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一、课堂问题行为及其表现A behavior, classroom problems and their performance课堂中的问题行为是教师最为关注的话题,所谓课堂问题行为,是指“在课堂中发生的,与课堂行为规范和教学要求不一致,避过影响正常课堂秩序及教学效率的课堂行为。[1]幼儿时期的孩子,行为具有强烈的情绪性,易受外界事物和自己的情绪所支配,自制力差、易冲动、自我中心强,所以问题行为出现的频率要远高于其他时期。幼儿的课堂问题行为主要表现在以下几个方面:In the classroom problem behavior is teachers are most concerned about the topic, so-called classroom problem behavior is refers to "in the classroom, and classroom behavior standards and teaching requirements are not consistent, evaded affect the normal order in the classroom and the teaching efficiency of classroom behavior. [1] early childhood children act is strong emotions, vulnerable to external things and their emotional control, self-control, impulsivity, self-centered strong, so the frequency of behavior problems to far higher than that in other periods. Children's classroom behavior problems mainly in the following aspects:(一)课堂纪律性差(a) the classroom discipline is poor因为幼儿的活波好动,所以幼儿课堂会非常“热闹”,经常会出现各种不遵守课堂纪律的问题。如在老师组织游戏的过程中,没有参与游戏的小朋友就会和别的小朋友互相进行打闹,或者在上课过程中,小朋友会经常离开自己的座位,在课堂上随意走动。这些不遵守课堂纪律的问题都是课堂教学中经常会遇到的。Because children live wave of restless, so early childhood classroom will very "lively, will often appear all sorts of does not obey the classroom discipline problems. Such as in the process of teacher to organize the games, and other kids did not participate in the game the children will each other slapstick, or in the process of teaching, children will often leave their seats. In class move around freely. These do not obey the classroom discipline problems are often encountered in the classroom teaching.(二)注意力不集中(two) inattention注意力不集中的问题主要表现为思想开小差、搞小动作、看课外书和在书本上乱写乱画。这是由于幼儿的注意力是不稳定和不持久的,尤其会很容易就被其他事物所吸引,所以,很难让他们的注意力一直集中在课堂活动中。如某个小朋友今天穿了一件新衣服或者新鞋子,在上课过程中,这个小朋友及其周围的小朋友往往都会不自觉的把注意力放在了新衣服和新鞋子上,而忽略整个课堂的教学内容。所以,幼儿课堂中,小朋友注意力不集中不仅是一个非常普遍的问题,而且是一个很难避免的问题。Attention is the main problem of dreaming, playing tricks, reading books and in graffiti. This is because the child is not stable and durable, especially is very easy to be attracted by other things, so it is difficult to get their attention has been focused on the classroom activities. Such as a little friend today wearing a new dress or a new pair of shoes, in class in the process, the little friends in and around the small friends tend to unconsciously to concentrate on the new clothes and new shoes, and ignore the whole classroom teaching content. So, the children in the classroom, the children can not concentrate not only is a very common problem, but also is a very difficult to avoid problems.(三)学习动力不足,上课态度消极(three) the lack of learning motivation, the negative attitude of the class幼儿课堂中,许多小朋友存在着学习动力不足的问题。其中,有些小朋友是因为本身不喜欢这门课,受父母的意志左右才来上课,因此缺乏足够的兴趣;有些小朋友则因为学业成绩不太理想,同时由于家长和老师的不喜欢,自身产生自卑心理,丧失学习兴趣,更有甚者产生抵触情绪。不管原因是什么,此类小朋友在上课过程中通常都会表现出消极被动的状态,具体表现为上课马马虎虎,粗心大意,上课前没有思想准备,丢三落四。The children in the classroom, many children are lack of learning motivation problem. Among them, some of the kids is because itself is not like this course, by their parents about the will to come to class, so the lack of sufficient interest; some of the kids is because the academic result is not too ideal, also due to the parents and teachers don't like, its inferiority complex, a loss of interest in learning, even produced resentment. Whatever the reason, this kind of friend in class in the process will usually show the passive state, the specific performance is careless in class and careless, before class no thought preparation, forgetful.二、课堂问题行为的原因分析Two, analysis of the causes of behavior problems in class每一个课堂问题行为的发生总隐藏着一定的原因,只有找到这些原因,才有可能消除课堂问题行为,改善课堂秩序,创造一个良好的课堂环境。