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submitted: 就是这篇文章已经提交给期刊,但还没有得到任何答复,还完全有被拒收的可能;under review: 就是文章进入评审阶段,一般提交给期刊的文章先要经过期刊助手对文章结构,字数等技术性检查,合格的话才送交主编,由主编邀请评审专家初审。under review 表明主编已经将论文送审了,结果仍未知;major revision: 文章需要大改,一般情况下如果(2-3位中)1位评审专家对文章提出一些尖锐、负面的意见,而另几位的意见比较正面,则主编往往会要求作者进行大改动;至此,文章还是有被接受的可能,但要看改动后的文章是否让评审专家或主编满意;minor revision: 小改动,至此文章被接受的可能已经达90%,只需要对文中小的差错进行修改即可接受;accepted:完全接受,但离出版印刷发行还有段时间;early online (or online ready):已经完全定型的文章还需要排队印刷发行,这个过程有的期刊会很长,1-2年,early online 或 online ready 就是先将文章在网上发布出来,供读者阅读。这时的文章 doi 号码已经有,也可以引用,但还没有正式的卷号,期号及页码;published: 最后印刷出版了

225 评论


1、 常用的动词:

show,present,illustrate,summarize,demonstrate, contain, provide,list, report, give, reveal,display, indicate, suggest, describe, …


As shown in …/ As can be seen in …/ As revealed by;


be due to ,be attibuted to,be accounted for,be a consequence of;


It is certain that …

It is almost certain that …

It is very probable/ highly likely that …

It is probable/likely that …

It is possible that …

It is unlikely that …

It is very/highly unlikely that …


There is a definite possibility that …

There is a strong possibility that …

There is a good possibility that …

There is a slight possibility that …

There is little possibility that …


Overall,In general,On the whole, In the main,With … exception(s),The overall results indicate,

1. 递进关系

in addition另外, furthermore此外, again, also, besides, moreover此外 , similarly, finally最后

2. 比较关系

in the same way, likewise同样地, similarly, equally, in comparison比较起来, just as同样地

3. 对照关系

whereas然而, in contrast与此相反, on the other hand, instead同样, however然而, nevertheless然而, unlike, even though即使, on the contrary, while

4. 因果关系

because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result(of), accordingly, hence, so, thus

5. 强调

certainly, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, chiefly, especially, primarily, in particular, undoubtedly, absolutely, most imprtant

6. 举例

for example, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in this case, by way of illustration.

7. 总结

to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, to put it in a nutshell, in summary

8. 推断

therefore, as a result(of), consequently, accordingly, so, otherwise

9. 动词

investigate, discuss, analyze,explore, show, conduct,propose,affect,introduce, define,predict, focus on

80 评论


thesis 论文 (一本, 如硕士,博士论文)。paper 文章(发表在杂志上的一篇 一篇的) ÄÕÂ

240 评论


gavin7991 - 举人 四级 说的很详细,但更加简洁明了的说法是:硕士论文用thesis,eg. MA thesis (文学硕士论文),博士论文用dissertation, 学期论文或发表的文章可用paper,essay指篇幅较短小的文章,相当于作文类或散文类

95 评论


“论文”一词的英文表达很多,通常因场合、用处不同而有不同的表达,下面罗列了几种,请楼主斟酌一下那一种是适合自己。*dissertation(博士学位)论文,(专题)论文,学术演讲:长而正式的论文,尤指大学里由博士学位攻读者所写的论文;学位论*disquisition专题论文;专题演讲,专题讨论:关于一个论题的正式讨论,常为书面形式*thesis命题论文:尤指出于获得学位的研究需要而改进原来观点以作为研究成果的论文*discourse (学术)讨论,研讨用的论文*paper 作业形式的,为达到某一目的或效果(如学位)而写的

351 评论


论文(Paper)或:dissertation(论文)或:thesis(论文)经常说的:)~English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)

223 评论


一篇完整的毕业讠 仑,文,题目,摘要(中英文),目录,正文(引言,正文,结语),致谢,参考文献。学校规定的格式,字体,段落,页眉页脚,开始写之前,都得清楚的,你的讠 仑,文算是写好了五分之一。不管是中文的文章还是英文的文章都一定要走心的去写然后,选题,你的题目时间宽裕,那就好好考虑,选一个你思考最成熟的看伱的了。

164 评论


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    英文翻译:Publish a paper。

    kiko小毒 8人参与回答 2023-12-05
  • 发表论文英语单词

    论文(Paper) 或:dissertation(论文) 或:thesis(论文) 经常说的: English dissertation(英语论文)

    applealing 6人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 发表论文的英文单词

    The English translation of 论文 is "thesis" or "dissertation".

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