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可以用线扎的方法治,但主要是在初期,用线系中指根部,左眼系右手,右眼系左手.但效果不如多吃点动物肝脏好的快,鸡肝鸭肝猪肝羊肝均可。不信可试试,不要什么费用,几块钱而已。又没有什么副作用,而且不受皮肉之苦。亲身经历,屡试不爽。特灵。 今天晚上吃,明天就感觉轻,轻者吃一天,重者两到三天可好。 最多不超过一个星期。


如果是生在睑板腺或睫毛毛囊或附近的皮脂腺且有压痛就麦粒肿,麦粒肿,也叫睑板腺炎,中医认为是因为脾胃实热,也就是上火了。如果已经溃脓就要及时到眼科做切开引流手术;如果不是很严重,你就自己买点抗生素眼药水和清火的中成药用一下。再就是不要吃太辣的食物。刮除囊膜。可以避免复发!---睑板腺阻塞引起的。做手术时一定要找个负责的眼科医生,把囊壁去除干净,最好能用碘丁擦拭。可以防止复发。以后要注意保持睑板腺的通常,不要描眼线,眼睛周围不要涂太多的东西。注意休息!就好了!麦粒肿红肿一般是炎症造成的,口服点消炎药。先进行如下处理即可:一、热敷患处。(加速血液循环,促进炎症的吸收)。(一日3次,每次30分钟),并注意多休息及饮食注意热敷几天。2周后无改善再考虑别的原因。如肉芽增生,瘢痕体质等。二、结膜囊内点抗生素眼膏。结膜囊内凃抗生素眼膏如金霉素或红霉素眼药水用氯霉素或利福平或氧氟沙星滴眼液个别重症患者可肌肉注射青霉素,或口服土霉素等 (眼药水任选一种:如氧氟沙星眼膏(迪可罗、泰利必妥,头孢唑啉钠)国产的或进口的都可以)。一天2~3次。中午和晚上睡前。三、口服抗生素如:阿莫西林、头孢类的。服用5天即可。得麦粒肿原因:睑板腺排出不畅、继发感染。有的人就是易得体质,可能和他的生活习惯(辣、吸烟、高脂饮食等)有关,还有的就是自身睑板腺的功能问题(与生俱来的基因问题)。预防胜于治疗:早起预防可以防患于未然。早期发现不适,及时热敷。绝大多数都是可以搞定的。注意不吃辛辣刺激性食物,如大蒜,花椒,辣椒等少吃油腻厚味的菜肴,多吃新鲜蔬菜水果。注意用眼卫生,不熬夜,不要使眼过度疲劳平时要注意睫毛根部的卫生。




