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我这里有一篇,还可以去 Consumer Psychology and influencing factorsAbstract: commercial insurance, as a special commodity, with the corresponding consumer demand and consumer psychology. Grasp the insurance consumer psychology, consumer psychology to explore the commercial insurance factors, and effectively carry out the insurance marketing is of great the development of economy, the insurance industry as an important tertiary industry services industry, in social life plays an increasingly important role. Commercial insurance as a kind of special commodity, have their own consumers and the corresponding consumer demand. Grasp the insurance consumer psychology, actively carry out the marketing activities of insurance is in place before the new and old insurance company a formidable task. This paper consumption of commercial insurance and its impact on psychological factors, with a view to effectively carry out insurance to provide certain information and , insurance and the insurance consumerIn the insurance theory community, scholars from different angles under the definition of insurance, more generally applicable definition: "Similar insurance is a dangerous combination of the many units or individuals to a reasonable share of the calculation in the form of the realization of the members of the minority economic losses caused by dangerous accident compensation act "Commercial insurance business to insurance as the target has been made here of insurance forms, it has the function of economic loss compensation or to provide economic security, thereby shift the risk of loss to meet people's needs. Independent insurance is a pure form of the protection of goods, of the body of which is the insurance policy. Insurance consumers can be a natural person may also be legal, insurance companies and customers is the relationship between commodity trading, insurance consumption on the premise that the price paid (premium). For insurance consumer must have a certain capacity to insurance policyholders delivery consumption that is the purchase of insurance premiums, the insurance company accepted the services provided; the subject occurred in the insurance agreement accident, the insurance company received compensation of economic losses, or when agreed by the time of the incident, receive insurance from the whole process . Based on the characteristics of self-insurance, insurance is different from the consumption of other consumer behavior characteristics:1. Existence of the insurance risk is the establishment of conditions. Therefore, the insurance consumer on the premise that consumers have a potentially dangerous;2. Insurance consumer to be the most common behavior. Insurance is based on majority rule, the risk of loss rate uncertainty, probability theory and other mathematical tools for economic loss of some or all of compensation for the average assessed, the insurance consumer is the process of the majority of mutual aid process, it must have a majority of participants;3. Insurance is the result of consumer uncertainty. After compensation insurance is economic losses, insurance contracts built on the results of performance under the contract conditions, events may occur or may not occur foundation. Therefore, consumers in the insurance consumer decision-making that is the purchase of insurance policies, can not specifically aware of their consumption;4. Insurance with personal consumption of. The guaranteed by the insurance contract is suffering losses to the insured herself, and personal禀性, behavior, and so will greatly affect the insurance subject to the possibility of occurrence and severity of losses. Therefore, insurance policyholders under different conditions and the situation of the insured object decision on whether to accept or conditionally accepted its insuredSecond, the insurance consumer Psychological AnalysisConsumer behavior is the direct cause of psychological motivation, it is an inherent human Active forces can drive, prompted consumers to achieve their goals for consumption activities. Insurance policy holders to participate in activities are also subject to the disposal of certain psychological.(1) for the psychological safetyInsurance motive is to promote direct insurance activities of the insurance consumer an internal dynamic. It is a kind of insurance needs, this need is an objective requirement in the insurance reflected in the minds of consumers, its performance for the insurance intentions, aspirations, and so the generation, on the insurance consumer play an active role in psychologist Maslow believe that the United States, with five human needs. First physiological needs; Second, security needs; third is social interaction needs; fourth is the need to be respected; Fifth, it is self-actualization needs. Generally, a level to meet the needs of the relative, another to a higher level. Insurance needs based on the physiological needs, security needs is a kind of extension. In particular, people on the insurance needs of this special commodity, is derived from people's security, stability and order needs.