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学术荣誉包括计量经济学会(The Econometric Society)会士(Fellow) 、2009年度孙冶方经济科学奖获得者。研究领域包括比较经济学、制度经济学、转轨经济学、中国经济。在《美国经济评论》(American Economic Review)、《政治经济学期刊》(Journalof Political Econom y)、《经济学季刊》(Quarterly Journalof Economics)、《经济研究评论》(Review of EconomicStudies)、《经济研究》等国际国内学术期刊上发表论文多篇。Articles in Journals“The Return to Capital in China” (with Chong-En Bai and Chang-Tai Hsieh). Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,2:2006,forthcoming.“Who Are China’s Entrepreneurs?” (with Simeon Djankov,Gérard Roland,and EkaterinaZhuravskaya).American Economic Review,Papers and Proceedings,May 2006,96⑵,pp. 348-352.“Entrepreneurship in China and Russia Compared” (with Simeon Djankov,Gérard Roland,and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya).Journal of European Economic Association,Papers and Proceedings,April-May 2006,4(2-3),pp. 352-365.“Coordination and Experimentation in M-form and U-form Organizations” (with Gérard Roland and Chenggang Xu).Journal of Political Economy,April 2006,114⑵,pp.336-402.“Regional Decentralization and Fiscal Incentives: Federalism,Chinese Style” (with Hehui Jin and Barry R. Weingast).Journal of Public Economics,September 2005,89(9-10),pp. 1719-1742.“Who Are Russia’s Entrepreneurs?” (with Simeon Djankov,Edward Miguel,Gérard Roland,and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya).Journal of European Economic Association,Papers and Proceedings,April-May 2005,3(2-3),pp. 587-597.“Attribute Coordination in Organizations” (with Gérard Roland and Chenggang Xu).Annals of Economics and Finance,November 2001,2⑵,pp. 487-518."Financial Repression and Optimal Taxation" (with Chong-En Bai,David D. Li and Yijiang Wang). Economics Letters,February 2001,70⑵,pp. 245-251."Incentives,Information,and Organizational Form" (with Eric Maskin and Chenggang Xu).Review of Economic Studies,April 2000,67⑵,pp. 359-378.."The Process of China's Market Transition (1978-1998): The Evolutionary,Historical,and Comparative Perspectives." Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics,March 2000,156⑴,pp. 151-171."Reform without Losers: An Interpretation of China's Dual-Track Approach to Transition" (with Lawrence Lau and Gérard Roland). Journal of Political Economy,February 2000,108⑴,pp. 120-143."The Dynamics of Reform and Development in China: A Political Economy Perspective" (with Jean-Jacques Laffont). European Economic Review,Papers and Proceedings,April 1999,43,pp. 1105-1114."Why Is China Different from Eastern Europe? Perspectives from Organization Theory" (with Gérard Roland and Chenggang Xu). European Economic Review,Papers and Proceedings,April 1999,43,pp. 1085-1094."From Federalism,Chinese Style,to Privatization,Chinese Style" (with Yuanzheng Cao and Barry Weingast). Economics of Transition,March 1999,7⑴,pp. 103-131."Federalism and the Soft Budget Constraint" (with Gérard Roland). American Economic Review,December 1998,88⑸,pp. 1143-1162."Public vs. Private Ownership of Firms: Evidence from Rural China" (with Hehui Jin). Quarterly Journal of Economics,August 1998,113⑶,pp. 773-808."Insecure Property Rights and Government Ownership of Firms" (with Jiahua Che). Quarterly Journal of Economics,May 1998,113⑵,pp. 467-496."Institutional Environment,Community Government,and Corporate Governance: Understanding China's Township-Village Enterprises" (with Jiahua Che). Journal of Law,Economics,and Organization,April 1998,14⑴,pp. 1-23."Balanced or Unbalanced Development: Special Economic Zones As Catalysts for Transition" (with John Litwack). Journal of Comparative Economics,March 1998,26⑴,pp. 1-25."Innovation and Bureaucracy under Soft and Hard Budget Constraints" (with Chenggang Xu). Review of Economic Studies,January 1998,65⑴,pp. 151-164."Federalism As a Commitment to Preserving Market Incentives" (with Barry Weingast). Journal of Economic Perspectives,Fall 1997,11⑷,pp. 83-92."Pareto-Improving Economic Reforms Through Dual-Track Liberalization" (with Lawrence Lau and Gérard Roland). Economics Letters,1997,55⑵,pp. 285-292."Enterprise Reform in China: Agency Problems and Political Control." Economics of Transition,October 1996,4⑵,pp. 427-447."The Soft Budget Constraint in China" (with Gérard Roland). Japan and the World Economy,1996,8,pp. 207-223."China's Transition to Markets: Market-Preserving Federalism,Chinese Style" (with Barry Weingast). Journal of Policy Reform,1996,1,pp. 149-185."Vicarious Liability Under a Negligence Rule" (with Cyrus Chu). International Review of Law and Economics,October 1995,15,pp. 305-322."Federalism,Chinese Style: The Political Basis for Economic Success in China" (with Gabriella Montinola and Barry Weingast). World Politics,October 1995,48⑴,pp. 50-81."Incentives and Loss of Control in an Optimal Hierarchy." Review of Economic Studies,July 1994,61⑶,pp. 527-544."A Theory of Shortage in Socialist Economies Based on the 'Soft Budget