学生发生课堂问题行为主要有以下几方面原因:The behavior of every classroom problems are always hidden certain reasons, only to find these reasons, is likely to eliminate problematic behaviors in class, improve the classroom order, create a good classroom environment. The students' classroom behavior problems are the following reasons:(一)幼儿身心发展的特殊性(a) the special physical and mental development of young children幼儿时期,小孩的各项生理机能都处于生长发育的过程中,幼儿心理也处于发展敏感期。在正常的生活环境和教育条件下,幼儿期的孩子具有非常不同于年龄段的特点。从生理特点来说,幼儿的神经系统尚未完全发育完善,大脑皮层的抑制能力差,很难较长时间地集中精力从事一、二种单调形式的活动,更难较长时间地关注于教师的讲课。其次,从幼儿心理特点来看,幼儿好动、爱玩、好问、好说,兴趣广泛,注意力容易为无关的刺激特征(新奇、新颖、活动性、强烈的对比等)所吸引而分心。而且,由于幼儿的好动,对自身的行为又缺少控制能力,因此,幼儿之间很容易产生争吵、哭闹,甚至于肢体碰撞。Early childhood, the physiological function of children are in the process of growth and development of children's psychological development, also in the sensitive period. In the normal living environment and education conditions of children in early childhood have very different characteristics in age. From the physiological characteristics, children's nervous system is not fully developed, the cerebral cortex inhibition ability is poor, it is difficult to for a long time concentrate in one or two in the form of monotonous, more difficult for a long time attention on the teacher's lecture. Secondly, from the point of view of children's psychological characteristics, restless children, playful, ask, say, the interest is extensive, attention to irrelevant features of the stimulus (newness and novelty, activity, strong contrast etc.) to attract the distractions. And due to hyperactivity of the children, for their own actions and lack of control. Therefore, children are prone to quarrel, cry, and even body collision.(二)幼儿对于关注的需求(two) children's need for attention需要时刻获得他人的关注是人类的天性,而幼儿在这方面的需求又要远大于其他年龄段的人。在幼儿英语教学实践中,幼儿课堂的活跃程度要远远大于少儿段和青少段的课堂,每个幼儿从天性上都希望自己是课堂上的中心,能够获得老师和其他小朋友的关注。课堂中的小孩子们也会通过各种方式引起其他同学和老师的关注。学习好的小孩子,会用自己学业的成功获得其他同学和教师的赞赏;而活泼好动爱捣蛋的小朋友则会以学习以外的搞怪捣蛋的方式获得别人的关注。而如果这些小朋友一旦失去别人的关注,往往就会通过实施课堂问题行为表达自己心中的的不高兴,企求获得老师和同学的关注。这种关注,即使是消极的,也比忽视自己存在的结果要强。It is human nature to get the attention of others, and the needs of young children in this area are far greater than those of other ages. In children's English teaching practice, level of activity in the early childhood classroom to far greater than that of children and youth section of the class, each of the children from the nature hope he is class center, to gain the attention of teachers and other kids. Children in the classroom will also lead to other students and teachers in a variety of ways. Learning good child, can get the other classmates and teachers appreciated by his academic success; lively and active love naughty kids will get others to learn outside of the funny monkey's attention. And if these kids once lose people's attention, often through the implementation of classroom problem behavior expression of your heart is not happy, and beg to gain the attention of teachers and students. This kind of attention, even if it is negative, is better than the result of ignoring your own existence.(三)幼儿的认知水平与课堂教学内容的矛盾造成的问题行为(three) the contradiction between children's cognitive level and the content of classroom teaching每个教师在课堂上都会遇到这样一个问题,即每个幼儿的认知水平是不一样的。以幼儿英语学习为例,有些幼儿可能还停留在认识ABC英语单词的阶段,有些幼儿却已经能够认识一些简单的日常生活单词,甚至有些幼儿都已经可以进行简单的英语对话了。面对这些不同进度的孩子,教师难以给每一个孩子提供合适的教学内容和材料,不知道该怎样选择恰当的教学方法。Each teacher in the classroom will encounter such a problem, that is, each child's cognitive level is not the same. Based on children's English learning as an example, some children may still remain in the stage of recognizing the ABC of English words, some children have to know some simple words in daily life, even some children can have simple English dialogue. Faced with these different progress of the child, the teacher is difficult to provide every child with the appropriate teaching content and materials, do not know how to choose the appropriate teaching methods.

