医学论文是医学科学研究工作的文字记录和书面总结,是医学科学研究工作的重要组成部分。医学论文报道医学领域领先的科研成果;是医学科学研究工作者辛勤劳动的结晶,是人类医学科学发展和进步的动力。尤其是SCI论文,能使成果向国际上展示,并有可能被人采用和传播,为人类造福,因此,更具有意义与价值,那么一篇好的英文SCI医学论文改怎么写呢?今天小编就为大家一步步分析。英文SCI医学论文应注意的几大环节:写前准备Preparation, 论文结构 Structure, 论文文题Title, 摘要Abstracts, 引言Introduction, 文章主体Body of Paper, 结论 Conclusion, 和致谢Acknowledgement。1、Preparation就是收集资料,找出灵感和方向,主要依靠的是期刊和文献journal in library。2、Structure是重点,文章的结构应该:选题要宽,研究方向要窄,然后最后的结论又发散开来。在文章主体前后都必须有声明(declarativestatement),用最少的字句表达出自己的观点,吸引读者。3、Title必须清晰简短(clear,short),以提升读者的阅读兴趣,然而文题中切记不能出现缩略语和自己的结论。4、Abstracts 是文章的一个缩影,一定要简明扼要(可为一段文字,篇幅<200字),按照文章顺序介绍主要研究对象(subject)、实验设计 (design)、实验步骤(procedures)以及最后结果(results),这种介绍必须让非专业的人员能够看懂。5、引言同样要保证简短,顺序是一般背景介绍、别人工作成果、自己的研究目的及工作简介,其中介绍别人工作时只需介绍和自己最相关的方面,而对自己的工作介绍不用说明细节,因为这个要放到文章正文中去。不要忘记在介绍自己工作之前要有一个声明。6、Body部分可以分为方法methods、讨论discussion和结果result三个部分:(1) Methods,详尽的介绍自己的实验方案以便于他人能够重复自己的实验过程,对于通用的实验方案可以简略,重点要放到自己的独创方案上面,按照实验的先后顺序介绍,为了文章的阅读方便,不要使用过多层次的副标题subheadings。(2)Discussion,这个部分是为了以后的study ,在其中提出自己的 problem 或者是hypothesis,和别人的成果进行比较,暗示自己的主要收获,为后面的conclusion做准备。(3)Result,使用text、table、figure等手段表达出来,其中table不要使用过多,而 figure必须保证图线清楚、注解明确,必要的时候还要对于自己的结论进行解释说明。7、Conclusion中不要包含文章未涉及的信息,保持简洁;如果此文章只是项目的一部分,稍做说明。在写完之后回头看看是否有逻辑上的错误,是否考虑到了读者兴趣等。8、Acknowledgement,不要忘记,这个不仅反应了一个人的个人品质,还一定程度体现了研究水平。
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参考来源:中图分类号 - 百科
Objective To evaluate acute and long2term angiographic and clinical outcomes of longstent or multiple overlapped stents (length ≥ 20 mm) implantation for diffuse atherosclerosis lesions inoctogenarians. Methods Long stent or multiple overlapped stents implantation was performed on 111diffuse native coronary lesions ( Group O : 47 lesions in 44 octogenarians ; Group Y: 64 lesions in 58 patientsaged under 60) . Baseline demographic , lesion characteristic , angiographic and procedural details weresimilar in these 2 groups. Six2month clinical and angiographic follow2up was completed in all cases. In2hospital and long2term outcomes were evaluated. Results Procedure success was 100 %for both had in2hospital major adverse cardiac events (MACE) . There was no significant difference inangiographic binary restenosis ( ≥50 % diameter stenosis) rate between the groups at follow2up ( Group Ovs. Group Y, 1218 % vs1 1019 % at 32month , 2918 % vs. 2616 % at 62month , P > 0105) . The rates oftarget lesion revascularization and MACE at follow2up were less in Group Y, but it showed no statisticalsignificance (718 % vs. 1016 % and 816 % vs. 1114 % at 32month , 1516 % vs. 2314 % and 2017 % % at 62month , respectively , P > 0105) . Conclusions Long stent implantation for diffuse lesionsin octogenarians appears safe and feasible , with high procedural success and favorable long2term outcomes.
