首页 > 期刊论文知识库 > 酒店管理客人流失论文参考文献





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gdyjs我为您整理的酒店管理毕业论文参考文献,欢迎浏览借鉴! [1] 夏秀清.  咸阳海泉湾温泉酒店市场营销方案设计与实施[D]. 西北大学 2008

[2] 王新奇.  锦江之星高新店营销创新研究[D]. 西北大学 2008

[3] 杭国栋.  上海新东方语言培训(英语)市场营销策略研究[D]. 复旦大学 2009

[4] 刘利.  安徽大步汽车4S店服务营销策略研究[D]. 合肥工业大学 2009

[5] 姜瑞华.  青岛市星级酒店绿色营销组合策略研究[D]. 山东大学 2008

[6] 阎同立.  河北民航大酒店营销策略研究[D]. 南京理工大学 2002

[7] 赵志梅.  陋室宾馆服务营销策略研究[D]. 西北大学 2009

[8] 严华.  H汽车租赁公司上海市场的营销策略研究[D]. 兰州大学 2009

[9] 麦毅菁.  基于管理合同模式的饭店集团研究[D]. 厦门大学 2008

[10] 杨锦慧.  呼叫中心在线营销运营管理与营销策略研究[D]. 北京邮电大学 2009

[11] 于春玲.  国内外酒店管理模式比较分析[D]. 吉林大学 2005

[12] 吴恺.  重庆小天鹅酒店管理公司发展战略研究[D]. 重庆大学 2005

[13] 邵远.  中国酒店管理业的'发展及其模式研究[D]. 浙江大学 2006

[14] 吕海霞.  正明锦江大酒店管理模式研究[D]. 吉林大学 2006

[15] 张岩.  陶然居大酒店营销策略研究[D]. 山东大学 2006

[16] 葛震宇.  试论经济型酒店营销策略[D]. 南京理工大学 2006

[17] 李洪文.  泰安金海大酒店营销策略研究[D]. 上海海事大学 2006

[18] 陈果.  JS酒店目标市场营销战略研究[D]. 西南财经大学 2007

[19] 刘永强.  论南航明珠大酒店的服务营销策略[D]. 西南交通大学 2007



























[2]翟广宇.基于C/S结构的酒店管理系统. 兰州工业高等专科学报,.





[7]张亚东.酒店企业销售管理信息系统的设计与实现[J].管理信息系统, .





























功能概述 1、散客开单:完成散客的开单,可一次最多开4间相同类型的房间。 2、团体开单:完成团体的开单,开放数量没有限制,可同时开不同类型的房间。 3、宾客结帐:自动统计每个登记客人在店时所发生的消费额和应付款额,并完成结帐收银操作。 4、客房预订:完成增加预订、修改预订、删除预订,预订情况的查询等功能。 5、营业查询:完成结帐单、全部宾客消费、在店宾客消费、离店宾客消费的查询 6、客户管理:完成会员基本信息的维护和来宾一览。 7、网络设置:完成系统与数据库的连接设置和系统风格的设置。 8、系统设置:完成房间项目、客户类型、操作员、计费设置。 9、营业图表:完成每月酒店营业额的显示。 以上内容转载自:


小型酒店管理系统的设计包括论文,设计,论文字数:10077,页数:29摘 要随着酒店行业竞争的加剧,酒店之间客源的争夺越来越激烈,酒店采用全新的计算机管理系统,将成为提高酒店的管理效率,改善服务水准的重要手段之一。小型酒店管理系统功能全面,性能稳定,界面美观简洁,易于操作。基本包含了酒店主要业务功能,其分为基础设置、业务管理、房间管理三大部分。基础设置中有客房类型设置、客房信息设置功能;业务管理包含预定管理、入住管理、消费记帐和收银退房功能;房间管理可以根据实际需要设置和及时更新房间状态。系统采用C/S模式,运用语言开发技术和SQL SERVER 2000数据库原理开发的。在Windows XP/NT/2003等常用操作系统下运行稳定,可靠。该系统的合理运用能提高酒店客房管理效率,降低运营成本。本文简要介绍了基于Microsoft SQL SERVER 2000数据库系统和程序语言开发实现的酒店管理系统,着重阐述了该系统开发实现过程,从系统的需求分析、方案论证、模块设计、数据设计、详细设计等各个环节都进行了较为详尽的分析和描述。关键词:酒店管理系统;SQL SERVER 2000;数据库; design of the Small Hotel Management SystemAbstractAs the competition getting more force in the hotel industry, the fight for the customers among the hotels is becoming more and more severe, the hotel uses brand new computer management system. This will become one of the important methods for increasing the management efficiency of the hotel management, improving the service level. The small hotel management system has some excellence, like operating stably, user interfacing simple and attractive, easy to use. Basically including hotel's major business functions. It is divided into basic in fracture, business management, hotel room management, three major groups. There is guest room type configuration and guest room information configuration functions in the basic in fracture portion; the business management portion includes booking management, check-in management, consumption bookkeeping, and check-out pay bill functions; hotel room management may configuration based on the real requirement and changes the room states in real time. The system is developed by using C/S model, using language development technology, and SQL server 2000 database. It is operating stably under Windows XP/NT/2003, and has high reliability. This proper use of this system could increase the management efficiency of the hotel, decrease operating paper will introduce a database systems based on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and developed and realized hotel management system using programming language. It emphasized the developing process of this system, through a rather detailed analyzing and describing on the various steps of the requirement of the system analysis, solution analysis, module design, data structure design, to system words: Hotel management system;SQL SERVER 2000;Data base;目 录1 引言 课题背景 国内外研究现状 本课题研究的意义 22 相关的理论基础 开发环境 C/S模式简介 .NET介绍 介绍 编程运行环境 硬件环境 软件环境 43 设计方案介绍 系统功能模块设置 基础设置 业务管理 房间管理 数据库设计 数据库设计思想 酒店管理系统E-R图 104 具体模块设计 系统主要功能模块的实现及部分代码 客房信息设置 预定管理功能 入住管理功能 房间管理 退出系统 21结 论 21参考文献 22致 谢 23声 明 24以上回答来自:




























[2]翟广宇.基于C/S结构的酒店管理系统. 兰州工业高等专科学报,.





[7]张亚东.酒店企业销售管理信息系统的设计与实现[J].管理信息系统, .




