(B) savings psychologicalWith the development of the insurance industry, more and more investment-oriented insurance products have been promoting, such as education of the children of married to the current insurance, endowment insurance, and others have invested savings features. Some people in the economic conditions permitting, would consider such insurance. These types of security on the one hand has the role of maintaining and increasing the savings on the other hand there are the role. This psychological consumption for the insurance and will have a positive role in promoting. (C) sheep mentalitySheep mentality in the insurance consumption is widespread, the social trends, consumer class, social groups, and other factors, generate certain sectors of their career, the psychological line groups. Some people listen to people around that insurance is a good thing that people insured on the insurance with blindness, and they often did not know the meaning and significance of the insurance, which resulted from the sheep mentality of the insurance consumer is often not the end of 1997, insurance has almost "out-of-stocks" popular scenes. "抢购风", a large number of the herd phenomenon, echoed its views blind, continued to pay premiums in the second year when it found that their own economic strength can not bear such high premiums, year after year, continued reference to continue its inadequacies, a lot of people were forced to surrender surrender brought losses to both sides addition, some surrender also losses due to cost disputes or complaints with insurance , the sheep mentality despite the insurance consumer in a certain period of time will play a catalytic role, but that role is not to promote lasting.(D) psychological selfish profitsThe psychological driven by selfish and take advantage of the insurance consumer behavior often buy insurance companies in an unfavorable position. As noted above, the consumption of personal insurance, because insurance subject danger and the possibility of a dangerous extent, to a large extent by the insurance consumer behavior of their own. The insurance process, between policyholders and insurance companies significant information take advantage of the insurance consumer psychology is very clearly the functions of insurance companies, operating methods and the relevant provisions, they put the insurance as a profit-making ladder. In their unscrupulous insurance, or over-insured or the insured concealed conditions, is expected to deliberate must pass on the risk insurance companies. For example, private forbidden collective dangerous insured, and so on. Even some people will deliberately create insurance for accidents to cheat insurance companies "compensation", such as artificially create the false impression of theft, obtaining property insurance compensation insurance companies. Although such a mentality to some of the insurance consumer behavior, but that consumer behavior is not conducive to the development of the insurance industry, with the relevant laws and regulations of the commercial insurance business, as well as the standardization of sound, which would tend to reduce the psychological.(5) luck, luck-based mentalityIn front of the mentioned insurance depend on the results of consumer provisions in the period, in line with the conditions stipulated in the contract whether or not the incident occurred. The insurance consumer uncertainty led to a consumer's luck, luck-based people considered dangerous possible, with luck they psychological, expect to pay less premiums are a rich compensation. However, if after a period of time, no insurance accident occurred, we believe that the insured unnecessary, disaster prevention are unfounded, and this time they would disappear prevention of mental, psychological and luck has prevailed, leading to surrender, the category of persons insured motive instability, which can not be lasting psychological insurance to promote consumption, consumption has hindered the insurance role.(6) reliance on psychologicalImpact also rely on the insurance consumer psychology. Such psychological part by the impact of the past planned economy, they think the accident occurred, the individual can rely on flats, units can rely on the state's financial or Home Relief. At the same time, the traditional Chinese friends to rely on each other, parents rely on their children, their children also to a large extent on the psychological parents to rely on the people's psychological. In such a psychological impact, people are not part of the way to take insurance risk preparedness, but rely on relatives, friends or units, the state. This mentality led some people to the indifferent attitude of the insurance consumer.(7) Comparison of Psychological SelectionAs with other consumer behavior, consumers in the insurance consumer choice when compared with the psychological. They will be acquired in accordance with market information on various insurance products and the possible alternatives (such as investment-oriented insurance and savings to a certain extent between the irreplaceable role), through analysis of its price and quality, thus they choose to said that the greatest , the impact of psychological factors Insurance Consumer AnalysisDifferent insurance consumers have different insurance consumer mentality of the insurance consumer sentiment affected by many factors. Among these factors also have different degrees of interaction.(A) personal psychological factors from a psychological point of view, each person has a different psychological structure, the most important of which is that the human personality tendencies. Including the needs, motivations, interests, ideals, beliefs, world outlook, outlook on life and values, and so on. Personality tendency to lead everyone has a different risk attitudes. Risk attitude is the psychological impact on insurance consumers inherent main reason. Nobel economics winners Arrow risk to people's attitude divided into three, a "good risk"; second is the "risk averse"; third "risk-neutral." Risk different attitude to face the future with the objective of the danger, different people have different risk preparedness needs, will have different insurance motive, which have different insurance consumer behavior.