Prescribes prenatal and postnatal care, performs deliveries in maternity cases, and treats diseases and injuries of *** reproductive system. Prepares and review case histories and obtains data through interviews. Examines patients and determines x-ray examinations and clinical laboratory tests required. Interprets test results and evaluates examination findings. Prescribes prenatal and postnatal care, including diets and medication. Directs nurses in procedures for preoperative and postoperative care such as administering sedatives, prescribing diets, and preparing operative area of patients. Applies surgical procedures and coordinates gynecological and obstetrical operations with anesthesiologist. Administers and prescribes such conservative measures of treatment as antibiotics, drugs, and compresses. Treats patients suffering from surgical shock, postoperative hemorrhages, and other complications.
Works on quality improvement activities within the department in collaboration with other OB/GYN doctors, midwives and Department Chairperson.
Will work closely with the Department Chairperson in supporting departmental goals.
May be granted additional responsibilities based on consultation with Department Chairperson.
Board Certified/Board Eligible (or equivalent) in Obstetrics and Gynecology
妇产科医学委员会认证 (或等同)
OR 或
Chinese physician practice license
Doctor of medicine degree (or equivalent) from an approved school of medicine.
Completion of residency training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at a hospital and program acceptable to the Departmental Chairperson and Chief Medical Officer
Minimum 3-5 years experience post-residency in the clinical arena preferred
Fluency in English Required
Fluency in Mandarin preferred
As a medical professional, you provide excellent medical care to patients from all over the world. Provide prenatal and postnatal care and perform in deliveries. Treat diseases and injuries of *** reproductive system by surgical and conservative means. Participate in marketing activities to promote hospital services. Achieve business objectives under CMO responsibilities.
Examples of duties:
Primary: deliver excellent and safe medical care to all patients at OASIS through evidence based medical practices. Emphasize service and meet patient expectations through communicating risks/benefits of procedures and treatment.
Prepares and review case histories and obtains data through interviews.
Examines patients and determines x-ray examinations and clinical laboratory tests required.
Interprets test results and evaluates examination findings.
Prescribes prenatal and postnatal care, including diets and medication.
Applies surgical procedures and coordinates gynecological and obstetrical operations with anesthesiologist. Administers and prescribes such conservative measures of treatment as antibiotics, drugs, and compresses.
Treats patients suffering from surgical shock, postoperative hemorrhages, and other complications.
As a team: work alongside physicians in all clinical departments to promote cross-department cooperation. Assist on updated and writing new guidelines and policies.
Directs nurses in procedures for preoperative and postoperative care such as administering sedatives, prescribing diets, and preparing operative area of patients.
Will agree to serve on at least one hospital/clinic committee.
Will work closely with the CMO in supporting clinic and hospital goals.
Hospital promotion: support the marketing team to promote medical services, physicians, and the hospital as a whole. Participate in promotional activities as required in various means (seminars, workshops, writing health blogs, etc.). Actively reach out to expat community.
