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Abstract: Deceptive and illegal advertisements appeared following the birth of modern advertising, and the number of such ad rises as the continuous development of both the market economy and the mass media. The present article reveals the reasons and solutions for this phenomenon. First, advertisers, advertising agents and publishers create and publish deceptive and illegal advertisements for their own good, regardless of the legitimate interests of consumers. Second,many consumers are lacking the sense of law, which make it difficult for them to use the weapon of law to safeguard their own legitimate rights and interests. China is still in the primary stage of socialism. The market economy of China is therefore not perfect, which lead to the weak administration of our administrative department for industry and commerce on China's advertising industry. More and more advertising forms come intobeing as the rapid development of modern advertising industry. It becomes imperative to supervise and administrate the advertising industry as well as to adjust and improve the Advertising , the administration requires the mass media’s cooperation, such as television, radio, internet, newspapers, magazines,and so on. Every kind of mass media should bear in mind that only the true ad can be published, and any disregard of the public interests must be resisted. Meanwhile, the administration needs consumers themselves to improve their sense of the law, to reject deceptive and illegal advertisements and to use the weapon of law to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests when they are infringed. Never let the publishers of such ad escape from the law. Facing with so many deceptive advertisements, it should make clear the boundary and the sorts of those deceptive advertising.

102 评论


生活中的广告 经过如此繁杂的一系列策划,才能创作出一步好的广告。然而现在广告泛滥,虚假广告可谓五花八门,涉及各行个业,使人们防不胜防,但是我们避开他们的共性,不外乎如下“三性”: (一)虚夸性 即滥用精美语言甚至违反科学规律的论断和绝对结论,误导、诱消费者过高估计广告中宣传的商品或服务的质量、性能等而达到推销商品或服务的目的。如有的商品广告使用“唯一”、“最佳”、“第一”等用语把产品推到绝顶的程度;有的用“跳楼价”、“买一送一”等蒙消费者。 (二)欺诈性 即采用捏造、编造根本不存在的事实和歪曲隐瞒事实真相的手法发布广告。如利用邮购广告来推销假冒伪劣商品以及现在正严厉大击的手机短信广告。 (三)假冒性 采用假冒专利,获奖商品、注册商标、科技成果、创造发明用以取他人信任,达到获取不正当利益为目的广告。 这些虚假广告给消费者的利益带来了极大的损害,也使商家的可信度大大降低,俗话说“上有政策,下有对策”,对于虚假广告,也有以下几点办法: (一)广告管理机关应加强广告监督管理的力度,把广告管理纳入规范化管理轨道。 (二)充分发挥广告行业自律组织几各级广告协会的作用,使他们成为治理虚假广告的排头兵。 (三)要把更正广告的规定落到实处。 (四)广大客户和消费者要努力提高识别虚假广告能力,使虚假广告成为过街老鼠。 广告词固然是广告最吸引人的一个地方,以下我们摘录了中国20多年来流行的广告语: 1979:可口可乐添欢笑。(可口可乐) 1980:味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡) 1982:就是可口可乐。(可口可乐) 车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车。(丰田汽车) 1983:燕舞,燕舞,一曲歌来一片情。(燕舞收录机) 1984:百事,新一代的选择。(百事可乐) 上海大众永远和您在一起。(大众汽车) 1985:大宝天天见!(大宝) 1986:万家乐,乐万家。(万家乐电器) 1987:当太阳升起的时候,我们的爱天长地久。(太阳神) 1988:汽车工业新一代的标志。(广州标致) 1989:中原之行哪里去?郑州亚细亚。(亚细亚商场) 今年20,明年18。(白利美容香皂) 1990:高高兴兴上班去,平平安安回家来。(公益广告) 妥帖保护,伸缩自如。(邦迪创可贴) 1991:和了娃哈哈,吃饭就是香。(娃哈哈) 人头马一开,好事自然来。(人头马酒) 1992:新飞广告做地好,不如新飞冰箱好。(新飞电冰箱)康师傅方便面,好吃看得见。(康师傅) 有多少南方摩托车,就有多少动人的故事。(南方摩托) 1993:明天将发生什么?(联想集团) 不要太潇洒!(衫衫西服) 走福康路,坐福康车。(福康车) 中国名车,嘉陵摩托。(嘉陵摩托) 1994:喝孔府宴酒,做天下文章。(孔府宴酒) 海尔,真诚到永远。(海尔电器)共创美的前程,共度美的人生。(美的电器) 让人先聪明起来。(巨人脑黄金) 1995:让我们做得更好。(飞利浦) 孔府家酒,叫人想家。(孔府家酒)要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝。(大宝) 鄂尔多斯羊绒衫,温暖全世界。(鄂尔多斯羊绒衫) 拥有桑塔纳,走边天下都不怕。(桑塔纳轿车) 1996:长城永不倒,国货当自强。(奥妮皂角洗发浸膏) 一切尽在掌握。(爱立信) 科技以人为本。(诺基亚) 坐红旗车,走中国路。(红旗轿车) 1997:我们一直在努力。(爱多电器) 没有最好,只有更好。(澳柯玛冰柜) 牙好,胃口就好,身体倍棒 ,吃嘛嘛香。(蓝天六必治) 我的眼里只有你。(娃哈哈纯净水) 1998:新春新意新鲜新趣,可喜可贺可口可乐。(可口可乐) 非常可乐,非常选择。(非常可乐) 农夫山泉有点甜。(农夫山泉) 1999:飘柔,就是这么自信。(飘柔) 知识改变命运。(公益广告) 科技让你更轻松。(商务通) 治肾虚,请用汇仁肾宝。(汇仁肾宝) 2000:呼机,手机,商务通,一个都不能少。(商务通) 2001:健康成就未来。(海王) 送礼就送脑白金。(脑白金) 可是根据我们对各个年龄段消费者的调查发现,大多数人认为“汇仁肾宝”、“脑白金”、“一百岁”、“西安大败毒胶囊”等一些药物广告太虚假,让人看了觉得恶心,相反,富有时代感的手机广告、麦当劳、肯得基广告、饮料广告和一些有意义的公益广告更深得人们的喜爱,这些广告以充满个性的广告词和故事情节吸引着消费者。由此可见,广告词在广告中占据了相当重要的位置。广告的形式多种多样,可广大消费者主要关注的还是电视广告。电视广告的现代化特点无须赘言,因为电视广告对新技术和现代技巧的运用及其对前述诸多学科的大跨度系统综合,已经使电视广告的“语言”富于现代感。换句话说,电视广告给人以现代感无疑首先表现为电视广告所传达的现在商品信息的现代性以及展示的现代生活方式、情感方式。电视广告“语言”不仅是信息的载体,它自身也是一种客体、一种自足的具体的实体,因而也是信息的本身。它在传送商品信息的同时,却因其结构的内在张力,也将本身实体的信息意义传达出来,散发出一股现代信息。其次,在这个E时代的社会潮流中,网络上的广告也给消费者带来很大的影响力。它给人以全新的视、听愉悦,因此它是现代科技与艺术成功结合的范例,它十分强调图形、色彩以及配乐等,较多地采用圆形、正方形和曲线等规则图案,产生愉快、连贯、幽雅的视觉效果。色彩上大多以翠绿、浅蓝、银色等最受欢迎的色彩为底色,并可以随意调整出相近色彩,商品饰以适量的红色、金色,引起观众的注意和兴趣。在网络广告中,音乐是重要组成部分,节奏轻快舒缓,与MTV特质的沟通,可以使观众在注意广告内容中获得视听愉悦,有助于消除日常工作中的紧张烦躁情绪。