(B) insurance product quality and priceConsumer behavior, people inevitably will seek "cheap" and therefore, insurance commodity prices and the quality of their impact on the insurance consumer psychology as one of the of goods reflected in the quality of the service quality insurance companies, claims, personnel quality, professional ethics and business environment, and other factors. The insurance companies which service is particularly important. Apart from the disaster can be certain compensation, in the hope that consumers also insured program design, technical advice and other aspects of disaster prevention and satisfactory services. But as society, the changing economic environment, insurance services also need to pay attention to market research and promptly capture information, and constantly develop design meet the requirements of the prices that insurance premiums. Commercial insurance consumer is built on a certain currency on the basis of ability to pay, therefore, the self-insurance commodity prices on the insurance consumer impact is very obvious. Generally speaking, the relationship between the two was the opposite direction changes. Individuals or units when buying insurance is more rational, they observe the principle is the largest marginal effect. That is to say, they will according to their income and the limited access to market information, the need to choose the most, the most valuable insurance policy.(3) Social factors1. Traditional cultural influencesTraditional culture is formed in the historical development of the customs, values and codes of conduct, way of life, ethical and so on. Living in the social environment of each person's thoughts and actions are deeply affected by the traditional culture, the insurance consumer sentiment also by the traditional of all, the hardworking and thrifty thinking of the impact, many people outside of the daily necessities consumption is often careful planning, and usually more concerned about immediate savings, without considering the long-term , the traditional concept of family ethics, many people raising children, parents see is the maintenance of internal family obligations, not to accept these responsibilities will be transferred to the outside world, to seek protection from outside the insurance act. Again, the prevailing demand is the same psychological impact caused by the traditional culture, people strive to maintain consistency with the outside world, but also the so-called "seeking common ground while."Finally, feudal superstition is to a large extent influence the thinking of the insurance consumer mentality of the people on the one hand consider the dangerous taboo, there left to chance; face danger on the other hand, some people prefer to resort to "God" or, as will all "act of God."2. Social groups affectedPeople living in a certain social groups, usually in a group of people have a certain similar objective conditions, such as age, gender, occupation, ability to pay, and cultural standards. Each person's insurance will be a consumer mentality where groups of their own, but also by other groups. Social groups exchanges and communication within the group to keep faith, values and norms of a group, which formed a consistency between the groups. Generally, groups of individuals based on the trust and the fear of Outlier often want to maintain consistency between the face of the insurance consumer, individual and have their own judgment, but in its decision-making, respect for individual and group caused a certain amount of psychological pressure, thereby affecting the individual's psychological and behavior.(D) economic factors1. Economic developmentEconomic development on the insurance consumer has an important psychological impact because economic development enhanced the people's economic development only meets the needs of the people after the first level, and then causes people higher level needs. People in the lower income, the first consideration is to satisfy the physical needs, solve the problem of food and clothing; continuously improve the income level, the first level of basic needs were met, people began to give more consideration to security issues. Revenue rose results will be to increase its expenditures, including expenditures for the purchase of some consumer durables, such as automobiles and housing, people will have more and more physical property. Therefore, the property of the need to consider the issue more and more. At the same time, individuals are beginning to realize the health of the body will bring lasting income for themselves and their families in turn bring happiness, and therefore more attention to physical safety. Therefore, the promotion of economic development in the people's insurance consumer . Social security degreeSocial security policy is formulated by the State for individual citizens to provide some form of subsidy to make up for them due to retirement, unemployment, disability and other causes of loss of income, and they are sick to provide medical services during a policy, including social the insurance, social relief and social welfare aspects. Because social security and commercial insurance have some substitution effect, therefore, the degree of social security of the developed commercial insurance direct impact on consumer psychology. Usually, the higher the degree of social security, the wider coverage of consumers rely on luck psychological and mental is stronger, not conducive to the insurance . Interest rate changesBank interest rates on the insurance psychological impact manifested mainly in the investment-oriented insurance consumption. Bank savings and investment-oriented insurance products have a certain substitution effect, investment-oriented insurance consumers in insurance and savings comparisons between weigh. Interest rates and investment-oriented insurance negative correlation between consumer sum up, the insurance consumer has a unique, based on this, the consumer has a wide range of insurance psychological elements, and the insurance consumer are several psychological factors. Consumer sentiment on the development of the insurance industry has an important impact. Fierce competition in the market economic situation, in order to expand the insurance market and improve the insurance consumer, insurance companies undoubtedly should, as far as possible to grasp the insurance consumer mentality and take the initiative guided by external factors conducive to the development of the insurance industry Insurance Consumer Psychology formation.

