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首页 > 论文发表 > 教授要你发表论文吗英文

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Dear Professor XXX,I am a student from (XXX course/school). I have heard about your name and your great work from my school teacher. I really appreciate what you have done for the academic field. Since I am doing a project/assignment related to XXX, I need lots of information about XXX to support my work. Could you please do me a favor? Actually, your academic essay/thesis ''XXXXX'' is a great reference for my project. Could you please send it to me since I could not find it on the internet? Your work would be highly appreciated since this project will be introduce to different high schools in my country.I look forward to receiving your reply.Thank you so much!Best regards,XXXXX***留意,XXX的地方请根据自己的情况填写,内容也可修改~因为我不清楚你的状况和要论文来做什麼......(发电邮只要有礼,用词符合身份就OK)

297 评论





dissert ; dissertate

网 络dissert;discourse;a dissertation;De architectura libri decem



She stay up all night write the paper with a pot of coffee at her elbow.

1. We spend the final term writing our dissertations. 我们用最后一个学期的时间写论文.


2. Each student has a supervisor to advise on the writing of the dissertation. 每个学生都有导师指导他们写论文。

3. He was writing his essay when, all of a sudden, he was seized with giddiness. 他正在写论文, 突然一阵头晕.

4. I noticed that most academics were writing papers during the summer. 我注意到大部分学者暑期都在写论文。

5. I'm afraid he won't be free. He is busy with his paper. 恐怕他没有时间. 他在忙着写论文.

6. Tom is writing his paper, but John won't. 汤姆正在写论文, 但是约翰却不写.

7. He is busily engaged in writing a thesis. 他正忙着写论文.

8. She stayed up all night writing the paper with a pot of coffee at her elbow. 她熬了一整夜写论文,身边放着一壶咖啡.

9. Take notes on anything you think you might use in writing your paper. 对任何你认为对你写论文有用的信息都要记下来.

10. One must consult a lot of reference books when writing a paper. 写论文时一定要参阅大量的文献.

11. He to find a superior to help himself write the dissertation. 他准备找个强手来帮他写论文.

12. He's been pegging away at his thesis for months. 他写论文已经忙了几个月了.

13. He kept writing the essay until he had cleaned it up. 他继续写论文直到写完为止.

14. Feminist scholars write papers on Hermione's road to self - determination . 女权主义者写论文论述赫敏的 自决权.

15. A professor assigns students to write a paper, the. 教授布置学生写论文.

16. She bogged down many times while she wrote her dissertation. 她写论文时很多次陷入困境.

17. When writing your thesis, don't forget to reference the sources. 写论文的时候别忘了注明参考资料.

18. He directed all his energies into his dissertation. 他把全部精力都用在写论文上了.

19. I referred to an encyclopedia for my essay. 我写论文时,查阅了百科全书.

20. I need reference material for my paper. 我写论文需要一些参考资料.

149 评论


