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编译 | 冯维维

Nature , 10 March 2022, VOL 603, ISSUE 7900

《自然》 2022年3月10日,第603卷,7900期

物理学 Physics

AGN as potential factories for eccentric black hole mergers


J. Samsing, I. Bartos, D. J. D’Orazio, Z. Haiman, B. Kocsis, N. W. C. Leigh, B. Liu, M. E. Pessah & H. Tagawa








There is some weak evidence that the black hole merger named GW190521 had a non-zero eccentricity. In addition, the masses of the component black holes exceeded the limit predicted by stellar evolution. The large masses can be explained by successive mergers, which may be efficient in gas disks surrounding active galactic nuclei, but it is difficult to maintain an eccentric orbit all the way to the merger, as basic physics would argue for circularization. Here we show that active galactic nuclei disk environments can lead to an excess of eccentric mergers, if the interactions between single and binary black holes are frequent5 and occur with mutual inclinations of less than a few degrees. We further illustrate that this eccentric population has a different distribution of the inclination between the spin vectors of the black holes and their orbital angular momentum at merger, referred to as the spin–orbit tilt, compared with the remaining circular mergers.

Ultra-narrow optical linewidths in rare-earth molecular crystals


Diana Serrano, Senthil Kumar Kuppusamy, Benoît Heinrich, Olaf Fuhr, David Hunger, Mario Ruben & Philippe Goldner








Rare-earth ions (REIs) are promising solid-state systems for building light–matter interfaces at the quantum level. This relies on their potential to show narrow optical and spin homogeneous linewidths, or, equivalently, long-lived quantum states. This enables the use of REIs for photonic quantum technologies such as memories for light, optical–microwave transduction and computing. However, so far, few crystalline materials have shown an environment quiet enough to fully exploit REI properties. Here we report on europium molecular crystals that exhibit linewidths in the tens of kilohertz range, orders of magnitude narrower than those of other molecular systems. We harness this property to demonstrate efficient optical spin initialization, coherent storage of light using an atomic frequency comb, and optical control of ion–ion interactions towards implementation of quantum gates. These results illustrate the utility of rare-earth molecular crystals as a new platform for photonic quantum technologies that combines highly coherent emitters with the unmatched versatility in composition, structure and integration capability of molecular materials.

Structure of the moiré exciton captured by imaging its electron and hole


作者:Ouri Karni, Elyse Barré, , Julien Madéo, Felipe H. da Jornada, Tony F. Heinz & Keshav M. Dani, etc.







Interlayer excitons (ILXs) — electron–hole pairs bound across two atomically thin layered semiconductors — have emerged as attractive platforms to study exciton condensation, single-photon emission and other quantum information applications. Yet, despite extensive optical spectroscopic investigations, critical information about their size, valley configuration and the influence of the moiré potential remains unknown. Here, in a WSe2/MoS2 heterostructure, we captured images of the time-resolved and momentum-resolved distribution of both of the particles that bind to form the ILX: the electron and the hole. We thereby obtain a direct measurement of both the ILX diameter of around 5.2 nm, comparable with the moiré-unit-cell length of 6.1 nm, and the localization of its centre of mass. Surprisingly, this large ILX is found pinned to a region of only 1.8 nm diameter within the moiré cell, smaller than the size of the exciton itself. This high degree of localization of the ILX is backed by Bethe–Salpeter equation calculations and demonstrates that the ILX can be localized within small moiré unit cells. Unlike large moiré cells, these are uniform over large regions, allowing the formation of extended arrays of localized excitations for quantum technology.

化学 Chemistry

Vertical MoS2 transistors with sub-1-nm gate lengths


作者:Fan Wu, He Tian, Yang Shen, Zhan Hou, Jie Ren, Guangyang Gou, Yabin Sun, Yi Yang & Tian-Ling Ren






Ultra-scaled transistors are of interest in the development of next-generation electronic devices. Although atomically thin molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) transistors have been reported, the fabrication of devices with gate lengths below 1 nm has been challenging. Here we demonstrate side-wall MoS2 transistors with an atomically thin channel and a physical gate length of sub-1 nm using the edge of a graphene layer as the gate electrode. This work can promote Moore’s law of the scaling down of transistors for next-generation electronics.

Electron-catalysed molecular recognition


作者:Yang Jiao, Yunyan Qiu, Long Zhang, Wei-Guang Liu, Haochuan Mao, Hongliang Chen, Yuanning Feng, Kang Cai, Dengke Shen, Bo Song, Xiao-Yang Chen, Xuesong Li, Xingang Zhao, Ryan M. Young, Charlotte L. Stern, Michael R. Wasielewski, R. Dean Astumian, William A. Goddard III & J. Fraser Stoddart