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文 | 希妈



“妈妈,姐姐抢走了我的 汽车 !是我先拿到的!”





在家中,家长如果每天除了工作,做家务,陪孩子做 游戏 ,还要解决孩子一件又一件的“官司”,会慢慢失去耐心,并给孩子贴上“小气”、“斤斤计较”、“不懂事”的负面标签,在幼儿园,爱“告状”的孩子,也很容易受到其他小朋友的孤立,交不到朋友。


孩子爱告状,看似是为了解决问题,实际上还意味着他们有了道德和规则的意识。 孩子对 社会 规则的遵从有一个从他律走向自律的过程,“告状”这个行为正是体现了他们对规则的认知、认同、和敬畏。

在《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》的 社会 适应目标中指出, 不同年龄段的发展目标是有差异的 。

a 、3-4岁

b 、 4-5岁

c 、 5-6岁






就像文中开头中所说的,“妈妈,他把我的玩具恐龙拆了!”、“妈妈,姐姐抢走了我的 汽车 ”等等, 孩子一点小事都会依赖成人帮助解决,并且想得到自己想要的东西,这一类型的告状行为就是“求助型”。


很多孩子告小朋友的状,是为了 引起家长或老师的关注,希望得到表扬,这一类型的告状行为就是“表现型”。




比如,有的孩子看到别人在打架,就会“告状”:“老师,他们在打架!”、“他们在抢别的小朋友玩具!”等,这种 想制止他人,充满正义感和同情心的告状行为就是“正义型” 。

孩子对 社会 规则的遵从有一个从他律向自律发展的过程。而孩子的“告状”现象,正是体现了孩子对 社会 道德和规则意识的认知。 家长可以从以下三个方面来入手,帮助孩子从爱“告状”到自律,学会自己“判案”。


在孩子出现“告状”行为时,往往情绪会很激动,甚至大哭大闹。 家长首先共情孩子,帮助孩子先冷静下来,再尝试让孩子独立解决问题。


帮助孩子解决几次后,再出现小摩擦小冲突时, 家长可以适时“偷懒” ,可以直接跟孩子们说:“你们是好朋友,我相信你们可以自己解决好”,这样正面积极的语言,可以提醒孩子“我们是好朋友”,同时也给孩子独立解决问题的机会。


对于“求助型”的告状行为,比如争抢玩具,打人,搞破坏等,先了解产生纠纷的原因,弄清事实,告诉孩子 换位思考 ,恰当引导, 给孩子独立解决问题的空间 。

对于“表现型”的告状,家长不要当着“告状”孩子的面去批评另一个没做好的孩子。 避免孩子因为想得到表扬而乱告状。 家长可以单独跟没做好的孩子了解原因,再作提醒。

对于“正义型”的告状,在问明情况后, 对于敢于制止、揭发不良行为的孩子可以给予及时表扬和鼓励。






相信每个孩子都会以 社会 上的“小主人”身份,遵守规则,敬畏规则,从他律走向自律。


参考文献 :《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》


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