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个人所得税改革(论文)个人所得税改革效应研究 摘要:本文分析了个人所得税改革产生的作用,即减轻工薪阶层的纳税负担、加大高收入者的征收力度、降低基尼系数。并通过经济学原理从收入对消费的影响、消费对国民经济的影响进行了分析,得出了本次个人所得税改革将使中等收入阶层收益最大,而中等收入阶层的边际消费倾向最高,从而对国民经济发展的推动作用最大的结论。关键词:个人所得税 费用扣除标准 消费理论 改革效应个人所得税是以个人(自然人)取得的各项应税所得为对象征收的一种税,是市场经济发展的产物。随着近些年我国经济改革开放的深入,个人所得税的税收收入也随着我国经济运行质量、人民收入水平的提高而有较大幅度的增长,逐步成为各地地方财政的重要收入来源之一。但是,国家征得的75%的个人所得税却来自中低收入者,这显然与当初个人所得税的立法目的背道而驰。因此,我国酝酿多年的个人所得税改革方案与2006年1月1日起实施,延续了20多年的工薪所得费用扣除标准由800元提高到1600元。尽管费用扣除标准的提高会造成短期内的个税减收,但从长期来看,个人所得税仍是我国税收增长潜力最大的税种之一。再者,工薪所得费用扣除标准的提高,将增加中低收入阶层的可支配收入,增加社会有效需求,从而拉动内需,推动经济增长,形成税收与经济增长的良性互动, 而且有利于缩小收入差距,这体现了国家积极鼓励扩大消费、促进经济增长的趋向。同时要求高收入者自行申报纳税,加大了税收的征收力度。本次调整个人所得税产生了多方面的积极的作用。一、个人所得税改革的作用主要表现为以下几点:(一) 减轻了工薪阶层的负担 本次个人所得税中工薪所得将费用扣除标准由800元提高为1600元,翻了一番,不是立足于调节收入差距,而是立足于给工薪阶层减轻税收负担,增加消费。按有关部门的计算,我国城市居民年消费支出月为1143元,将扣除费用确定为1600元,使中低收入者保证基本支出得到满足后略有结余,这是顺应居民收入提高、生活费用支出加大的合理调整。而在此之前,工薪阶层在基本生活需要未得到满足前就需缴纳所得税,显然是不合理的,不符合发展经济目的“是不断改善人民的物质文化生活水平的要求”这一宗旨的。本次个税改革的取向在于减税,提高费用扣除标准后,相当一部分低收入者的个人所得税负担将减轻,甚至根本不必缴纳个人所得税。据统计,2004年中国个人所得税收入达亿元,其中65%来自于工薪阶层。工薪所得费用扣除标准提高至1600元后,有人估算,财政可能因此减少280亿元的收入,也就是说工薪阶层每年可减少280亿元的纳税负担,也就意味工薪阶层增加可支配收入280亿元。根据税收乘数原理,280亿元的减税可形成社会需求1120亿元。据国家税务总局预测:费用扣除标准提高后,全国个人所得税的减收部分占到2004年个人所得税收入亿元的16%左右。(二)加大了高收入者的征收力度个人所得税是我国目前所得税种中最能体现调节收入分配差距的税种。在降低低收入者税收负担的同时,争取最大限度地利用个人所得税在调整收入差距扩大的作用,加大对高收入者的调节力度,在征管方面研究新措施、引进新手段,是个人所得税征管的关键。本次修订的个人所得税法,提出了对富人进行重点征管的内容。《中华人民共和国个人所得税法实施条例》中提出了加强对高收入者的税收征管,将以前的单项申报改为双项申报,即将原来由纳税人所在单位代为扣缴个人所得税,改为高收入者的工作单位和其本人都要向税务机关进行申报,否则视为违法。条例规定,扣缴义务人都必须办理全员全额扣缴申报,这就形成了对高收入者双重申报、交叉稽核的监管制度,有利于强化对高收入者的税收征管,堵塞税收征管漏洞。实施条例中,高收入者也有了明确的定义:“年收入超过12万元以上的个人”。 (三)缩小收入差距,降低基尼系数我国区域经济发展水平不平衡,各地居民收入、生活水平存在一定差距,全国统一工薪所得费用扣除标准,有利于促进地区间的公平。如果对高收入地区实行高费用扣除标准,低收入地区实行低费用扣除标准,反而将加剧地区间的不平衡,这将与个税本来的调节意义背道而驰。目前,各地实行统一的纳税标准,对收入较低的西部地区将产生很大益处,西部相当部分中低收入阶层将不必缴纳个人所得税,该地区纳税人的税收负担将会减轻,有利于鼓励消费,促进落后地区经济的发展。个人所得税在所有税种里最能调节收入分配差距,对收入进行二次平衡。富人和穷人是财富分配链中的两端,要缩小贫富差距,就是要从富人那里分割一定的财富,用来补贴穷人。而在我国近十多年来个人收入分配差距不断加大,基尼系数达到,按照国际惯例,基尼系数达到或者超过,说明贫富差距过大。贫富差距凸显与个人所得税制度失效是因果相生的。统计数字显示,工薪阶层是目前中国个人所得税的主要纳税群体。2004年个人所得税收入中65%来源于工薪阶层,违背了大家公认的“二八定律”。而中国的富人约占总人口的20%。占收入或消费总额的50%,但是,这20%的富人,对个人所得税的贡献,竟然只有10%。这充分说明,个税不但没有实现从富人到穷人的“调节”,相反,这种财富的二次分配还处于一种“倒流”状态中。长期“倒流”下,只能是富人越富,穷人越穷,社会贫富差距仍将继续加大。有人称,中国富人的税收负担在世界上是最轻的。只有通过政府的税收强制手段才是完成“调节”的最有效方式。对比中国这样的“制度失效”,新加坡的个税政策无疑可以借鉴。新加坡总理发布税务报告称,占人口总数20%的新加坡富人交的个人所得税占个人所得税总数的93%,意即:个税基本都是由富人承担。新加坡政府另外对市民有各种补贴,其中占人口80%的市民,其补贴和交税平衡后,都有净入账;只有那20%的富人是净出账,2003年富人的平均净出账是万新币。富人承担几乎全部的个人所得税义务,政府收缴上来以后通过补贴等方式实现对穷人的再分配;富人在纳税活动中付出义务,穷人从纳税活动中获得好处——这才是一个正常有效的个税“调节”状态。中国公众缩小贫富差距、实现“共同富裕”的期待,很大程度上寄托在个税制度的归位中。税收制度对广大中等收入群体有重要的导向作用,作用原理是“限高,促中,提低”。加大对高收入者的征收力度,对降低基尼系数有明显的作用。 二、 个人所得税改革的效应——个人收入增加产生的效应 (一)收入变化对消费的影响正如前面所说,国家个人所得税的减收也就意味着工薪阶层可支配收入的增加。根据西方经济学中对国民收入的研究,消费是收入的函数。居民收入水平的高低、对未来收入的预期以及即期可实现的购买力,在相当程度上决定消费需求的大小和强弱。