电子在分子识别中作为催化剂的使用将激励化学家和生物学家 探索 可以用于微调非共价事件的策略,控制不同长度尺度的组装,并最终创造复杂物质的新形式。


Molecular recognition and supramolecular assembly cover a broad spectrum of non-covalently orchestrated phenomena between molecules. Catalysis of such processes, however, unlike that for the formation of covalent bonds, is limited to approaches that rely on sophisticated catalyst design. Here we establish a simple and versatile strategy to facilitate molecular recognition by extending electron catalysis, which is widely applied in synthetic covalent chemistry, into the realm of supramolecular non-covalent chemistry. As a proof of principle, we show that the formation of a trisradical complex between a macrocyclic host and a dumbbell-shaped guest—a molecular recognition process that is kinetically forbidden under ambient conditions—can be accelerated substantially on the addition of catalytic amounts of a chemical electron source. It is, therefore, electrochemically possible to control the molecular recognition temporally and produce a nearly arbitrary molar ratio between the substrates and complexes ranging between zero and the equilibrium value. Such kinetically stable supramolecular systems are difficult to obtain precisely by other means. The use of the electron as a catalyst in molecular recognition will inspire chemists and biologists to explore strategies that can be used to fine-tune non-covalent events, control assembly at different length scales and ultimately create new forms of complex matter.

Au–Pd separation enhances bimetallic catalysis of alcohol oxidation


作者:Xiaoyang Huang, Ouardia Akdim, Mark Douthwaite, Kai Wang, Liang Zhao, Richard J. Lewis, Samuel Pattisson, Isaac T. Daniel, Peter J. Miedziak, Greg Shaw, David J. Morgan, Sultan M. Althahban, Thomas E. Davies, Qian He, Fei Wang, Jile Fu, Donald Bethell, Steven McIntosh, Christopher J. Kiely & Graham J. Hutchings







In oxidation reactions catalysed by supported metal nanoparticles with oxygen as the terminal oxidant, the rate of the oxygen reduction can be a limiting factor. Here we show that by separating the gold and palladium components in bimetallic carbon-supported catalysts, we can almost double the reaction rate compared with that achieved with the corresponding alloy catalyst. We demonstrate this using physical mixtures of carbon-supported monometallic gold and palladium catalysts and a bimetallic catalyst comprising separated gold and palladium regions. Furthermore, we demonstrate electrochemically that this enhancement is attributable to the coupling of separate redox processes occurring at isolated gold and palladium sites. The discovery of this catalytic effect—a cooperative redox enhancement—offers an approach to the design of multicomponent heterogeneous catalysts.

