要响应地有所差别:1.论文中未提到弁言笔者姓名First,"the naturalists'conception of human conditions is strongly indebted to advances in the natural science"(Furst 49).在全句句号之前用括号注出弁言笔者的姓(last name)和来由页码儿,中心不点逗点。2.论文中提到弁言笔者姓名Linguistic specialist Deborah Tannen suggests that the communication between husband and wife could be crossed with the help of abetter knowledge of the difference in conversational styles between men and women(24).此种情况下,括号中不再注明笔者的姓,只注明来由页码儿。3.论文中提到被引用的笔者名和文章标题In an article titled"Cold Facts about Flu,"Lowell Ponte clarifies some widespread misunderstandings about the flu shot(104).此种情况下,括号中同样不注明笔者的姓,只注明来由页码儿。4.论文中引用了统一笔者不只一篇文章的内部实质意义At about age seven,most children begin to tell stories accurately,describe scenes realistically,and use appropriate gestures to reinforce their story(Gardner,Arts 144-45).Arts是文章标题里熬头个重要的字。5.弁言有不只1个笔者The decrease in birth rate,in addition to an increase in life expectancy,is believed to be the main cause for the decline in the size of the American household during the past two hundred years(Berkin and Norton 29).要是弁言有三位笔者,将三位笔者的姓都列上。要是有3个以上笔者,括号中只列熬头位笔者的姓,后接et al.和页码儿。6.间接引用The situation of the blacks at the time was best expressed by King himself:"There comes atime when the cup of endurance runs over,and men are no longer willing to be pkunged into the abyss of despair"( Youngs 226).缩简语qtd.指"引自"(quoted),Youngs是直接引用该弁言的笔者姓。7.文中引用了大段弁言….Under the influence of naturalistic principles of writing,Dreiser tried,in Sister Carrie,to use scientific methods to analyze the character read Spencer's First Principle and was impressed by his idea of universe of him,man is only amechanism reacting to chemical compulsion….Man is amere pawn in the general scheme of things with no power whatever to assert his will….Everything is determined by acomplex of internal chemises and by the forces of social pressure which are identified as heredity,environment and the pressure of immediate circumstances.(Chang 207)将弁言段缩进10个字符,并把句号置于标明来由的括号之前。主要分为那几个部门?很好很全啊

124 评论


不知道下面这个能否合你要求。呵呵 (因字数有限制,我可发给你)英语本科毕业论文The Spirit of Revolt of Tess --Study in Tess of the D'UrbervillesThesis statement:Everyone knows that Tess’s life is a great tragedy, but she is still a courageous woman who dares to fight by all means. In order to defeat the unfortunate fate she always resists the decadent society, the traditional concept, and the hypocrisy Ⅰ.Brief Introduction to Tess of the d'UrbervillesA. Women’s role in industrial movements during 19th century in EnglandB. A brief commentary of the novel1. the writer --Thomas hardy2. general introduction of the novelⅡ.Tess’s spirit of revolt all through her lifeA. Tess’s fight to the moribund society1. the moribund society2. Tess’s fight to the moribund societyB. Tess’s resistance to the traditional moral concept1. the traditional moral concept2. Tess’s resistance to the traditional moral conceptC. Tess’s resistance to the hypocritical hypocritical religion in that time2. Tess’s resistance to the hypocritical religionD. Tess’s resistance to the unfortunate ’s unfortunate marriage2. Tess’s resistance to the unfortunate marriageⅢ.Conclusion: In a word, Tess has shown a powerful woman's image to common people with her unyielding spirit of revolt. She, to the moribund society, traditional old morals, hypocritical religion, capitalist marriage system, has carried on the strongest revealing and criticism. Her kindhearted enlightenment, noble emotion, strong personality, and her resistance in imbuing all rooted in the hearts of the people forever, worth paper mainly focuses on the spirit of revolt of Tess. First of all, this paper begins with a brief introduction to the novel. Then, this paper makes a brief commentary of the novel. Moreover, it concentrates on :(1) Tess’s fight to the moribund society. (2) Tess’s resistance to the traditional moral concept. (3) Tess’s resistance to the hypocritical religion. (4) Tess’s resistance to the unfortunate marriage. And at last the paper reveals that Tess is actually a character with the spirit of revolt all through her words:tragedy,Spirit of revolt,industrial movement,unfortunate fate内容提要本文研究的是小说主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”。首先,本文对小说的背景做了介绍。然后,对文本进行简要评论。再次,本文主要从以下四个方面对文本主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”进行集中讨论:(1) 苔丝对腐朽社会的抗争;(2) 苔丝对传统的道德观念的反抗;(3) 苔丝对伪善的宗教的反抗;(4) 苔丝对不幸婚姻的反抗。最后,揭示出苔丝整个人生经历中的反抗精神。关键词:悲剧,反抗精神,工业运动,不幸命运

111 评论



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218 评论


前言第一章 基本知识一、绪论二、选择论题和确定论文题目三、收集资料、分析资料、拟订参考书目四、构思与拟订提纲五、拟稿六、修改、润饰、定稿七、论文的格式八、开题报告的写法九、论文答辩十、与指导老师密切合作第二章 专题毕业论文写作一、英美文学二、翻译理论与实践三、英语语言四、语言与文化五、英语教学法第三章 优秀毕业论文选评Charles Macklin’s ShylockRealism in Cognitive Approaches to Language Learning附录国内外外语与外语教学类主要学术期刊国内外在线图书馆网址国内外外语与外语教学类网址英语专业毕业论文评审参考标准主要参考书目 chapter 1 definition of the graduate major features of the graduate subject areas for english majors to do the structure of the graduate thesis for english the front the the back matterchapter 2 planning the choosing a getting start in finding a the principles of choosing a how to find an appropriate writing a thesis the importance of writing a strong thesis the structure of a thesis research the classification of language research data writing techniqueschapter 3 writing the writing the abstract of a what is an abstract? structure of an types of how to write a good the extract of key writing the the major elements in an format of citation and format of works acknowledgementschapter 4 optional a thesis on english a thesis on a thesis on a thesis on linguistics

132 评论


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