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一、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1.风险是损失的 不确定性 。纯粹风险导致两种结果,即和 损失和 无损失 。2.保险费率由 纯费率 和 附加费率 组成。3.保险人把其原保险业务转让给其它保险人的方式叫 再保险 。4.保险具有 经济性 、 互助性 、 契约性 和 科学性 的特点。1.保险公司的组织形式有__国有独资保险公司__和__股份保险公司__两种。2.保险的派生职能是__融资_和__防灾防损_。3. __生命表__的编制和运用,奠定了现代人寿保险的数理基础。4.保险合同的当事人包括__保险人__和__投保人__,保险合同的关系人包括_被保险人和_受益人。5.中国《保险法》规定:设立区域性保险公司,其注册资本的最低限额为人民币__2亿元____。1.生命表 的编制和运用,奠定了现代人寿保险的数理基础。 2.保险合同的当事人包括_保险人_和_投保人_,保险合同的关系人包括被保险人和受益人 。 3.保险人把其原保险业务转让给其他保险人的方式叫_再保险___。5.投保人对保险标换不具有__保险利益___的,保险关系不成立。 1.保险人把其原保险业务转让给其它保险人的方式叫 再保险 。 2.保险合同的当事人包括 保险人 和投保人,保险合同的关系人包括被保险人和受益人 。 3.保险的派生职能是 投资 和 防灾防损。 4.保险赔偿方式主要有现金赔付、 修复、 重置三种。1.保险的基本职能是: ( 补偿损失)和 ( 给付保险金 )。 2.保险人把其原保险业务转让给其它保险人的方式是( 再保险人 )。 3.纯粹风险导致两种结果,即( 损失 )和(无损失 )。 4.( 生命表 )的编制和运用,奠定了现代人寿保险的数理基础。 5.风险因素可分为( 实质风险因素)、( 道德风险因素 ) 和(心理风险因素 ) 。 6.投保人对保险标的不具有( 保险利益 )的,保险合同无效。 7.保险赔偿方式主要有(现金赔付) 、(修复 ) 、( 重置 )三种。 8.健康保险包括( 医疗保险 )、( 残疾收入补偿保险 )、( 住院医疗保险 )、( 疾病保险)和( 生育保险 ) 9.保证按保证存在形式分为 ( 明示保证 )和( 默示保证 )。1.在商业银行的四项主要功能中,最能代表商业银行特点是信用中介功能和支付中介功能。 2.按照有关规定,我国商业银行的短期贷款是指期限在一年以内的贷款;长期贷款是指期限在五年以上的贷款。 3.狭义负债按照资金来源渠道不同可以细分为借人负愤负债、存款负债和结算中负债三类。 4.汇票根据承兑人的不同,可以分为银行承兑汇票和商业承兑汇票。5.商业银行的法律责任包括商业银行的民事责任、刑事责任和行政责任。 6.对银行的资产和负债规定出一系列的比例从而实现对银行资产控制的管理方式称为资产负债比例管理。其中存贷款比例,是反映资产与负债关系,防止过度使用资金的核心指标。 7.银行的流动性资产包括:现金、国库券、存放在中央银行款项、一个月内到期的贷款、一个月内到期的拆放同业净额及其它一个月内变现的其它证券、票据。 8.提高商业银行的资本充足率主要从两个方面人手:一是增加商业银行的资本金;二是降低风险资产在全部银行资产中的比重 9.支付中介是指商业银行为商品交易的货币结算提供一种付款机制。 10.各国政府对商业银行监管的内容多种多样,归纳起来主要分为两类:一类是预防性监管;另一类是保护性监管。1.~风险管理方法分为控制法和财务法两大类。 2.风险是损失的—不确定性。 3.风险的基本要素有—风险因素、—风险事故、—损失。 4.按风险的性质,风险可分为—纯粹风险和—投机风险。 