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一、(在科学文章中)用作者-年代的格式来引用:1.引用一本书:Zimmer, Gary. 1999. The biological farmer. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.Beckham, Todd, ed. 1951. The soccer chronicles. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.2.引用一本书的特定章节:Lowell, Frederick. 2006. “Why I Tried: The Mentality Behind a Crime.” In The criminal mind, ed. Frank Alden, 101–2. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.3.引用一本电子书:Kamp, John C. and Alison Norris, eds. 1987. The lawn mowing guide San Diego: Green Press. http://greenpress.com/lawnmowing/.4.引用纸质期刊的文章:Fargo, Peter Paul. 2007. The facts of life. Philosophy 126:450-22.5.引用网上期刊的文章:Hennessy, Thomas W., Craig W. Hedberg, Laurence Slutsker, Karen E. White, John M. Besser-Wiek, Michael E. Moen, John Feldman, William W. Coleman, Larry M. Edmonson, Kristine L. MacDonald, and Michael T. Osterholm. 2002. A national outbreak of Salmonella enteritidis infections from ice cream. The New England Journal of Medicine 287, no. 5 (February 6), http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/abstract/334/20/1281.6.引用杂志文章:Doe, Jane. 2002. What it feels like to be the real Jane Doe.” Reality, May 6.7.引用报纸文章:Lachmund, Miles S. 2002. German chef recreates childhood soup for neighbors. New York Times, June 20, Food section, Midwest edition.8.引用一个网址:Evanston Public Library Board of Trustees. Evanston Public Library strategic plan, 2000–2010: A decade of outreach. Evanston Public Library. http://www.epl.org/library/strategic-plan-00.html.二、(在人文学科论文中)用注释-参考书目格式引用资料:1.引用一本书:Zimmer, Gary. The Biological Farmer. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.Beckham, Todd, ed. The Soccer Chronicles. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951.2.引用一本书的一个章节:Lowell, Frederick. “Why I Tried: The Mentality Behind a Crime.” In The Criminal Mind, edited by Frank Alden, 101–2. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.3.引用一本电子书:Kamp, John C. and Alison Norris, eds. The Lawn mowing Guide San Diego: Green Press, 1987. http://greenpress.com/lawnmowing/. Also available in print form and as a CD-ROM.4.引用纸质期刊文章:Fargo, Peter Paul. “The Facts of Life.” Philosophy 126 (2007):450-22.5.引用网上期刊文章:Hennessy, Thomas W., Craig W. Hedberg, Laurence Slutsker, Karen E. White, John M. Besser-Wiek, Michael E. Moen, John Feldman, William W. Coleman, Larry M. Edmonson, Kristine L. MacDonald, and Michael T. Osterholm. “A National Outbreak of Salmonella enteritidis Infections from Ice Cream.” The New England Journal of Medicine 287, no. 5 (February 6, 2002), http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/abstract/334/20/1281.6.引用杂志文章:Doe, Jane. “What it Feels Like to be the Real Jane Doe.” Reality, May 6, 2002.7.引用报纸文章:Lachmund, Miles S. “German Chef Recreates Childhood Soup for Neighbors,” New York Times, June 20, 2002, Food section, Midwest edition.8.引用一个网址:Evanston Public Library Board of Trustees. “Evanston Public Library Strategic Plan, 2000–2010: A Decade of Outreach.” Evanston Public Library. (accessed June 1, 2005).

261 评论


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  • 期刊投稿经验

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    koko乔纳 5人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • cms期刊投稿

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    autumngold 6人参与回答 2023-12-10