113 评论


Abstract : Since the birth of modern advertising , false advertising law also will appear , but with the continuous development of market economy and the mass media , the number of false and illegal advertising more and more . This article reveals the reason for the proliferation of false and illegal advertising , and the corresponding governance programs made for these reasons . The main reasons are advertisers, advertising operators and advertisement publishers for their own interests , regardless of the legitimate interests of consumers, manufacturers publish false and illegal advertising, which is one of the causes of the spread of false and illegal advertising . In addition, from the consumers themselves, many consumer awareness of the law is not strong, difficult to use legal weapons to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. Since China is still in the primary stage of socialism , the market economy is still not perfect , it also led to the administrative department of China's advertising industry for the supervision and management can not achieve good results . The rapid development of modern advertising industry , more and more forms of advertising , supervision and management of the advertising industry is imperative to adjust and improve advertising law , follow the development of the times, this is false and illegal advertisements governance must be done . Secondly , governance false advertising law also requires the mass media with television, radio, Internet , newspapers, magazines and so on , no matter what kind of media , in disseminating advertising needs remember only real advertising in order to be released , must not be for the benefit of the moment and ignore the interests of the public. Meanwhile, the management of illegal false advertising consumers themselves also need to raise awareness of the law , for false advertising law must resolutely resist when their own interests are damaged , we must learn to use legal weapons to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests , and never let false advertising publisher escape the law . For a variety of false advertising , to be clear demarcation true and false advertising , but also to clear the kind of false : false advertising law ; flooding causes; governance approach来自于google翻译,未修正。

220 评论


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