5.保险的派生职能有—融资职能—和—防灾防损职能。 6.——原保险是保险人和投保人签订保险合同,构成投保人与保险人权利义务关系的保险。 7.—保险深度是保费收入占国内生产总值的比重。 8.—保险密度是按全国人口计算的平均保费额。 9.保证是投保人或被保险人在保险期间对某项事项的—作为或不作为—、—存在或不存在的允诺。10.人身保险的保险利益存在于—保险合同订立时 12.~近因是造成保险标的损失—直接 .—有效 . 起决定作用-的原因。 13.最大诚信原则的内容包括—如实告知 . 保证-. —弃权-与—禁止反言。 14.保险合同的辅助人包括—保险代理人 .—保险经纪人-和—保险公估人—。 15.保险法是调整保险关系-的法律规范的总称。 16.保证按保证存在形式分为明示保证和—默示保证。 17.《保险法》规定:设立全国性保险公司注册资本的最低限额为人民币2亿元 。 18.按风险的损害对象分类,风险分为—财产风险—、—人身风险、——责任风险和 —信用风险 。 19.按保险的对象分类,保险分为基本风险和特定风险20.对保险合同争议的处理方式包括—和解、—调解-、—仲裁和——诉讼—。 21.保险基金具有—是合理分担金—-、—是一种责任准备金和—是一种返还性资金 的特点。22.按保险的实施方式分类,保险分为自愿保险和法定保险 。二、单项选择题(共10分,每题1分。)1.权利人因义务人而遭受经济损失的风险是( D )。A.财产风险 ` B.人身风险 C.责任风险 D.信用风险2.对于损失概率低、损失程度大的风险应该采用( A )的风险管理方法。 A.保险 B.自留风险 C.避免风险 D.减少风险3.两个或两个以上的保险人共同承保同一保险责任,同一保险利益,同一保险事故,并且保险金额之和不超过保险价值的保险称为( C )。 A.重复保险 B.再保险 C.共同保险 D.综合保险4.保险的基本特性是保险的( B )。 A.经济性 B.互助性 C.法律性 D.科学性5.保费收入总额占国内生产总值的比重是指( B )。 A.保险密度 B.保险深度 C.保险金额 D.保险价值6.保险合同特有的原则是( B )。 A.诚信原则 B.保险利益原则 C.公平互利原则 D.守法原则7.下列属于保险人承担赔偿责任的损失是( B )。 A.巨灾损失 B.直接损失 C.间接损失 D.精神损失8.被保险人的代表是( D )。 A.投保人 B.保险代理人 C.保险人 D.保险经纪人9.以投保时保险标的实际价值或估计价值作为保险价值,其保险金额按保险价值来确定,这种保险被称之为( B )。 A.不定值保险 B.定值保险 C.定额保险 D.超额保险10.保险市场的买方是( C )。 A.保险代理人 B.被保险人 C.投保人 D.保险人1.当损失频率等于( C )时风险最大。A.0 B. C. D.12.某房东外出是忘记锁门,结果小偷进屋,家具被偷,则风险因素是(C )。A.小偷进屋 B.家具被偷 C.外出时忘记锁门 D.房东外出3.以各种有形财产的现有利益,预期利益为保险标的的保险是(A )。A.财产损失保险 B.责任保险 C.人身保险 D.信用保险4.两个或两个以上的保险人共同承担同一保险责任,同一保险利益,同一保险事故,并且保险金额之各不超过保险价值的保险称为(C )。A.重复保险 B.再保险 C.共同保险 D.综合保险5.保险合同特有的原则是(B )。 A.诚信原则 B.保险利益原则 C.公平互利原则 D.守法原则6.在人身保险合同中,由被保险人或者投保人指定的享有保险金请求权的人是( A )。A.受益人 B.保险经纪人 C.保险人 D.投保人7.保费收入总占国内生产总值的比重是指(B )。A.保险密度 B.保险深度 C.保险金额 D.保险价值8.社会保险和商业保险的共同点在于(A )。 