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1. ,入选“同济大学优秀青年教师计划”2. ,上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)3. ,入选“同济大学优秀青年教师培育计划”4. ,入选“同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动计划”5. ,同济大学优秀博士学位论文6. 利用奇异变形杆菌制备生物絮凝剂的方法.

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目前兼任国际工程地质与环境协会会员(IAEG);国际灾害管理协会会员(FICDM);Disaster Advances杂志编委;Environmental Earth Sciences, Neural Computing & Applications等国际杂志审稿人。荣获2010年上海市优秀博士学位论文;2008年上海市科技进步二等奖1项;2009年同济大学优秀博士学位论文;2008年上海市优秀毕业生;2007年上海市优秀学生;2007年韩国龙奖学金一等奖;2006年中国海外奖学金一等奖;2008年全国地震工程与风险管理奖学金(黑龙江恢先地震工程学基金会);2006年同济大学优秀学生;2006年同济大学土木学院优秀党员等奖励及荣誉称号。※学术交流[1]参加International Conference of Disaster Prevention Technology and Management (DPTM-2010)国际会议。重庆:[2]参加International Conference on Earthquake Engineering – the 1st Anniversary of Wenchuan Earthquake国际会议,作论文报告。成都:[3]参加The Six International Symposium Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground国际会议,作论文报告。上海:[4]参加The 4th Japan-China Joint Seminar for the Graduate Students in Civil Engineering,作学术报告并作为研究生代表作大会发言。日本长崎大学:※主持或参与的科研项目[1]() 国家自然科学基金项目():软土地区密集建筑群工程环境效应与地面沉降机理研究,排名第4 (博士论文资助项目);[2]() 香港科技大学博士后课题:Centrifuge modeling of railway embankments supported by stone columns in Malaysia, 课题负责;[3]() 香港科技大学博士后课题:天津滨海新区地面沉降离心模型试验研究,课题负责;[4]() 国土资源部与上海市政府重大课题子课题:上海市地面建筑地质环境容量评价方法及应用研究,主要完成人员;※近3年发表的主要科研论文[1]Cui, ., Yuan L., Yan . Water-silt composite blasting for tunneling [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2010, 47(6): 1034-1037. (SCI, EI)[2]Cui, ., Tang, . Land subsidence and pore structure of soils caused by the high-rise building group through centrifuge model test [J]. Engineering Geology, 2010, 113(1-4): 44-52. (SCI, EI)[3]Cui, ., Tang, ., Yan, . Centrifuge modeling of land subsidence caused by the high-rise building group in the soft soil area [J]. Environ Earth Sci, 2010, 59(8): 1819-1826. (SCI, EI)[4]Cui, ., Tang, ., Yan, ., et al. Evaluation of the geology-environmental capacity of the buildings based on the ANFIS model of the floor area ratio [J]. Bull Eng Geol Environ, 2010, 69(1): 111-118. (SCI, EI)[5]Cui, ., Wang, H. M. Land Subsidence at Different Points among a Group of High-Rise Buildings [J]. Disaster Advances, 2010, 3(4): 63-66. (SCI)[6]Cui, ., Tang, . Microstructures of different soil layers caused by the high-rise building group in Shanghai [J]. Environ Earth Sci, 2010, doi:. (SCI, EI)[7]Cui, ., Yuan L., Yan ., et al. Stability analysis and measurement of flow-induced vibration of a parallel-plate structure [A]. International Conference on Earthquake Engineering – the 1st Anniversary of Wenchuan Earthquake, 2009, 288-293.(ISTP)[8]Cui, ., Tang, ., Guo ., et al. Flow-induced Vibration and Stability of an Element Model for Parallel-plate fuel assemblies [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2008, 238(7):1629-1635. (SCI, EI)[9]Cui, ., Tang, ., Zhang X. Deformation and pore pressure model of Saturated Soft Clay around a Subway Tunnel [A].The Six International Symposium Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, 2008, 769-774.[10]Tang, ., Cui, ., Wang ., et al. Model test study of land subsidence caused by the high-rise building group [J]. Bull Eng Geol Environ, 2008, 67(2):173-179. (SCI, EI)[11]Tang, ., Cui, ., Wang ., et al. Application of grey theory-based model to prediction of land subsidence due to engineering environment in Shanghai [J]. Environ Geol, 2008, 55(3): 583-593. (SCI, EI)[12]Tang, ., Cui, ., Zhang X., et al. Dynamic response and pore-water pressure model of saturated soft clay around a tunnel induced by the subway vibration load [J]. Engineering Geology, 2008, 98(3-4):126-132. (SCI, EI)

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