Hotel Room Management System(酒店客房管理系统) First, school discipline consciously to comply with regulations, should civilized, courteous, ethical, stresses discipline. To be positive, loving and respecting their jobs, be good at learning, to acquire new skills. Second, it is necessary to dress induction, listing services, it is necessary to instrument client makeup, generous manner, standardized terminology, civilized service, courtesy, enthusiasm for the initiative. Third, room service, daily in accordance with the procedures and requirements in accordance with the provisions of Health and was cleaning the room, it is necessary to carefully; room to manage the items and found that the issue of timely reporting. Fourth, the provision of accommodation, there must be a department director of the Center for leadership and service signing; external accommodation officer, I have a valid identity card or registration documents before they are allowed to stay. Five are not free to get foreigners to stay or live-in room, without the consent of the Director of the Center are not allowed to open private room, for others (including our employees) to provide accommodation, rest and entertainment. Sixth, check the clean-up room shall not tamper with the guests and private use of the things that students and guests are not allowed to ask for goods and the receipt of gifts; found loss of the public have to pay for items. Seven are not allowed into the front of others; front desk computer to staff management and operation, not related to personnel are not allowed to operate privately; typing, photocopying, send and receive fax, according to charges. Eight working hours are not allowed off-the-job, leave something to the leadership, are not allowed to sit in and for private classes, are not allowed to playing poker,织毛衣, watching TV and doing non-work-related matters. 9, do a good job in security work, in particular, do a good job in security work of the fire nuisance, it is necessary to ground inspections to identify problems and deal with timely reporting. Hotel health management system First, the purpose of health management to improve the quality of the hotel to provide the customers with fresh, clean and healthy consumption environment, and special provisions of the final version. Second, the contents of 1, the management of health management, including personal hygiene items and equipment health management and three aspects of food hygiene management. 2, officials at every level of their work area kept clean of Health has carried out clean-up responsibility. Managers to subordinate the management of health workers have jointly and severally liable. 3, clean-up of professional health departments and staff responsible for the work projects of regional and specialized cleaning and management. Clean the main means of public health, the Department of Food and Beverage catering manager, kitchen and cooks, the health sector and its personnel. 4, hygiene management standards: (1) instrument appearance and personal hygiene of staff. (2) the necessary health knowledge. (3) physical, mental health, test of "health card" posts. 5, see the standard of food hygiene management "on the hotel's management of food hygiene." 6, items and equipment standards for health management: to maintain the surface of materials and equipment formation, light, no smell, no damage, no marks clean, tidy and orderly place. 7, self-health check in accordance with the staff, teams and groups to check, departmental examination, the functional departments of the four inspection system to check, using conventional inspection, special inspection, secret investigation of the way, make unannounced visits. The problems of inspection, in accordance with the standards of accountability and punishment. Third, examination 1, goods, facilities and equipment requirements of surface roughness, light, no smell, no damage, no marks clean, tidy and orderly place, or in accordance with the seriousness of the circumstances and the impact of punishment. (1) Mao Xu, floating ash, water, paper and other minor health problems, each of the punishment given to million. (2) deposition, stains, grease, the larger debris, hair, wrinkles and other health problems, each element of the punishment given to . (3) dirt, there are foreign bodies, cracks, damaged, irregular placed, dislocation, loss or lack of goods, and environmental health issues such as smell, every element of the punishment given to 2-5. 2, all periodic health clean-up, no clean-up due to the expiration of the formation of health corner, to give 1 yuan sub-punishment, which affect the consumption of guests raised by the guests, as appropriate, given the responsibility of departments responsible for warning or fault action. 3, in the personal hygiene and food sanitation violation, in accordance with the relevant system of punishment hotel. Fourth, the requirements issued since the date of implementation. Hotels, hotel industry and health system A, hotels, hotels in order to maintain the environment clean, beautiful, ground-free fruit, and garbage痰迹. Second, be equipped with sterilization or disinfection facilities, and a sound health system. Third, quilt cover, pillowcase (towels), bed sheets and other bedding should be for a one-off. Fourth, the public should be a daily cleaning and disinfecting tea. Tea Surface must be clean, no oil, no water, no smell. Fifth, the wash-room toilet tank, bathtub should be a day of cleansing and disinfection. No toilet rooms, each bed should be equipped with different markings and the basin脚盆 One each. Basins,脚盆and slippers to be a passenger and one for use after cleansing and disinfection. 6, guesthouses, hotels among public health to do the daily cleaning, disinfection, and maintain no water, no mosquitoes, no smell. 7, various hotels, hotels have防蝇, mosquitoes, cockroaches and anti-rodent facilities, and facilities for the use of regular checks and found the problem in time to improve. Eight of the passengers abandoned the clothing to be registered, the destruction of unity. 