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已发表的代表性论文、著作和重要研究报告:1. 混凝土断裂韧性的试验及分析。水利学报,1982年6期,61-66,徐世烺。2. 混凝土断裂韧度的概率统计分析。水利学报,1984年10期,51-58,徐世烺。3. 混凝土损伤和断裂的机理,国家自然科学基金资助项目总结报告。大连理工大学(已通过国家自然科学基金会材料与工程学部组织的评审),1987,1-99,赵国藩、徐世烺。4. 混凝土断裂韧度的概率模型研究。土木工程学报, 1988年,21卷 4期,9-23,徐世烺、赵国藩。5. 混凝土裂缝的稳定扩展过程与临界裂缝尖端张开位移。水利学报,1989年4期,33-44,徐世烺、赵国藩。6. 混凝土裂缝的评定技术,七五国重点科技攻关17-2-1 FLCL,2项目总结报告。大连理工大学(已通过国家能源部部级鉴定),1989,1-295,赵国藩、徐世烺、王凤翼、高泉。7. 混凝土巨型试件断裂韧度和高混凝土坝裂缝评定的断裂韧度准则。土木工程学报, 1991年,24卷 2期,1-9,徐世烺、赵国藩。8. 混凝土大型试件断裂能和缝端应变场。水利学报,1991年1期,17-25,徐世烺,赵国藩,黄承逵,刘毅,王凤翼,靳国礼。9. 用光弹性贴片法研究混凝土裂缝扩展过程。水力发电学报,1991 年第3期,8-17,徐世烺,赵国藩。10. 混凝土断裂力学研究。大连理工大学出版社,1991年,徐世烺,赵国藩。11. 岩石和混凝土断裂力学,中南工业大学出版社,1991年,(合著者之一)。12. 混凝土结构裂缝扩展的双K断裂准则。土木工程学报, 1992年,25卷 2期,32-38,徐世烺、赵国藩。13. 大尺寸混凝土试件的断裂韧度。水利学报,1997第6期,67-76,吴智敏,赵国藩,徐世烺。14. 基于虚拟裂缝模型砼双K断裂参数。水利学报,1999年第7期,12-16,吴智敏,徐世烺,王金来。15. 三点弯曲梁法研究砼K断裂参数及其尺寸效应。水力发电学报。2000 年第4期,(35-39),吴智敏,徐世烺,王金来,刘毅。16. 基于虚拟裂缝模型的砼等效断裂韧度。工程力学,2000,17卷第1期,(99-104),吴智敏,王金来,徐世烺,刘毅。17. 双相介质界面附近裂纹的断裂力学特征。复合材料学报,2000年,17卷第3期,(78-82),王利民,陈浩然,徐世烺,赵光远。18. 试件初始缝长对砼双K断裂参数的影响。水利学报,2000 年第4期,吴智敏,徐世烺,刘毅。19. 考虑材料断裂特性的结构设计理论,国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目总结报告。大连理工大学,2000,1-201,徐世烺,吴智敏,王利民,赵志方,赵艳华。20. 试件尺寸对混凝土新KR阻力曲线的影响。水利学报,2001年12期。赵志方,徐世烺。21. 混凝土强度对基于粘聚力的新KR阻力曲线的影响。水力发电学报,2001年10月,第3期,11-21,赵志方,徐世烺。22. 混凝土软化本构曲线形状对双K断裂参数的影响。土木工程学报,2001年,34⑸,29-34,赵志方、徐世烺。23. 裂纹垂直于双相介质界面时的应力强度因子。计算力学学报,2001,18⑴,33-36,王利民,陈浩然,徐世烺。24. 光弹贴片法研究裂缝扩展和双K断裂参数的尺寸效应。水利学报,2001年4期,34-39,吴智敏,徐世烺,刘佳毅。25. 裂纹端部细短纤维的应力分析。力学学报,2002,34⑵,200-207。王利民,徐世烺,陈浩然。26. 准脆性材料裂纹中远场桥联筋的应力与变形。工程力学,2002,19⑶,132-136。徐世烺,王利民,赵艳华。27. I-Ⅱ复合裂纹脆性断裂的最小J2准则。工程力学,2002,19⑷,94-98。赵艳华,徐世烺。28. 混凝土软化本构关系对双K断裂参数的影响。工程力学,2002 19⑷,149-154。赵志方,徐世烺,周厚贵。29. 混凝土双K断裂参数计算理论及规范化测试方法。第七届全国岩石混凝土断裂损伤和强度学术讨论会大会特邀报告,武汉,2001年10月,徐世烺。(见三峡大学学报,2002,24⑴,1-8)。30. 高性能精细混凝土与碳纤维织物粘接性能研究。第十一届全国结构工程学术会议大会特邀报告。2002年10月,长沙,徐世烺,(见工程力学,2002,增刊,95-111)。31. 配箍率对钢骨高强混凝土短柱轴压力系数限值影响的试验研究。土木工程学报,2002年,35⑹,39-43,贾金青,徐世烺,赵国藩。32. 砼双K断裂参数的实用解析方法。工程力学,2003,20⑶,54-61,徐世烺,吴智敏,丁生根。33. 楔入劈拉法研究混凝土断裂能。水力发电学报,2003年第4期,15-22,徐世烺,赵艳华吴智敏,高洪波。34. 钢骨高强混凝土短柱轴压力系数限值的试验研究。建筑结构学报,2003年1期,14-19,贾金青,徐世烺。35. 半无穷大裂纹端部粘聚力分析,应用数学和力学,2003,24⑻:812-820,王利民,徐世烺。36. 混凝土断裂过程区的虚拟裂纹粘聚力奇异性。应用力学学报,2004,21⑴:30-35,王利民,徐世烺。37. 混凝土Ⅱ型断裂与破坏过程的三维非线性有限元数值模拟。水力发电学报,2004,23⑸:15-21,徐世烺,赵艳华。38. 混凝土结构裂缝扩展的双G准则。土木工程学报,2004, 37⑽:13-18;51;91,赵艳华,徐世烺,吴智敏。39. 混凝土断裂能的边界效应. 水利学报,2005年11期,赵艳华,徐世烺,聂玉强。40. 纤维编织网增强混凝土的拉拔计算分析。铁道科学与工程学报,2005,⑵:15-21,徐世烺,李赫。41. 短纤维增强混凝土应力传递剪滞理论的改进。工程力学,2005,22⑹,165-169,张滇军,徐世烺。42. 考虑软化效应的粘聚裂纹张开位移分析。中国科学G辑,2006,36⑴,59-71,王利民 徐世烺 赵熙强。43. 一类Fredholm型弱奇性核积分方程展开解。物理学报,2006,55⑵:543-546,王利民任传波徐世烺 赵熙强。