For the foreign language translation of graduation thesis, so need an article about real estate in the translation of English articles to bring hope for the best, the professional translation. The detailed information, this paper topic, author, journal title page, date, etc.. Thank you very much.
首先,选中你想投稿的杂志社 然后,查看该编辑部收稿人的EMAILL 投稿一般等待对方回复时间是半个月左右 如果你的稿子通过初审,会有人联系你。 如果没有通过了,
是正规期刊,国家新闻出版广电总局网站里面可以查询到。 投稿的话,中国学术期刊论文投稿平台可以搜到这本期刊投稿。
For the foreign language translation of graduation thesis, so need an article ab