9, the shop-owned water and secondary water supplies should be consistent with the "drinking water health standards", the second water supply reservoir water to meet health requirements tubes, Do regular cleaning and disinfecting. Second, performance appraisal system of the Housekeeping Department First, employees must strictly comply with the working hours shall not be late, leave early. Second, the post on time to participate in regular (every Monday to Friday room as early as 8:00), (front desk every Monday and Thursday 3:00 .) less than regular processing in accordance with absenteeism. Third, break down each week day, when an important task to suspend scheduled to receive a short break after the off. Annual leave in accordance with the provisions of the Center. Fourth, staff sick leave the hospital to be diagnosed in advance and leave to prove a single hand, if there are special circumstances can not leave early, and should promptly notify the foreman, the foreman asked the manager. Fifth, the staff requested the leave shall be submitted in advance 3-1 days foreman, in the case of staff shortage or have an important task, you can not be granted. After the leave will be dealt with according to absenteeism. Sixth, in strict accordance with the provisions of the frequency of work, if there is urgent reshuffle, without prejudice to the normal work situation, one day in advance to apply to the Captain, without consent by unauthorized reshuffle to deal with absenteeism. Seven of the sick leave fraud matter, once found, depending on the circumstances given to deal with absenteeism or removed. Third, the Department of grooming room instrumentation requirements Instrumentation: 1, working hours should be provided for work clothes to wear. 2, work clothes should be clean, straight, in accordance with the provisions of扣好on衣扣, trousers buckle. 3, put on a pocket, pocket fitted to prohibit all sorts of things, in order to maintain and keeps its uniform. Overalls should be repaired if damaged. 4, when the attendants are to go to work wearing a black work shoes, work shoes to keep clean. Wearing socks, asked men and women of deep shallow, socks should be in good condition without damage, are not allowed to wear shoes barefoot. 5, attendants are not allowed to wear during the induction of various accessories such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings and so on. 6, the work should be required to work during the wear plate position in the left chest. 7, after the attendants dress should be self-censorship, and accept only after passing inspection foreman jobs. Appearance: 1, staff should remain clean face, clean hair, beautiful hair, generous. 2 men to stay fat, the latter is not covered collar, side did not cover ears; President to stay fat,垂肩after, the former do not cover eyes. Barber Qin, Qin-xiu surface, ground剪指甲, diligence dressing, washing hands frequently, take a bath. 3, men do not stay mustache, large temples; President does not stay long nails, nail polish is not coated, do not use strong perfume. 4, President of淡妆before induction can not be浓妆艳抹. 5, to maintain oral hygiene does not smell pre foods such as onions, garlic, tofu and so on. 6, smiling, cordial and kind, dignified and stable, neither overbearing nor servile. Deportment: 1, sitting A, body straight, vertical center of gravity down, stood back, shoulders relaxed, feet close together and knees, hand on the laptop. Binocular head-up, with a smile. B, not sit chairs filled (attendants should take two-thirds of the chairs), but not sitting in the edge. C, non-前俯back, legs shaking Rocker feet, can not be cross-leg table in the handrails or. D, in front of their superiors or guests can not hold hands in the chest, can not be二郎腿Rocker can not shake the legs, do not sit半躺half. 2, standing A, chest, crosstraining, freeclimber, the rise of head-up eyes, smiling. B, his arms hang down naturally or in the body before the cross, his left hand on the right hand under the best condition to maintain services. C, when the woman was standing on his feet into "V"-shaped, close to the knees, heels靠紧. Man standing with feet shoulder width. D, can not stand when叉腰, pole bending legs or hands, help desk, wall and so on. E, standing for non-hand fork when the pocket in the clothes can not stretch, get hair and other little tricks. F, standing打拍子feet, not 32 to get together to chat. 3, take the attitude A, head, chest, arms swing naturally down, legs should be straight. Women take the word step, the man walking with the feet parallel. B, are not allowed to摇头晃脑walking, whistling, snacking may not be hand fork pockets. C, walking may not be running, jumping, not the guests through the middle. D, off-off站定, take the initiative to give way and say hello nod. E, walk in the corridor should be on the right hand wall is not allowed. F, three or more scattered to walk in small groups can not peer. May not be walking勾肩搭背, said, laughing, or rough. Fourth, the Department of incentive regulations Rooms (Punishment Ordinance) Verbal warning 1, the regular meeting or work late, leave early. 2, working hours reading books, read the newspaper, eating snacks, drinks, fall asleep. 3, spitting, litter paper, peel and other debris. 4, not at designated employees access channel, through the lobby, main entrance, warming Gallery, in civilian dress to enter the workplace. 5, in violation of the rules and regulations quarters, educators have been criticized. 6, the provisions of the ban on smoking in the smoking area. 7, on duty when listening to music, watching TV, make personal phone calls or chat by phone. 8, the working hours of unauthorized absence from the job, or a string of gang扎堆chat, not good at with instructions to enter the Center Center. 9, the slow distribution of the work of a higher level, delay, work do not have a strong sense of responsibility, carelessness, resulting in the work of errors were minor. 10, on duty in public places or when the appearance is not the whole dress is not required, such as licensing work with distortion, not the entire hair, such as relying on the walls. 11, in the use of all剔牙off, dug ears, scratching, to pull the nose, look in the mirror, make-up, started referring to, whistling, hands pockets, hands叉腰, such as loud hubbub of the move being professional demeanor. 12, service is not active, not passion, not honorific and polite language and not the guests made a positive solution to the requirements of power, caused by dissatisfaction with the guests. 13, staff regulations violations, the presence of management staff is not correct, non-stop, non-performance of the management responsibility of a minor nature. 14, in violation of the provisions of the relevant rules and regulations or department, a minor. 