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你可以从以下地址下载,文章名称:The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA) Vol.3, No.1, February 2011DOI : 10.5121/ijma.2011.3103 22SELECTION SORTING ALGORITHM VISUALIZATIONUSING FLASHHadi SutopoDepartment of Informatics, Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI, Jakarta, Indonesiahadi@topazart.infoABSTRACTThis paper is intended to develop an algorithm visualization, particularly selection sorting for anAlgorithm and Programming course. Algorithm visualization technology graphically illustrates howalgorithms work. This visualization can be used to explain how all data move to the proper position inorder to be sorted in a display computer for education. This research consists of 6 steps which areconcept, design, obtaining content material, assembly, testing, and distribution. During the testing step,the application is run and checked to confirm that it performs exactly what the author has intended andthe students can learn selection sorting algorithm by studying the visualization. Subjects of the researchwere students at Department of Informatics Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI for implementation of thelearning. The data were analysed using the analytic descriptive method and interpreted in a narrativeway based on the research findings. The algorithm visualization indicates that students increase theirmotivation and ability to program variety of sorting in programming language they learn.KEYWORDSMultimedia, Algorithm, Sorting, Flash movie, ActionScript

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    1,现在是信息化时代,我们大部分人都拥有着电子产品,相较于以前的投稿方式的匮乏,现代社会中的投稿方式不可谓不多。首先使用的投稿方式就是通过电子邮箱进行投稿。 2

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