宏观经济学中对居民消费行为的研究大体可分为三个阶段:第一阶段的凯恩斯绝对收入假说;第二阶段的生命周期理论、持久收入理论和相对收入理论;第三阶段的霍尔随机游走假说,以及由此引发的其他大量的假说。这些理论思想为我们研究我国居民的消费行为提供了借鉴和思路。1. 消费理论 (1)凯恩斯绝对收入假说。凯恩斯认为,在短期内,消费者的消费行为主要取决于收入的多少,随着收入的增加,人们的消费也会增加,消费是“完全可逆”的,但消费的增长低于收入增长,边际消费倾向逐渐递减。(2)迪利安尼的生命周期假说。该假说首先假定消费者是理性的,能以合理的方式使用自己的收入,进行消费;其次,消费者行为的唯一目标是实现效用最大化。这样,理性的消费者将依据效用最大化的原则,根据其预期寿命来安排收入用于消费和储蓄的比例,即每个人都将根据他一生的全部预期收入来安排他的消费支出。消费不是取决于个人现期收入,而是取决于其一生的收入。(3)弗里得曼的持久收入假说。弗里得曼将个人的收入分为持久性收入和暂时性收入。持久性收入是稳定的、正常的收入,暂时性收入则是不稳定的、意外的收入。弗里得曼认为,决定人们消费支出的是他们持久的、长期的收入,而不是短期的可支配收入。因为短期可支配收入会受到许多偶然因素的影响经常变动,人们消费与短期经常变动的收入没有稳定函数关系。为了实现效用最大化,人们实际上是根据他们在长期中能保持的收入水平来进行消费的。(4)杜森贝利的相对收入假说。杜森贝利认为,一方面,消费者的消费支出不仅受到自身收入的影响,而且也受到周围人的消费行为的影响;另一方面,消费者的消费支出不仅受到自己目前收入的影响,而且也受到自己过去收入和消费水平的影响。上述消费理论从不同角度论证了收入对消费的影响。收入尤其是稳定收入的确是影响消费的最主要因素,而本次工薪所得费用扣除标准的提高正是增加了工薪阶层的稳定而持久的收入。2.收入对消费影响的分析国家统计局资料显示,2000年我国GDP已经突破1万亿美元,人均超过800美元,整体上已从“八五”时期的世界低收入国家行列跃入世界中下收入国家行列。中国社科院和国家统计局都曾经做过全国社会阶层抽样调查,调查结果基本上认定,中国的“中间阶层”人群数量大量增加,已经占总体人口的15%-18%左右。随着中等收入阶层的崛起,中国消费率将不断上升,预计从2002年的58%上升到2010年的65%,并于2020年达到71%,接近发达国家水平。迅速增长的中等收入阶层的消费倾向是购买高端、新型商品,从而推动消费结构和产业结构的升级。去年我国人均GDP超过1000美元,正是消费升级的起跑线。目前在人均GDP逾3000美元的、中等收入阶层“扎堆儿”的沪、京、粤、浙等沿海发达地区,消费升级表现尤为明显,这些地区已经率先进入小康阶段。中等收入阶层消费支出中,2002年与1992年相比,食品、衣着等生存型的消费倾向下降了22个百分点,而医疗保险、交通通信、娱乐文化教育、居住等享受型和发展型的消费倾向却显著上升,提高了17个百分点。不动产、金融和保险类投资成为时尚,城市投资者渐次浮出水面。依据马斯洛的需求层次理论,这群人已经开始追求经济安全、享乐和发展,一个稳健的投资理财计划对他们会很有吸引力。中等收入阶层的储蓄性支出正向投资性支出转变,股票、教育、保险等成为他们消费的热点,而且他们普遍对品牌的忠诚度较高,消费理念非常成熟。最近,某公司对中等收入群体的理财情况进行调查,结果表明在理财工具价值的认同方面,风险较低的保障工具如子女教育基金、保险、国债等增长幅度最大。中等收入人群的边际消费倾向最高,为,即每增加1元收入,可带动元的消费。其后依次为:中高收入人群、最高收入人群、最低收入人群、中低收入人群。中等收入人群成为经济增长的持续推动力量。这次个人所得税的改革对中等收入人群的影响也是最大的。全国约有亿多从业人员达到中等收入群体。中等收入人群的成长势必带来消费的转型,即生活质量越加受到关注,从追求数量型向讲求质量型迅速转变;由于个人所得税的改革,居民可支配收入将有所增加,消费开支绝对量也会增长,同时投资类消费比重也将随之上升。这些积极变化会反过来促进城市产业结构、经济结构的调整和优化,特别是将提升第三产业,迅速增加对第三产业的需求,推动第三产业的快速发展,改变中国第三产业比重偏低的不合理状况。三、 结束语工薪所得扣除标准大幅提高800元,与当前我国经济快速发展、经济实力明显提高的发展趋势相一致,体现了国富民强的发展经济的宗旨。这次个税改革不仅减轻了工薪阶层的纳税负担,加大了个税对高收入者的征收力度,缩小了收入差距,降低了基尼系数,提高了人民的购买力,还促进了经济的发展。个税这次改革产生的良好效果,对国民经济发展必将会起到积极的作用。

267 评论


Personal Income Tax Personal Income Tax (PIT) is a direct tax levied on income of a person. A person means an individual, an ordinary partnership, a non-juristic body of person, a deceased person and an undivided estate. In general, a person liable to PIT has to compute his tax liability, file tax return and pay tax, if any, accordingly on a calendar year basis. 1. Taxable Person Taxpayers are classified into "resident" and "non-resident". "Resident" means any person residing in Thailand for a period or periods aggregating more than 180 days in any tax (calendar) year. A resident of Thailand is liable to pay tax on income from sources in Thailand on a cash basis, regardless where the money is paid, as well as on the portion of income from foreign sources that is brought into Thailand. A non-resident is, however, subject to tax only on income from sources in Thailand. 