15, in the health inspection, a number of unqualified persons found. Slight fault 1, within one month by two oral警告者. 2, is not reasonable obedience to superior orders, did not complete the task or intention to sabotage the work of their superiors who are impolite words and deeds. 3, the work of sow discord, slander others, to spread the speech is not conducive to unity; the work of the spirit of the lack of coordination and cooperation, with the result that the work be affected. 4, time to fall asleep on duty, dry private live. 5, in violation of various safety rules and working procedures for the operation of norms and rules and regulations. 6, not to subordinate the management of discipline found not stopped, not by the punishment. 7, unauthorized use of passenger amenities or facilities, unauthorized guests turning items. 8, the language vulgar, impolite to the guests, and guests to argue, without consent or authorization into the leadership of the Office of the guests rooms. Small fault 1, by two months to deal with two minor mistakes. 2, work is not serious, not enthusiasm or the leadership of complaints by the guests. 3, authorization to accept guests tips, articles, or have left over items are not timely paid 4, the working hours as well as the impact of the guests shouted rest hubbub. 5, as a result of the mistakes made by individuals affect the work of customer service. 6, contrary to the positions of the working procedures or rules and regulations as well as hidden dangers caused by work. 7, using improper means to interfere with the work of others. 8, unauthorized use of guests of the goods or equipment without the approval of unauthorized use of center equipment. 9, knowing that the loss or loss of property, and turning a blind eye is not reporting. 10, does not provide true and accurate report, form or material. 11, leakage of confidential centers, the Center lost keys, documents and other important items. Major fault 1, within three months by the two in mind to deal with small errors. 2, twice within two months under the leadership of the guests or complaints. . 3, work positions, or dereliction of duty, unauthorized absence from the adverse effects caused by some. 4, mismanagement, resulting in serious losses Center. 5, to work with when drinking or drunkenness. . 6, refused to accept the leadership of the organization of a reasonable work, bad attitude. 7, the work of dereliction of duty caused by power failure, water, parking and other major incidents. 8, other violations of rules and regulations, the circumstances of a serious shortage of dismissal. Dismissed, removed or expelled from the 1, a serious dereliction of duty, corruption, resulting in heavy losses. 2, by the public security organs shall be held criminally accountable. 3, can not do the work, after training or adjustment of status can not be doing the work. V 4, theft or private use Center materials, private room to open. 5, insult, slander, assault, intimidation, threats against colleagues and leading or fighting. 6, alcohol, gambling, the adverse effects caused. 7, do not obey the leadership of the command, the leadership refused to assign a reasonable work, through the Education invalid. 8, deliberate damage to public property. 9, the use of public谋私, corruption, misappropriation of public funds. 10, released to the outside world center slanderous remarks made remarks prejudicial to the reputation of the Center, severely damaged the image center. 11, recorded a major fault or two small errors or warnings shown no apparent repentance. 12, other serious violations of discipline violations. (Award) 1, in the service work, outstanding performance with outstanding performance. 2, put forward some reasonable proposals to improve the quality of service or to contribute to saving energy and reducing consumption. 3, quality service, by the central leadership or guests. 4, a strong sense of responsibility, the timely detection of a variety of hidden dangers and prevent accidents. 5,拾金不昧, won the reputation as the center. 6, solid work hard to unite colleagues, be sure the same. 7, honorable, the protection of the state, collectives and the safety of guests property. 8, who have made outstanding contributions in other areas. V. Housekeeping service standards and disciplinary provisions of 1, obedience to superior management, unity and colleagues, work full emotional, not to The impact of the work for personal reasons 2, work, work to maintain the appearance of a person's own instrument, and maintain the Center clean and quiet and maintain normal private life. 3, working hours is prohibited access to make private telephone calls, meeting with friends or chat is strictly prohibited. 4, in the service area to achieve the "three-light" to speak not only light, light walking, light operation. 5, on the customer service should not be too affectionate, guests can not make up the shoulder. 6, guests can not be asked to "do not know" answer inquiries as far as possible, in the case of improper words and deeds of the guests, not tit-for-tat should be tactfully explained. Adhere to the guests is always right. 7, in the face of the guests may not smoke, eat, read the newspaper, may not be rough foul language; does not mean that the private opinions, do not talk about national issues. 8, the guests have asked or required to be recorded immediately so as not to forget that beyond the terms of reference should be unable to process request to the leadership may not be good at doing that. 9, without the guests agreed that children should not have to play the visitors to avoid unhappy customers; when going out or entertaining guests when their children can not neglect, but not chaos to the food. 10, in front of the guests did not say unnecessary action if not arrogant. 11, does not apply if the guests fall ill or have other anomalies should be reported immediately to avoid accidents. 12, knocked on the door to develop good habits, are not free to enter the guest room, guest room shall be arbitrarily moving luggage items should be in the guest room shall not open the door to close. 13, without a tenant to confirm whether or not the tenant agree that should not be opening the door for others. 14, guests should take the initiative to get out of baggage items found in time and turned over to the return of first time guests.












































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