A.同是以风险存在为前提 B.同是保险人与投保人之间的契约行为 C.同是以概率论和大数法则作为制定保险费率的数理基础 D.同是满足社会成员的各种需要9.解释保险合同条款最主要的方式是(A )。 A.文义解释 B.单理解释 C.补充解释 D.意图解释10.被保险人缴付的用于赔偿损失或给付保险金的费用叫(A )。 A.纯保费 B.附加保费 C.毛保费 D.毛费率1.以投保时保险标的实际价值或估价价值作为保险价值,其保险金额按保险价值来确定,这种保险被称之为( C )。A.不定值保险 B.定值保险 C.定额保险 D.超额保险2.保险市场的买方是( B )。A.保险代理人 B.被保险人 C.投保人 D.保险人 E.受益人3.保险人在支付了5000元的保险赔款后向有责任的第三方追偿,追偿款为6000元则( B )。A.6000元全部退还给被保险人 B.将1000元退还给被保险人C.6000元全归保险人 D.多余的1000元在保险双方之间分摊4.下列属于保险人绝对不予承保的财产是( B )。A.房屋 B.土地 C.金银首饰 D.家用电器5.保险的基本特性( B )。A.经济性 B互助性 C.法律性 D.科学性6.保险合同特有的原则是( B )。A.最大诚信原则 B.保险利益原则 C.公平互利原则 D.守法原则7.下列属于保险人承担赔偿责任的损失是(B )。A.巨灾损失 B.直接损失 C.间接损失 D.精神损失8.被保险人的代表是( A )。A.投保人 B.保险代理人 C.保险人 D.保险经纪人9.保费收入占国民收入的比重是指( B )。A.保险密度 B.保险深度 C.保险金额 D.保险价值10.保险市场的卖方是( D )。A.保险代理人 B.被保险人 C.投保人 D.保险人 E. 受益人1.两个或两个以上的保险人共同承保同一保险责任,同一保险利益,同一保险事故的保险称为( C )。 A.重复保险 B.再保险 C.共同保险 D.综合保险2.保费收入总额占国内生产总值的比重是指( B )。 A.保险密度 B.保险深度 C.保险金额 D.保险价值3.保险经纪人基于( D )的利益,为签订保险合同提供中介服务,并依法收取佣金。 A.保险公估人 B.保险代理人 C.保险人 D.投保人4.下列属于保险人承担赔偿责任的损失是( B )。 A.巨灾损失 B.直接损失 C.间接损失 D.精神损失5.被保险人的代表是( D )。 A.投保人 B.保险代理人 C.保险人 D.保险经纪人6.保险合同特有的原则是( B )。 A.最大诚信原则 B.保险利益原则 C.公平互利原则 D.守法原则7.保险人在支付了5000元的保险赔款后向有责任的第三方追偿,追偿款为6000元则( B )。 A. 6000元全部退还给被保险人 B.将5000元退还给被保险人 C.6000元全归保险人 D.多余的1000元在保险双方之间分摊8.下列属于保险人绝对不予承保的财产是( B )。 A.房屋 B.土地 C.金银首饰 D.家用电器9.按人口平均计算的保费收入是指( A )。 A.保险密度 B.保险深度 C.保险金额 D.保险价值还有很多

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保险 论文的题目是论文的要件之首,它不同于一般 文章 的题目,有特定的构成要素、结构模式。你是不是在因为保险论文的题目头疼?为此我给大家收集了一些关于保险专业的题目材料,欢迎大家阅读。 保险论文题目(一) 1. 基于物流经济的快递商品保险现状与对策分析 2. 大病保险能否终结因病致贫 3. 浅析职工工伤保险存在的问题与对策 4. 构建我国海外投资保险制度的思考 5. 农户育肥猪保险支付意愿研究 6. 中银保险车险理赔系统设计与实现 7. 