2. TAX BASE Assessable Income Income chargeable to the PIT is called "assessable income". The term covers income both in cash and in kind. Therefore, any benefits provided by an employer or other persons, such as a rent-free house or the amount of tax paid by the employer on behalf of the employee, are also treated as assessable income of the employee for the purpose of PIT. Assessable income is divided into 8 categories as follows: (1) income from personal services rendered to employers; (2) income by virtue of jobs, positions or services rendered; (3) income from goodwill, copyright, franchise, other rights, annuity or income in the nature of annual payments derived from a will or any other juristic Act or judgment of the Court; (4) income in the nature of dividends, interest on deposits with banks in Thailand, shares of profits or other benefits from a juristic company, juristic partnership, or mutual fund, payments received as a result of the reduction of capital, a bonus, an increased capital holdings, gains from amalgamation, acquisition or dissolution of juristic companies or partnerships, and gains from transferring of shares or partnership holdings; (5) income from letting out of property on hire and from breaches of installment sales or hire-purchase contracts; (6) income from liberal professions; (7) income from construction and other contracts of work; (8) income from business, commerce, agriculture, industry, transport or any other activity not specified earlier. Deductions and Allowances Certain deductions and allowances are allowed in the calculation of the taxable income. Taxpayers shall make deductions from assessable income before the allowances are granted. Therefore, taxable income is calculated by: TAXABLE INCOME = assessable income - deductions - allowances Deductions allowed for the calculation of PIT Type of Income Deduction Income from employment Income received from copyright Income from letting out of property on hire - Building and wharves - Agricultural land - All other types of land - Vehicles - Any other type of property Income from liberal professions Income derived from contract of work whereby the contractor provides essential materials besides tools Income derived from business,commerce, agriculture, industry, transport, or any other activities not specified earlier 40% but not exceeding 60,000 Baht 40% but not exceeding 60,000 Baht 30% 20% 15% 30% 10% 30% except for the medical profession where 60% is allowed actual expense or 70% actual expense or 65-85% depending on the types of income Allowances (Exemptions) allowed for the calculation of PIT Types of Allowances Amount Personal allowance - Single taxpayer - Undivided estate - Non-juristic partnership or