下面列出了电气工程专业的SCI期刊(按影响因子排序)1. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2014 IF=6.498 一区): 控制、仪表、电气(电机、电力电子、电力系统的设备,只要和电力电子沾上边的都可以)2. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (2014 IF=6.008 一区):电力电子3. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2014 IF=4.252 一区):智能电网4. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine (2014 IF=4.031 一区):同1(包括非技术领域)5. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (2014 IF=3.656 二区):新能源(光伏、风力发电等)6. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2014 IF=2.814 二区):电力系统7. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (2014 IF=2.326 二区):电气设备、器件、系统8. IET Renewable Power Generation (2014 IF=1.904 三区):新能源9. IEEE Transactions on Industry applications (2014 IF=1.756 三区):电气设备、器件、系统的工业应用10. Electric Power Systems Research (2014 IF=1.749 三区):电力系统11. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (2014 IF=1.733 三区):输配电和保护装置12. IET Power Electronics (2014 IF=1.683 三区):电力电子13. IEEE Power & Energy Magazine (2014 IF=1.593 三区):电力能源(包括非技术领域)14. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (2014 IF=1.386 三区):磁学相关(电机、变压器)15. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution (2014 IF=1.353 三区):输配电16. IEEE Transactions on ELectromagnetic Compatibility (2014 IF=1.297 三区):电磁兼容17. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation (2014 IF=1.278 三区):电气绝缘18. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (2014 IF=1.235 四区):超导应用19. Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER (2014 IF=1.229 四区):电磁研究20. IET Electric Power Applications (2014 IF=1.211 三区):电机类技术21. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (2014 IF=0.815 四区):电磁场类(计算等)22. Journal of Power Electronics (2014 IF=0.777 四区):电力电子23. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (2014 IF=0.490 四区):电力系统24. IEEE Industry Applications Magazine (2014 IF=0.352 四区):电气设备、器件、系统的工业应用(包括非技术领域)25. IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2014 IF=0.213 四区):电气工程
只对电力系统方向比较熟悉,中文期刊:电机工程学报,电网技术,电力系统自动化是国内认可度较高的三个,其中电机工程学报为认可对最高。英文期刊: 北美地区 IEEE trans. on power system, IEEE trans. on smart grid, IEEE trans. on sustainable energy, IEEE trans. on power delivery, 前三个认可度高,其中 power system为最好。 power delivery 与这三个比较IF和认可度都略逊一筹。欧洲 IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution,Electric Power Systems Research,International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems,Energy 这几个里面 energy IF 较高但是业内认可度或者说关注度并不高。相对来说前三个要有更高的认可度。个人认为在以上所有期刊中 IEEE trans. on power system 是最顶级 IEEE trans. on smart grid, IEEE trans. on sustainable energy 为第二梯队 剩下英文期刊可以归为第三梯队。中文期刊没有入选SCI。电机工程学报有一个 英文版CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems 和最近建刊的 Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 是中国组办的两个英文期刊。不是很清楚有没有进入SCI。
中国电机工程学报电力系统自动化 电工技术学报 高电压技术 电网技术(中文核心期刊)EEE Power & Energy magazine Power Electronics LettersIEEE Transactions on Power Delivery IEEE Transactions on Power Systems IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Transactions on Circuits and Systems Transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Power Systems Research Transactions on Electrical Power Proceeding Generation, Transmission & Distribution Electric Power Applications Power Components & Systems Journal of Power and Energy Systems (EI)中国电机工程学报电力系统自动化 电工技术学报 高电压技术 电网技术(中文核心期刊)
sci二区有chemical communications, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, journa
第一步:sci论文投稿前准备 1、sci论文投稿,要有明确的对象,且不能一稿多投。这需要作者在投稿前,确定要投稿的sci期刊是谁。 2、sci期刊有投稿要求,需