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[1] Liang Guo, Jun Zhao, ZonglianShe, Mingmin Lu, Yan Zong. Statistical key factors optimization of conditionsfor hydrogen production from S-TE (Solubilization by thermophilic enzyme) wastesludge. Bioresource technology,2013, 137: 51-56 (SCI,IF=4.75)[2] Liang Guo, JunZhao, Zonglian She, Changli Cao. Effect of different pretreatment onbio-hydrogen production with S-TE (solubilization by thermophilic enzyme)pretreated mariculture organic wastes (MOW). Environmental Engineering andManagement Journal. Accept (SCI, IF=1.117)[3] Liang Guo, Jun Zhao, ZonglianShe, Mingmin Lu, Yan Zong. Effect of S-TE (solubilization by thermophilicenzyme) digestion conditions on hydrogen production from waste sludge. Bioresourcetechnology,2012,117(8):368-372. (SCI,IF=4.75)[4] Liang Guo, Xiaoming Li*, Guangming Zeng, Yi Zhou. Effectivehydrogen production using waste sludge and its filtrate. Energy, 2010,35(9):3557-3562 (SCI,IF=3.651)[5] Liang Guo, Xiaoming Li*, GuangmingZeng, Xiaofeng Zhu, Qi Yang, and Zonglian She. Enhanced hydrogen productionfrom sewage sludge pretreated by thermophilic bacteria. Energy and Fuel, 2010,24(11): 6081-6085 (SCI,IF=2.853)[6] Liang Guo, Xiaoming Li*, Xie Bo, Qi Yang, Guangming Zeng,Dexiang Liao, JingjinLiu. Impacts of sterilization, microwave and ultrasonication pretreatment onhydrogen producing using waste sludge. Bioresource technology, 2008, 99(9):3651-3658 (SCI,IF=4.75)[7] Xiaoming Li*, Liang Guo, Qi Yang, GuangmingZeng, Dexiang Liao. Removal of carbon and nutrients from low strength domesticwastewater by expanded granular sludge bed-zeolite bed filtration (EGSB-ZBF)integrated treatment concept. Process Biochemistry, 2007, 42(8): 1173-1179 (SCI,IF=2.414,并列第一作者)[8] Liang Guo, Xiaoming Li, Yi Zhou, Zonglian She. Impact of carbonatehydroxylapatite (CHAP) addition on bio-hydrogen production from microwavepretreated sludge. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2011(71-78):2903-2906 (EI)[9] Zonglian She, En Shi, Xiaohui Fu, Jian Wu, LinaJiang andLiang Guo*. Acclimation of anaerobic granular sludge and2,6-DNP removal in the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors. Advancedmaterials research, 2011, 183-185: 352-361 (EI,通讯作者)[10] Zonglian She, Xiaohui Fu, Jian Wu, En Shi,Laili Zhao, Liang Guo*. Treatment of low strength wastewater and sludgecharacteristics in an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) at room temperature. proceedings2011 world congress on engineering and technology, 2011,5:721~724 (EI,通讯作者)[11] 郭亮, 李小明*, 曾光明, 杨麒, 廖德祥. 沸石在废水厌氧生物处理技术中的应用. 工业水处理, 2007, 27(1): 12-16[12] 赵珺,郭亮*,曹昌丽,王宇宁. 不同预处理条件对海水养殖废弃物发酵产氢的影响. 微生物学通报, 2012,39(9):1225-1233[13] 朱小峰,郭亮,李小明,曾光明,潘维,周屹,杨永林,汤迎. S-TE预处理污泥厌氧发酵产氢. 太阳能学报, 2010,31(10):1257-1263 (EI)[14] 谢波, 郭亮, 李小明*, 杨麒, 张昱, 杨浩, 曾光明, 刘精今. Pseudomonas sp. GL1利用不同预处理污泥产氢及其底物变化研究. 环境科学, 2008, 29(4): 996-1001 (EI)[15] 谢波, 郭亮, 李小明*, 杨麒, 杨永林, 周屹. 3种预处理方法对污泥破解效果的研究. 