死亡率下降对商业保险和社会保险的影响 8. 信诚“安诊无忧”住院费用补偿医疗险介绍 9. 保险保障基金的道德风险分析 10. 基因测试在重大疾病保险中应用的可行性分析 11. 我国科技保险发展问题探讨 12. 投保人失踪后谁可退保取决于该合同的继承权归属 13. 保险市场行为变异及原因探析 14. 美国失业保险:特点绩效与问题 15. “.”保险宣传咨询活动 16. 中国平安回归A股成功上市 17. 论海上旅客人身伤亡责任保障机制的构建 18. 论金融化趋势下再保险发展新模式的构建 19. 对寿险公司直接开办责任保险的质疑 20. 对我国“全民医保”制度建设的初步构想 保险论文题目(二) 1. 中外国家保险业效率比较研究 2. 我国保险网络营销 渠道 策略研究 3. 中国平安人寿理赔服务满意度提升方案 4. 保险人代位求偿权问题分析 5. 我国银行保险发展问题探析 6. 关于团险渠道业务发展困境的思考 7. 从政府机构的视角构建我国海洋与渔业灾害风险防范体系 8. 中国财产保险公司经营效率实证研究 9. 互联网保险的前景分析及模式预测 10. 我国淡水养殖保险发展制约因素及对策分析 11. 中国保险业成熟度的测量与实证 12. 人寿保险信托及其在我国推行的意义 13. 我国西部民族地区巨灾保险立法探析 14. 基层农机保险现状及对策建议 15. 大学生纳入城镇居民医疗保险存在的问题与对策 16. 《社会保险法》实施中的问题及对策研究 17. 我国老年护理保险的法律探析 18. 我国保险监管模式的现实思考 19. 浅析我国电子商务保险发展 20. 我国保险业中若干问题的统计分析 保险论文题目(三) 1. 农村养老保险政策的完善问题 2. 事业单位参加养老保险的政策建议 3. 养老保险政策的问题研究 4. 单位不愿意缴纳养老保险的原因分析 5. 养老保险缴纳过程中的规避行为(探讨故意不足额缴纳的行为) 6. 养老保险待遇给付的合理性 7. 养老保险金的缺口问题(基金紧张) 8. 参保人的养老保险观念问题研究 9. 养老保险与离退休人员的社会化管理 10. 养老保险对单位用人制度的影响 11. .做实个人帐户的必要性与合理性 12. 做实个人帐户对个人养老保险待遇的影响 13. 被单位做出自动 离职 处理人员参加养老保险的对策研究 14. 关于我国养老保险问题的探讨 15. 论养老保险的进一步改革 保险论文题目(四) 1. 车险创新销售模式 2. 我国保险营销现状及对策 3. 我国财险保险发展现状及影响因素分析 4. 农业互助保险制度的优势与创设构想 5. 保险市场消费行为心理因素分析 6. 基于 市场营销 P理论的保险营销策略 7. 大数据时代保险业的发展 8. 我国城市大学生医疗保险制度比较 9. 对我国养老保险制度公平性的思考 10. 电子商务环境下流通商品保险研究 12. 政府保险采购招投标存在的问题与难点分析 13. 谈谈紧急救援保险 14. 中外遏制保险犯罪立法之比较 15. 就农业保险谈点体会与看法 16. 我国区域保险发展研究 17. 普及保险知识的“草根”智慧 18. 如何选择最省钱的汇款方式 19. 生活中的最佳保健时间 20. 涉外追偿大有可为 猜你喜欢: 1. 保险风险管理论文题目 2. 金融保险论文题目 3. 关于保险论文范文 4. 保险毕业论文参考 5. 对目前保险市场的分析论文

257 评论


  • 保险学风险管理方向的论文题目

    市场经济的建设不断完善,发展速度不断加快 保险 业蓬勃增长,保险行业的价值和作用日益被人们重视,成为国民经济中不可或缺的组成部分。下面我给大家带来保险业论文

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