130多年来,《科技新时代》在提升人们的生活品质和科技素养方面起着举足轻重的作用。《科技新时代·Popular Science》杂志中文版创刊于1996年1月。由Bonnier集团授予万华媒体(OMG)独家版权。《科技新时代·Popular Science》跟踪正在或将要影响我们生活的世界科技创新和突破,致力于图文并茂、通俗易懂地报道生活科技前沿信息,成为读者走近最新生活科技的桥梁,享受现代科技成果的指南,了解未来科技发展趋势的窗口。该书80%以上的图文来自英文版,并根据中国读者关注的热点适当增加中国有关内容。目前每月1日出版,采用大16开,全彩印。2014年10月8日,万华媒体宣布停止《科技新时代》中文版的发行。最后一期截止到2014十月刊。 The Best-Selling Scientific Magazine in the World Founded in 1872, Popular Science has been the leading scientific magazine in the U.S. for the past 130 years,continues this tradition by providing the most up to date and relevant scientific and technological breakthroughs that affect our society today . Launched in 1996, Popular Science in China builds upon the rising tide of successful launches in languages around the world, including: French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, and Greek. Bonnier Corporation granted the exclusive license of Popular Science in China to OMG.Keeping up with the Latest in Science & TechnologyPopular Science is the logical choice when looking for the latest inventions in science and technology. For years, Popular Science China has provided readers with a window on the ever-changing world of inventions, helping them to understand the developments and trends in science. Popular Science China's content is comprised of approximately 80 % original international content with 20 % devoted to Chinese issues and local science and technology developments.
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杂志创刊于1987年,2011年5月,经国家新闻出版署批准,更名为《中国高校科技》。 本刊为全国中文核心期刊、CSSCI(扩展版)来源期刊、中国人文社科(AMI
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