中国环境科学, 2008, 28(5): 417-421(EI)[16] 周屹, 郭亮, 李小明*, 谢波, 曾光明, 李宇亮, 杨麒, 刘精今. 灭菌预处理污泥及其滤液产氢发酵的比较研究. 环境工程学报, 2008, 2(10):1332-1338[17] 李宇亮, 李小明*, 郭亮, 曾光明, 杨 麒, 廖德祥. 污泥发酵制氢技术的现状和展望. 中国沼气, 2008, 26(1): 3-7[18] 李宇亮, 李小明*, 郭亮, 周屹, 曾光明, 杨麒, 廖德祥. 污泥发酵产氢中高效产氢菌Enterococcus sp.LG1的分离及产氢特性. 微生物学通报, 2008, 35(9):1373-1378[19] 杨永林,李小明, 郭亮, 贾斌, 曾光明, 唐清畅, 汤迎. 接种嗜热菌对剩余污泥的溶解效果研究. 中国给水排水, 2009, 25(17): 5~9[20] 胡劲梅, 李小明*, 杨麒, 郭亮, 曾光明, 刘倩倩. 表面活性剂加强动电技术去除污泥中铜和镉的研究. 环境工程学报, 2009, 3(3): 532-538[21] Xiao-Ming Li*, Qian-Qian Liu, Qi Yang, LiangGuo, Guang-Ming Zeng, Jin-Mei Hu. Enhanced sludge granulation in sequencingbatch reactor by Mg2+ augmentation. Bioresource technology, 2009, 100(1):59-63(SCI, IF=4.75)[22] 汤迎, 李小明*, 杨永林, 杨麒, 曾光明,郭亮,朱小峰,李焕利,潘维. 嗜热菌株AT07-1的分离鉴定及其在污泥溶解预处理厌氧发酵产氢中的应用. 环境科学学报, 2009, 29(11): 2300-2305 [1]. 国家发明专利:【发明人】:郭亮,李小明,曾光明,杨麒,管慧玲【发明名称】:城市污水综合处理装置[2]. 国家发明专利:【发明人】:郭亮,佘宗莲,马启敏,李茜【发明名称】:序批式悬浮填料生物膜污水处理装置[3]. 国家发明专利:【发明人】:佘宗莲,郭亮,马启敏,李茜【发明名称】:一种悬浮填料微生物快速挂膜的方法[4]. 国家发明专利:【发明人】:佘宗莲,郭亮,马启敏,周艳丽【发明名称】:内循环序批式生物膜污水处理装置[5]. 国家发明专利:【发明人】:郭亮,李小明,曾光明,杨麒,廖德祥【发明名称】:微波法预处理污水厂剩余污泥发酵产氢的方法及其装置[6]. 国家发明专利:【发明人】:郭亮,佘宗莲,马启敏,赵珺,卢明敏,纵岩【发明名称】:一种嗜热菌及其在发酵产氢中的应用

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(一)、学术杂志审稿是数种国内外学术杂志的审稿人,部分列举如下。1、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces; 2、Corrosion Science; 3、Chemical Engineering Journal; 4、Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research; 5、Journal of Alloys and Compounds; 6、Journal of Applied Electrochemistry; 7、Materials Science and Engineering C; 8、Surface and Coatings Technology; 9、Rare Metals ; 10、Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China; 11、功能材料; 12、中国稀土学报; 13、稀有金属; 14、汽车工程学报; 15、矿物冶金与材料学报; 16、中国有色金属学报。(二)、以第一发明人获得的已授权的发明专利4项镁合金表面功能梯度膜制备方法。发明专利,专利号ZL 2006 10054441.5.钕铁硼永磁材料表面梯度功能涂层制备方法。发明专利,专利号ZL 2006 1 0054440.0.用溶胶-凝胶技术制备氧化镁防蚀保护薄膜的方法。 发明专利,专利号ZL 2006 1 0054443.4.一种用于烧结型钕铁硼永磁材料的表面处理方法。发明专利,专利号ZL 200710093096.0.(三)、以第一发明人申请并公布的发明专利4项1、一种表面具有超疏水镀层的镁合金的制备方法。发明专利,专利公布号CN102618897A2、一种在镁合金表面制备超疏水镀层的方法。发明专利,专利公布号CN102995017A3、一种表面具有超疏水膜层的镁合金的制备方法。发明专利,专利公布号CN102634805A4、一种在镁合金上制备超疏水表面的方法。发明专利,专利公布号CN102978627A(四)、第一作者或者通讯作者发表的学术论文在国内外发表学术论文100余篇,被SCI及EI收录60余篇。近几年的学术论文主要发表在(1) Journal of Materials Chemistry; (2)ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces; (3)Corrosion Science; (4)Electrochimica Acta; (5)Journal of Alloys and Compounds; (6)Chemical Engineering Journal; (7)Materials Letters; (8)Thin Solid Films; (9)Applied Surface Science; (10)materials and corrosion; (11)Materials Characterization; (12)Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry; (13)Journal of Applied Electrochemistry; (14)Progress in organic coatings; (15)ECS electrochemistry letter; (16) Surface & Coatings Technology;(17)Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing; (18)Journal of materials engineering and performance; (19)Surface Engineering; (20) Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine;(21)功能材料; (22)中国稀土学报等学术期刊。