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286 评论


"Strange" and the Tang Legend of the image of women in comparison Tang legend and "Strange" is a classical novels in China in the two towering peaks, distant sea, matched Cheng-hui. "Strange," The Legend of Tang Dynasty and the development of both inherited this morning was to give a correct comment. Pointed out that "Pu's" Strange Stories "is obviously in a lot of work is the direct descendant of Tang Dynasty legend. He described a large number of people fox god of love story between a ghost, in the thinking of the way on the content and subject matter, are subject to" Ringer Biography "," Liu Yi Chuan "and so on, and exceeded them." shape the image of 1 on the importance of women in the Tang Dynasty and the "Strange Tales" have been better in performance and has achieved much attention the achievements of . In this paper, the two women attempt to shape the image of the similarities and differences to make a brief analysis, to explore their different performance, to identify some of the developments and changes in the track of this issue in order to deepen people's awareness and understanding. Wedemeanor and style of civilian women in stark contrast to
Looking at the Legends of the Tang Dynasty and the "Strange Tales" in the image of women, the most notable difference is that the identity of the two in the choice of characters is quite different. Legends in the Tang shaped the status of women prominent in the image of the identity of the boundless power of the noble fairy goddess or a large number of women who never get out, they are beingtouching portrait of a Ming-Li, with boundless wealth and even the supreme power. Such as "汝阴" and "Huayue goddess" in the southern Zhongyue huashanica General's daughter and the daughter of God, "Liu Yi" and "Road" with the earth of the Dragon Lady, or sites filled with rare luxury,

314 评论



334 评论


分析了中古志怪小说到唐传奇中的女性形象演进特点:现实性渐强,青楼色彩的渐趋浓厚刊名:: 广东海洋大学学报 英文刊名:: JOURNAL OF GUANGDONG OCEAN UNIVERSITY 参考文献. 1. 李泽厚美的历程 2001. 2. 鲁迅中国小说史略 1998

295 评论


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