Business objectives and OASIS management: meet objectives set by hospital management team and clinic chair. Accomplish all preparations for the JCI accreditation. Works on quality improvement activities within the department in collaboration with other OB/GYN doctors and midwives
In the face of the camera a middle-aged women, broke down in tears. Finally, she choked out with: "I am proud that I am a Chinese!" "I am proud, I am a Chinese!" After the earthquake in Sichuan, China as a whole are crying, the whole nation to fly in tears. This surging tears for the unfortunate fellow countrymen came to the nation from the disaster, moving from the more numerous! Human nature is always the same. These days, Chinese people in the face of disaster is showing a strong national spirit in the process of disaster relief by different roles written a moving story, or a small movement in the world have moved the world to tears . A 20-year-old age, in earthquakes in the loss of parents of children every day to appease the two smaller than his sister. Who come, first his sister to feed; only a war of words, he let her use. Next to the volunteers hope to send him a tax exception, he was rebuffed. He said: "We have a water to drink, you have to water them not to drink the children!" After the finish, then pull up her little hand firmly left ...... A primary school classroom to see their instant collapse came, I heard on the ground floor of the students for help, he did not hesitate and immediately used his hand to start small excavators. Small hand in hand soon turned into blood, but he did not stop; Down the dark, surrounded by a terrorist is, he did not feel. Finally, five hours later, he dug a surviving students ...... In the face of disaster, people suddenly discovered that each of us to the bottom of my heart, so have a deep love and sincerity, that we live in a warm and kind-hearted world. When the 15 airborne jump to the disaster area himself, when the rescue team members one by one to risk one's life to create life-saving miracle, when the peasant woman in Guizhou Mountain Yuan Wai took 4 to sell lamb, her annual income equivalent to half of 1000 Dollar donated to people in the disaster areas, the love and concern, so that billion tightly with both hands grip, so that billion people Qinruyijia. Shanbengdelie, head disaster, we are close to ordinary people, there are so many sacrificed their lives to save the hero. Mia Zhang, Tan future, Gou Xiao-chao, Wu Zhonghong, a teacher of the people in the last moments of life, the interpretation of the "engineers of human souls," the title of the noble and sacred. Proof of their feat, after the ancestors of our nation has a beautiful sentiment, people in the blood can not flow, just take care of Health noble sentiments have been deeply into the soul of the people. In this life and death are intertwined, and people were weeping God's time, the unyielding Chinese people, Chinese people in the face of disaster, courage and perseverance, solidarity of the Chinese people ...... finally let the world understand why this encounter numerous foreign invasion And a variety of disasters hit the country will not be brought down, can not collapse. We moved our nation, as he is proud of the Chinese people. This is because in this world, in addition to China, no country's prime minister for two hours in the disaster areas on the fly; no country can build-up in just a few days more than 100,000 troops involved in relief; and no country can on a show Businesses and