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参与国家自然科学基金项目“补肾、柔肝中药对软骨细胞生物功能的影响”。 获2004年中华中医药学会科技三等奖。所级基金项目“纸板加压垫治疗第五跖骨基底骨折的疗效评价”。课题组组长。骨刺痹痛丸对体外培养软骨细胞增值的影响。2006,18(9):652~653。躯干、头部、手部、足部按摩。人民卫生出版社,1998.5参与编写《骨科手术入路》等。先后多次参加骨科AO技术培训班、关节镜高级培训班等。

91 评论


1. Fengwu Bai, Chao Xu,“Analysisof a Two-Stage Thermal Energy Storage System Using Concrete and SteamAccumulator”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 已接收,20112. T.S. Zhao, C. Xu, R. Chen, W.W. Yang,“Mass transport phenomena in direct methanol fuel cells”, Progress in Energy andCombustion Science 35 (2009) 275-292.3. C. Xu, T.S. Zhao, “A new flow field design for polymerelectrolyte-based fuel cells”, Electrochemistry Communications 9(2007) 497–503.4. C. Xu, T.S. Zhao, “In-situ measurementsof water crossover through the membranes for direct methanol fuel cells”, J. Power Sources 168 (2007) 143-153.5. C. Xu, T.S. Zhao, Y.L. He, “Effectof cathode gas diffusion layer on water transport and cell performance in directmethanol fuel cells”, J. Power Sources 171 (2007) 268-274.6. C. Xu, Y.L. He, T.S. Zhao, R. Chen, Q. Ye, “Analysis of mass transport of methanol at the anode of a directmethanol fuel cell,”J. Electrochemical Society 153 (2006) A1358-A1364.7. C. Xu, T.S. Zhao, Q. Ye, “Effect of anode backing layer on thecell performance of a direct methanol fuel cell”, Electrochimica Acta51 (2006) 5524–5531.8. C. Xu, T.S. Zhao, “Modeling ofwater transport through the membrane electrode assembly for direct methanolfuel cells”, J.Power Sources 178 (2008) 291-308.9. Chao Xu, Amir Faghri, “Water transport characteristics in a passive liquid-feed DMFC”, Int. J. Heat MassTransfer, 53 (2010) 1951-1966.10. Chao Xu, Amir Faghri, “Mass transport analysis of a passive vapor-feed direct methanol fuelcell”, J.Power Sources, 195 (2010) 7011-7024.11. Chao Xu, Amir Faghri, “Effect of the capillary property of porous media on the watertransport characteristics in a passive liquid-feed DMFC”, ASME Journal of fuel cellscience and technology, 7 (2010) 061007.12. Chao Xu, Amir Faghri, Xianglin Li, Travis Ward, “Methanol and water crossover in a passive liquid-feed directmethanol fuel cell”, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2010) 1769-1777.13. Chao Xu, Amir Faghri, Xianglin Li,“Development of a high performance passive vapor-feed DMFC fed withneat methanol”, J. Electrochem. Soc., 157 (2010)B1109-B1117.14. Chao Xu, Amir Faghri,“Analysisof an active tubular liquid-feed direct methanol fuel cell”, J. Power Sources,in press.15. Chao Xu, Amir Faghri,Xianglin Li,“Improving the water management and cell performance for the passivevapor-feed DMFC fed with neat methanol”Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, in, press.

299 评论


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  • 徐超发表的论文

    参与国家自然科学基金项目“补肾、柔肝中药对软骨细胞生物功能的影响”。 获2004年中华中医药学会科技三等奖。所级基金项目“纸板加压垫治疗第五跖骨基底骨折的疗效评

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