Along with the development of science and technology, intelligent and automation technology is more and more popular, all kinds of hi-tech also widely used in intelligent robot toy car and manufacturing field, make intelligent robot more and more diverse. Intelligent car is a variety of high-paying technology integration body, it incorporates mechanical, electronic, sensors, computer hardware, software, artificial intelligence and many other subject knowledge, can involves many of today's current areas of technology. This car design mainly by the single chip microcomputer control system module, manostat module, motor driver module, infrared inspection module and to the wireless digital module composition, system to C8051F340 microcontroller as the core, set to foreign control, use linear regulator chip to voltage stability of control for single chip microcomputer and other peripherals for the reliable power supply, using infrared to the module black and white signal detection, use L298N motor driver module to the dc speed-down motor stability control, use light coupling strength chips for electrical isolation of control, disappear
大型超市购物车国内好像没有大规模的应用,主要的原因有两个1,超市购物货,很多单价较低,像几元的东西要去上个RFID来管理还是成本压力比较大的.2,超市购物货物物种类繁多,有液体有金属的,虽然现在超高频像适合超市用的YXU2861已经技术在国内算领先的,但对于这样金属液体的环境中既要很好的掌控距离又要精准无漏读还是比较困难.还有就是从超市业者考虑,现在人工相对于高额费用的电子标签还是比较划算的,这些就制约了在一般超市RFID应用的发展, 但在一些专业的超市,比如书籍店,服装店,等没有金属和液体的市场并且商品本身价格比较高的场合,还是有很多成功的应用的.
Along with the development of science and technology, intelligent and automation technology is more and more popular, all kinds of hi-tech also widely used in intelligent robot toy car and manufacturing field, make intelligent robot more and more diverse. Intelligent car is a variety of high-paying technology integration body, it incorporates mechanical, electronic, sensors, computer hardware, software, artificial intelligence and many other subject knowledge, can involves many of today's current areas of technology. This car design mainly by the single chip microcomputer control system module, manostat module, motor driver module, infrared inspection module and to the wireless digital module composition, system to C8051F340 microcontroller as the core, set to foreign control, use linear regulator chip to voltage stability of control for single chip microcomputer and other peripherals for the reliable power supply, using infrared to the module black and white signal detection, use L298N motor driver module to the dc speed-down motor stability control, use light coupling strength chips for electrical isolation of control, eliminate interference, the use of wireless digital module CC1101 for two car communication. The intelligent design two cars are from the start to car, overtaking alternately lead, lead a circle overtaking about 27 seconds. Key words: C8051F340 infrared to the dc speed-down wireless digital overtaking lead
未来 我站在阳台上,遥望着远方的景观,一座座大楼在我眼前显得那么雄伟,那么壮丽,使我情不自禁地生出了许许多多的遐想,我们的祖国在飞速地变化,在不久的将来,必将成为屹立世界东方的一个现代化的富强国家┅┅遐想中,我不由自主地想到二十年后的祖国该是什么样的呢?我们的生活又会发生怎样的变化呢? 早上,枕头里传出一阵优美动听的音乐声,提醒我该起床 提醒我该起床了,我迷迷糊糊地站了起来,按了一下按钮,扫描仪启动了,它射出一道红光,扫描了我的身体,又弹出一件衣服,我把双臂伸开,衣服自动套了进去,这衣服可先进了,冬暖夏凉,而且还会随着身体大小而改变,可舒服了。穿好衣服,洗刷完毕后该吃早餐了,我到厨房拿了两个现在最流行的环保果出来,这种环保果有各种各样的口味,你可根据自己的喜好选择,樱桃味是我永远的最爱,你可别看它小,它可包含了人体必需的营养成分和热量。吃过了早餐,来到了窗边无意间瞟了一眼,那绿油油的大地好象在抖动,再定睛一看,我们的房屋全都停在了半空中,原来发生地震了,我们的房屋都飞到了半空中,可人们却丝毫不知,这就是自动化房屋,它还能根据主人的需要调节室内的温度;根据主人的心情改变室内的颜色。?又该吃午饭了,我还没来得及买菜呢?别着急,瞧我的,我打开电脑,进入了网上商场,把喜欢的菜放进购物车就OK啦,不久菜便送来了,还刚洗过呢!我把它们放进智能化的锅里,不一会,一道道色香味俱全的菜就做好了,今天的主食是环保汉堡,它不仅好吃而且营养高。哎,对了,我还得去国外办点事儿,这次我乘坐的是人人都有的飞碟,小小的,可以放在口袋里,我按了红色的按钮,飞碟慢慢变大,我坐了进去,不用驾驶,只要输入目的地的地址,再按下绿色键,没几分钟就到了,我办完事,眨眼间又回到了家里,按下蓝色按钮,它马上缩小。这种飞碟没有尾气,没有噪音是理想的交通工具。晚上,伴随着一阵柔和的催眠曲,我进入了梦乡┅┅ 这就是二0二四年的一天,怎么样?神奇吧!只要我们奋发学习,努力拼搏,不久的将来我们必将实现我们的梦想。我坚信我们亲爱的祖国会继续腾飞,祖国的未来将更加灿烂辉煌!
Along with the development of science and technology, intelligent and automation
Many years later, we are driving smart cars on the road. Smart cars are amazing.
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