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<麦田守望者>的细节评论(英文) 全文摘录自美国文学著作论坛 (一) Comments on the Details of novel “The Catcher In The Rye” The majority of the novel takes place in New York City during war of America. The journey begins just a week before Holden's Christmas break. A young man, Holden Caulfield, is in a mental institution where he is recovering from a recent mental breakdown. The entire novel is a flashback of the events that had led up to his emotional destruction. The flashback begins with Holden leaving the boarding school he had been attending because of lackluster grades. Holden had been sent to boarding school by his parents. The protagonist and narrator of the novel, Holden Caulfield, finds himself upset with the society in which he lives. Throughout the novel he goes on a journey to find himself. Holden is immature although he makes attempts to act as if he is mature. Holden can not accept those who value materialistic items and labels them "phonies." In all, Holden is hypocritical and it is perhaps this trait that causes him to self-destruct. At first, we should pay a little attention to the other people in this story. Holden's smart kid sister, Phoebe Caulfield, is the only person that Holden can relate to. Holden visits her while in Manhattan, and while with her he decides that he would like to save children like her from becoming phonies. She also later convinces Holden to return home. . Caulfield is Holden's brother who used to be a serious writer, but is now in Hollywood where he is writing for television programs. Holden views his brother as being a phony since he had "sold out" and given up his principles in return for money. Holden's younger brother named Allie Caulfield. Holden saw him as a symbol of innocence. Allie died of Leukemia. Jane Gallagher was Holden's great love and almost girlfriend. Holden did not view her as a phony, perhaps because he knew her when she was younger. He was very upset that she was to go out with Stradlater. He believed Stradlater would make her a phony too. Holden's history teacher at Pency Prep school called Mr. Spencer. Holden visited him just before he left for Manhattan. Holden meets two nuns at the train station where they are collecting money. Holden decides that they are only the only adults that have not become phony and therefore can retain their innocence. Mr. Antolini was Holden's teacher at Elkton Hills. Holden visited him while in Manhattan and stayed at his apartment. (There he made sexual advances on Holden.) The novel opens with the narrator, Holden Caulfield, a seventeen-year-old boy from New York City, telling the story of three days in his life. The whole narrative is a coming to terms with the past, since Holden tells it from a psychiatric institution. It is the adult world that has driven him insane. He just cannot relate to anyone except for his kid sister Phoebe. Everything and all other people seem "phony" to him. Holden is unable to accept life. Since Holden is becoming an adult himself, he is unhappy with what he will represent. He flunks out of three boarding schools in a row, the latest of them Pencey Prep, which is also where the first part of the story takes place.<麦田守望者>的细节评论(英文) 全文摘录自美国文学著作论坛(二 One Saturday night, after an unpleasant experience with his history teacher "Old Spencer," his roommate Stradlater and the boy next door, Robert Ackley, Holden decides to leave Pencey four days early for Christmas break. He knows that he cannot return to his parents because they are not aware that he has been expelled again. Holden spends the next three days wandering aimlessly around New York City. He stays at a cheap hotel for one night, goes to two night clubs, dances with older women, often talks and thinks about sex, even has a prostitute come up to his room. The next day, he talks with some nuns about literature and has a date with his former girlfriend Sally Woodruff. They go to the theater and also go ice-skating. When he asks her to run away with him, she gets mad and they part. He is "depressed," at this time Holden thinks and even talks to his deceased brother Allie. To Holden, Allie represented innocence. With nobody else around, Holden turns to the only person he can relate to, his sister Phoebe. He sneaks into his parent's apartment at night to talk to his sister. He tells her about his dream to be a "catcher in the rye," and that he wants to run away. He then leaves to meet his former teacher, Mr. Antolini. They have a good talk, but Holden leaves in a hurry when he thinks his host makes a sexual advance on him. He spends the night in a train station, then runs around town. Finally, he meets his sister, who tells him she wants to run away with him and that she will never go back to school. Holden sees himself in her, finally changes his mind and decides to go back to his parents. We are able to conclude that Holden then is sent to a mental hospital for treatment. The first major conflict encountered in The Catcher in the Rye is Holden . Holden has a hard time dealing with everyday life, and feels that everyone around him is a "phony". This is one of the reasons for his mental breakdown. His own mind working against himself caused him to have internal problems and turn against himself. His internal conflict also led to his seclusion from the outside world. He became introverted and could no longer cope with life. Another conflict we come across is Holden vs. society. Everyone is a "phony" to him and he never realizes the good in anyone. This is due to Holden's strong opposition to material wealth, which is a dominating characteristic of the society which he could not accept. He can't communicate with anyone and feels that the only person he can even relate to is his sister Phoebe. Holden cannot function as a normal part of society because of his hatred towards all "phonies", which he believes everyone to be. Holden did not want children to grow up because he felt that adults are corrupt. This is seen when Holden tries to erase naughty words from the walls of the elementary school, that his sister Phoebe attended. Holden believed that children were innocent because they viewed the world and society without any bias. This leads to Holden's dream to being the catcher in the rye, which relates to a poem where the catcher prevents small children from falling off a cliff.<麦田守望者>的细节评论(英文) 全文摘录自美国文学著作论坛(三) Holden throughout the whole novel, differs from society which results in his rebellious nature. Holden does not have any friends and cannot keep relationships. This is because he finds and exaggerates any negative aspect of all the people he knows or meets. This can be seen when Holden cannot keep his relationship with his girlfriend Sally. Holden also rebels because he feels that all adults are phonies. Holden believes that these phonies are people who try to be something that they are not. Usually the mark of a phony is the desire for material goods. This is because people usually want these possessions in order to impress others and become something they are not. This is why Holden can only connect with his younger sister Phoebe. On the other hand his older brother . is a prime example of a phony. This is because . was a writer, who became a playwright in order to gain more public recognition. Holden's instability has derived from various events and personality traits. Early in his life his brother Allie died. This had many negative effects on Holden. He also disliked his parents. He believes they are phonies and that they neglected him. This is because they send him to many different private schools and do not supply him with the love and affection he needs. Holden has either been expelled from or has run away from these schools. This is seen in Pencey where he cannot stand his roommate, Stradlater. His incapability of living in society has led to his admission into a mental institution. It is from this point that Holden narrates the story. The book begins as Holden is recovering from his nervous breakdown. He tries to save all children from growing up and losing their innocence, and when he realized that he can not, he goes insane and can't deal with it. Death is a major issue in this novel because of the death of his brother Allie. It is the death of his brother which fuels his desire to save children from growing up and becoming corrupt. Holden uses his brother as a model for innocence. Holden has a very hard time dealing with people that are not known to him. He feels that most people are phonies and finds it hard to open himself up to others. He is very insecure as well as being very immature. His immaturity is shown when he invites the prostitute, Sunny, up to his hotel room for sex. When she arrives he cannot go through with it. Holden also rarely had a girlfriend for an extended period of time because of his fear of commitment. Holden disliked his parents because they sent him away to a private school. He thinks that they feel he is useless and give up on him and send him away. He also wouldn't face his parents until the very end of the novel. Holden calls other's phonies but in actuality, Holden is the biggest phony in the novel. He despises those who value material things but he himself prides his possessions. We first note Salinger's vividness of description. The reader could care less about the street names or other various paraphernalia, but is given them any way. These more or less serve to promote the reality of Holden's thought while showing his attentiveness to detail.



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