邮件主题邮件主题(subject)不需要写自己的名字。名字是在邮件系统设置里设定好的,在发件时会替换显示实际地址,所以无需在主题里再写一遍。[关键内容是要在主题里就写明白是否有推荐人,以及主要是什么事。很多教授只看主题。]一个好的标题,要能简洁地概括邮件的目的或内容。如果你对教授的某个研究项目感兴趣,就可以用这个研究方向作标题,例如"Deformation and fracture of hexagonal close-packed metals"或者"Fabrication of semiconductor through chemical vapor deposition"等等。然后在邮件的正文里,可以谈谈你对这个方向如何感兴趣,你有什么相关的学术背景,还有你对这个研究领域的任何见解。如果你对教授的某一篇文章很感兴趣,并且你的邮件正文里要谈到这篇文章,那么用这篇文章的标题作为邮件的标题也是个不错的主意。如果文章的标题过长,可以把它压缩 一下。此外,还有人喜欢用一种开门见山式的标题,比如"Inquiry into graduate admission of fall 2011"。这种标题我本人没有尝试过,不知道效果如何,有兴趣的同学可以自己去尝试。最后,我想说的是,套磁信的标题并没有一定之规。大家不要拘泥于我 上面提到的这几种,一定要勇于创新。在主题中包含course number ,"Question about 3009 assignment" 或者"question about English 2011 essay."听起来很真实,而"a question"看起来像垃圾邮件。"Question about English assignment" or "question about assignment," without identifying the class you're in, may leave your professor with the chore of figuring that out. For someone teaching large lecture classes, that might mean reading through hundreds of names on rosters. But even for a professor with smaller classes, it's a drag to get an e-mail that merely says "I'm in your English class and need the assignment." All your English professor's classes are English classes; she or he still needs to know which one is yours.称呼Salutations matter. The safest way to start is with "Dear Professor So and So" (using their last name). That way you won't be getting into the issue of whether the prof has a Ph.D. or not, and you won't seem sexist when you address your female-professor as "Ms." or, worse yet, "Mrs. This and That."称呼很重要。最安全的开头方式是用“亲爱的×××教授”(×××是姓)。这样的话你就不会再考虑这个教授是不是个博士或其他,并且当你称呼你的女教授“Ms”或者“Mrs.”也不会显得像是个性别歧视者。其他的方式都是错误的。(例如Prof.、Hello、全名云云)Choose an appropriate greeting. "Hi/Hello Professor [Blank]" is always appropriate. Substitute "Dear" and you've ended up writing a letter; leave out "Hi" and your tone is too brusque(无礼). 开篇介绍自己,表明意图一般开头简单介绍下自己,表明你对他的研究感兴趣,对作者的结果给予一定的肯定。然后,如果是你主动写电子邮件给别人的话,那就以你写此邮件的目的开头。例如,"I am writing to enquire about …"或是"I am writing in reference to …"在电子邮件开头澄清你的来意非常重要,这样才能更好的引出邮件的主要内容。正文的第一句话必然是介绍自己。这句话必然要遵循这个格式:My name is *** (全名),and I am … 例如: My name is Jeremy Bentham, and I am a graduate student at the Queen’s College, Oxford.正文的第二句话必然要解释自己是如何知道对方的。分三种情况:有人推荐;无人推荐;两人原本相识,但很久没有联系。[这句话挺重要的,因为它要在你和这个陌路教授之间建立第一道关联。有人推荐当然最好,比如这个教授的同事某某某推荐你去找她,因为某某原因,那么把这个环节表述清楚即可。如果无人推荐(更常见的情况),一定要说清楚原因,例如刚刚看了人家的一篇新作云云(你要确实看过才能这么说),不然人家可能就不往下读了。] 提出问题或请求清楚简洁是最好的。你的教授每天会收到 25-30 封邮件,所以如果你的问题很简洁明了那是最好的(一般把问题一条条列出来比较好) 。如果你不能快速直达主题,对方就会在读你邮件的半途上对它失去兴趣。因此,迅速切入主题。这个部分遵循的法则叫做“消极的礼貌”(negative politeness)。常用的策略有:主动提及对方非常非常忙碌,可能没有时间满足自己的请求(也就是给对方一个台阶);多用if句;多用过去时态。[这是最最重要的两个原则之一。谈谈消极礼貌]1. 多用I was wondering if(一定要用was,而不是I wonder或I am wondering)。[打交道多了,可以不必拘泥于此。例如也可以说I wondered... 甚至shall we... 如果是自己的导师,或者工作往来很密切的教授,一天到晚说“I was wondering if”,过分礼貌,其实也挺奇怪的。] 多用would it be possible,以便从语法上规避直接牵涉到“人”,这样可以减轻对方的压力。例如:(隐含的意思在括号里,但不可明写出来)Would it be possible (for you) to arrange an appointment (for me) some time?2. 避免使用I want和I would like,实在要用,就用I would love。最坏最坏,也要用I wanted代替。 避免使用“please”,因为“please”暗含了自己的期望,给对方压力,是不礼貌的表达。提出请求后,一定要论证自己的请求是合理的。 [这是最最重要的两个原则之二。] 常用的方法是:展示自己已经做了大量的前期工作,实在是迫不得已,无路可走了,才来求人。或者,要表明自己对对方的工作了如指掌,而请求正是建立在这种了解之上的。