44. Development of Fracture Mechanics of Concrete in China. Fracture Toughness and Fracture Energy of concrete (edited by Wittmann .),Elsevier Science Publishers Netherlands,1986 (363-374), Xu Shilang,Chen Shiming and Zhao . A Study on the Probability Distribution and the Size Effect on the Fracture Toughness of Concrete. Ibid (edited by Wittmann .),Elsevier Science Publishers Netherlands,1986(337-341),Xu Shilang and Zhao . The Determination of the Fracture Toughness and the Fracture Energy of Concrete,Fracture Toughness and Fracture Energy-Test Methods for Concrete and Rock (edited by et al.), Publishers,The Netherlands,1989. (157-163),Xu Shilang and Zhao . A Study on Fracture Process Zones in Concrete by Means of Laser Speckle Matrix Composites 2(edited by A. M. Brandt),Elsevier Applied Science,The Netherlands,1989 (373-383), Xu Shilang and Zhao . Research on Application of Fracture Mechanics of Concrete to Dam Engineering. Workshop Notes,Application of Fracture Mechanics of Concrete to Dam Engineering (edited by ),Locarno,Switzerland,September 17 to 18,1990(56-60),Zhao Guofan and Xu . Study of Fracture Toughness and Fracture Energy by Means of Wedge Splitting Test Specimens. Brittle Matrix Composites 3(edited by ),Elsevier Applied Science,The Netherlands,1991. Zhao Guofan,Jiao Hui and Xu . Study on Fracture Behavior with Wedge Splitting Test Method. Fracture Process in Concrete,Rock and Ceramics (edited by . van Mier, and A. Bakker),E & FN Spon,An Imprint of Chapman & Hall,London,1991. (789-798),Zhao Guofan,Jiao Hui and Xu . A Probability Model of Fracture in Concrete and Size Effect on Fracture Toughness. Magazine of Concrete Research,London, (311-320),S. Xu and Ben . Mode Ⅱ Fracture Testing Methods for Highly Orthotropic Materials Like Journal of Fracture(国际断裂学报),Vol. 75,No. 2,1996(185-214),Shilang Xu(徐世烺),Hans-W. Reinhardt and Murat . Experimental determination of KⅡc of normal strength concrete. Materials and Structures,Paris,vol. 31,1998(296-302),H. W. Reinhardt and Shilang . Shear of Structural Concrete Members and Pure Mode Ⅱ Testing. Advanced Cement Based Materials,New York,Vol. 5,1997(75-85). H. W. Reinhardt,J. Ozbolt,S. Xu and A. . Acoustic Emission Analysis Applied to Concrete Under Different Loading Conditions. Otto Graf Journal,Stuttgart,Vol. 18,1997(255-269),Bernd Weiler,Shilang Xu (徐世烺)and Utz Mayer。56. Crack Extension Resistance and Fracture Properties of Quasi-Brittle Softening Materials Like Concrete Based on the Complete Process of Fracture. International Journal of Fracture(国际断裂学报),Vol. 92,1998 (71-99),Shilang Xu(徐世烺)and Hans W. . Numerical Experiments and Characteristics of the New KR-Curve for the Complete Fracture Process of Three-Point Bending Beams. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures,Proceedings FRAMCOS-3 (ed. H. Mihashi and K. Rokugo),Aedificatio Publishers,Germany,Vol. 1,1998 (399-408),. Reinhardt and S. Xu (徐世烺).58. Analytical Solution of the Fictitious Crack and Evaluation of the Crack Extension Resistance for a Griffith Crack。Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures,Proceedings FRAMCOS-3 (ed. H. Mihashi and K. Rokugo),Aedificatio Publishers,Germany,Vol. 1,1998 (409-420) ,S. Xu (徐世烺)and H. W. . Determination of the Double-K Fracture Parameters in Standard Three-Point Bending Notched Beams. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures,Proceedings FRAMCOS-3 (ed. H. Mihashi and K. Rokugo),Aedificatio Publishers,Germany,Vo. 1,1998 (431-440),S. Xu(徐世烺) and . . Numerical Studies on the Double-Edge Notched Mode Ⅱ Geometry. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures,Proceedings FRAMCOS-3 (ed. H. Mihashi and K. Rokugo),Aedificatio Publishers,Germany,Vol. 1,1998 (773-782),J. Ozbolt,. Reinhardt and S. Xu(徐世烺).61. Determination of Double-K Criterion for Crack Propagation in Quasi-Brittle Materials,part I: experimental investigation of crack propagation. International Journal of Fracture(国际断裂学报),1999,Vol. 98,Issue 2,(111-149). Shilang Xu(徐世烺)and Hans W. . Determination of Double-K Criterion for Crack Propagation in Quasi-Brittle Materials,part Ⅱ: Analytical Evaluating and Practical Measuring Methods for Three-Point Bending Notched Beams. International Journal of Fracture(国际断裂学报),1999,Vol. 98,Issue 2,(151-177). Shilang. Xu(徐世烺)and H. W. . Determination of Double-K Criterion for Crack Propagation in Quasi-Brittle Materials part Ⅲ: Compact Tension Specimens and Wedge Splitting Specimens. International Journal of Fracture(国际断裂学报),Vol. 98,Issue 2,1999,(179-193). Shilang Xu(徐世烺)and Hans W. . Crack Extension Resistance Based on the Cohesive Force in Concrete. Engineering Fracture Mechanics(工程断裂力学),London,1999,Vol. 64,Issue 5,(563-587). Hans W. Reinhardt and Shilang Xu(徐世烺).65. Determination of parameters in the bilinear,Reinhardt'snonlinear and exponentially nonlinear softening curves and their physical meanings. Werkstoffe und Werkstoffprüfung im Bauwesen,Hamburg,Libri BOD,1999,(410-424). Shilang . A Simplified Method for Determining Double-K Fracture Parameters for Three-Point Bending Tests. International Journal of Fracture(国际断裂学报), 2000,Vol. 104,Issue 2,(181-208). Xu,Shilang (徐世烺)and Hans W. . A Practical Testing Approach to Determine Mode Ⅱ Fracture Energy GⅡF for Concrete. International Journal of Fracture(国际断裂学报),2000,Vol. 105,Issue 2,(107-125). Reinhardt,Hans W. and Shilang Xu(徐世烺)。68. Conservation Law and Application of J-Integral in Multi-Materials. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,Vol. 22,No. 10,2001,(1097-1104). WANG,Li-Ming,Haoran Chen,Shilang . A New Improved Uzawa Method for Finite Element Solution of Stokes Problem. Computational Mechanics,Springer,27⑷,April 2001,6 pages (305-310). Weiming Liu and Shilang . Experimental and numerical studies on bond properties between high performance fine grain concrete and carbon textile using pull out tests. In: Beiträge aus der Befestigungstechnik und dem Stahlbetonbau. Stuttgart: ibidem,2002,(151-164),Krueger,M.,Xu,S.,Reinhardt,. The comparison between the Double-K Fracture Model and the Two Parameter Fracture Model. Otto Graf Journal,Stuttgart,Vol. 24,2003,Shilang Xu,Hans W. Reinhardt,Zhimin Wu and Yanhua . Analysis on the Cohesive Stress at Half Infinite Crack Tip. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,Vol. 24,No. 8,2003,(917-927). WANG,Li-Ming,XU . Double-K parameters and the cohesive-stress-based KR curve for the negative geometry. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures,Li et al (eds),2004 Ia-FraMCos (ISBN 0 87031 135 2) : Xu,Hans W. . Determination of double-G energy fracture criterion for concrete materials. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures,Li et al (eds),2004 Ia-FraMCos (ISBN 0 87031 135 2) : Yanhua,Xu . The analysis and computation of energy dissipation along the fracture process zone in a concrete. Computers and Concrete,Vol. ,(47-60),Yanhua Zhao,Shilang Xu,Zongjin . Bond properties between carbon,aramid and alkali resistant glass textiles and mortar. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE),Vol. 16,No. 4,July/August 2004,(356-364),Xu,Shilang,Krueger,M.,Reinhardt,. A quasibrittle model for the service life prediction of self-compacting concrete structures,1st International Symposium on Design,Performance and Use of Self-consolidating Concrete,RILEM Publication S. A. R. L,Bagneux,2005,549-556,Zheng,J. J.,Zhou,X. Z.,and Xu,S. . Pore structure simulation of self-compacting concrete and application,1st International Symposium on Design,Performance and Use of Self-consolidating Concrete,RILEM Publication S. A. R. L.,Bagneux,2005,413-420,Zheng,J. J.,Jiang,L.,and Xu,S. . Study on fracture properties of self-compacting concrete using wedge splitting test,1st International Symposium on Design,Performance and Use of Self-consolidating Concrete,RILEM Publication S. A. R. L.,Bagneux,2005,421-428,Yanhua Zhao, Jianxin Ma,Zhimin Wu,Shilang Xu,Hongbo . Self-compact concrete for textile reinforced elements,1st International Symposium on Design,Performance and Use of Self-consolidating Concrete,RILEM Publication S. A. R. L.,Bagneux,2005,687-494,He Li,and Shilang . Shear fracture on the basis of fracture mechanics. Otto Graf Journal,Stuttgart,2005,16,21-78,Shilang Xu,Hans W. . Analysis on cohesive crack opening displacement considering the strain softening effect. Science in China Series G-Physics and Astronomy,2006,49⑴,88-101,Limin Wang,Shilang Xu and Xiqiang . Study on the Average Fracture Energy for Crack Propagation in Concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (accepted),ASCE,Shilang Xu,Yanhua Zhao,and Zhimin Wu.

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