以下为近几年被SCI、EI收录的部分论文。Qing Li, 参编 Corrosion prevention of magnesium alloys【专著】, 独立撰写第17章, Woodhead publishing【伍德海德出版社】, 英国主要的独立科技出版社之一 Zhongxian Xi, Cui Tan, Lan Xu, Yuzhu Meng, Chongyang Zhang, Na Yang, Qing Li*, A Novel Functional HPPS/PCL/ZnO Composite Layer on AZ91 for anticorrosion. Materials Letters, 148(2015)134–137 (ISSN 0167-577X).Cui Tan, Qing Li*, Peng Cai, Na Yang, Zhongxian Xi, Fabrication of Color-Controllable Superhydrophobic Copper Compound Coating with Decoration Performance. Applied Surface Science, 328(2015)623-631 (ISSN 0169-4332).P. Zhang, Q. Li*, L.Q. Li, X.X. Zhang, Z.W. Wang, A Study of Environment-Friendly Synergistic Inhibitors for AZ91D Magnesium Alloy. materials and corrosion, 66(1)(2015)31-34 (ISSN 0947-5117).Zhongwei Wang, Yongliang Su, Qing Li*, Yan Liu, Zuxin She, Funan Chen, Longqin Li, Xiaoxu Zhang, Peng Zhang, Researching a Highly Anti-corrosion Superhydrophobic Film Fabricated on AZ91D Magnesium Alloy and its Anti-bacteria Adhesion Effect. Materials Characterization, 99(1)(2015)200-209 (ISSN 1044-5803).Zuxin She, Qing Li*, Zhongwei Wang, Cui Tan, Juncen Zhou, Longqin Li, Highly anticorrosion, self-cleaning superhydrophobic Ni-Co surface fabricated on AZ91D magnesium alloy. Surface & Coatings Technology, 251 (2014) 7-14. (ISSN 0257-8972).Juncen Zhou, Qing Li*, Haixiao Zhang, Funan Chen, Corrosion Behavior of AZ91D Magnesium Alloy in Three Different Physiological Environments. Journal of materials engineering and performance, 23(1)(2014)181-186 (ISSN 1059-9495).Zhongwei Wang, Qing Li*, Zuxin She, Funan Chen, Longqin Li, Xiaoxu Zhang, Peng Zhang, Facile and Fast Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Surface on Magnesium Alloy. Applied Surface Science, 271(2013) 182–192 (ISSN 0169–4332).H. X. Zhang, Q. Li*, L. Q. Li, J. C. Zhou, S. Y. Wang, F. Liu, P. Zhang, In vitro studies of hydrothermally treated magnesium alloy in common simulated body fluid. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 91 (2013) 141–148 (ISSN 0020–2967).Zuxin She, Qing Li*, Zhongwei Wang, Longqin Li, Funan Chen and Juncen Zhou, Researching the Fabrication of Anticorrosion Superhydrophobic Surface on Magnesium Alloy and its Mechanical Stability and Durability. Chemical Engineering Journal, 228 (2013) 415–424 (ISSN 1385–8947).Zuxin She, Qing Li*, Shaoyin Wang, Fei Luo, Funan Chen, Longqin Li, Inhibiting and healing effects of potassium permanganate for silane films. Thin Solid Films, 539 (2013) 139–144 (ISSN 0040–6090).Xiaoxu Zhang, Qing Li*, Funan Chen, Peng Zhang, Effect of the Anodized Magnesium Stearate Coating on Corrosion Behavior of a Magnesium Alloy. ECS electrochemistry letter, 2 (11) (2013) 46–48 (ISSN 0013–5194).Juncen Zhou, Xiaozheng Zhang, Qing Li*, Yan Liu, Funan Chen, Longqin Li, Effect of the physiological stabilization process on the corrosion behaviour and surface biocompatibility of AZ91D magnesium alloy. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 1(45)(2013)6213–6224 ISSN 2050–750X).Zhongwei Wang, Qing Li*, Zuxin Shea, Funan Chen and Longqin Li, Low-cost and large-scale fabrication method to an environment-friendly superhydrophobic coating on magnesium alloy. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (2012) 4097–4105 (ISSN 0959–9428).Zuxin She, Qing Li*, Zhongwei Wang, Longqin Li, Funan Chen, Juncen Zhou, Novel Method for Controllable Fabrication of a Superhydrophobic CuO Surface on AZ91D Magnesium Alloy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 4 (2012) 4348−4356 (ISSN 1944–8244).Xiaoxu Zhang, Qing Li*, Longqin Li, Peng Zhang, Zhongwei Wang, Funan Chen, Fabrication of hydroxyapatite/stearic acid composite coating and corrosion behavior of coated magnesium alloy. Materials Letters, 88 (2012) 76–78 (ISSN 0167–577X).S. Y. Wang, Q. Li*, X. K. Zhong, L. Q. Li, F. N. Chen, F. Luo, Y. Dai, H. Gao, F. Liu, H. X. Zhang, Effects of NO-3 in NaCl solution on corrosion protection of AZ91D magnesium alloy coated with silane films. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 90 (2012) 78–85 (ISSN 0020–2967).Fei Luo, Qing Li*, Xiankang Zhong, Hui Gao, Yan Dai, Funan Chen, Corrosion electrochemical behaviors of silane coating coated on magnesium alloy in NaCl solution containing cerium nitrate. materials and corrosion, 63 (2012) 148–154 (ISSN 0947–5117).H. Gao, Q. Li*, F.N. Chen, Y. Dai, F. Luo, L.Q. Li, Study of the corrosion inhibition effect of sodium silicate on AZ91D magnesium alloy. Corrosion Science, 53 (2011) 1401–1407 (ISSN 0010–938X).Y. Dai, Q. Li*, H. Gao, L. Q. Li, F. N. Chen, F. Luo and S. Y. Zhang, Effect of Five Additives on the Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of AZ91D Magnesium Alloy in Sodium Chloride Solutions. Surface Engineering, 27 (2011) 536–543 (ISSN 0267–0844).Junyin Hu, Qing Li*, Xiankang Zhong, Longqin Li, Liang Zhang, Organic coatings silane-based for AZ91D magnesium alloy. Thin Solid Films, 519 (2010) 1361–1366 (ISSN 0040–6090).Xiankang Zhong, Qing Li*, Junying Hu, Shiyan Zhang, Bo Chen, Shuqiang Xu, Fei Luo, A novel approach to heal the sol-gel coatings system on magnesium alloy for corrosion protection. Electrochimica Acta, 55 (2010) 2424–2429 (ISSN 0013–4686).Shiyan Zhang, Qing Li, Xiaokui Yang, Xiankang Zhong, Yan Dai, Fei Luo, Corrosion resistance of AZ91D magnesium alloy with electroless plating pretreatment and Ni-TiO2 composite coating. Materials Characterization, 61(2010) 269–276 (ISSN 1044–5803).H. Gao, Q. Li*, Y. Dai, F. Luo, H.X. Zhang, High efficiency corrosion inhibitor 8-hydroxyquinoline and its synergistic effect with sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate on AZ91D magnesium alloy. Corrosion Science, 52 (2010)1603–1609 (ISSN 0010–938X).Xiaokui Yang, Qing Li*, Shiyan Zhang, Fang Liu, Shaoyin Wang, Haixiao Zhang, Microstructure characteristic and excellent corrosion protection properties of sealed Zn–TiO2 composite coating for sintered NdFeB magnet. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 495 (2010) 189–195 (ISSN 0925–8388).Xiankang Zhong, Qing Li*, Junying Hu, Xiaokui yang, Fei Luo, Yan Dai, Effect of cerium concentration on microstructure, morphology and corrosion resistance of cerium-silica hybrid coatings on magnesium alloy AZ91D. Progress in organic coatings, 69 (2010) 52–56 (ISSN 0300–9440).Xiaokui Yang, Qing Li*, Shiyan Zhang, Hui Gao, Fei Luo, Yan Dai, Electrochemical corrosion behaviors and corrosion protection properties of Ni-Co alloy coating prepared on sintered NdFeB permanent magnet. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 14 (2010) 1601–1608 (ISSN 1432–8488).Qing Li*, Shuqiang Xu, Junying Hu, Shiyan Zhang, Xiankang Zhong, Xiaokui Yang, The effects to the structure and electrochemical behavior of zinc phosphate conversion coatings with ethanolamine on magnesium alloy. Electrochimica Acta, 55 (2010) 887–894 (ISSN 0013–4686).Xiao-kui Yang, Qing Li*, Jun-ying Hu, Xian-kang Zhong, Shi-yan Zhang, The electrochemical corrosion behavior of sealed Ni-TiO2 composite coating for sintered NdFeB magnet. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 40 (2010) 39–47 (ISSN 0021–891X).Shiyan Zhang, Qing Li*, Bo Chen, Xiaokui Yang, Preparation and corrosion resistance studies of nanometric sol-gel-based CeO2 film with a chromium-free pretreatment on AZ91D magnesium alloy. Electrochimica Acta, 55 (2010) 870–877 (ISSN 0013–4686).[2]

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技术社会建构论与技术创新生态化研究:[1] 李平. 技术创新从传统迈向绿色. 社会科学,2001(12).[2] 李平. 论绿色技术创新主体系统. 科学学研究,2005(3).[3] 李平,肖玲.论技术创新观中的决定论倾向及其超越.中国科技论坛,2006(2).[4] 李平. 绿色的技术生存:绿色技术创新的深层意义.科学技术与辩证法,2005(2).[5] 李平. 中国的环境问题.国外理论动态,2008(4).[6] 李平,郭晓磊. 多维视角下的技术创新. 工程·技术·哲学(中国技术哲学研究年鉴2009).[7] Li Ping. How to Understand the Debate on Precautionary Principle in Risk-based Decision Making. ECAP10, VIII European Conference on Computing and Philosophy.[8] 李平. 风险决策背景下的预警原则争议及启示. 自然辩证法通讯. 2011(2).区域和产业创新系统研究:[1] 李平,王蒲生,杨君游. 基于温特制的深圳高新技术产业转型研究.中国科技论坛,2007(11).[2] 李平,王蒲生,杨君游. 传统产业共性技术平台构建模式研究.自然辩证法研究,2007(9).[3] 李平,王蒲生.深圳市装备制造业发展策略研究.深圳大学学报,2008(5).[4] 王蒲生,杨君游,李平,张宇. 产业哲学视野中全球生产方式的演化及其特征——从福特制、丰田制到温特制. 科学技术与辩证法,2008(3).[5] 王蒲生,张宇,李平. 深圳市科技创新与经济发展的相关性分析. 科技进步与对策,2010(3)?.[6] 李平,王平聚. 创业型大学与创新的三螺旋模型 (译稿), 科学学研究,2009(6)(新华文摘转载).[7] 李平. 文化创意与科技创新. 深圳商报, 2009.5.11.[8] 王蒲生,杨君游,李平. 全球视野下的深圳产业转型[M]. 北京:人民出版社, 2011.

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  • 专利论文发表者是谁啊英文


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    1. 论文署名第一的就是第一作者,署第二第三的就是第二第三作者。一般看你的文章份量,如果份量足,可以署多个作者。国外一个多中心临床试验的文章可以挂100人。 2

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    发明专利的第一作者与其他作者主要有以下三个方面的不同: 1、概念不同:前者是指在创新性作品如科研论文、专利、调研报告等等的署名中对于多个作者共同完成的情况下对作

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  • 专利论文发表者是谁啊

    [1] Liang Guo, Jun Zhao, ZonglianShe, Mingmin Lu, Yan Zong. Statistical key fa

    爱吃爱玩007 4人参与回答 2023-12-11