Ask politely. "Could you e-mail me the page numbers for the next reading? Thanks!" is a lot better than "I need the assignment."“What great news! I'd be thrilled to meet with you 。。。”“Would it be convenient to 。。。“”Yes, it would certainly be fine to 。。。”“Would you prefer to 。。。”“I look forward to it with great pleasure and thank you for your efforts and time.”“Thank you for the very kind XXXX. I was touched by your thoughtfulness, and assure you that it was wholly my pleasure to xxxx. I'm delighted to know that 。。。。”Thanks for all of your effort and service to xxxx. It's been a pleasure to work with you and I'm looking forward to the results of your xxxx"" I hope you had a very good Spring break in spite of this much appreciated work that you've done for....""I'm looking forward with great pleasure to working with you on xxxx"“ I hope this email finds you well..."" We're honored and grateful for your support ..... and eagerly look forward to your thoughts ....."结束语在你结束邮件之前,再次感谢收信人并加上些礼貌语结尾。你可以"Thank you for your patience and cooperation."或"Thank you for your consideration."开始接着写,"If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let me know." 及"I look forward to hearing from you."结尾必然要感谢。最正式的表达是: Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you. 在邮件开头表示感谢一般是表示对对方过去付出的感谢,而在邮件结尾处表示感谢是对将来的帮助表示感谢。事先表示感谢,能让对方在行动时更主动更乐意。Thank you for your kind cooperation.如果你需要读者帮助你做某事,那就先得表示感谢。Thank you for your attention to this matter.与以上的类似,本句包含了你对对方将来可能的帮助表示感谢。Thank you for your understanding.如果你写到任何会对读者产生负面影响的内容那就使用这句句子吧。 Thank you for your consideration.如果您是在寻求机会或是福利,例如你在求职的话,就用这封邮件结尾。Thank you again for everything you've done.这句句子可以用在结尾,和以上有所不同。如果你在邮件开头已经谢过了读者,你就可以使用这句话,但是因为他们的帮助,你可以着重再次感谢你们的付出。 礼节问候和签名Signoffs and signatures count. Always end by thanking the professor for his or her time, and closing with "Best wishes" or "Regards" (or some other relatively formal, but friendly, closing). And always sign with your (entire) real name, not some wacky nickname like Ry-Ry or Biff.最后的签名很重要。每封邮件最后都要感谢教授抽出时间来帮助你,并以“Best Wishes、Regards”来结尾。(或者其他相关的正式语,但是要用友好的语气。)然后签上你的全名,而不是什么昵称,就像Ry-Ry 或者 Biff。落款之后的正式礼节问候是:Sincerely; Best wishes; Best regards。其他的都不甚正式。最后是写上合适的结尾并附上你的名字。"Best regards," "Sincerely,"及"Thank you,"都很规范化。最好不要用"Best wishes,"或"Cheers,"类的词因为这些词都常用在非正式的私人邮件中。[熟了之后就可以多姿多彩了,例如可以写:Best, Cheers, Regards, See you soon, Nice weekend, 云云。或者学我们一个心理测量学家,写:Make sense. 不过,最常用也最百搭的一个或许是:Thanks. 尽管你可能根本没有提出请求,也可以用这个,谢什么呢?——谢谢对方花时间读了你的邮件。]问候方式有:“Best wishes““With very best wishes”“With all best wishes”"With warm regards"“With thanks and best regards“"with very best wishes and much gratitude" (gratitude....-_,-)"Best regards for a great weekend"“With warm regards for a sunny and relaxing break”“I hope you're all enjoying an excellent break”"I'm grateful for you all, and wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving."

296 评论


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