individual donations raised more than 10 billion; no country as a result of blood donation to support each other in the disaster areas caused by traffic congestion ...... These days, no matter where we go, as long as there are Chinese, we will be able to reap the numerous moving. This is the birthright of national sentiment, which is the birthright of blood kinship, which is born with an indomitable spirit! "I am proud, I am a Chinese!" It's not just for women that a person's voice, which is all the Chinese people cry! Yes, if the next life, if the next life the next life, we have to do Chinese people! China will never be defeated!
In the face of the camera a middle-aged women, broke down in tears. Finally, she choked out with: "I am proud that I am a Chinese!" "I am proud, I am a Chinese!" After the earthquake in Sichuan, China as a whole are crying, the whole nation to fly in tears. This surging tears for the unfortunate fellow countrymen came to the nation from the disaster, moving from the more numerous! Human nature is always the same. These days, Chinese people in the face of disaster is showing a strong national spirit in the process of disaster relief by different roles written a moving story, or a small movement in the world have moved the world to tears . A 20-year-old age, in earthquakes in the loss of parents of children every day to appease the two smaller than his sister. Who come, first his sister to feed; only a war of words, he let her use. Next to the volunteers hope to send him a tax exception, he was rebuffed. He said: "We have a water to drink, you have to water them not to drink the children!" After the finish, then pull up her little hand firmly left ...... A primary school classroom to see their instant collapse came, I heard on the ground floor of the students for help, he did not hesitate and immediately used his hand to start small excavators. Small hand in hand soon turned into blood, but he did not stop; Down the dark, surrounded by a terrorist is, he did not feel. Finally, five hours later, he dug a surviving students ......In the face of disaster, people suddenly discovered that each of us to the bottom of my heart, so have a deep love and sincerity, that we live in a warm and kind-hearted world. When the 15 airborne jump to the disaster area himself, when the rescue team members one by one to risk one's life to create life-saving miracle, when the peasant woman in Guizhou Mountain Yuan Wai took 4 to sell lamb, her annual income equivalent to half of 1000 Dollar donated to people in the disaster areas, the love and concern, so that billion tightly with both hands grip, so that billion people Qinruyijia. Shanbengdelie, head disaster, we are close to ordinary people, there are so many sacrificed their lives to save the hero. Mia Zhang, Tan future, Gou Xiao-chao, Wu Zhonghong, a teacher of the people in the last moments of life, the interpretation of the "engineers of human souls," the title of the noble and sacred. Proof of their feat, after the ancestors of our nation has a beautiful sentiment, people in the blood can not flow, just take care of Health noble sentiments have been deeply into the soul of the people. In this life and death are intertwined, and people were weeping God's time, the unyielding Chinese people, Chinese people in the face of disaster, courage and perseverance, solidarity of the Chinese people ...... finally let the world understand why this encounter numerous foreign invasion And a variety of disasters hit the country will not be brought down, can not collapse. We moved our nation, as he is proud of the Chinese people. This