200 评论


2013年4月,由我司和武汉市城市排水发展有限公司合力编辑的《打造水务行业数字化运营管理,赢得行业未来》一文在水行业具有较高权威的《水与中国》杂志刊登,获得业内人士一致赞同,水务数字化运营也在业内成了热议话题。 《打造水务数字化运营,赢得行业未来》污水处理行业作为国家新兴战略产业之一,国家“十二五”规划对城镇污水处理提出了更高的要求,并明确要求县级镇、尤其是重点镇必须建立污水处理厂。截止2012年9月,全国设市城市、县累计建成城镇污水处理厂3272座,处理能力达到1.40亿立方米/日,比2010年底全国设市城市、县累计建成城镇污水处理厂2833座增加439座,比污水处理能力1.25亿立方米/日增加150万立方米/日,由此可见,城镇污水处理厂不论是数量和处理能力都保持了持续高速增长的态势。污水处理厂在承担环保减排的任务的同时,需要消耗大量的水、电、药。据统计,水、电、药成本占污水处理厂生产运行管理直接成本的90%以上。至2010年我国污水排放量达到800亿吨左右,而我国2010年污水处理电耗为0.2至0.56度每吨之间,按此测算,光电量消耗就至少需要150亿度以上,再加上设备损耗、药耗、水耗等,其费用更为庞大。假设能通过有效的节能管理将城市污水处理厂的运行费用即使节省1%,那也是天文数字。目前国内的城镇污水处理项目通常存在配套污水收集系统不完善,污水来量不足,污水中污染物浓度低达不到设计进水浓度,污水处理运行管理人才短缺,污水系统不稳定,运行费用偏高等棘手问题。这些问题一方面需要各级政府加强管理和监督,另一方面也需要污水处理企业通过加强或改进自身的工艺运行管理方式、方法和转变运营管理模式,提升污水厂运行和企业运营管理水平,尽可能的将上述问题产生的影响降至最低。水务企业现状随着我国水务环保行业市场化程度的逐步加大,市场上涌现出许多全国性和区域性的大型水务集团公司,有些集团公司拥有全国各地上百家的污水处理项目。下属污水处理厂地域分布广泛、各厂运营管理水平不一,运营管理人才短缺等问题日益突出,这使得集团公司迫切需要进行集约化管理,实现企业资源的合理配置,通过有效监管提升下属污水处理企业运营管理能力。信息化运营管理模式逐步成为大型水务集团公司提升企业整体运营管理水平、应对逐渐激烈的市场化竞争、获取最大化经济效益的发展方向。水务综合运营管理系统崭露头角加强城市污水处理系统综合运营管理、节能优化调度研究和实用技术开发,对实现工艺运行由经验判断走向定量分析,由依赖个体式英雄发展为依靠专家团队能力,打造规范化、程序化、专业化、集约化、智能化、精细化运营管理模式具有重要的意义。纵观国内专注于污水处理行业综合运营管理系统开发的一些公司,如华信数据、上自所、亚控科技等,城市污水处理系统综合运营管理系统一般涵盖厂级运行管理和公司级运营管理两部分:厂级的运营管理污水处理厂级的运营管理以污水处理工艺运行为中心,以污水处理工艺的稳定运行和保持生产设备良好状态,出水水质达标排放为基础,通过建立全厂生产过程控制体系,将污水厂及下属泵站的各类在线仪表、设备所反映的生产运行数据进行采集、传输、信息共享,利用计算机技术对这些数据进行筛选、分析,将运行管理人员关注的重点数据直观的展现,然后借助污水处理工艺数学模型和专家系统对这些数据进行深入的数据挖掘和分析,实现污水处理厂工艺运行情况的分析预警、工艺异常处理的优选方案、各工艺运行单元以及全厂运行的优化调度分析方案、与工艺运行密切相关的设备性能分析、全厂运行成本分析等功能,从而辅助厂级管理人员提高工艺运行管理水平和综合运营管理水平。最大程度的降低生产运行各个环节的电耗、药耗,降低系统运行直接费用;最大程度的提高设备的使用效率和寿命,降低设备故障率,从而降低设备维修成本;提高运营管理工作效率,降低运行维护人员数量,节省人工成本;最终实现达标、稳定、高效、低耗的污水处理厂运行目标。公司级、集团级的运营管理公司级、集团级运营管理以集约化管理为目标,借助物联网技术实现对下属污水处理厂生产运行的远程集中监管,统一运行调度和工艺运行指导,利用计算机系统对各污水厂分析和筛选过的运营数据进行统计汇总和深入的数据分析挖掘,形成指导公司整体运营决策的工艺分析、设备分析、成本分析、风险分析等辅助决策工具,辅助企业决策层应对水务行业的激烈竞争,实现企业发展的战略目标和投资回报率的最大化。在远程集中监管方面,通过物联网技术建立下属各污水处理厂和泵站的生产运行情况的智能化、实时预警机制,在公司管理人员关注的关键数据或指标发生异常时,通过声、光、电、手机短息等形式,及时通知到相关人员。管理人员无论身处何处,只要能连接网络,即可远程、实时、直观查看关键工艺数据、设备运行状况。在运行调度和工艺运行指导方面,具有丰富工艺管理经验的专家团队无需亲赴现场,借助视频会议系统,在公司监控大屏上即可远程、实时查看到现场工作画面,辅以各构筑物运行数据、关键工艺数据和设备的运行情况,即可辅助各厂解决各类工艺运行难题。这将有效解决管理人才不足,提高工艺运行问题处理效率。辅助经营决策方面,经营决策的关键数据都由计算机系统自动采集、分析筛选、汇总统计,即保证了数据的及时性和准确性,又可将公司管理人员从“数据海洋”中解脱出来,所有经营决策数据以图表、报告等方式快捷、直观的展现,分析结果一目了然。极大的方便决策者进行战略目标和经营方针制定。小结水务综合运营管理系统从根本上解决水务行业发展的难题,它建立企业门户,解决企业信息传递脱节、信息孤岛问题;建立企业工作流平台,规范化、标准化工作流程,提高管理水平,实现有效监管;健全企业预案库、知识库,提高人员知识水平和素质,保障安全高效生产;建立企业动态决策支持系统,实现专业化、科学化管理决策;建立智能化污水处理工艺模型和完善的工艺调度方案,实现生产优化调度,节约能耗,降低成本;建立统一的考核体系和标准,满足上级各种考核要求,提高运营管理水平。在国家政策的大力支持下,会有越来越多的污水运营管理企业诞生,如何在激烈竞争中立于不败之地?——利用综合运营管理系统,打造数字化运营管理模式,才能赢得行业未来! 2013年10月,武汉华信数据系统有限公司的《基于物联网的污水处理综合运营管理平台整体解决方案》是唯一入选《2013年中国物联网产业发展蓝皮书》作为“智慧环保”领域的案例,且中国科学院物联网研究发展中心授予武汉华信数据系统有限公司为专家顾问组成员。此项案例在2013年中国物联网行业发展峰会获得业内人士一致好评,尤其对国内大型环保集团公司在综合运营管理方面拓展了新思路。 2013年11月,由武汉华信数据系统有限公司主编的专业论文《基于物联网的水务综合运营管理平台》在《物联网与云计算》杂志刊登,受到业内人士焦点关注。《物联网与云计算》杂志的主办单位是工业和信息部、科学技术部,在行业有较高权威性和专业性,它致力于打造中国物联网产业媒体“第一品牌” 2014年2月,2014年2月,为了倡导智慧水务的管理理念,推广在水务企业的应用,武汉华信数据系统有限公司主编的评论文章《智慧水务管理平台在水务企业的应用》在国内权威水务行业杂志《水工业市场》刊登,受到业内人士焦点关注。

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    编译 | 冯维维 Nature , 10 March 2022, VOL 603, ISSUE 7900 《自然》 2022年3月10日,第603卷,7900期

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