Constraint'." American Economic Review,March 1994,84⑴,pp. 145-156."Why China's Economic Reforms Differ: The M-Form Hierarchy and Entry/Expansion of the Non-State Sector" (with Chenggang Xu). Economics of Transition,June 1993,1⑵,pp. 135-170."M-Form Hierarchy and China's Economic Reform" (with Chenggang Xu). European Economic Review,Papers and Proceedings,April 1993,37,pp. 541-548."Equity,Efficiency,and Incentives in A Large Economy." Journal of Comparative Economics,March 1992,16,pp. 27-46."Complementarities,Momentum,and the Evolution of Modern Manufacturing" (with Paul Milgrom and John Roberts). American Economic Review,Papers and Proceedings,May 1991,81⑵,pp. 84-88."Urban and Rural Household Saving in China." International Monetary Fund Staff Papers,December 1988,35⑷,pp. 592-627.Articles in Books"How Reform Worked in China?" in Dani Rodrik,editor,In Search of Prosperity: Analytic Narratives on Economic Growth,Princeton University Press,2003,pp. 297-333."China's Transition to a Market Economy: How Far across the River?" (with Jinglian Wu),in Nicholas C. Hope,Dennis Tao Yang,and Mu Yang Li,editors,How Far Across the River: Chinese Policy Reform at the Millennium,Stanford University Press,2003,pp. 31-63."Government Control in Corporate Governance as a Transitional Institution: Lessons from China." inJoseph Stiglitz and Shahid Yusuf,eds.,Rethinking the East Asian Miracle.Oxford University Press and the World Bank,2001,pp. 295-321."Coordination in Organizations: A Comparative Analysis,” in Mathias Dewatripont,Francoise Thys-Clement and Luc Wilkin,eds.,The Strategic Analysis of Universities: Microeconomic and Management Perspectives,Editions de l’Universite de Bruxelles,2001,pp. 9-29."The Institutional Foundations of China's Market Transition," in Boris Pleskovic and Joseph Stiglitz,eds.,Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1999. The World Bank,2000,pp. 289-310."Coordinating Activities under Alternative Organizational Forms" (with Gérard Roland and Chenggang Xu),in Eric Maskin and Andras Simonovits,eds.,Planning,Shortage and Transformation: Essays in Honor of Jonas Kornai. Cambridge,MA: The MIT Press,2000,pp. 57-80."Institutions,State Activism,and Economic Development: A Comparison of State-Owned vs. Township-Village Enterprises in China" (with Barry Weingast),in Masahiko Aoki,Hyung-Ki Kim and Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara,eds.,The Role of Government in East Asian Economic Development: Comparative Institutional Analysis. Oxford University Press,1996,pp. 254-275."Institutional Innovations and the Role of Local Government in Transition Economies: The Case of Guangdong Province of China" (with Joseph Stiglitz),in John McMillan and Barry Naughton,eds.,Reforming Asian Socialism: The Growth of Market Institutions. The University of Michigan Press,1996,pp. 175-193."Reforming Corporate Governance and Finance in China," in Masahiko Aoki and Hyung-Ki Kim,eds.,Corporate Governance in Transition Economies: Insider Control and the Role of Banks. The World Bank,1995,pp. 215-252."Financial System Reform in China: Lessons from Japan's Main Bank System," in Masahiko Aoki and Hugh Patrick,eds.,The Japanese Main-Bank System: Its Relevancy for Developing and Transforming Economies. Oxford University Press,1994,pp. 552-591."Commitment,Financial Constraints and Innovation: Market Socialism Reconsidered" (with Chenggang Xu),in Pranab Bardhan and John Roemer,eds.,Market Socialism: The Current Debate. Oxford University Press,1993,pp. 175-189.Reviews& CommentsThe Market Mechanism and Economic Reforms in China(by William A. Byrd,M.E. Sharpe,Inc.),Journal of Comparative Economics,December 1992,16,pp. 778-780."Credible Regulatory Policy: Options and Evaluations" (by Brian Levy),in Robert Picciotto and Eduardo Wiesner,eds.,Evaluation and Development: The Institutional Dimension. The World Bank,1998,pp. 196-198.《转轨经济中的公司治理结构》(与青木昌彦共同主编,1995年中国经济出版社出版)《走出误区:经济学家论说硅谷模式》(与肖梦共同主编,2000年中国经济出版社出版)《现代经济学与中国经济改革》(Modern Economics and China’s Reform),中国人民大学出版社,北京,2003年。“理解现代经济学”(“Understanding Modern Economics”),《经济社会体制比较》,北京,2002年第2期。“经济学科在美国”(“Economics in the U.S.”),《经济社会体制比较》,北京,2001年第6期。“经济学家市场在美国”(“Economists Job Markets in the U.S.”) ,《经济学家茶座》,济南,第九辑(2002年7月)。“政府与法治”(“Government and the Rule of Law”),《比较》,北京,第五辑(2003年3月)。“市场与法治”(“Market and the Rule of Law”),《经济社会体制比较》,北京,2000年第3期。“激励与约束”(“Incentives and Constraints”),《经济社会体制比较》,北京,1999年第5期。“目标与过程” (“Goals and Processes” ,《经济社会体制比较》,北京,1999年第2期。“加入世贸组织后中国金融的稳定与发展”(与黄海洲合著)(“Financial Stability and Development in China After WTO Accession,” with Haizhou Huang),《经济社会体制比较》,北京,2001年第5期。“硅谷的故事”(“A Story of Silicon Valley”),《经济社会体制比较》,北京,2000年第1期。“第三种视角看企业政府所有制:一种过渡性制度安排” (“Government Ownership as a Transitional Institution”),《经济导刊》,北京,2002年第5期。“信息经济学的奠基人”(“2001 Nobel Laureates in Economics”),《财经》,北京,2001年10月20日刊。

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