is because in this world, in addition to China, no country's prime minister for two hours in the disaster areas on the fly; no country can build-up in just a few days more than 100,000 troops involved in relief; and no country can on a show Businesses and individual donations raised more than 10 billion; no country as a result of blood donation to support each other in the disaster areas caused by traffic congestion ...... These days, no matter where we go, as long as there are Chinese, we will be able to reap the numerous moving. This is the birthright of national sentiment, which is the birthright of blood kinship, which is born with an indomitable spirit! "I am proud, I am a Chinese!" It's not just for women that a person's voice, which is all the Chinese people cry! Yes, if the next life, if the next life the next life, we have to do Chinese people! China will never be defeated
A middle aged woman chokes with sobs in the face of the lens. She says choking with sobs finally: "I am proud, I am Chinese! " "I am proud, I am Chinese! "After Sichuan the old earthquake takes place, whole China is crying, the whole nationality is flying to the tears. This tear surging for not coming fortunately of the compatriot, come for national disaster, countless and moved even more and about! The human nature is always communicating. In these days, it is the strong national spirit displaying that Chinese are facing the disaster, not with the moving stories of what the role write down in the course of relieving the people in stricken areas, or the tiny movements of each, are all letting the world move, let common people shed tears. One only ten year old, lose children of parents in earthquake, pacify two little than him younger sister every day. Come, he feed younger sister full first; There is only water, it is for the younger sister to used that he lets. The volunteer nearby hopes to give a tax to him exceptionally, but is refused absolutely by him. He says: "We have already drunk the water, you have not drunk the water yet the children of water! "Say, draw, get up little lot of the younger sister diverge from firmly ...... A pupil sees one's own classroom collapses with a loud crash in seconds, hears classmate's underground call for help, he has not hesitated, begins to dig the soil with small one's own hands immediately. Small hands have become blood hands quickly, but he has not stopped; It is getting dark, it is very the terror around, he has not felt. At last, after the five hour, he dig out first classmate that survive ...... In the face of the disaster, people find suddenly, our bottom of heart, there is a sincere and deep care, we lived and filled the warm world kindheartedly in one originally. Disregard own safety, jump to the disaster area as 15 paratrooper, when rush to deal with an emergency team members risk one's life to create the miracles of saving the life, sell 4 lamb, quite as peasant woman of Guizhou mountain area Yuan Ann favor when 1000 yuan of her half the annual incomes is donated to the masses of disaster area one resolutely, this share loves and the concern deeply, let 1,300 million pairs of hands held tightly, make 1,300 million people as dear to each other as members of one family. Mountains collapse and the earth crack up, disaster right overhead, ordinary philtrum around us, there are so many heroes sacrificing oneself for life-saving. MiYa, a thousand years, exceed dawn while being careless, ZhongHong Wu, at the point of end of the life one pieces of people's teacher Tan Zhang, have annotated nobleness and sacredness of this title of " engineer of human soul ". Their heroic undertaking proves, our national bright sentiment of putting others before oneself, without cease in people's blood vessels to trickle, the noble feelings of laying down one's life for a just cause, has already incorporated in people's soul deeply. Interweave in life and death this, the intersection of people and moment that god weep altogether, a Chinese one unyielding, Chinese face bravery and firmness of the disaster, Chinese unity and mutual aid ......Let world understand why this piece experience invade with of different disaster country hitting, going bankrupt, breaking, collapsing while being outside many times finally. We move for one's own nationality, are a Chinese proud of oneself. Because in this world, except China, the premier of no country takes place in the disaster for two hours to fly to the disaster area; No country can concentrate more than 100,000 troops to participate in rescuing within a few days; No country can raise enterprise and individual, contribute money more than ten hundred million at one party; No country causes the traffic jam because of falling over each other to donate blood and supporting the disaster area ...... In these days, no matter where we walk, so long as there are Chinese there, we can reap the countless emotion. This is innate national emotion, this is innate flesh-and-blood kindred, this is innate unyielding spirit! "I am proud, I am Chinese! "This is absolutely not only that woman's own's heartfelt wishes, this is all of our Chinese scream! Yes, if have next life, if have next life in next life, we will become Chinese! China, will be never defeated completely! 有些句子按习惯用语翻译了,更妥当,基本没有什么改动
宫颈糜烂 cervical erosion阴道分泌物 vaginal fluid卵巢囊肿 ovarian cyst多囊卵巢综合症 Stein-Leventhal syndrome/polycystic ovary syndrome阴道炎 colpitis霉菌性阴道炎colpomycosis/ colpitis mycotica滴虫性阴道炎trichomonas vaginitis月经不调irregular menstruation原发性闭经primary amenorrhea继发性闭经secondary amenorrhea习惯性流产habitual abortion宫外孕extrauterine pregnancy我想不出来还有什么妇科病了..我也不是学医的找到这个网页,希望对你有帮助
近几年来,鉴于孕妇对剖宫产和无痛分娩的特殊要求,妇产科在手术中进行麻醉的临床效果也更加重要。这是我为大家整理的妇产科学术论文,仅供参考!妇产科学术论文篇一 妇产科常见麻醉处理 【摘 要】随着科技技术的进步,医疗技术也在逐渐提高。在现代的医疗过程中,麻醉的作用已经不仅仅是减轻手术中患者的痛感,而更多地被应用在了其他科室的临床治疗中。近几年来,鉴于孕妇对剖宫产和无痛分娩的特殊要求,妇产科在手术中进行麻醉的临床效果也更加重要。本文就以妇产科的麻醉问题为例,研究常见的麻醉处理,并 总结 对其的认识和理解。 【关键词】妇产科;麻醉 方法 ;常见处理 从患者的临床表现来看,临产孕妇的身体状况均比较良好且比较年轻,理论上而言,在生产过程中不会有危险,但是临产孕妇依然属于妇产科中的高危人群。由于分娩的痛感非常强烈,因此大部分产妇都认为宫缩痛是无法忍受的。如果疼痛剧烈,就会导致产妇的心情焦虑、恐惧、紧张甚至进食量降低,最终导致胎儿有所不良反应,还有部分孕妇因为担心宫缩疼痛剧烈,要求进行剖宫产。这时就需要医护人员对患者进行麻醉,那么在麻醉围术期,出现危机的情况是无法避免的,作为麻醉医生,应该充分认识麻醉,并对患者进行妥善的运用和急救[1]。 1 选择最佳方式进行麻醉 一般而言,大部分的妇科手术都会采用硬膜外麻醉方式,而近些年来,为了保证孕妇的腹肌或者阴道更加松弛,那么改为采用脊麻――硬膜外的联合麻醉方式,且这种麻醉方式在临床上的效果比较满意。硬膜外的麻醉方式一般采用两点穿刺进行,如下:由T12-L1之间的间隙中刺入,导管随之置入,要保证其方向为向头端;对另一点进行穿刺,其位置在L3-L4之间,置入导管时需要注意其应该向尾侧,麻醉时还需将平面保持在T6-S4之间;另外,对患者进行经阴道手术时,可以从L2-L3处进行穿刺,将平面保持在T12-S4之间即可;如果手术需要腰硬联合的麻醉方式,那么穿刺点就变为L2-L3间隙中,且控制麻醉平面于T5-S4之间。 如果患者由于身体状况无法进行椎管内麻醉或者需要根治宫颈癌扩大病症,包括体质较差的患者,都可以选用全身麻醉,随后进行手术。 2 妇产科的麻醉用药 妇产科对孕妇的麻醉与孕妇本人和胎儿都有莫大的关系,必须保证两者的生命安全,因此在对孕妇进行麻醉时,子宫收缩、对胎儿的副作用都需要考虑在内。 麻药的胎盘通透性 第一,麻药在进入孕妇体内后会被动扩散直至通过胎盘屏障,其通透性与麻药的扩散系数成正比。第二,大部分镇痛药和镇定剂都具有一下特性:离解度较低、分子量较低、蛋白结合率较低、脂溶性较高等,这些特性决定了麻醉剂通透性较强。第三,一般而言,肌肉松弛药剂水溶性较强,且分子量较高,所以类似这些药剂很难通透胎盘屏障。第四,如果孕妇患有糖尿病、高血压或者妊娠高血压综合征,那么容易对胎盘的毛细血管屏障产生损伤,麻醉药物就更容易进入胎盘屏障[2]。 一般性麻醉方法 硬膜外阻滞 硬膜外阻滞法属于常见的麻醉方法,常用于剖宫产手术中,该麻醉方法对血流动力学没有太大的影响,且具有一定的代偿余地。 腰部麻醉――硬膜外联合阻滞 腰麻――硬膜外联合阻滞,也称CSE,该麻醉方法的优势是:麻醉效果立竿见影,患者肌肉松弛比较到位且麻醉所用药量很少,同时还能将麻醉时间延长至任意一点;该方法对硬脊膜基本没有损伤,那么在一定程度上就减少了外流的脑脊液量,患者在术后就不会有过于明显的头痛症状。 将患者分为两组,通过对两组患者进行不同方式的麻醉,比较其年龄、体重指数(BMI)等数据水平,可知第2组患者的麻醉时间、手术时间等项目和第1组患者相比差异无统计学意义(P>),如表1所示。 3 较常见的妇科手术麻醉处理 卵巢囊肿切除术 该手术可将硬膜外麻醉后,顺利完成手术,而如果患者肝功能损伤或者体质较差,可对其进行全麻后再进行手术。 