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英语专业本科生毕业论文选题可以在三个大的方向中进行,即英语文学,语言学和翻译学。各个大方向中又可以选择小的方向。最后小编汇总两篇适合发表英语论文的期刊:1.新东方英语《新东方英语》大学版月刊,2003年5月创刊,由新东方教育科技集团与《海外文摘》杂志社联合推出,主要读者对象是在校大学生、部分高中生以及广大的英语爱 好者,是国内英语学习类期刊中品质、内容俱佳的双语杂志。2.时代英语《时代英语》坚持“英汉并进,以人为本”的办刊理念,以培养英语学习兴趣和自主学习能力、提高读者综合语言水平为宗旨。注重突出刊物的时代性、知识性和趣 味性。刊物推行三大行之有效的学习方法:双语互动、情景学习、阶梯记忆,吸引读者参与其中。刊物特色:考试指导性、语言应用性、读者参与性和教学辅导性。

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Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, there is a kind of language called Web language. Some people even speak Chinese mixed with English letters. Our class have a discussion about it. 40 percent of the students think it is kind of ridiculous. In their opinions, it is useless helping people communicate or learn English. Besides, it will ruin the Chinese language. However, the others, 60 percent of our class, are fond of the Web language. They think it is helpful in expressing themselves. What’s more, it may make the language more interesting. In my opinion, it’s not a good habit to use the Web language. It may be popular as some people think, but you may also make yourself misunderstood.翻译:如今,随着互联网的发展,有一个叫做网络语言的语言种类。有些人甚至说中文与英文字母混合。我们班有关于它的讨论。四成学生百分之认为这是很荒谬的行为。在他们的意见,这是没有用处帮助人们沟通,学习英语。此外,它会毁了中文。不过,其他人,百分之六十的一流水平的,喜欢的网络语言。他们认为这是表达自己的帮助。更重要的是,它可以使语言更加有趣。在我看来,这不是一个好习惯使用网络语言。这可能是受欢迎,因为有些人认为,但你也可自己误解

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先明确出发点:通过网络评论跟他人分享经验,提供建议或提出看法,在衣食住行方方面面,诸如穿些什么,怎么穿搭;吃些什么,有啥好吃的去处;住哪个酒店舒服,住哪里划算;读些什么书,去哪里旅行,看什么电影等等,通过您给出的中肯意见,帮助他人做出自己的决定。明确了评论的目的是向他人分享经验,从而帮助他人做出自己的决定。那么评论的展开或打开或开启,就应该着重围绕他们希望看到什么?哪些信息会比较契合他们的需求?如何让自己的经验对他们有所帮助?对这几个方向的关键信息,做一些整理,完成初稿后,多修改、多审查几遍,确保自己的语言足够简洁,足够通俗易懂,确保自己的评论真的有用。First, make clear the starting point: share experiences with others through online comments, offer suggestions or opinions, in all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation, such as what to wear and how to wear it; What to eat and where to eat; Which hotel is comfortable to live in, and where to live is cost-effective; What books to read, where to travel, what movies to watch, etc., and help others make their own decisions through your pertinent opinions.It is clear that the purpose of comments is to share experiences with others, so as to help others make their own decisions. Then, the development or opening or opening of comments should focus on what they want to see. What information will better meet their needs? How to help them with their own experience? Sort out the key information in these directions. After completing the first draft, revise and review it several times to ensure that your language is concise enough and easy to understand, and that your comments are really useful.

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对于没有英文论文投稿经验的作者来说,对英文论文总有一种恐惧感,因为很多作者对国外期刊的不了解,加之英文水平有限,认为国外期刊的审稿周期很长、过程复杂、审稿意见很难回答等等,其实并不是真实情况,发表英文论文并没有我们想象的那么难。 SCI基本成为衡量学术成果的标准,不少学者都有发表sci论文的经历。sci论文的被引用率也成为了衡量科研工作者科研能力的重要标准,论文的发表有时候对作者的前途有很大的影响,也是科研工作者的科研成果能否被社会所接受的重要影响因素。 大部分的英文期刊(在英国、美国出版的)都是被SCI收录的,这个要比入选SCI的中文期刊占所有中文期刊的比例大很多,所以在投稿的时候,基本上是不用考虑所选的英文期刊是不是被SCI收录的。 国内很多一流期刊数量有限的僧多粥少的局面下,文章录用率是大大降低的。反而不如投稿SCI这类英文期刊。写英文的文章刚开始的时候过程比较艰难,通过壹品优刊网平台提供的sci论文发表服务,平台提供国内合作者与国外研究员研合模式合作完成论文,顺利见刊。

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Do you still remember the “Guo Meimei Scandal” which has aroused national fury and mistrust toward Red Cross Society of China in 20xx? However, it was just a start of the influence of network public opinion of China in changing the society. Now, nearly every day or two, there will be a new event heatedly commented by Chinese netizens through online facilities.Actually, network public opinion is the co-product of the interaction between two factors. For one thing, the highly developed internet has brought the explosion of information to everybody’s life. Each piece of information can potentially be an “event”. For another thing, democratic consciousness has grown stronger in minds of Chinese people. Network is the democratic outlet where their free speech can be fully realized.Now, network public opinion has become the constructive power for a better society, which has been acknowledged by all levels of governments. With overwhelming influence and massive power, it will help a lot in constructing Chinese social equity, including improving Chinese democracy, promoting anti-corruption; bring in judicial fairness, and etc.

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