body of persons Spouse allowance Child allowance (child under 25 years of age and studying at educational institution, or a minor, or an adjusted incompetent or quasi-incompetent person) Parents allowance (parents over 60 years of age with income less than 30,000 Baht) Old age allowance (over 65 years of age) 30,000 Baht for the taxpayer 30,000 Baht for the taxpayer's spouse 30,000 Baht for each partner but not exceeding 60,000 Baht in total 30,000 Baht 15,000 Baht each (limited to three children) 30,000 Baht each190,000 Baht income exemption each Education (additional allowance for child studying in educational institution in Thailand) Life insurance premium paid by taxpayer or spouse Approved provident fund contributionsLong term equity fund 2,000 Baht each child Amount actually paid but not exceeding 50,000 Baht each Maximum allowance (exemption) of 300,000 Bath, but not exceeding 15% of incomeMaximum allowance (exemption) of 300,000 Bath, but not exceeding 15% of income Home mortgage interest Social insurance contributions paid by taxpayer or spouse Charitable contributions Amount actually paid but not exceeding 50,000 Baht Amount actually paid each Amount actually donated but not exceeding 10% of income after standard deductions and allowances Tax Credit for Dividends Any taxpayer who domiciles in Thailand and receives dividends from a juristic company or partnership incorporated in Thailand is entitled to a tax credit. In computing assessable income, a taxpayer shall gross up his dividends by the amount of the tax credit received. The amount of tax credit is then creditable against his tax liability. Tax credit = dividend x corporate tax rate/(100-corporate tax rate) 3. Tax Rates Progressive Tax Rates Personal income tax rates applicable to taxable income are as follows. Tax rates of the Personal Income Tax Taxable Income Tax Rate (%) Tax Amount Accumulated Tax 0 - 80,000 (before 2004) Exempt - - 0 - 100,000 (2004 onwards) Exempt - - 100,001 - 500,000 10 40,000 40,000 500,001 - 1,000,000 20 100,000 140,000 1,000,001 - 4,000,000 30 900,000 1,040,000 4,000,001 and over 37 In the case where income categories (2) - (8) mentioned in are earned more than 60,000 Baht per annum, taxpayer has to calculate the amount of tax by multiplying to the assessable income and compare with the amount of tax calculated by progressive tax rates. Taxpayer is liable to pay tax at the amount whichever is greater. Separate Taxation There are several types of income that the taxpayer shall not include or may not choose to include such income to the assessable income in calculating the tax liability. Income from sale of immovable property Taxpayer shall not include income from sales of immovable property acquired by bequest or by way of gift to the assessable income