患者如果伴有巨大的囊肿,囊肿会对腹腔器官造成挤压,如果囊肿较严重,那么膈肌也会受到影响,进而对肺部产生压迫,导致患者通气不畅;囊肿还会对静脉腔造成压迫,使得回心血量减少,并且在对患者进行麻醉后,患者采取卧位或仰位时可能出现低血压综合征。同时,腔静脉压的升高也会导致硬膜外的静脉丛淤血扩张,对患者进行治疗的同时,尤其是对其进行硬膜外穿刺时,应该时刻关注出血情况,如果患者出血较多,那么应该改用 其它 方式进行麻醉。 如果患者的囊腔中含有较多的液体,应该对其进行缓慢的放液以免造成血流动力学的改变,同时为患者及时补充体内液体,从而保证血流动力学的稳定。在输液时,由于上肢静脉的进入后的循环要优于下肢静脉进入,因此一般选择上肢静脉输液,若在上述过程中,患者体内液体损失过多,那么就需要CVP进行指导,从而继续补液。 刮宫术 以往的旧式刮宫术并不需要对患者进行麻醉,但是科学技术不断进步、人民的价值观也在提升,目前很多患者都提出了无痛手术的要求。那么对这些患者进行麻醉时,一般都采用静脉麻醉下行手术,如果为了使患者麻醉效果更好,就可以采用半剂氟芬合剂进行静脉注射,但是在手术中必须对患者做好监测,时刻准备人工呼吸,如果患者出现呼吸抑制或低氧血症,那么应该及时对其进行供氧抢救。 4 小结 在妇产科的常见麻醉处理中,应该注意以下几点:第一,在对孕妇进行手术前,禁止使用阿托品,以免产妇和胎儿的心率提高,耗氧量增多;第二,由于血小板计数与凝血功能没有直接联系,因此在对产妇进行检测时,应该更加注重凝血功能的检查;第三,麻醉前预先建立合适的静脉通道,可以及时应对术中的紧急状况;第四,在对患者的局部麻醉时,为了避免产妇脊髓附近的血管收缩,那么不应合并肾上腺素麻醉,否则在手术中还会出现低血压引起的脊髓神经缺血损伤[4]。综上所述,只有保证产妇和胎儿的安全,并降低并发症率,才算是优秀的妇产科麻醉处理。 参考文献: [1] 彭科,李文静.丙泊酚全凭静脉麻醉与七氟醚吸入麻醉对患者肺功能的影响 [J].重庆医学,2013(10):21148-1150 [2] 林琴,谌永毅.PACU实施麻醉整体护理对行全麻手术的肿瘤患者心理状况的影响[J].肿瘤药学,2013(02):154-157 [3] 胡彦艳,黄爱兰.广西巴马小型猪浅低温心脏不停跳体外循环模型的麻醉管理 [J].广西医学,2013(03):289-291 [4] 杨旭刚.轻密度与重密度布比卡因用于下肢手术的临床麻醉效果对比研究[J].现代诊断与治疗,2013(02):287-288 妇产科学术论文篇二 妇产科疾病的防治 【摘要】妇产科疾病是一种常见多发病,严重威胁着女性的身心健康。随着医疗技术的不管更新,医学水平的不断提高,各种先进的科学技术被引入到妇产科疾病的预防和治疗中。本文中,笔者将根据自己的工作 经验 ,就几种常见的妇产科疾病的防治问题谈谈自己的看法。 【关键词】妇产科疾病;防治 【中图分类号】 【文献标识码】B【 文章 编号】1004-4949(2014)03-0374-01 前言:我国妇科疾病的发病率相当高,各种严重的妇科病不仅伤害女性本人,还影响家庭和谐,关系到两代人的素质健康,关系到中华民族人口的质量;另一方面,身体的难言之隐,让很多的女性朋友生活质量大大下降,造成严重的心理障碍,增加了家庭和社会的不稳定。我们不仅要为广大妇女创造一个有效的治疗环境,更重要的是要加强她们的健康保健意识,进行深入广泛的 健康知识 教育 。定期进行妇科检查,对妇科疾病及时发现,及时治疗。 1产前抑郁的防治 据统计,妊娠期的妇女有20%左右都患有不同程度的产前抑郁症,由此可见,做好产前抑郁的防治工作的意义是十分重大的。因为患有产前抑郁的人群,不仅自身会产生严重的生理和心理不适,还会影响胎儿的健康成长。所以,为了使孕期妇女能够保持身心健康,作为医疗工作者,我们应该认真地研究分析导致女性在妊娠期出现抑郁情况的原因,并结合临床实践摸索其病情发展规律,在此基础上,有针对性地制定各种防治 措施 。同时,还要结合目前掌握的医疗心理学方面的知识,对可能发病的人群进行积极的心理疏导, 纠正病人对于分娩以及各种分娩方式的不正确认识,避免妊娠期妇女在一些不正确的无医学依据的猜测和臆想中产生悲观消极情绪。另外,对于一些怀有惧怕和紧张心理的妊娠期妇女,要进行相关的医疗知识的普及,使其能够充分认识和了解到在现代医学水平下的妊娠和分娩的安全可靠性。同时,对于一些对胎儿性别存在顾虑的孕妇和家属,要从科学的角度上进行耐心的劝导,使其能够正确对待生男生女问题。值得注意的是,在采用各种方法对妊娠期妇女进行产前抑郁症的防治时,要充分地考虑其身心状况,有计划、有步骤地循序渐进地开展心理干预活动,切忌给患者施压。 2 手术腹部切口脂肪液化的防治 剖腹产手术术后最常见的问题就是切口脂肪易出现液化现象, 脂肪液化后的最主要特征就是手术切口部位的敷料变黄,并且有液体渗出。手术切口的脂肪出现液化现象不仅会导致切口愈合缓慢,还会影响皮下组织的恢复。切口脂肪液化严重时,还会导致患者的切口部位皮肤下陷,并凝结出淡黄色脂滴。但是一般不会导致切口坏死,只会伴随肿痛和压痛的现象。在将切口渗出液取样进行检验后,发现其中的细菌呈现阴性。对于该类妇产科疾病的防治措施主要有:一旦发现患者存在对切口渗液现象,要首先检查手术切口是否存在感染,并采取相应的措施预防感染源的入侵。然后对液化的切口部位进行挤压, 一般情况下频率为2次/d,在挤压的过程中要尽量地排尽已经液化的脂肪,并在操作后用碘伏纱布将伤口覆盖。对于切口液化较为严重的患者,可以适当的增加红外线理疗进行辅助治疗,频率同样为2 次/d。如果治疗后,切口仍然持续产生黄色渗液,就应该及时的拆除该切口处的缝线, 并用浓度为9%的生理盐水对切口部位进行彻底冲洗,再加压包扎,同时辅以消炎类抗生素进行口服。如果患者的切口渗液量较大,则应每日对切口进行换药清洁。在采用了以上方法后,切口渗液仍没有得到良好控制的情况下,就应该采用引流的方法将渗液彻底排出。 3 妇产科难治性大出血的防治 所谓难治性妇产科大出血,就是指在患者术后出现大出血的情况下,采用常规的治疗和控制方法均无效的症状。一般情况下判断难治性大出血的标准是,患者在术后有>1500 mL 的出血量,或者阴部出血量>1000 mL。这种大量出血导致的后果是十分严重的,不仅会危及患者的健康,还会诱发各种凝血功能障碍,严重的会导致患者死亡。因此,我们要充分重视难治性大出血的预防和治疗,实践中我们总结了以下几种比较有效的治疗方法:首先,动脉结扎止血法。就是通过结扎降低患者的动脉内压,减缓体内血流速度,以达到使血流速度小于血栓形成速度的目的,从而实现血栓止血。其次,血管造影并行TAE 治疗法。就是在患者出现难治性大出血时,及时地采用血管造影方式,了解患者的出血部位以及出血原因和出血范围,再通过TAE 治疗法进行止血。TAE治疗法的具 体操 作原理就是在了解患者出血位置和范围的前提下,对出血带进行股动脉插管,从而改善术后形成的粘连现象,达到止血的效果。TAE 治疗法的最主要的应用优势就是无疼痛感,并且可以根据患者出血的情况进行多次治疗。 4 妇科恶性肿瘤的防治 妇科恶性肿瘤是一种非常严重的妇产科疾病,严重危害了女性的身体健康和正常生活。并且,近些年来的统计结果表明,该疾病的发病率存在上升趋势,因此,有关部门必须加强对妇科恶性肿瘤的防治力度。采用常规的手术和化疗方法虽然可以有效地控制病情的发展,但是也存在着很多治疗上的弊端,最明显的就是患者在经受了长期的化疗和放疗后,整体健康水平明显下降,生存质量严重降低。另外,常规治疗法还会损害患者的骨髓造血功能,危害肝功能。所以,常规治疗法虽然对于控制病情有着较好的效果,但不是妇科恶性肿瘤治疗的最佳方式。笔者通过长期的实践经验总结,认为采用中医联合疗法,可以在减轻患者痛苦的同时,达到较好的治疗效果。 5 结语 全国妇科疾病防治工程旨在推动我国妇女健康事业的发展,落实党中央、国务院对提高妇女健康水平的方针政策,降低妇科疾病发病率,让广大女性远离妇科疾病的困扰。通过健康讲座、有奖征文、免费普查、健康救助、学术交流、手术援助等一系列主题活动的开展,为广大女性提供专业的医疗保障服务,倡导妇科疾病科学、规范诊疗,力求在全国范围内普及妇女健康保健知识,从而为降低我国妇科疾病的发病率,促进家庭幸福,构建和谐社会贡献力量。 参考文献 [1] 黄湘源.心理干预对孕产妇女心理的影响[J].临床和实验医学杂志,2010,5(10):767-768. [2] 黄瑾,顾美皎,方玲,等.难治性产后出血干预性治疗方法的研究[J].中国实用妇科与产科杂志,2004,20(6):343-345. [3] 杨秀玉.血管性介入技术在妇产科领域的应用[J].中华妇产科杂志,2002(1):6-7.
