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Kluwer Law Online Journals是世界三大信息出版集团之一的威科集团(Wolters Kluwer)旗下的Kluwer Law International出版社的旗舰产品,该数据库包含23种全文法律学术期刊(Journals)的全文信息,其中包含数十万篇期刊全文,涉及商法、经济法、欧共体法、国际(贸易)法、竞争法(反垄断法)、交通运输法、环境法、税法、商业仲裁等各个领域。
to justify the relationship and application of international law on domestic lawThe paper is based on both theoritical and practical analysis of the relationship between international law and domestic law which is a very controversial issue.From domestic law point of view, to sduty the application of international law in our country can be combined with Marxist philosophy and theory, personal views and the final On the future development trend of China's proposed constitutional amendment, which added to the relevant legal provisions of applicable international treaties, the development of particular legislation and suggestions for the future thinking
This article through this has the dispute question theory and the actual two aspect analysis to the international law and the national law relations, from our country's angle inspection international law in our country domestic being suitable, and unifies the Marxist philosophy theory, proposed that individual view, proposed finally to the Chinese future trend of development will revise the constitution, to join in each relevant law is suitable the international convention the provision, the formulation to legislate specially and so on several suggestions and to future ponder.
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