when calculating PIT. However, if the sale is made for a commercial purpose, it is essential that such income must be included as the assessable income. Nevertheless, from January 2003, gains from sales of residential buildings shall not be included as income if such gains are spent on purchasing a new home within 1 year before or after selling his primary residence. Interest Interest income may, at the taxpayer's selection, be excluded from the computation of PIT provided that a tax of 15 per cent is withheld at source. However, the following forms of individual's interest income are exempt from 15 per cent withholding tax; (1) interest on bonds or debentures issued by a government organization, (2) interest on saving deposits in commercial banks if the aggregate amount of interest received is not more than 20,000 Baht during a taxable year, (3) interest on loans paid by a finance company, (4) interest received from any financial institutions organized by a specific law of Thailand for the purpose of lending money to promote agriculture, commerce or industry. Dividends Taxpayer who is a resident in Thailand and receives dividends or shares of profits from a registered company or a mutual fund which tax has been withheld at source at the rate of 10 per cent, may choose to exclude such dividends from the assessable income when calculating PIT. However, in doing so, taxpayer will be unable to claim any refund or credit as mentioned in . 4. Withholding Tax For certain categories of income, the payer of income has to withhold tax at source, file tax return (Form PIT 1, 2, or 3 as the case may be) and submit the amount of tax withheld to the District Revenue Office. The tax withheld shall then be credited against tax liability of a taxpayer at the time of filing PIT return. The following are the withholding tax rates on some categories of income. Types of income Withholding tax rate 1. Employment income 5 - 37 % 2. Rents and prizes 5 % 3. Ship rental charges 1 % 4. Service and professional fees 3 % 5. Public entertainer remuneration - Thai resident - non-resident 5 % 5 - 37% 6. Advertising fees 2 % 5. Tax Payment Taxpayer is liable to file Personal Income Tax return (Form PIT 90 or 91) and make a payment to the Area Revenue Branch Office within the last day of March following the taxable year. Taxpayer who derives categories of income (5) - (8) during the first six months of the taxable year is also required to file half - yearly return (Form PIT 94) and make a payment to the Area Revenue Branch Office within the last day of September of that taxable year. Any withholding or half-yearly tax, which has been paid, can be used as a credit against the tax liability at the end of the year.

298 评论


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