Prescribes prenatal and postnatal care, performs deliveries in maternity cases, and treats diseases and injuries of *** reproductive system. Prepares and review case histories and obtains data through interviews. Examines patients and determines x-ray examinations and clinical laboratory tests required. Interprets test results and evaluates examination findings. Prescribes prenatal and postnatal care, including diets and medication. Directs nurses in procedures for preoperative and postoperative care such as administering sedatives, prescribing diets, and preparing operative area of patients. Applies surgical procedures and coordinates gynecological and obstetrical operations with anesthesiologist. Administers and prescribes such conservative measures of treatment as antibiotics, drugs, and compresses. Treats patients suffering from surgical shock, postoperative hemorrhages, and other complications.
Works on quality improvement activities within the department in collaboration with other OB/GYN doctors, midwives and Department Chairperson.
Will work closely with the Department Chairperson in supporting departmental goals.
May be granted additional responsibilities based on consultation with Department Chairperson.
Board Certified/Board Eligible (or equivalent) in Obstetrics and Gynecology
妇产科医学委员会认证 (或等同)
OR 或
Chinese physician practice license
Doctor of medicine degree (or equivalent) from an approved school of medicine.
Completion of residency training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at a hospital and program acceptable to the Departmental Chairperson and Chief Medical Officer
Minimum 3-5 years experience post-residency in the clinical arena preferred
Fluency in English Required
Fluency in Mandarin preferred
As a medical professional, you provide excellent medical care to patients from all over the world. Provide prenatal and postnatal care and perform in deliveries. Treat diseases and injuries of *** reproductive system by surgical and conservative means. Participate in marketing activities to promote hospital services. Achieve business objectives under CMO responsibilities.
Examples of duties:
Primary: deliver excellent and safe medical care to all patients at OASIS through evidence based medical practices. Emphasize service and meet patient expectations through communicating risks/benefits of procedures and treatment.
Prepares and review case histories and obtains data through interviews.
Examines patients and determines x-ray examinations and clinical laboratory tests required.
Interprets test results and evaluates examination findings.
Prescribes prenatal and postnatal care, including diets and medication.
Applies surgical procedures and coordinates gynecological and obstetrical operations with anesthesiologist. Administers and prescribes such conservative measures of treatment as antibiotics, drugs, and compresses.
Treats patients suffering from surgical shock, postoperative hemorrhages, and other complications.
As a team: work alongside physicians in all clinical departments to promote cross-department cooperation. Assist on updated and writing new guidelines and policies.
Directs nurses in procedures for preoperative and postoperative care such as administering sedatives, prescribing diets, and preparing operative area of patients.
Will agree to serve on at least one hospital/clinic committee.
Will work closely with the CMO in supporting clinic and hospital goals.
Hospital promotion: support the marketing team to promote medical services, physicians, and the hospital as a whole. Participate in promotional activities as required in various means (seminars, workshops, writing health blogs, etc.). Actively reach out to expat community.
Business objectives and OASIS management: meet objectives set by hospital management team and clinic chair. Accomplish all preparations for the JCI accreditation. Works on quality improvement activities within the department in collaboration with other OB/GYN doctors and midwives